The main theme of the work is a description of the sincere and devoted friendship between man and animal, touching on the issues of goodness and human cruelty.

The main character of the story is a hunting dog named Bim, who, at the age of one month, ends up in the house of his master Ivan Ivanovich.

The puppy has an atypical color for its breed in the form of a black mark on the ear, so many dogs do not accept it. However, the puppy, despite this, shows kindness and a cheerful disposition, since he has the most best friend in the face of its owner.

Ivan Ivanovich is presented in the image of a kind person, a journalist, a participant in the Patriotic War. He sincerely shows love for his dog, which he constantly takes with him to hunt in the forest.

Three years later, the owner is forced to leave the dog in the care of a neighbor, as he goes to the hospital for a heart operation. However, the dog runs away from the woman, hoping to find Ivan Ivanovich, but he does not succeed. At the same time, for all the time of his wanderings, Bim finds himself in various situations. On the railroad, a dog gets a wound on its paw. Then passers-by sell the dog to the village, where he has to graze livestock. One day, the new owners provide Bim to a neighbor for hunting. However, the man fails to get the game because he does not give the necessary commands to the dog. As a result, the enraged hunter beats Bim to a pulp.

After a while, the dog manages to return to hometown, but, unfortunately, Beam falls into the eyes of an evil woman who knew him before, to whom the dog also does not show sympathy. She hands the dog over to the dog-catchers, who take him to a kennel, where the dog, trying to break free, dies without waiting for his recovered owner for several days.

Ivan Ivanovich escorts his beloved with honors on his last journey, saluting him with four shots in the air, equal to Bim's age at the time of death, bitterly experiencing his death.

The work is distinguished by an unusual narrative that evokes conflicting feelings in the reader's audience in the form of pity, indignation, feelings and compassion.

The story was filmed by director Stanislav Rostotsky, whose film is awarded the State Prize. In addition, a monument to a dog with a white color and a black ear is being erected in Voronezh, symbolizing the unshakable loyalty, devotion of the animal to humans and stamina.

Option 2

The work of G.N. Troepolsky speaks of good and evil, friendship between man and animal. The main character is the dog Bim. A hunting puppy was given to a new owner, Ivan Ivanovich, as early as a month from birth. Beam had an atypical color for his breed, so he was not accepted into the pack of other relatives. Despite all the difficulties, the dog remained kind and cheerful, because next to him was always his best friend - the owner. It seems to me that with this the author especially wanted to show the stamina and fortitude of the dog.

Ivan Ivanovich was a very kind man who worked as a journalist and fought in patriotic war. He truly loved Bim and always took him hunting in the forest.

So three happy years passed, but soon Ivan Ivanovich became very ill, and he had to leave his beloved pet because of the necessary heart surgery. Bim is entrusted to a neighbor.

The owner's farewell words sounded sad, but Bim could not understand their meaning. The dog could only wait an unbearably long time, remaining ignorant of the reasons for the absence of his best friend.

Soon, the longing of parting with Ivan Ivanovich becomes completely unbearable for Bim, and he decides to take a dangerous step - to try to find the disappeared owner on his own. The dog jumps out of the apartment of the neighbor who was looking after him and goes out into the street.

The path turns out to be full of severe trials, and Bim has to face more than once evil people and cruelty. However, during the trip, the dog also meets compassionate and sympathetic people who helped in different ways, but could not take him with them. As a result, Beam ends up in a dog shelter.

Ivan Ivanovich, having undergone treatment, finds out the address and with hope urgently stays at the shelter where Bim was sent after being captured. Unfortunately, by that time the dog had already been killed at the slander of an evil neighbor. The owner comes to the forest, in which he often walked with Bim, and in memory of him shoots into the air four times: for each year of the dog's life. Ivan Ivanovich bitterly mourns for his friend, recognizing his unshakable loyalty and steadfastness.

The dog sincerely, until the last seconds of his short life, continued to look for his beloved friend. Even as he died, he scratched at the door of the van for a long time with hope. How little he wanted - just to be near the owner!
The author of the story raises the issue of protecting nature to readers, but not only. Transmitting the world through the eyes of the purest and most devoted being, he reveals the philosophical problems of humanity. So, the author points to the venality and selfishness of some people. Cruelty and indifference are revealed by the attitude of callous people who met Bim in his search for a friend. The author's book has gained well-deserved success and has been numerously reprinted, as well as translated into many languages ​​of the world.

It is no coincidence that the author's idea that Ivan Ivanovich was looking for salvation from the cruelty of the world in a calm forest. So, it is this place that personifies sincerity and integrity, something that human vices have not yet been able to destroy.
I believe that all people can seek salvation from cruelty on their own and by working on themselves. Until individual people are able to understand the importance and value of nature, they will not be able to truly love the manifestations of life and understand their value.

The dog, being the main figure of the book, did not live his life meaninglessly and left good memory About Me. He managed to make friends with the guys looking for him, and also helped to find good friends for Ivan Ivanovich.

The book, through the demonstration of many torments and sufferings of two friends - a man and a dog - showed not only a cruel reality, but also something more. Bim's life teaches that true loyalty and friendship are not afraid of any difficulties and can cost a lifetime.

5th grade, 7th grade, arguments

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"Be human"
V. Shukshin

Target: arouse interest in the story, evoke a feeling of compassion and pity for all living things, help students figure it out. what is mercy, to promote the education of moral qualities.

Equipment: portrait of G. Troepolsky, drawings by students, Exupery's statement "We are responsible for those we have tamed."

Epigraph of the lesson:

“... The reader is a friend! ..
Think about it! If you write only about kindness, then for evil it is a find, a brilliance; if you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unfortunate and in the end will not notice them; if you write only about the seriously beautiful, then people will stop laughing at the ugly ... "
G. Troepolsky

During the classes

І. Biography of G. Troepolsky.

Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky

Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky was born on November 29, 1905 in the village of Novospasovka, Ternovsky district, Voronezh region.

G.N. Troepolsky - prose writer, publicist, playwright. Born into the family of an Orthodox priest. He spent his childhood in the countryside, early learned peasant labor.

In 1924 he graduated from the three-year agricultural school named after K.A. Timiryazev in the village of Aleshki, Borisoglebsky district, Voronezh province, and, not getting a job as an agronomist, went to teach at a four-year rural school, taught until 1930.

Many years of his life are connected with Ostrogozhsk, where for almost a quarter of a century, he, an agronomist by profession, conducted selection work, was in charge of a variety testing site, where he managed to breed several new varieties of millet.

Troepolsky begins to keep various records: hunting notes, observations, landscape sketches.

Troepolsky became a novice writer, in fact, at the age of 47. “Troepolsky brought his own theme to literature: “... pain for the land, for the fate of its sowers and keepers, for the expanse of the steppe and the high sky, for the blue veins of rivers and rustling reeds ...” - this is what V.L. Troepolsky said about Troepolsky. Toporkov in the article "The Knight of the Russian Field".

In the mid-1950s, Troepolsky created the screenplay "Land and People" on the basis of "Notes of an Agronomist". The film was directed by S.I. Rostotsky.

In 1958-61, the novel "Chernozem" was written.

In 1963 - the story "In the reeds".

Troepolsky dedicated this story to A.T. Tvardovsky.

ІІ. – What does the word mercy mean?

- Mercy - willingness to help someone out of compassion, philanthropy.

ІІІ. Did you like the story?

IV. What do you think is the main idea of ​​this story?

The answers were:

  • The main idea of ​​the story, in my opinion, is a great friendship and good understanding between a person and a dog, as well as kindness, devotion and humanity.
  • The story shows what life-giving and indifference to the fate of a dog can lead to. The work proves once again that a dog is a man's best friend.
  • Man must always remain a Man: kind, capable of compassion, always ready to help all living things.
  • The story of G. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear" tells about the fate of the dog, about its loyalty, honor and devotion. Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something extraordinary, at the same time as not all people have devotion to each other and fidelity to duty. Humanizing the suffering animal, the dog Bim, the author shows people who have lost the human in themselves.

The writer himself defined the purpose of his work in this way: “In my book, the only goal is to talk about kindness, trust, sincerity, devotion.”

v. What breed was Bim, how did he get to Ivan Ivanovich?

“He was born to pedigree parents, setters, with a long pedigree. With all the advantages, there was a drawback that affected his fate. It must be necessarily "black, with a brilliant bluish tint - the color of a raven's wing, and always clearly limited bright reddish tan marks."

Bim degenerated like this: the body is white, but with red tan marks and even a slightly noticeable red spot, only one ear and one leg are black, really - like a raven's wing; the second ear is a soft yellowish-red color. They wanted to drown Bim, but Ivan Ivanovich felt sorry for such a handsome man: he liked his eyes, you see, smart.

Ivan Ivanovich fed Bim a nipple with milk, and he fell asleep in the arms of the owner in his arms with a bottle of milk.

VI . Why do you think Beam became a kind, faithful dog?

- Bim became a good dog thanks to Ivan Ivanovich. By the age of two, he had become an excellent hunting dog, trusting and honest. Warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because "each understood each and each did not demand more from the other than he could give." Beam firmly learned: scratch the door, they will open it for you; doors exist so that everyone can enter: ask - they will let you in. Only Bim did not know and could not know how many later disappointments and troubles from such naive gullibility, did not know and could not know that there are doors that do not open, no matter how much you scratch in them.

VII. Tell us about Ivan Ivanovich. What kind of person was this?

According to the students, Ivan Ivanovich is a man of great soul, loves nature and understands it. Everything in the forest pleases him: snowdrops, which seem like a drop of heaven on earth, and the sky, which has already sprinkled the forest with thousands of blue drops. He addresses people in his diary with these words: “O restless person! Glory to you forever, thinking, suffering for the sake of the future! If you want to rest your soul, go to the forest in early spring to the snowdrops, and you will see a wonderful dream of reality. Go quickly: in a few days there may not be snowdrops, and you will not be able to remember the magic of the vision given by nature! Go get some rest. "Snowdrops - fortunately," they say among the people.

Students from the text gave examples of how Ivan Ivanovich raised Bim, how he went hunting with him, what commands he taught the dog.

VIII. What has Bim conquered you the most?

- Most of all, Bim conquered me with his loyalty, devotion and love for the owner. When Ivan Ivanovich was admitted to the hospital, he could neither eat nor drink, he walked the streets all day long in search of his dear friend. Stones were thrown at him. beaten, he was starving, but he was waiting for the return of his master.

- The scene where Bim was crying over the letter of the owner, like a man, made a huge impression on me.

- I liked Bim because he was a very understanding, caring dog, even without words, and in his eyes he understood whether Ivan Ivanovich was good or sad.

IX. What is the purpose of Beam's life?

- Search and wait for the owner.

X. Beam trusted people. And when did he start to lose faith in man?

He bared his teeth for the first time and bit Gray.

Viewing a fragment from the film by S.I. Rostotsky "White Bim Black Ear".

Episode: "Beam at the Gray".

- Bim could distinguish good people from the evil ones. “Aunt and Snub-nosed are just bad people. But this one… Bim already hated this one! Beam began to lose faith in man.

XI. What episodes made the biggest impression on you?

Student responses.

- I read and cried when Beam ran after the train, I was very tired, and the woman gave him water to drink. Bim drank almost all the water from his mitten. Now he looked the woman in the eyes and immediately believed: a good man. And he licked, licked her rough, cracked hands, licking the droplets falling from her eyes. So for the second time in his life, Bim recognized the taste of a person’s tears: for the first time, the owner’s peas, now these, transparent, shining in the sun, thickly salted with inescapable grief.

- The episode when Bim's paw hit the arrow made the greatest impression on me. Bim jumped on three legs, exhausted, disfigured. He often stopped and licked the numb and swollen fingers of the sore paw, the blood gradually subsided, and he licked and licked until each shapeless finger was perfectly clean. It was very painful, but there was no other way out; every dog ​​knows this: it hurts, but be patient, it hurts, and you lick, it hurts, but be silent.

- I was very sorry for Bim, when the hare disappeared from sight, Klim became furious again: he came close to Bim and hit him with all his strength with the toe of a huge boot in the chest. Bim gasped. How the man gasped. “Oh-oh! - shouted Bim drawlingly and fell. “Oh, oh ...” Bim was now speaking in human language. “Oh… For what?!” And he looked with a painful, suffering look at the person, not understanding and horrified.

- I was struck by the inhumanity of Semyon Petrovich, Tolik's father, who tied Bim to a tree in the forest at the end of November, unwrapped the bundle, took out a bowl of meat from it and placed it in front of Bim without uttering a single word. But after walking a few steps, he turned around and said: “Well, come on. Like this".

Bim sat until dawn, chilled, sick, exhausted. He gnawed through the rope with difficulty and freed himself. Bim realized that now there was no need to go to Tolik, that he would now go to his own door, nowhere else.

XII. How did Beam get into the iron wagon?

Why did Aunt do this to Beam?

- Auntie hated Bim. She wanted to take revenge on him for not giving her a paw in Ivan Ivanovich's apartment, he got scared. The guest did not believe Aunt that Bim could bite her (he once licked her hand - not from an excess of feelings only for her personally, but for humanity in general). When the van drove up to the house, Aunt said that Bim was her dog, she gnawed the end of the rope around her neck, biting everyone.

“What are you grinning at? If you don't know how to keep dogs, you wouldn't have tormented me. She ate the frog's snout herself, and brought the dog - it's creepy to look at: she doesn't look like a dog, ”the dog catchers said to Aunt.

Viewing a fragment "In the van" of Rostotsky's film "White Bim Black Ear".

Bim dies, but his short life reflected good on many destinies - made friends Tolik and Alyosha. Tolik's parents changed their attitude towards Bim (they wrote ads in the newspaper, they were looking for a dog). Young Ivan, a dog breeder, left his job forever.

“Ivan Ivanovich felt in himself, in that emptiness that remained after the loss of a friend, warmth. It didn't take him long to figure out what it was. And these were two boys, they were brought to him, without knowing it, Bim. And they will come again, they will come more than once.

XIII. What thoughts and feelings did the story evoke in you? Reading student essays.

- When I read this story, there were tears in my eyes, and my heart was sad and sad. I hope that people, reading such books, will become kind and humane not only in relation to animals, but also to each other.

- I really liked the story. I even almost cried when they beat Bim with a twig and threw stones at him. He died at the hands of cruel people. But in life he realized that not all people are as good as Ivan Ivanovich, Stepanovna, Tolik, Lyusya, Alyosha, Dasha.

The story deeply touched my soul, and I realized that in life one must be kind and good, like Bim's master.

- Troepolsky's story "White Bim Black Ear" helped me become kinder and more merciful to all living things. When kindness becomes a need for everyone, when there are no evil and indifferent people, life will become much better. Be human! Do not do evil, because it will boomerang back to you.

Troepolsky's story made a deep impression on the students, made them think about many moral problems.

Students at home performed illustrations for individual episodes of the story. By using visual arts wanted to show their feelings, emotions for living beings.

The story of students on their illustrations to the story.

The story "White Bim Black Ear" is not only about kindness, callousness, nobility and meanness, but also about respect for nature.

This word is an appeal to the readers of the story:

“Blessed is the one who managed to absorb all this from childhood and carried it through life without spilling a single drop from the vessel of soul salvation bestowed by nature!
On such days in the forest, the heart becomes forgiving, but also demanding of itself. Peaceful, you merge with nature. In these solemn moments of autumn dreams, one so desires that there is no untruth and evil on earth.


One of the most famous works of Soviet literature is the story "White Bim Black Ear". Reviews of the book by Gavriil Troepolsky are very positive: this work immediately brought the author all-Union popularity and fame. Based on his motives, a famous film was shot, which received international recognition. A simple touching story of friendship between the owner and the dog immediately fell in love with everyone, so the story deservedly entered the golden fund of Soviet prose. The author was awarded the USSR State Prize, and the film was nominated for an Oscar.

About plot twist

Troepolsky wrote "White Bim Black Ear" in 1971. Reviews of the book show that readers liked the touching image of the dog the most. At the beginning of the work, we learn that they wanted to drown the puppy, but the writer Ivan Ivanovich took him to him. He left the puppy and left it with him. Most readers note a successful plot. According to them, with apparent simplicity storyline the author was able to masterfully convey the feelings and experiences of the protagonist, his gratitude and affection for the owner, as well as his attitude to the world around him. From this point of view, many readers rightly compare the beginning of the story with famous work American writer D. London "White Fang", which also tells about the formation of the personality of a wolf cub in the wild.

About the character of Bim

Perhaps the most touching story about animals in Soviet literature is the work "White Bim Black Ear". Reviews of the book show how much this essay was to the liking of the readers. Of course, they focus on the main character in their reviews. In their opinion, the writer managed to very truthfully reproduce inner world Bim and traits of his character. The dog grew up very smart, quick-witted, he grasped everything literally on the fly. After two years, he already knew how to distinguish about a hundred words related to the house and hunting. But most of all, readers like the way Troepolsky portrayed the relationship between Bim and his master. The clever dog, by the expression of his eyes and face, was able to guess the mood of Ivan Ivanovich, as well as his attitude towards the people around him.

About the beginning of the conflict

Enough simple plot the work "White Bim Black Ear" is distinguished. Reviews of the book, however, indicate that readers liked, first of all, the idea carried out by the author in his story: the theme of friendship, devotion, fidelity, and at the same time denunciation of evil and betrayal. Toward the middle of the story, Beam meets with an evil aunt who immediately took a dislike to the poor dog. She unfairly complained about him, despite the fact that even the chairman of the house committee himself admitted that the dog was not at all dangerous to society. This first encounter of Bim with an evil woman subsequently led to a sad ending.

The search for the owner

One of the famous Soviet writers is Gavriil Troepolsky. "White Bim Black Ear" is his most famous work. The main part of the story is occupied by the story of a dog searching for its owner, who was unexpectedly taken away for a complex operation. According to most readers, this part of the story is the most dramatic and heartbreaking. During the search, Bim experienced many hardships, met both good and bad people. bad people who treated him differently. For example, student Dasha and a little boy Tolik treated him very carefully. The latter even managed to feed the dog, which refused to eat during the absence of the owner. And a kind girl brought him home and attached a sign to the collar explaining the history of the dog. However, after some time, he got to the collector of dog signs Gray (a man in gray clothes), who treated him very rudely and kicked him out of his house.


One of the most soulful and touching stories was presented to the Soviet reader by Troepolsky. "White Bim Black Ear" is a work about the complex relationship between a dog and people. Very soon about devoted dog schoolchildren and residents of the city learned. Beam began to look after his friend Tolya. Many children sympathized with the hero, who has changed a lot during the absence of the owner, lost weight. According to readers, this is one of the saddest parts in the story. However, Beam was still looking for the owner. These searches remained fruitless, moreover, one day, having smelled Dasha, he rushed after the train and accidentally hit the rail with his paw. And although the driver braked in time, the dog badly injured his paw. He had a new enemy - Gray wrote to the police a complaint that Bim had bitten him.

At the new owner

In the work "White Bim Black Ear", the main characters of which are the subject of this review, actors are the people of the most different characters. After some time, the driver sold the dog to the shepherd Khirsan Andreevich. He fell in love with the dog, learned his story and decided to take care of him until the return of Ivan Ivanovich. The shepherd's son Alyosha also became attached to Bim. And Bim fell in love with his new free life: he began to help the owner graze his sheep. However, once the dog was taken hunting by the neighbor of the shepherd Klim, who beat Bim painfully because he did not finish off the wounded rabbit. According to readers, in these parts the author skillfully compared the good and evil characters of people through the perception of the protagonist. He fled from his new master, as he was afraid of Klim.


The story "White Bim Black Ear" ends very sadly. The main characters of the work were both good and evil people. The boys Tolik and Alyosha began to look for the missing dog and became friends. However, Tolya's father did not want his son to be friends with ordinary people and had a dog, so he interfered in every possible way with the search. Meanwhile, the aunt gave Bim to the dog-catchers, and he died in the van, trying to get out. Ivan Ivanovich soon returned after the operation. He learned about the loss of the dog and found him already dead in the quarantine yard. The real master of the image of characters is Troepolsky. "White Bim Black Ear" ( summary you learned the works from this article) is a touching story that, despite the sad denouement, nevertheless leaves readers with bright feelings. Many of them note that the sad ending is partly brightened up by the description of the children's friendship with Ivan Ivanovich. After some time, he adopted a new puppy, which he also gave the nickname White Bim Black Ear. The breed of the dog also coincided - the Scottish Setter.

The protagonist of the story "White Bim black ear"- a dog named Bim from a breed of hunting setters. Unlike his relatives, Bim was born not with black, but with white color. And only one ear and one leg were black. From birth, Beam began to live with an old journalist who, after the death of his wife, led a bachelor lifestyle. The owner of the dog, Ivan Ivanovich, was very worried that because of the unusual color, Bim was not recognized as a thoroughbred dog, and he collected various historical information about setters with a similar color.

And despite the fact that Bim was never recognized as a purebred dog, he eventually mastered all the wisdom that a real hunting dog should know. Ivan Ivanovich, being an avid hunter, patiently trained Bim, taught him to track down and scare away birds. The dog perfectly mastered the science of hunting and helped the owner to hunt. He was generally very smart and quick-witted. When Ivan Ivanovich was ill, Bim went for a walk on his own and then, returning, scratched at the door so that he would be let in home.

With such a wonderful character, Beam still got one enemy. Once, while walking, he licked the hand of a woman who was sitting on a bench in the yard. The woman began to scream that the dog wanted to bite her. Later, she wrote a complaint against Bim, but the manager of the house turned out to be a fair person and managed to understand that Bim would never offend anyone. But the woman harbored a dislike for the dog.

The owner of Bim, like many men of his age, was at war and since then he has a fragment in his chest. Once Ivan Ivanych became so ill that he was taken to the hospital. The dog was looked after by an old lady who lived next door. Not knowing the peculiarities of the treatment of dogs, she, letting Bim out for a walk, told him: “Look.” The smart dog decided that he was offered to look for the owner, and he went in search of Ivan Ivanovich.

For many days Beam searched for the owner on the streets of the city, periodically returning home. He did not know that the owner was taken to Moscow for an operation. He came across a lot of people: good and not very good. Often referred to as the Black Ear. Once the dog met a kind girl Dasha, who made a sign on his collar with the name of the dog and a message that Bim was looking for an owner. But one person caught the dog and removed this sign. He collected unusual tablets and stripped Bim of his distinguishing mark. The dog managed to escape from this man.

Once, while searching, he injured his paw. Fortunately for Bim, the boy Tolya began to look after him. He took him to the veterinarian and he prescribed an ointment for the dog's sore paw. But Tolik lived far away and the day came when he did not come to Bim. The neighbor again began to release the dog, whose paw was almost healed for independent walks. During one of the walks, Beam saw a familiar bus driver and he called the dog to him. But the driver decided to cash in on Bima and sold it to one passenger who lived in the countryside.

So Bim, who began to be called Black-eared, ended up in the village. He lived here well and well. He quickly learned to herd sheep and helped the new owner and his son Alyosha until the snow. But Bim was a hunting dog, and he definitely had to take part in the hunt. The new owner allowed the neighbor to hunt with Bim. However, the neighbor did not know how to deal with hunting dogs and, annoyed by the failure during the hunt, severely beat the dog. Bim decided to return to the city and look for Ivan Ivanovich again.

The beaten dog managed to find his way to the city. Moreover, on one of the streets, he sensed that the boy Tolik, who was looking after him, had recently passed here. By smell, Bim found the house where Tolik lived and his friends met. It turned out that the parents forbade Tolik to go to Bim. This time, the parents acted cunningly. They allowed the boy to keep the dog, but at night they took Bim by car to the forest and left him there, tying him to a tree. But Beam managed to gnaw through the rope and returned to the city.

Tolik did not believe the words of his parents that Bim ran away and began to look for him. And Bim, already at the very house, stumbled upon that scandalous woman who claimed that he had bitten her. The woman pointed to the sick, exhausted dog-catchers who were passing by. So Bim ended up locked in an iron booth, where they kept the caught dogs.

The next day, a village boy Alyosha arrived in the city with his father. Alyosha was also looking for Bim-Chernoukh. On the streets of the city, he met Tolik, and the boys realized that they were looking for the same dog. At the station they met Ivan Ivanych, who returned to the city after the operation. Ivan Ivanych managed to find Bim at the quarantine site where the captured dogs were taken. But he was late. All night the dog stubbornly tried to get out, gnawing on the door, and died, having spent the last of his strength.

Ivan Ivanovich did not tell Alyosha and Tolik about Bim's death. The next day he took Bim to the forest where they hunted and buried him there. This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe story "White Bim, Black Ear" is that dogs are the most faithful friends person. Beam was very homesick for his master and tried to look for him everywhere. But he tried at the same time to be useful to those people who treated him kindly. Bim did not manage to meet Ivan Ivanovich again, but he did not give up until the very last minute, without losing hope of a meeting. The story teaches you to take care of pets and treat them like your friends. Keeping a dog or other pet is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility for a living being.

In the story, I liked the boys Tolik and Alyosha. They sincerely fell in love with Bim-Chernoukh and tirelessly searched for him throughout the city.

What proverbs are similar to the story "White Bim, Black Ear"?

The dog is man's best friend.
A true friend is priceless.
A true friend loves to death.

Nina Shilova
Review of the read story by Troepolsky "White Bim - Black Ear" for students in grades 5-6

I read a sad story. Troepolsky« White Bim Black Ear» .This book is not only about the faithful and completely devoted setter Beam, but also about kind and evil people oh relationship between man and nature.

The main character is the hunting dog Bim, he white with black ear and black paw, his other ear is red, kind and intelligent eyes. His owner was the kind Ivan Ivanovich, a participant in the war, he lived with a splinter in his chest. When he became very ill, he was admitted to the hospital. From that time on, Beam began to have all the troubles.

It is a pity that the dog could not understand the meaning of the parting words of the man. Bim did not know where his good friend had gone, he could only wait for him. But from parting, he was very bored and decided to go in search of his beloved master. It was a dangerous journey in which the dog learned that there are not only good people in the world, but also bad ones. Bad -Aunt, Klim, Gray, Semyon Petrovich and others. kind and responsive people - Tolik, Stepanovna, Lucy, Dasha, Petrovna, Alyosha; they somehow helped Bim on his difficult path to a dear friend, although they did not find the owner of the dog. Beam continued to look for Ivan Ivanovich. During the search, the dog became disabled: his paw was pinched on the arrow. Through the efforts of good people, Bim recovered. His new friend Tolik walked him, but his parents were against such communication. The evil uncle hit the dog on the head and put up an announcement that Bim was mad. From Klim, he was injured, even gasped like a man. .Nasty aunt sent good dog to the livestock. In his last moments of life, he scratched at the door of the van for a long, long time, until his last breath. Beam died from long torment and longing for his beloved Ivan Ivanovich.

But Bim's life was not meaningless, it had a good effect on many destinies - it made Tolik and Alyosha friends, Tolik's parents changed their attitude towards Bim and allowed their son to keep a dog at home, helped Ivan Ivanovich find new friends.

In his story the author shows great friendship and understanding between man and dog, as well as kindness, devotion and humanity. A person should always remain a kind person, capable of compassion. By humanizing the suffering animal, the dog Bim, the author shows people who have lost their humanity. The writer opened to me the inner world of a dog with all its experiences, joys and made me think about many things, about a man's friend - a dog that is ready to serve faithfully, going through troubles and misfortunes. He calls me and all people to love, protect, not betray them. That's what attracted me to this work.

I loved it story G. Troepolsky She deeply touched my soul, it was sad and sad, and there were tears in my eyes. I realized that in life you have to be a kind, fair and merciful person, like Ivan Ivanovich. People please be like this!