The tragedy of Pechorin

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" was written in 1837-1840 in the era of government reaction, when every free thought, every living feeling was suppressed. It was a transitional era after the collapse of the ideas of Decembrism, when the ideals of the past were destroyed, and new ideals had not yet had time to form. The post-Decembrist decade was a difficult period in Russian life. People were seized by deep despair and general despondency.

This dark decade has given rise to new type people - disappointed skeptics, "suffering egoists", devastated by the aimlessness of life. Through the prism of such ideas, inspired by the Lermontov era, the tragedy of Pechorin, “the hero of our time”, is depicted.

Central problem novel is the problem of the identity of the protagonist. The fate of one person worried the author because it was a reflection of the fate of many. Drawing the protagonist of the novel, he created a portrait composed of "the vices of the whole ... generation, in their full development."

Lermontov raised the question of why exactly such heroes appeared in those years, why their life was bleak, who is to blame for the tragic fate of a whole generation. This main theme of the novel, the author reveals, deeply and comprehensively exploring the life, actions, character of the protagonist of the novel.

The relevance of the topic I have chosen lies in the fact that, having understood the tragedy of Pechorin, we will be able to understand the sad fate of a whole generation. We will also be able to perceive and feel more deeply and fully the lyrics and other works of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov dedicated to this topic. At the same time, the hero of Lermontov can teach us a lot, reading about Pechorin, we learn to appreciate the fullness of life.

The purpose of my work is to answer the question: why, after all, thinking person, who feels “immense forces in his soul”, could not find his way and place in this world and is forced to spend an empty, aimless life, burdened by it.

To achieve the goal, the essay sets the following task: to deeply and comprehensively explore the life, character, and actions of the protagonist of the novel.

Features of the composition and plot of the novel

The novel consists of five parts, five stories, each with its own genre, its own plot and its own title. But the main character combines all these stories into a single novel.

Moving from chapter to chapter, we gradually recognize the hero, the author makes us think about his riddles and the reasons for the "great oddities" of his character. We find the key to them by putting together the whole puzzle of Pechorin's life story.

With the same goal - to reveal the inner world of the character as deeply as possible, the main character is shown to us from the point of view of three people.

In each story, Lermontov places Pechorin in a different environment, shows him in different circumstances, in collisions with people of different social position and mental warehouse.

Each time, Pechorin opens up to the reader from a new side, discovers new and new facets of his character.

The tragedy of Pechorin

Who is Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin? He is a strong-willed nature, thirsty for activity. The natural talent of the protagonist, expressed in his deep mind, strong passions and steel will, is sharply evident to the readers of the novel. But for all his giftedness and wealth of spiritual powers, he, by his own just definition, is a "moral cripple." His character and all his behavior are extremely contradictory.

It is revealed in the novel in its entirety, revealing, according to Lermontov's definition, the "disease" of the generation of that time. “My whole life,” Pechorin himself points out, “was only a chain of sad and unsuccessful contradictions to the heart or mind.” In what way do they appear?

First, in his attitude to life. On the one hand, Pechorin is a skeptic, a disappointed person who lives "out of curiosity", on the other hand, he has a huge thirst for life and activity.

Secondly, rationality struggles with the demands of feeling, mind and heart.

The contradictions in Pechorin's nature also affect his attitude towards women. He himself explains his attention to women, his desire to achieve their love by the need of his ambition. But Pechorin is not

such a heartless egoist. His heart is able to feel deeply and strongly, and his attitude towards the Faith tells us about this.

He deceives himself, because in fact he is young, he can do anything: to love and be loved, but he himself refuses hope, joys, convincing himself that they are impossible for him. These inconsistencies do not allow Pechorin to live full life.

The origins of Pechorin's individualism

Pechorin's individualism was formed in the transitional era - in the era of the absence of social ideals: and life, devoid of lofty goals, is meaningless. Main character realizes this. Not striving for wealth, honors, career, he openly despises the world and, having come into conflict with his environment, becomes “superfluous”, because he is a person in the conditions of impersonal Nikolaev reality.

Pechorin feels himself superior to his environment. An aversion to these people, among whom he is forced to live, is ripening in his soul. But at the same time, it is shaped by this very environment. Two elements exist in it at the same time - the natural, the natural, and the social and natural principle that distorts it, everywhere in Pechorin encounters a social limit.

"Pechorin's Journal" reveals the tragedy of a gifted person who strove for active action, but was doomed to forced inaction. In his confession, he explains it all this way: “Everyone read on my face signs of bad qualities that were not there; but they were supposed - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of cunning: I became secretive ... "

In this confession, there is not only a reproach, a condemnation of secular society, which offends a person in his most better feelings and motives, likens to himself, makes envious, hypocritical, but also self-condemnation and pain for the ruined better half of the soul.

Life positions and moral principles

Having lost faith in life, Pechorin is trying to develop a life position, formalize the principles of relations with people, substantiate a system of views, taking into account the features that lie in his "immense forces" that require action.

But what to do if life does not present an opportunity to realize this energy and strength? In this situation, Pechorin's normal state is boredom. Even under Chechen bullets, Pechorin does not cease to be bored: in the light, in the Caucasus, the main character is tormented and tormented by the emptiness of life, but not one of the attachments saves Pechorin from boredom and loneliness.

Why? The main value for Pechorin is personal freedom. However, the freedom of a person from society, in itself an absolutely impossible thing, turns into other sides. The individual fences himself off not only from the official world that he hates, but also from reality in general.

Happiness, according to Pechorin, is “saturated pride”: “If I considered myself better, more powerful than everyone in the world, I would be happy, if everyone loved me, I would find endless sources of love in myself.”

It is impossible to agree with this statement of Pechorin. Why should a person be "the cause of suffering and joy" of the one who is dear to him? We could not comprehend this at all if we did not understand that he is a destitute. So little activity, the expenditure of spiritual energy is released to him by fate, that even a petty game with Princess Mary amuses his pride, creates the illusion of a meaningful life.

Pechorin wants to first receive from people, and then give to them. Even in love.

Pechorin is also incapable of making friends. Dr. Werner and Maxim Maksimych are sincerely attached to him, but Pechorin, no matter how much he would like, cannot call these people his friends. He is convinced that "of two friends, one is always the slave of the other." Pechorin evokes pity for himself, because having such ideas about friendship, he will never be able to feel the joy of mutual assistance and mutual understanding.

Pechorin, with his own life, refutes his own thesis that "happiness is saturated pride." Egoism, individualism, indifference are not innate qualities, but a kind of moral code, a system of beliefs from which Pechorin never retreated in his life.

Character features

Character traits exacerbate the pain of disappointment, constant, hopeless loneliness. Awareness of a life lived in vain gives rise to indifference to it, as a result of which - an internal crisis, pessimism, and even death does not frighten the main character.

This indifference to death pushes the protagonist to try his luck, to enter into a confrontation with her, and this time to emerge victorious. The story "The Fatalist" brings together Pechorin's spiritual quest, it synthesizes his reflections on personal will and on the meaning of circumstances independent of a person. It also reveals the titanic possibilities of the protagonist for a feat. The hero experiences for the first and last time trust in fate, and fate not only spares him, but also exalts him.

Action and struggle, resistance to adverse circumstances, and not blind obedience to fate - such is the life credo of the hero. And the physical death of Pechorin turns into his spiritual immortality: he is directed forward in search of true meaning life.

Who is guilty?

The tragedy, according to Belinsky, "between the depth of nature and the pitiful actions", freedom-loving ideas, perceived by people of the Pechorin type in their early youth from the Decembrists, made them irreconcilable to the surrounding reality. The Nikolaev reaction deprived these people of the opportunity to act in the spirit of these ideas and even called them into question. And the ugliness of upbringing and life in a secular society did not allow them to rise to moral standards.

Lermontov clearly indicates the reason that made Pechorin and other thinking people of that time unhappy. He saw it in "insignificant disputes over a piece of land or for some fictitious rights", in quarrels that divided people into masters and slaves, into oppressors and oppressed.

Lermontov shifts part of the blame onto society, but at the same time does not remove responsibility from the main character. He pointed to the disease of the century, the treatment of which is to overcome individualization, generated by timelessness, bringing deep suffering to Pechorin himself and destructive to those around him.

Roman Lermontov Pechorin


The story of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is the story of the futile attempts of an outstanding person to realize himself, to find at least some satisfaction for his needs, attempts that invariably turn into suffering and losses for him and those around him, the story of his loss of powerful vitality and ridiculous death from nothing to do, from his uselessness to anyone else and to yourself.

With his own life, he refuted his own thesis that "happiness is saturated pride."

Well, truth is a precious thing. Sometimes they pay for it with their lives. But on the other hand, any life that was a real search for this truth enters forever into the spiritual experience of mankind.

That is why Pechorin is always needed and dear to us. Reading Lermontov's novel, we begin to realize things that are very important for us today. We come to the understanding that individualism is contrary to the living nature of man, to its real needs; that cruelty, indifference, the inability to act and work - all this is a heavy burden for a person. It turns out that a person tends to strive for goodness, truth, beauty, and action. Pechorin did not have the opportunity to fulfill his aspirations, so he is unhappy. In our time, people themselves control their own destiny, it depends on us to make our life full or empty. Reading Lermontov's novel, we learn to appreciate the fullness of life.


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What is the tragedy of Pechorin's existence? (Based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time")

In the novel "A Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov created the image of his contemporary, a man of the 1930s, a complex, contradictory, deeply tragic image.

And the very portrait of the hero is unusual. “At first glance at his face, I would not give him more than twenty-three, although after that I was ready to give him thirty,” the narrator notes. He describes the strong physique of Pechorin and at the same time immediately notes the "nervous weakness" of his body. A strange contrast is provided by the childish smile of the hero and his cold, heavy look. Pechorin's eyes "did not laugh when he laughed." “This is a sign - or an evil disposition, or a deep constant sadness,” the narrator notes.

Pechorin is a romantic hero, a man of exceptional abilities, an extraordinary nature, a strong, strong-willed character. He surpasses those around him with his intellect, versatile education, knowledge in the field of literature and philosophy. He is endowed with a deep analytical mind, critically evaluates all social phenomena. So, about his generation, he remarks: "We are no longer capable of great sacrifices, either for the good of mankind, or even for our own happiness." He is not satisfied with the life that modern society offers. Mary Ligovskaya remarks that it is better to fall "under the knife of a murderer in the forest" than to become the object of Pechorin's evil jokes. The hero is bored in the company of empty, petty envious people, gossips, intriguers, devoid of decency, nobility, honor. An aversion to these people appears in his soul, he feels like a stranger in this world. But at the same time, Pechorin is far from the world in the same way. ordinary people».

Revealing the inconsistency of Pechorin's inner appearance, the writer shows that he is deprived of the immediacy and integrity of feelings characteristic of ordinary people, for "children of nature." Invading the world of the highlanders, he destroys Bela, ruins the nest of "honest smugglers". He offends Maxim Maksimych. At the same time, Pechorin is not without good impulses. At the evening at the Ligovskys, he "felt sorry for Vera." IN last date with Mary, compassion seized him with such force that "another minute" - and he would "fell at her feet." Risking his life, he was the first to rush into the hut of the murderer Vulich. The hero sympathizes with the Decembrists exiled to the Caucasus.

However, his good impulses remain impulses. Grigory Alexandrovich always brings his "villainy" to its logical conclusion. He violates Vera's family peace, offends the dignity of Mary. In a duel, he kills Grushnitsky, deliberately choosing such a place for the duel so that one of them would not return. Pechorin manifests himself primarily as an evil, egocentric force that brings people only suffering and misfortune. "Born for a high purpose", he wastes his strength on deeds unworthy of a real person. Instead of active, meaningful activity, Pechorin is fighting with individuals who meet on his way. This struggle is basically petty, aimless. When the hero evaluates his actions, he himself comes to a sad conclusion; “In this futile struggle, I exhausted both the heat of the soul and the constancy of the will necessary for real life.” Passionately longing for an ideal, but having not found it, he asks: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? ... And, it is true, it existed, and, it is true, I had a high purpose, because I feel immense powers in my soul; but I did not guess the destination, I was carried away by the lures of empty and ungrateful passions; from their furnace I came out hard and cold as iron, but I have lost forever the ardor of noble aspirations, the best color of life.

The hero reveals his views in his diary. Happiness for him is "saturated pride". He perceives the sufferings and joys of others “only in relation to himself” as food that supports his spiritual strength. Pechorin's life is "boring and disgusting." Doubts devastated him to the point that he had only two convictions left: birth is a misfortune, and death is inevitable. The feeling of love and the need for friendship in the representation of Pechorin have long lost their value. “Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other,” he says. Love for the hero is satisfied ambition, "sweet food .. pride." “To arouse in oneself a feeling of love, devotion and fear - is this not the first sign and triumph of power?” - writes Pechorin.

The position and fate of the hero are tragic. He does not believe in anything, he cannot find a life goal, unity with people. Selfishness, willfulness, absence creativity in life - this is the true tragedy of Pechorin. But the moral image of the hero is formed by his contemporary society. Like Onegin, this is an "extra person", "an unwilling egoist." This is what Lermontov's novel is about. “Pechorin’s soul is not rocky soil, but the earth dried up from the heat of a fiery life: let suffering loosen it and irrigate the blessed rain, and it will grow from itself lush, luxurious flowers of heavenly love ...”, wrote V.G. Belinsky. However, the very "suffering" of Pechorin is precisely impossible for him. And this is not only a paradox. this image but also its tragedy.

Revealing the inner appearance of the hero, the author uses various artistic means. We see a detailed portrait of the hero, we read his diary. Pechorin is depicted against the background of other characters (highlanders, smugglers, "water society"). Pechorin's speech is replete with aphorisms: "Evil breeds evil", "Of two friends, one is the slave of the other", "Women love only those they do not know." The author emphasizes the poetry of the hero, his love for nature with the help of landscapes (description of the early morning in Pyatigorsk, description of the morning before the duel). Revealing the originality of Pechorin's nature, Lermontov uses characteristic epithets: "immense forces", "imagination restless", heart "insatiable", appointment "high".

Creating the image of Pechorin, Lermontov wrote "a portrait made up of the vices of a whole generation." It was also a reproach. the best people of his era, and at the same time a call to action. This is the author's position in the novel.

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  • what is the tragedy of Pechorin
  • what is the tragedy of Pechorin

The tragedy of Pechorin

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" was written in 1837-1840 in the era of government reaction, when every free thought, every living feeling was suppressed. It was a transitional era after the collapse of the ideas of Decembrism, when the ideals of the past were destroyed, and new ideals had not yet had time to form. The post-Decembrist decade was a difficult period in Russian life. People were seized by deep despair and general despondency.

This gloomy decade has given rise to a new type of people - disillusioned skeptics, "suffering egoists", devastated by the aimlessness of life. Through the prism of such ideas, inspired by the Lermontov era, the tragedy of Pechorin, “the hero of our time”, is depicted.

The central problem of the novel is the problem of the protagonist's personality. The fate of one person worried the author because it was a reflection of the fate of many. Drawing the protagonist of the novel, he created a portrait composed of "the vices of the whole ... generation, in their full development."

Lermontov raised the question of why exactly such heroes appeared in those years, why their life was bleak, who is to blame for the tragic fate of a whole generation. The author reveals this main theme of the novel, deeply and comprehensively exploring the life, actions, character of the protagonist of the novel.

The relevance of the topic I have chosen lies in the fact that, having understood the tragedy of Pechorin, we will be able to understand the sad fate of a whole generation. We will also be able to perceive and feel more deeply and fully the lyrics and other works of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov dedicated to this topic. At the same time, the hero of Lermontov can teach us a lot, reading about Pechorin, we learn to appreciate the fullness of life.

The purpose of my work is to answer the question: why, after all, a thinking person who feels "immense forces in his soul" could not find his way and place in this world and is forced to spend an empty, aimless life, burdened by it.

To achieve the goal, the essay sets the following task: to deeply and comprehensively explore the life, character, and actions of the protagonist of the novel.

Features of the composition and plot of the novel

The novel consists of five parts, five stories, each with its own genre, its own plot and its own title. But the main character combines all these stories into a single novel.

Moving from chapter to chapter, we gradually recognize the hero, the author makes us think about his riddles and the reasons for the "great oddities" of his character. We find the key to them by putting together the whole puzzle of Pechorin's life story.

With the same goal - to reveal the inner world of the character as deeply as possible, the main character is shown to us from the point of view of three people.

In each story, Lermontov places Pechorin in a different environment, shows him in different circumstances, in collisions with people of different social status and mental makeup.

Each time, Pechorin opens up to the reader from a new side, discovers new and new facets of his character.

The tragedy of Pechorin

Who is Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin? He is a strong-willed nature, thirsty for activity. The natural talent of the protagonist, expressed in his deep mind, strong passions and steel will, is sharply evident to the readers of the novel. But for all his giftedness and wealth of spiritual powers, he, by his own just definition, is a "moral cripple." His character and all his behavior are extremely contradictory.

It is revealed in the novel in its entirety, revealing, according to Lermontov's definition, the "disease" of the generation of that time. “My whole life,” Pechorin himself points out, “was only a chain of sad and unsuccessful contradictions to the heart or mind.” In what way do they appear?

First, in his attitude to life. On the one hand, Pechorin is a skeptic, a disappointed person who lives "out of curiosity", on the other hand, he has a huge thirst for life and activity.

Secondly, rationality struggles with the demands of feeling, mind and heart.

The contradictions in Pechorin's nature also affect his attitude towards women. He himself explains his attention to women, his desire to achieve their love by the need of his ambition. But Pechorin is not

such a heartless egoist. His heart is able to feel deeply and strongly, and his attitude towards the Faith tells us about this.

He deceives himself, because in fact he is young, he can do anything: to love and be loved, but he himself refuses hope, joys, convincing himself that they are impossible for him. These inconsistencies do not allow Pechorin to live a full life.

The origins of Pechorin's individualism

Pechorin's individualism was formed in the transitional era - in the era of the absence of social ideals: and life, devoid of lofty goals, is meaningless. The main character is aware of this. Not striving for wealth, honors, career, he openly despises the world and, having come into conflict with his environment, becomes “superfluous”, because he is a person in the conditions of impersonal Nikolaev reality.

Pechorin feels himself superior to his environment. An aversion to these people, among whom he is forced to live, is ripening in his soul. But at the same time, it is shaped by this very environment. Two elements exist in it at the same time - the natural, the natural, and the social and natural principle that distorts it, everywhere in Pechorin encounters a social limit.

"Pechorin's Journal" reveals the tragedy of a gifted person who strove for active action, but was doomed to forced inaction. In his confession, he explains it all this way: “Everyone read on my face signs of bad qualities that were not there; but they were supposed - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of cunning: I became secretive ... "

In this confession, there is not only a reproach, condemnation of secular society, which offends a person in his best feelings and motives, likens himself, makes him envious, hypocritical, but also self-condemnation and pain for the ruined better half of the soul.

Life positions and moral principles

Having lost faith in life, Pechorin is trying to develop a life position, formalize the principles of relations with people, substantiate a system of views, taking into account the features that lie in his "immense forces" that require action.

But what to do if life does not present an opportunity to realize this energy and strength? In this situation, Pechorin's normal state is boredom. Even under Chechen bullets, Pechorin does not cease to be bored: in the light, in the Caucasus, the main character is tormented and tormented by the emptiness of life, but not one of the attachments saves Pechorin from boredom and loneliness.

Why? The main value for Pechorin is personal freedom. However, the freedom of a person from society, in itself an absolutely impossible thing, turns into other sides. The individual fences himself off not only from the official world that he hates, but also from reality in general.

Happiness, according to Pechorin, is “saturated pride”: “If I considered myself better, more powerful than everyone in the world, I would be happy, if everyone loved me, I would find endless sources of love in myself.”

It is impossible to agree with this statement of Pechorin. Why should a person be "the cause of suffering and joy" of the one who is dear to him? We could not comprehend this at all if we did not understand that he is a destitute. So little activity, the expenditure of spiritual energy is released to him by fate, that even a petty game with Princess Mary amuses his pride, creates the illusion of a meaningful life.

Pechorin wants to first receive from people, and then give to them. Even in love.

Pechorin is also incapable of making friends. Dr. Werner and Maxim Maksimych are sincerely attached to him, but Pechorin, no matter how much he would like, cannot call these people his friends. He is convinced that "of two friends, one is always the slave of the other." Pechorin evokes pity for himself, because having such ideas about friendship, he will never be able to feel the joy of mutual assistance and mutual understanding.

Pechorin, with his own life, refutes his own thesis that "happiness is saturated pride." Egoism, individualism, indifference are not innate qualities, but a kind of moral code, a system of beliefs from which Pechorin never retreated in his life.

Character features

Character traits exacerbate the pain of disappointment, constant, hopeless loneliness. Awareness of a life lived in vain gives rise to indifference to it, as a result of which - an internal crisis, pessimism, and even death does not frighten the main character.

This indifference to death pushes the protagonist to try his luck, to enter into a confrontation with her, and this time to emerge victorious. The story "The Fatalist" brings together Pechorin's spiritual quest, it synthesizes his reflections on personal will and on the meaning of circumstances independent of a person. It also reveals the titanic possibilities of the protagonist for a feat. The hero experiences for the first and last time trust in fate, and fate not only spares him, but also exalts him.

Action and struggle, resistance to adverse circumstances, and not blind obedience to fate - such is the life credo of the hero. And the physical death of Pechorin turns into his spiritual immortality: he is directed forward in search of the true meaning of life.

Who is guilty?

The tragedy, according to Belinsky, "between the depth of nature and the pitiful actions", freedom-loving ideas, perceived by people of the Pechorin type in their early youth from the Decembrists, made them irreconcilable to the surrounding reality. The Nikolaev reaction deprived these people of the opportunity to act in the spirit of these ideas and even called them into question. And the ugliness of upbringing and life in a secular society did not allow them to rise to moral standards.

Lermontov clearly indicates the reason that made Pechorin and other thinking people of that time unhappy. He saw it in "insignificant disputes over a piece of land or for some fictitious rights", in quarrels that divided people into masters and slaves, into oppressors and oppressed.

Lermontov shifts part of the blame onto society, but at the same time does not remove responsibility from the main character. He pointed to the disease of the century, the treatment of which is to overcome individualization, generated by timelessness, bringing deep suffering to Pechorin himself and destructive to those around him.

Roman Lermontov Pechorin


The story of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is the story of the futile attempts of an outstanding person to realize himself, to find at least some satisfaction for his needs, attempts that invariably turn into suffering and losses for him and those around him, the story of his loss of powerful vitality and ridiculous death from nothing to do, from his uselessness to anyone else and to yourself.

With his own life, he refuted his own thesis that "happiness is saturated pride."

Well, truth is a precious thing. Sometimes they pay for it with their lives. But on the other hand, any life that was a real search for this truth enters forever into the spiritual experience of mankind.

That is why Pechorin is always needed and dear to us. Reading Lermontov's novel, we begin to realize things that are very important for us today. We come to the understanding that individualism is contrary to the living nature of man, to its real needs; that cruelty, indifference, the inability to act and work - all this is a heavy burden for a person. It turns out that a person tends to strive for goodness, truth, beauty, and action. Pechorin did not have the opportunity to fulfill his aspirations, so he is unhappy. In our time, people themselves control their own destiny, it depends on us to make our life full or empty. Reading Lermontov's novel, we learn to appreciate the fullness of life.

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To complete the task, select only ONE of the four proposed essay topics (17.1-17.4). Write an essay on this topic in a volume of at least 200 words (if the volume is less than 150 words, the essay is rated 0 points).

Expand the topic of the essay fully and multidimensionally.

Argument your theses by analyzing the elements of the text of the work (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Reveal the role artistic means important for the disclosure of the theme of the essay.

Consider the composition of the essay.

Avoid factual, logical, verbal errors.

Write your essay clearly and legibly, following the rules of writing.


To complete the task of part 3, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.4).

In the M2 answer form, indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic in a volume of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is rated 0 points).

Rely on the author's position and formulate your point of view. Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary-theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Consider the composition of the essay.

Write your essay clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

Comments on essay topics

C17.1. What is the tragedy of Pechorin's fate? (Based on the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".)

Lermontov's hero is a man of tragic fate. He is tragically alone. Pechorin contains immense powers in his soul, but there is a lot of evil on his conscience. The hero, by his own admission, invariably plays the role of an ax in the hands of fate, a necessary protagonist of any fifth act. The tragedy of Pechorin's fate is connected not only with the social conditions of the hero's life (belonging to a secular society, political reaction in Russia after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising), but also with the fact that a sophisticated ability for introspection and brilliant analytical thinking, the burden of knowledge and doubt lead a person to loss simplicity, naturalness. Even the healing power of nature is not able to heal the hero's restless soul.

C17.2. Why is the battle of Borodino shown by L. N. Tolstoy as the main event of the people's war? (According to the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".)

The writer, depicting the Battle of Borodino, was convinced that "the reason for our triumph was not accidental, but lay in the essence of the character of the Russian people and troops." Tolstoy has a clear and moral criterion: "I love the thought of the people as a result of the war of 1812." In the depiction of the battle of Borodino, Tolstoy uses his favorite technique - first he gives a view from above, and then from the inside of the battle. This is achieved by transmitting Pierre's observations. Twice Pierre covers the entire field of Borodino with his eyes: before the battle and during the battle. But both times his eye sees not a position, but, in the words of Tolstoy, "a living area." Especially keenly Pierre felt the power of popular patriotism. Folk and soldier scenes are also given through Pierre's perception, and this gives the image great strength. The immediacy, simplicity, sincerity of Pierre in this case serve in Tolstoy as witnesses to the greatest truth: the people are the main force of the battle of Borodino.

C17.3. What is the fate of Russia in the lyrics of A. A. Blok?

Motherland Theme - central theme creativity. For A. A. Blok, the theme of Russia was fundamental: “I consciously and irrevocably dedicate my life to this theme,” the poet said. In Blok’s work, the thought sounds like an alarm: “No matter what trials the beloved land is subjected to, through what misfortunes, deceptions, suffering it would have to go through, Russia will be able to avoid death:

Let him lure and deceive

You won't disappear, you won't die

And only care will cloud Your beautiful features...

"Russia" (1908)

It is with faith in the future, despite the premonition of all storms and tragedies, that the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” (1908), consisting of 5 poems, is imbued. The history of the Motherland, understanding the symbolic meaning of such an event as the Battle of Kulikovo, helps the lyrical hero find himself, grow up and determine his path, where the spiritual essence of the ancient Russian and the poet's contemporary merge together.

C17.4. What is the place of Yury Zhivago's poems in B. L. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago"?

The poetic cycle in the novel opens with one of the most famous poems - "Hamlet". The poem is deep philosophical meaning. It manifests the consciousness of a certain inevitability:

The hum is quiet. I went out to the stage.

Leaning against the doorframe,

What will happen in my lifetime.

The lyrical hero feels the complexity of his existence and believes that much in his life is inevitable, predetermined:

But the schedule of actions is thought out,

And we will not turn away the end of the road.

"Hamlet" becomes the key work of the cycle, which reveals the spiritual impulses of the lyrical hero and sets the reader on a certain wave of mood.

In terms of composition, all the poems of the cycle are arranged in a certain order, depending on the content. In general, the cycle resembles a calendar, or rather, even a diary that conveys the events of the hero's life. Reading them, you become an unwitting witness to events: the picture of your own life, experiences and thoughts created by Yuri Zhivago is too real and alive.

“A Hero of Our Time”, written by M. Yu. Lermontov in 1840, became the first psychological novel V domestic literature. The author set himself the goal of showing in detail and versatile the nature of the main actor that has fallen out of the cycle of an obsolete era.

It seems to me that the tragedy of the fate of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin lies in his complex character. Lermontov presented to the reader's judgment a psychological portrait of a contemporary with a dual nature.

Coldness, indifference, selfishness, extravagance

and a tendency to introspection were inherent in many representatives of the "superfluous people", doomed to inaction. A smart, educated hero is bored and dreary from the senselessly changing days, from a series of predictable events.

Pechorin does not trust either friendship or love, therefore he suffers from loneliness. He himself is not capable of deep feelings and brings suffering to others. Gregory feels that two people coexist in him and this explains the duality of behavior. This idea is confirmed by Maxim Maksimovich with a story about Pechorin, who could boldly go hunting for a wild boar alone in bad weather, and sometimes looked like a coward - he trembled and turned pale from the knock of window shutters.

The hero's behavior is contradictory, he quickly cools down to any undertakings, cannot find his destiny. Recall at least his desire to achieve the location of Bela and the rapid cooling of the mountain beauty who fell in love with him. Pechorin's personality emerges from the relationships he enters into with those around him. His actions are worthy of condemnation, but one can also understand the hero, because he belongs to the people of his time, who managed to become disillusioned with life.

Not finding the meaning of life, Pechorin decides to depart on a long journey, which will someday end in death. He himself is unpleasant that he becomes the cause of other people's troubles: Bela and Grushnitsky die because of him, Vera and Princess Mary suffer, Maxim Maksimovich is undeservedly offended. The tragedy of the hero is that he rushes about in search of his place in life, but at the same time he always does as he sees fit.

Thus, the tragedy of the fate of Lermontov's hero lies in himself: in character, in the analysis of any situation. The burden of knowledge made him a cynic, he lost his naturalness and simplicity. As a result, Pechorin has no goals, no obligations, no attachments ... But if the person himself loses interest in life, seeing only boredom in it, then even the healing power of nature is hardly able to heal the soul.

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