The history of the alphabet

After school, I went to the first class. I would not visit them, but a neighbor instructed to look after her son. After all, the first of September, the first day of school.

I jumped in, but the classroom was already empty. Everybody left. Well, I wanted to turn around and go. And suddenly I see: on the last desk there is some kind of button, because of the desk it is almost invisible. It was a girl, not the boy I was looking for. As first-graders were supposed to, she was in a white apron and with white bows exactly ten times the size of her head.

It is strange that she was alone. Everyone has gone home, and maybe they are already eating broths and milk jelly there, and telling their parents miracles about the school, and this one is sitting and waiting for who knows what.

“Girl,” I say, “why don’t you go home?” - No attention. Maybe she lost something?

He is silent and sits like a statue, does not move. I do not know what to do. Leaving seems uncomfortable.

I went up to the blackboard, figured out how to stir up this “statue”, and I slowly draw on the blackboard with chalk. I drew a first-grader who came from school and had lunch. Then his father, mother and two grandmothers. He chews, gobbles up both cheeks, and they look into his mouth. It turned out to be a funny picture.

“And you and I,” I say, “hungry.” Isn't it time for us to go home?

“No,” he replies. - I'm not going home.

“So, are you going to spend the night here?”

- Don't know.

Her voice is plaintive, thin. A mosquito squeak, not a voice. I looked back at my painting and my stomach growled. I wanted to eat. Well, this abnormal one. I left the class and went. But then my conscience got stuck, and I returned.

“You,” I say, “if you don’t tell me why you’re sitting here, I’ll call the school doctor right now.” And he - one or two! - Ambulance, siren - and you are in the hospital.

Decided to scare her. I am afraid of this doctor. Forever he: "Breathe, don't breathe" - and the thermometer sticks under his arm. Cold as an icicle.

- Well, good. I'll go to the hospital.

Honestly, she was crazy.

“Can you tell me,” I shouted, “what happened to you?!

My brother is waiting for me. He's sitting in the yard.

I looked out into the yard. Indeed, there was a little boy sitting on the bench.

- So what?

- And the fact that I promised him to learn all the letters today.

You are strong enough to promise! - I said. - In one day, the whole alphabet! Maybe then you will finish school in one year? Strong to lie!

I didn't lie, I just didn't know.

I see she's crying now. She lowered her eyes and shook her head in an incomprehensible manner.

- Letters are taught for a whole year. It's not easy.

- Our father and mother have gone far away, and Seryozha, my brother, is very bored. He asked his grandmother to write them a letter from him, but she still does not have free time. And I told him: I’ll go to school, learn the letters, and write a letter to mom and dad. And he told the boys in the yard. And today we wrote sticks all day.

Now she should have been crying.

- Sticks, - I say, - this is good, this is wonderful! Letters can be made from sticks. I went to the blackboard and wrote the letter "A". Printed. - It's the letter "A". It is made of three sticks. Letter-hut.

I never thought that I would be a teacher. But it was necessary to distract her so that she would not cry.

- And now, - I say, - let's go to your brother, and I will explain everything to him.

We went out into the yard and went to her brother. They walked hand in hand like little ones. She shoved her hand into my hand. Her palm is soft and warm, her fingers are pads.

Here, I think, if one of the guys sees, they will laugh. But you won’t throw her hand away - a person, after all ...

And this sad knight Seryozha sits and dangles his legs. He pretends not to see us.

“Listen,” I say, “old man. How would you explain it? Well, in general, to learn the entire alphabet, you need to study for a whole year. It's not such an easy thing.

So you didn't learn? He looked defiantly at his sister. There was nothing to promise.

“We've been pissing sticks all day,” the girl said desperately. - And letters are formed from sticks.

But he didn't listen to her. He slid down from the bench, lowered his head low and trudged like a duck's daughter.

He just didn't notice me. And I'm fed up. I was always getting mixed up in other people's business.

- I learned the letter "A". She is spelled with a hut! the girl shouted at her brother's back.

But he didn't even look back. Then I caught up with him.

“Listen,” I say, “what is her fault? Science is a complex business. Go to school, you'll find out for yourself. Do you think Gagarin or Titov mastered the entire alphabet in one day? Also, oh, how sweaty! And your hands dropped.

“I’ve been writing a letter to my mother all day,” he said.

He had such a sad face, and I thought that in vain his parents did not take him, since he is so bored. We are going to go to Siberia, take the children with you. They are not afraid of long distances or evil frosts.

“My God, what a tragedy,” I say. - I will come to you after dinner today and draw everything on paper under your dictation in at its best.

- That's good! – said the girl. We live in this house, behind the iron fence. Really, Seryozha, okay?

"All right," Seryozha replied. - I'll be waiting.

I saw how they entered the yard and their figures flashed between the iron bars of the fence and the bushes of greenery. And then I heard a loud, sarcastic boyish voice.

- Seryozhka, well, did your sister learn all the letters?

I saw that Seryozha stopped, and his sister ran into the entrance.

- Learn the alphabet, do you know how much you need to study? Seryozha said. - You have to study for a whole year.

“So your letters wept,” said the boy. - And your Siberia cried.

“I didn’t cry,” Seryozha answered. - I have a friend, he has not been in the first grade for a long time; he will come to us today and write a letter.

“You are lying,” said the boy. - Oh, and you are strong to pour! Well, what's your friend's name, what?

There was silence.

Another minute, and there should have been a victorious, triumphant exclamation of a malicious boy, but I did not allow this to happen. No, it was not in my nature.

I climbed onto the stone foundation of the fence and stuck my head between the bars.

“By the way, his name is Yurka,” I shouted. - There is such a world famous name.

This boy's mouth opened in surprise, like a hound's when she misses a hare. But Seryozha did not say anything. He was not one of those who beat those who were lying down.

And I jumped to the ground and went home.

I don't know why, but I was in a good mood. Fun at heart, that's all. The mood was great. I even wanted to sing.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Historical Roots fairy tale the author Propp Vladimir

12. Genetics and history This work is a genetic study. Genetic research is necessarily, essentially, always historical, but it is still not the same as historical research. Genetics aims to study

From the book ABC of Shamboloids. Muldashev and all-all-all author Obraztsov Petr Alekseevich

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From the book of the World art culture. XX century. Literature the author Olesina E

From the book Find what the sailor hid: Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov author Meyer Priscilla

History of the story Works of small forms are traditional for Russian literature, but the national type of the Russian story was finally formed in the 19th century. in the works of I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, N. S. Leskov, A. P. Chekhov, A. I. Kuprin. The true heyday of the genre

From the book Deciphered " White Guard". Secrets of Bulgakov author Sokolov Boris Vadimovich

History The Viking civilization is the most remote point that Americans can trace their history back to. The Vikings of Iceland and Greenland were the first to discover Vinland, which they named so because they discovered wild grapes on the shores of the new land. How

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From the book Poetics. History of literature. Movie. author Tynyanov Yury Nikolaevich

From the book Violinist is not needed author Basinsky Pavel Valerievich


From the book English Utopia author Morton Arthur Leslie

History and the Plumber I recently had the pleasure of participating in a wonderful writing event called The Reading Trajectory. Organized jointly by the Russian State Humanitarian University and the AST publishing house in 2009. There is a Polish component within the project – a series of meetings in

From the book Literature 2.0 [Articles about books] author Chantsev Alexander Vladimirovich

2. The history of Cockayne Summing up all of the above, we can say that the country of Cockayne embodies the most intimate thoughts of the masses and expresses them in the most concrete and earthly images. On the one hand, it is connected with the main theme of folk mythology, and on

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3. Gulliver's History If Gulliver's Travels has a long and confusing pedigree, then Robinson Crusoe, regarded as a utopia, is much simpler. Early utopias reproduced, in one form or another, pictures of communities; something of social unity and

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9. A swaddled story[*] (About V. Votrin's “Stinging Word”) “According to the paper, the collective testimony of what happened, it turned out that a cloud-boar attacked Gorbatov, because it had fangs like a boar, a hump and a penny. It found Gorbatov in the field, where he sowed rye, being in a state of

From the book Cinema of Yugoslavia author Chernenko Miron Markovich

Technological map of the lesson


Literary reading(listening lessons)



Section topic

Letter period

Study topic

L. Panteleev "Letter you"


Create conditions for getting acquainted with the content of the humorous work of L. Panteleev, identifying the features of the story (“funny”, “sad”And etc.), to develop the ability to formulate answersquestions about the content of the workcompare stories,the same theme but differentauthors;

Shape Readersky skills.

Cultivate respectto adults.

Planned learning outcomes




will learn listen to the story, compare works of the same topic, but different authors.

They get acquainted with the content of a humorous work, highlight the features of the story, distinguish between types of texts, choose a text that corresponds to the educational task.

They accept and save the learning task, adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and comrades, plan their actions.

They make a dialogic statement in accordance with the requirements of speech etiquette.

Acceptance and development of the social role of the student, development of motives learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of the doctrine.

Lesson type :

Lesson learning new material

Forms of organization of student activities

frontal, individual work


For the teacher

For students

Textbook, presentation

Textbook, workbooks, templates for building covers.

Lesson content

Lesson stage

Time (min)

Teacher activity

Student activities

Methodological comment

Motivation for learning activities. Updating of basic knowledge.

    Supervises the preparation of students for the lesson

    Introduces the topic of the lesson, organizes work on the repetition of the studied material:

Guess the riddle: blackbirds on every pagesilent, waiting- Whowill he read them?

How manylettersVRussian alphabet?Let's try to name them.chorus.

I am glad thatyou guys are soyou know everything well33 letters. They- your faithful friends Andhelpers.

    Creating a problem situation:

Job With books about children And mo Delhi .

On the board model covers, books by A. Barto "To School", V. Zheleznikov "History with the ABC".

    Consider cover patterns. What can you tell us about the works based on these models?

Remember and name the works that fit the models.

Guys, what problem are we facing?

What needs to be done to solve the problem?

Organize the workspace

Solve the riddle.

They name the letters.

Answer the teacher's questions.

( Both works are about children: a) poetry, b) story.)

(a) Poems about children: A. Barto "To School";

b) A story about children: V. Zheleznikov "A story with an alphabet." )

You need to get acquainted with this work, determine the genre, find out the characters.

Working with presentation slides (slide 1, 2)

The "cluster" is depicted on the board

slide 3

Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson

    Organization of work on the formulation of the topic and setting the objectives of the lesson.

The teacher, drawing the attention of students to the "cluster", leads to the formulation of goals.

Referring to the "cluster"

Determine: sad or cheerful, what it teaches, answer questions, determine the genre, make a cover, determine the title.

The cluster is being added.

Work on the study of new material.

The "Reading with stops" technique is used.

Part 1 is read to the words:

“…Finally, I came up with something….”

What was the name of the main character?

How old was she?

What do you think will happen next?

Part 2 is read to the words:

“... Well, madam, read something to me ...”

Were your assumptions confirmed?

Turning to the girl, he calls her madam. How to understand it? What does it mean?

part 3

The teacher read the story to the end.

    Did you like the story? What mood did you get after listening to the story? Why?

    What can be called the author of the work who taught Irinushka?

What name do you think the author Leonid Panteleev gave to his work?

Determine the genre of the work.

They answer questions.

Madam - an appeal to a woman.INcontext this story sounds encouraging.



Primary fastening.

S. 13 in the workbook.

Cover modeling

The guys complete the task number 2, number 4.

The students design the cover.

Then the individual works of the guys are compared with the sample.

Individual work

Slide 5.

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

The teacher addresses the cluster, determining which questions are not answered.

What do you remember the most? What was the most difficult?

They express their opinions.

slide 6

The lesson is based on the technology of developing critical thinking through reading and writing. Techniques are used: "cluster", "reading with stops".


    W Agashev I.O., Zair-Bek S.I. Critical thinking: development technology. - St. Petersburg: Alliance-Delta, 2003.

    Literary reading: listening lessons: educational reader for grade 1 students / ed. L.A. Efrosinina.-M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013.

(After lessons)

After school, I went to the first class. I would not visit them, but a neighbor instructed to look after her son. After all, the first of September is the first day of school.

I jumped in, but the classroom was already empty. Everybody left. Well, I wanted to turn around and go. And suddenly I see: on the last desk there is some kind of button, because of the desk it is almost invisible. It was a girl, not the boy I was looking for. As first-graders were supposed to, she was wearing a white apron and white bows, exactly ten times the size of her head.

It is strange that she was alone. Everyone has gone home and, perhaps, they are already eating broths and milk jelly there and telling their parents miracles about the school, and this one is sitting there waiting for who knows what.

“Girl,” I say, “why don’t you go home?”

No attention.

Maybe she lost something?

He is silent and sits like a statue, does not move.

I do not know what to do. Leaving seems uncomfortable.

I went up to the blackboard, figured out how to stir up this “statue”, and I slowly draw on the blackboard with chalk. I drew a first-grader who came from school and had lunch.

Then his father, mother and two grandmothers. He chews, gobbles up both cheeks, and they look into his mouth. It turned out to be a funny picture.

“And you and I,” I say, “hungry.” Isn't it time for us to go home?

“No,” he replies. - I'm not going home.

“Well, are you going to spend the night here?”

I looked back at my painting and my stomach growled. I wanted to eat.

Well, this abnormal one. I left the class and went. But then my conscience got stuck, and I returned.

“You,” I say, “if you don’t tell me why you are sitting here, I’ll call the school doctor right now.” And he once or twice: "ambulance", siren - and you're in the hospital.

Decided to scare her.

I am afraid of this doctor. He is always: “Breathe, don’t breathe,” and the thermometer sticks under your arm. Cold as an icicle.

- Well, good. I'll go to the hospital.

Honestly, she was crazy.

“Can you tell me,” I shouted, “what happened to you?!

My brother is waiting for me. He's sitting in the yard.

I looked out into the yard.

Indeed, there was a little boy sitting on the bench.

- So what?

- And the fact that I promised him to learn all the letters today.

“You are strong enough to promise,” I said. - In one day, the whole alphabet ?! Maybe then you will finish school in one year? Strong to lie!

I didn't lie, I just didn't know.

I see she's crying now. She lowered her eyes and shook her head in an incomprehensible manner.

Letters are taught all year long. It's not easy.

- Our father and mother have gone far away, and Seryozha, my brother, is very bored. He asked his grandmother to write them a letter from him, but she still does not have free time. And I told him: I’ll go to school, learn the letters, and write a letter to mom and dad. And he told the boys in the yard. And today we wrote sticks all day.

Now she should have been crying.

“Palki,” I say, “this is good, this is wonderful!” Letters can be made from sticks. I went to the blackboard and wrote the letter "A". Printed. - It's the letter "A". It is made of three sticks. Letter-hut.

I never thought that I would be a teacher. But it was necessary to distract her so that she would not cry.

“And now,” I say, “let’s go to your brother, and I’ll explain everything to him.”

We went out into the yard and went to her brother.

They walked hand in hand like little ones. She shoved her hand into my hand. She has a soft palm, fingers with pads, and warm.

So, I think if one of the guys sees, they will laugh. But you won’t throw her hand away - a person, after all ...

And this sad knight Seryozha sits and dangles his legs. He pretends not to see us.

“Listen,” I say, “old man. How would you explain it. Well, in general, to learn the alphabet, you need to study for a whole year. It's not such an easy thing.

So you didn't learn? He looked defiantly at his sister. There was nothing to promise.

"We've been pissing sticks all day," the girl said desperately. - And letters are formed from sticks.

But he didn't listen to her.

He slid down from the bench, lowered his head low and trudged along with a duck's gait.

He just didn't notice me. And I'm fed up. I was always getting mixed up in other people's business.

- I learned the letter "A". She is spelled with a hut! the girl shouted at her brother's back.

But he didn't even look back.

Then I caught up with him.

“Listen,” I say, “what is her fault? Science is a complex business. Go to school, you'll find out for yourself. Do you think Gagarin or Titov mastered the entire alphabet in one day? Also, oh, how they sweat. And your hands dropped.

“I spent the whole day writing a letter to my mother as a memento,” he said.

He had such a sad face, and I thought that in vain his parents did not take him, since he is so bored. We are going to go to Siberia, take the children with you. They are not afraid of long distances or evil frosts.

“My God, what a tragedy,” I say. “Today I will come to you after dinner and will depict everything on paper under your dictation in the best possible way.

- That's good! the girl said. We live in this house, behind the iron fence. Really, Seryozha, okay?

"All right," Seryozha replied. - I'll be waiting.

I saw how they entered the yard and their figures flashed between the iron bars of the fence and the bushes of greenery. And then I heard a loud, sarcastic boyish voice:

- Seryozhka, well, did your sister learn all the letters?

I saw that Seryozha stopped, and his sister ran into the entrance.

- Learn the alphabet, do you know how much you need to study? Seryozha said. You have to study all year.

“So your letters wept,” said the boy, “and your Siberia wept.

“I didn’t cry at all,” Seryozha answered. - I have a friend, he has not been in the first grade for a long time; he will come to us today and write a letter.

"You're lying all the time," said the boy. - Oh, and you are strong to pour! Well, what's your friend's name, what?

There was silence.

Another minute, and there should have been a victorious, triumphant exclamation of a malicious boy, but I did not allow this to happen. No, it was not in my nature.

I climbed onto the stone foundation of the fence and stuck my head between the bars.

“By the way, his name is Yurka,” I said, “there is such a world-famous name.

This boy's mouth opened in surprise, like a hound's when she misses a hare.

But Seryozha did not say anything. He was not one of those who beat those who were lying down.

And I jumped to the ground and went home.

I don't know why, but I was in a good mood. Fun at heart, that's all. The mood was great. I even wanted to sing.

Nomination "Educational process in primary school»

This lesson extracurricular reading under the program of Posashkova E.V. "Thoughtful Reading". This program attracted me primarily for its purpose - to form a thinking reader who needs reading as a means of development and self-education. In addition, in this program, I saw opportunities for the implementation of a system-activity approach to education, which underlies the developmental education program of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, which I have been working on since 1993.

Subject lesson: VC. Zheleznikov "History with the ABC". Story.

Lesson Objectives:

  • create conditions for the formation of primary ideas of students about the work of V.K. Zheleznikov "History with the ABC",
  • to develop the ability to answer questions on the content and on artistic analysis works;
  • to instill in students a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Planned results:

Personal: emotionally perceive the actions of the characters literary work; have an initial understanding of the moral concepts reflected in the literary text;

metasubject: regulatory - to carry out an action according to the image and a given rule; cognitive - consciously perceive the content of a literary work, understand the actual (cognitive, moral) content of the text; communicative - use available speech means to convey their impressions received when reading a literary work;

subject: learn how to correctly name works (author's name and title), model the cover of a book; get the opportunity to learn to understand the moral content of the read work.

Equipment and materials: laptop, projector, screen, presentation, exhibition of books, worksheets for group work, workbook "Readers' portfolio" for grade 3.

Preparatory work

Two weeks before the lesson, a task is placed in the Reading Corner: to read the works of V.K. Zheleznikov. A week before the lesson, the teacher invites the children to complete a choice task: prepare an oral story about an unusual story in grade 1 (the period of studying the primer), work with explanatory dictionary(find an explanation of the words: alphabet, knight, pioneer leader, eccentric, scarecrow) or make a list of works about the alphabet.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Actualization of knowledge th

Teacher: I have three items in my hands: the Murzilka magazine, a book and a movie CD. What do you think all these items have in common? (Children suggest that these items can be combined by the author.)

2. Introduction to the topic. Teacher's story about the author using a presentation

Teacher: Yes guys, you are right. Unites the author - Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov. He was born on October 26, 1925. After graduating from the M. Gorky Literary Institute, the writer began to work and publish in the Murzilka magazine. The first book by V.K. Zheleznikov "Colorful History" was published in 1960. Then there were many books, and one of the most famous was the book "The Life and Adventures of an Eccentric", in which the author spoke about the pioneer leader.

And who among you has learned and can explain who a pioneer leader is. (Student answers.)

Based on this book, the film "The Eccentric from the Fifth" B "was filmed. The film was very well received by the audience, and main character Borya with a funny surname Zbanduto was very fond of the guys.

Open the Readers' Portfolio on page 36 and read the information about the author.

And the book "Scarecrow" was preceded by a screenplay written by V.K. Zheleznikov. It is interesting that at first the story "Scarecrow" was published in the magazine "Pioneer" under the title "And just a few days." Why did the author change the title? Maybe when you read the book, you will be able to answer this question? the main character novels and films are considered eccentric.

And who can explain the meaning of the word eccentric, eccentric?

The heroes of V.K. Zheleznikov's books are boys and girls, behind whose eccentricity lies nobility, kindness, compassion, concern for the weak and defenseless. They cannot get past injustice and grief, they acutely feel the pain of others and know how to help in difficult times.

We will meet such a hero today in the story "The Story of the ABC".

3. Anticipation

Who knows the meaning of the word alphabet? What is a synonym for this word? Who and what is this story about? What characters will be in the writer's story? Express your guesses.

4. Work with the story "History with the ABC" by V.K. Zheleznikov

Probably, some unusual event inspired the writer to create this story.

And what unusual stories were there in your life when you were reading the ABC book? (Children tell stories prepared at home.)

5. Combined reading of VK Zheleznikov's story.

(The story is read by the teacher and well-read students.)

6. Conversation after the initial perception

What touched you in the story?

Were your assumptions confirmed before you started reading?

What part of the story seemed sad? Which one is joyful?

Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?

7. Drawing up the characteristics of the main character

Completing task number 1 on page 38 in the "Readers' portfolio". Schoolchildren confirm their opinion with words from the text (selective reading).

Can the main character be called a knight? Who are the knights?

8. Vocabulary work

Do you understand all the words in the text? Explain what the expressions mean: "sitting like a statue", "duck-walking", "getting involved in other people's affairs", "composing from memory", "fun at heart".

In the content of the story there is one riddle from the author: "a world-famous name." What name are you talking about? And why is it world famous?

(Children find in the text that we are talking about the name Yura. And the first cosmonaut of the world, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, made him world famous, because in the text the author gives a hint, mentioning the names of the first cosmonauts: Gagarin and Titov.)

10. Creative task

Let's remember again what the word alphabet means? What is a synonym for this word?

Could we replace the word alphabet in the title of the story? "History with the alphabet"? "History with a primer"? There are many works about letters, about the alphabet (alphabet). In preparing for this lesson, what did you find?

(Students show their lists of books that have the word ABC in their titles.)

Can VK Zheleznikov's story be included in this list? Why?

Express your opinion, how else can you call the story?

Teacher: I also want to express my opinion. In my opinion, V.K. Zheleznikov in his story speaks not only about how important it is to be literate and know the alphabet. It seems to me that it is more important for the author to show readers the ABC of goodness in the actions of his characters. Teach you mutual assistance, mutual assistance. This also needs to be learned. These skills are very important in life. In the extracurricular classes on ethics, we also touched on the topic of good deeds. You always said that you need to help each other, your parents, grandmothers. Is it necessary to help strangers? Who and how can we help?

(Children make suggestions to make the kids from the neighboring kindergarten a snow hill in the yard, to collect a library of books as a gift for children from the orphanage, to send to schoolchildren of Donbass school supplies take an active part in the promotions announced in the city.)

The teacher wrote down all the suggestions of the children in order to discuss them in detail at an extracurricular lesson on ethics.

11. Group work

(This stage of the lesson is aimed at the ability to work with text).

How can the text of this story be divided into parts? Discuss in groups how many parts the text can be divided into and give the name of each part.

12. Presentation of the results of the work of each group

After the presentation of each group with the results of the work, the guys came to the conclusion that the text is divided into three semantic parts and chose headings for these parts:

1. Meeting with a girl at school - "Sad first grader."

2. The conversation of the heroes of the story in the school yard - “Science is a difficult matter!”

3. The conversation of the heroes of the story in the courtyard of the house - "Great mood."

13. Homework

Each group in the lesson divided the text into three parts, and at home fantasize and come up with the fourth part - the continuation of the story. Or complete task number 3 on p. 38 from the workbook "Readers' portfolio". (Remember the one who helped you in difficult times. Tell me about it.)

14. Lesson reflection. "Free Mic"

Imagine that you have a microphone in your hands, express your impressions of the lesson, complete the sentences.

Today I found out... It was interesting...

I realized that… I can…

Now I can... I'll try...

I felt that... I was surprised...

I purchased… I wanted…

Lesson taught me for life...

Used Books:

1. Posashkova E.V. Program for extracurricular activities "Thoughtful reading" for elementary school students. Center for Distance Educational Projects, Yekaterinburg.

2. Posashkova E.V. "Thoughtful reading" in grade 3 using the "Readers' portfolio" study guide. Center for Distance Educational Projects, Yekaterinburg.

3. Posashkova E.V. Literature lessons in elementary school, or How to form a thoughtful reader: Methodological guide / Ural State Pedagogical University. - Yekaterinburg, 2013

4. Posashkova E.V. Tutorial"Reader's portfolio for 3rd grade students". - Yekaterinburg: Litstudiya, 2013.

After school, I went to the first class. I would not visit them, but a neighbor instructed to look after her son. After all, the first of September, the first day of school. I jumped in, but the classroom was already empty. Everybody left. Well, I wanted to turn around and go. And suddenly I see: on the last desk there is some kind of button, because of the desk it is almost invisible. It was a girl, not the boy I was looking for. As first-graders were supposed to, she was in a white apron and with white bows exactly ten times the size of her head. It is strange that she was alone. Everyone has gone home and, perhaps, they are already eating broths and milk jelly there and telling their parents miracles about the school, but this one is sitting and waiting for who knows what.

Girl, - I say, - why don't you go home?

No attention.

Maybe she lost something?

Sits like a statue, does not move. I do not know what to do. Leaving seems uncomfortable. I went up to the blackboard, figured out how to stir up this “statue”, and I slowly draw on the blackboard with chalk. I drew a first-grader who came from school and had lunch. Then his father, mother and two grandmothers. He chews, gobbles up both cheeks, and they look into his mouth. It turned out to be a funny picture.

And you and I, I say, are hungry. Isn't it time for us to go home?

No, - he answers, - I will not go home.

So, are you going to spend the night here?

Don't know.

Her voice is plaintive, thin. A mosquito squeak, not a voice. I looked back at my painting and my stomach growled. I wanted to eat. Well, this abnormal one. I left the class and went. But then my conscience got stuck, and I returned.

You, - I say, - if you do not tell me why you are sitting here, I will call the school doctor now. And he - twice! - ambulance, siren - and you're in the hospital.

Decided to scare her. I am afraid of this doctor. He is always: “Breathe, don’t breathe,” and the thermometer sticks under his arm. Cold as an icicle.

Well, good. I'll go to the hospital.

Honestly, she was crazy.

Can you tell me, I shouted, what happened to you?

My brother is waiting for me. He's sitting in the yard.

I looked out into the yard. Indeed, there was a little boy sitting on the bench.

So what?

And the fact that I promised him today to learn all the letters.

You are strong enough to promise! - I said. - In one day the whole alphabet!

Maybe then you will finish school in one year? Strong to lie!

I didn't lie, I just didn't know.

I see she's crying now. She lowered her eyes and shook her head in an incomprehensible manner.

Letters are taught throughout the year. It's not easy.

Our father and mother have gone far away, and Seryozha, my brother, is very bored. He asked his grandmother to write them a letter from him, but she still does not have free time. I told him: I’ll go to school, learn the letters, and write a letter to mom and dad. And he told the boys in the yard. And today we wrote sticks all day. - Now she

should have cried.

Sticks, - I say, - it's good, it's wonderful! Letters can be made from sticks. - I went to the blackboard and wrote the letter "A". Printed. - It's the letter "A". It is made of three sticks. Letter hut. I never thought that I would be a teacher. But it was necessary to distract her so that she would not cry.

And now, - I say, - let's go to your brother, and I will explain everything to him.

We went out into the yard and went to her brother. They walked hand in hand like little ones. She shoved her hand into my hand. Her palm is soft and warm, and her fingers are pads. Here, I think, if one of the guys sees, they will laugh. But you can't throw away her hand - a man, after all ... And this sad knight Seryozha sits and dangles his legs. Does

pretending not to see us.

Listen, I say, old man. How would you explain it?

Well, in general, to learn the entire alphabet, you need to study for a whole year.

It's not such an easy thing.

So you didn't learn? He looked defiantly at his sister. - There was nothing to promise.

We've been pissing sticks all day," the girl said desperately. - And letters are formed from sticks.

But he didn't listen to her. He slid down from the bench, lowered his head low and trudged along with a duck's gait.

He just didn't notice me. And I'm fed up. I was always getting mixed up in other people's business.

I learned the letter "A". She is spelled with a hut! - the girl shouted at her brother's back.

But he didn't even look back.

Then I caught up with him.

Listen, - I say, - well, what is her fault? Science is a complex business. Go to school, you'll find out for yourself. Do you think Gagarin or Titov mastered the entire alphabet in one day? Also, oh, how sweaty! And your hands dropped.

I spent the whole day writing a letter to my mother as a keepsake,” he said.

He had such a sad face, and I thought that in vain his parents did not take him, since he is so bored. We are going to go to Siberia, take the children with you. They are not afraid of long distances or evil frosts.

My God, what a tragedy! - I say. - I will come to you after dinner today and will depict everything on paper under your dictation in the best possible way.

That's good! - said the girl. - We live in this house, behind an iron fence ... Really, Seryozha, okay?

Okay, - answered Serezha. - I'll be waiting.

I saw how they entered the yard and their figures flashed between the iron bars of the fence and the bushes of greenery. And then I heard a loud, sarcastic boyish voice.

Seryozha, well, did your sister learn all the letters?

I saw that Seryozha stopped, and his sister ran into the entrance.

Learn the alphabet, do you know how much to study? - said Seryozha. - You have to study for a whole year.

So your letters cried, - said the boy. -

And your Siberia cried.

I didn’t cry at all, - Seryozha answered. - I have a friend, he has not been in the first grade for a long time; he will come to us today and write a letter.

You are all lying, said the boy. - Oh, and you are strong to pour! Well, what's your friend's name, what?

There was silence.

Another minute, and there should have been a victorious, triumphant exclamation of a malicious boy, but I did not allow this to happen. No, it was not in my nature.

I climbed onto the stone foundation of the fence and stuck my head between the bars.

By the way, his name is Yurka, - I shouted. - There is such a world-famous name.

This boy's mouth opened in surprise, like a hound's when she misses a hare. Serezha didn't say anything. He was not one of those who beat those who were lying down. And I jumped to the ground and went home. I don't know why, but I was in a good mood. Fun at heart, that's all. The mood was great. I even wanted to sing.

Complete the tasks:

Determine the genre of this text.

 What is the text about? Note:

about the friendship of Yura and a little girl;

about how the girl went to school;

about how the girl wanted to help her brother.

Divide the text into parts. Plan this text.

What retelling can be done according to this plan (brief; selective; detailed).

What character traits did the girl have? Write it down.

Answer the question: would I like to be friends with such a girl and why?