Russian literature is a literature of deep psychological analysis. One of the traditions of Russian classical literature is attention to the inner life of a person, to his thoughts and feelings. F. M. Dostoevsky is a writer who carefully studied a person.

So, main character"White Nights" Makar Devushkin belongs to the type of lonely "dreamers". To his beloved, Nastenka, he says: “I am on my own, that is, alone, completely alone.” And he admits that in his imagination he creates whole novels, lives a rich

Life, but in reality it is only burdened by the service and tries to hide from life in an “impregnable corner”.

The feeling of love in Dostoevsky helps the characters to open up, allows the writer to fully reflect the inner world of his characters. So, Makar Devushkin in love appears as a noble and selfless hero, but, unfortunately, weak-willed, living in a world of his own illusions. L. N. Tolstoy in the story “Youth” analyzes the inner world of a young man who is going through the path of becoming. The writer widely uses the technique of introspection and internal monologue to fully reflect this difficult stage in a person's life.

A.P. Chekhov is another master “ internal analysis. The hero of his story "Tosca" - the village peasant Jonah - is endowed with the ability to deeply feel, suffer, suffer from grief and a sense of loneliness, from the meaninglessness of his existence. We learn that Jonah's son died after a serious illness. As a result, he pours out the soul of his horse - the only close creature and reliable friend who is always ready, albeit silently, to listen.

Thus, attention to the inner life of a person is one of the distinguishing features of Russian literature of the 19th century. Writers strive to show that every person is able to deeply feel that he is endowed with a living soul, that he can suffer and rejoice. Love and grief are the two strongest emotions through which Russian writers reveal the inner world of their heroes, show the peculiarities of their worldview and worldview.

One of important features Russian literature of the 19th century recognized close attention to the human soul. It can be rightly asserted that the main character of this century was the personality of a person in all the diversity of its facets.

A person with his actions and thoughts, feelings and desires was constantly in the center of attention of the masters of the word. Writers of different times tried to look into the most secret corners of the human soul, to find real reasons many of his actions. In picture inner world The personality of a person reached unprecedented heights by such Russian realist writers as: Chekhov, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky, Dostoevsky, Turgenev and others. They were able to open other dimensions in the soul of a person, truthfully describe his innermost thoughts. It is thanks to a sincere interest in the inner world of the hero that the works of such writers are quite rightly called psychological.

Classical writers created such dissimilar artistic images that involuntarily you will think about how many-sided and diverse the fate of people.

Dostoevsky is a writer who examines man in detail, step by step. So, the hero of the novel "White Nights" Makar Devushkin can be attributed to the type of lone dreamers. Even his beloved, Nastenka, he does not hide, he says that he will always be alone, on his own. And then he admits that in his thoughts he creates grandiose stories, lives a busy life, but in reality he is burdened by service and tries to hide in an “impregnable corner”.
True love in Dostoevsky allows the characters to open up and allows the writer to fully express the inner world of his characters. So, Makar already appears as a noble and valiant hero, but still the same weak-willed, immersed in the world of his imagination.
Tolstoy in the story "Youth" shows to the smallest detail the inner world of a young man exploring his life path and passing the stage of formation. The writer masterfully uses methods of introspection and internal conversation with himself to broadly reflect this difficult time in a person's life.

Chekhov is another of the professionals in the "dissection" of the human soul. Here is the hero of his story "Tosca" - a simple village peasant Jonah, by the will of fate abandoned in the city. But he is able to deeply feel, experience, suffer from grief and loneliness, from the aimlessness of his existence.
His son died after a serious illness. Jonah is looking for sympathy and understanding in his grief, but none of those around him is capable of even thinking about the presence of a soul in a cabman. Neither the gentlemen, nor even his comrades in position, pay any attention to his attempts to speak out. As a result, the unfortunate person pours out the soul of his old horse, since only this one living being is ready to listen to him.

Chekhov mercilessly exposes the most hidden negative qualities of people - hypocrisy, deceit, envy and flattery. His short, but hitting right on target stories seem to open the door to the real world.
The worldwide fame of the doctor of human souls Chekhov is associated with the image of the Russian intelligentsia, immersed in itself. Unadapted to the new life of people who are burdened by the soulless and mundane world of profit.

A feature of the reflection of the inner world of the characters of the Russian fiction In the 19th century, one can definitely name the insecurity, soul-searching, helplessness, hesitation, as well as vanity and arrogance, characteristic of the intelligentsia of that time. However, all these qualities have not lost their relevance today.

Close attention to the human soul is recognized as one of the important features of Russian literature of the 19th century. It can be rightly asserted that the main character of this century was the personality of a person in all the diversity of its facets.

A person with his actions and thoughts, feelings and desires was constantly in the center of attention of the masters of the word. Writers of different times tried to look into the most secret corners of the human soul, to find the true reasons for many of his actions. In depicting the inner world of a person's personality, such Russian realist writers as Chekhov, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky, Dostoevsky, Turgenev and others reached unprecedented heights. They were able to open other dimensions in the soul of a person, truthfully describe his innermost thoughts. It is thanks to a sincere interest in the inner world of the hero that the works of such writers are quite rightly called psychological.

Classical writers created artistic images so dissimilar to each other that you involuntarily think about how many-sided and diverse the fate of people is.

Dostoevsky is a writer who examines man in detail, step by step. So, the hero of the novel "White Nights" Makar Devushkin can be attributed to the type of lone dreamers. Even his beloved, Nastenka, he does not hide, he says that he will always be alone, on his own. And then he admits that in his thoughts he creates grandiose stories, lives a busy life, but in reality he is burdened by service and tries to hide in an “impregnable corner”.
True love in Dostoevsky allows the characters to open up and allows the writer to fully express the inner world of his characters. So, Makar already appears as a noble and valiant hero, but still the same weak-willed, immersed in the world of his imagination.
Tolstoy in the story "Youth" shows to the smallest detail the inner world of a young man who is exploring his life path and going through the stage of formation. The writer masterfully uses methods of introspection and internal conversation with himself to broadly reflect this difficult time in a person's life.

Chekhov is another of the professionals in the "dissection" of the human soul. Here is the hero of his story "Tosca" - a simple village peasant Jonah, by the will of fate abandoned in the city. But he is able to deeply feel, experience, suffer from grief and loneliness, from the aimlessness of his existence.
His son died after a serious illness. Jonah is looking for sympathy and understanding in his grief, but none of those around him is capable of even thinking about the presence of a soul in a cabman. Neither the gentlemen, nor even his comrades in position, pay any attention to his attempts to speak out. As a result, the unfortunate person pours out the soul of his old horse, since only this one living being is ready to listen to him.

Chekhov mercilessly exposes the most hidden negative qualities of people - hypocrisy, deceit, envy and flattery. His short, but hitting right on target stories seem to open the door to the real world.
The worldwide fame of the doctor of human souls Chekhov is associated with the image of the Russian intelligentsia, immersed in itself. Unadapted to the new life of people who are burdened by the soulless and mundane world of profit.

A feature of the reflection of the inner world of the characters of Russian fiction of the 19th century can definitely be called the uncertainty, self-digging, helplessness, hesitation, as well as vanity and arrogance, characteristic of the intelligentsia of that time. However, all these qualities have not lost their relevance today.

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    • In Griboyedv's work "Woe from Wit", the episode "Ball at Famusov's House" is the main part of the comedy, because it is in this scene that the main character Chatsky shows the true face of Famusov and his society. Chatsky is a free and free-thinking character, he is disgusted by all the mores that Famusov tried to match as much as possible. He is not afraid to express his point of view, which differs from Pavel Afanasyevich. In addition, Alexander Andreevich himself was without rank and not rich, which means that he was not only a bad party […]
    • Raskolnikov Luzhin Age 23 About 45 Occupation Former student, dropped out due to inability to pay Successful lawyer, court counselor. Appearance Very handsome, dark blond hair, dark eyes, slender and thin, taller than average. He dressed extremely badly, the author points out that another person would even be ashamed to go out in such a dress. Not young, dignified and stiff. On the face is constantly an expression of obnoxiousness. Dark sideburns, curled hair. The face is fresh and […]
    • Works about peasants and landlords occupy significant place in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Most likely this happened because the writer faced this problem at a young age. Saltykov-Shchedrin spent his childhood in the village of Spas-Ugol, Kalyazinsky district, Tver province. His parents were quite rich people, they owned land. Thus, the future writer saw with his own eyes all the shortcomings and contradictions of serfdom. Aware of the problem, familiar from infancy, Saltykov-Shchedrin […]
    • "War and Peace" is a Russian national epic, which reflected national character of the Russian people at the moment when its historical fate was being decided. L. N. Tolstoy worked on the novel for almost six years: from 1863 to 1869. From the very beginning of work on the work, the writer's attention was attracted not only by historical events, but also by private family life. For Leo Tolstoy himself, one of his main values ​​was the family. The family in which he grew up, without which we would not know Tolstoy the writer, the […]
    • For Pushkin, the feeling of friendship is a great value, which is equal only to love, creativity and inner freedom. The theme of friendship runs through all the work of the poet, from the lyceum period to the end of his life. Being a lyceum student, Pushkin writes about friendship in the light of the "light poetry" of the French poet Parny. The poet's friendly lyceum lyrics are largely imitative and opposed to classicism. In the poem "To Students" a cheerful feast is poeticized, wine and the joy of a friendly carefree […]
    • In 1833–1836 A. S. Pushkin wrote the novel " Captain's daughter”, which was the result of the historical searches of the author, embodying all his thoughts, experiences, doubts. Main actor(aka the narrator) - Peter Grinev. This is a completely ordinary person who, by the will of fate, is drawn into a whirlpool historical events in which the traits of his character are revealed. Petrusha is a young nobleman, a district underage who received a typical provincial education from a Frenchman who “was not an enemy […]

  • Inner world The inner (subjective) world is a psychic reality, organized content of the human psyche, need-emotional-informational substance, the entire conscious spiritual life of a person, the source of his spiritual energy. The inner (subjective) world is a psychic reality, an organized content of the human psyche, a need-emotional-information substance, the entire conscious spiritual life of a person, a source of his spiritual energy.

    In modern usage, the soul is synonymous with the inner world, although this is not entirely accurate. The inner world can expand due to knowledge and horizons, but the soul may not develop at the same time. Moreover, the mind and spirit are not synonymous with the inner world. The inner world can be rich, deep, harmonious, complex or simple. In modern usage, the soul is synonymous with the inner world, although this is not entirely accurate. The inner world can expand due to knowledge and horizons, but the soul may not develop at the same time. Moreover, the mind and spirit are not synonymous with the inner world. The inner world can be rich, deep, harmonious, complex or simple. The unique appearance and unique inner world of a person is made up of many components: heredity, features of intrauterine development, such as nervous system and formed character, natural abilities and chosen interests, life experience and the influence of others, declared values ​​and beliefs, deep (not realized by the person himself) attitudes, and much more. The unique appearance and unique inner world of a person is made up of many components: heredity, features of intrauterine development, type of nervous system and formed character, natural abilities and chosen interests, life experience and the influence of others, declared values ​​and beliefs, deep (not realized by the person himself) attitudes , as well as much more. Wikipedia Wikipedia

    The inner world of man has always interested Russian writers Remember ancient Russian literature: Remember the ancient Russian literature: At the dawn in Putivl, lamenting, At the dawn in Putivl, lamenting, Like a cuckoo in early spring, Like a cuckoo in early spring, Yaroslavna calls young, Yaroslavna calls young, Sobbing city on the wall ... City sobbing on the wall ... The most common genre of that period there were lives of saints, and already in them there are rudiments of attention to the inner world of the hero, although the main purpose of these works is religious instruction.

    first two decades of the 19th century. marked by the confrontation between the literary movements of archaists and innovators. Archaists were supporters of the classicist genre system and cultivated "high" genres (ode, heroic poem). The innovators focused on the poetic work of Karamzin and brought to the fore "middle" genres (elegy, friendly message, idyll, madrigal), and the basis of the literary language, in their opinion, should be the "middle" style, focused on the colloquial speech of the enlightened nobility. first two decades of the 19th century. marked by the confrontation between the literary movements of archaists and innovators. Archaists were supporters of the classicist genre system and cultivated "high" genres (ode, heroic poem). The innovators focused on the poetic work of Karamzin and brought to the fore "middle" genres (elegy, friendly message, idyll, madrigal), and the basis of the literary language, in their opinion, should be the "middle" style, focused on the colloquial speech of the enlightened nobility. Following the new style came new heroes. Following the new style came new heroes.

    genre of social psychological novel In the 1850s The novel becomes the dominant prose genre. One of the creators socio-psychological novel after Pushkin and Lermontov was I.S. Turgenev. In the 1850s The novel becomes the dominant prose genre. One of the creators of the socio-psychological novel, following Pushkin and Lermontov, was I.S. Turgenev. In the development of psychological prose, a new phenomenon was the "Caucasian" stories, the trilogy "Childhood" (1852), "Boyhood" (1854), "Youth" (1857) and " Sevastopol stories» (1855– 1856) L.N. Tolstoy (1828–1910). In these works, there was no plot as the basis of narration, the semantic correlation of events, their perception by the narrator became the artistic dominant. Tolstoy's psychologism was distinguished by attention to the secret, underlying movements of the soul, to the contradictory cohesion of heterogeneous, contradictory thoughts and feelings (Chernyshevsky called this psychologism "dialectics of the soul"). In the development of psychological prose, the “Caucasian” stories, the trilogy “Childhood” (1852), “Boyhood” (1854), “Youth” (1857) and “Sevastopol Stories” (1855–1856) by L.N. Tolstoy (1828–1910). In these works, there was no plot as the basis of narration, the semantic correlation of events, their perception by the narrator became the artistic dominant. Tolstoy's psychologism was distinguished by attention to the secret, underlying movements of the soul, to the contradictory cohesion of heterogeneous, contradictory thoughts and feelings (Chernyshevsky called this psychologism "dialectics of the soul").

    Techniques for depicting the hero's inner world in Russian literature 1. The psychological portrait of the hero. 1. Psychological portrait of the hero. 2. Author's assessment of the hero. 2. Author's assessment of the hero. 3. Attitude towards this hero other characters in the work. 3. Attitude towards this hero of other heroes of the work. 4. The image of the hero in opposition or comparison with other heroes of the work. 4. The image of the hero in opposition or comparison with other heroes of the work.

    5. The hero's monologue: diary entries, introspection and the stream of consciousness that first appeared in the novel "Anna Karenina" by L. Tolstoy, later developed by modernists (J. Joyce "Ulysses"). 5. The hero's monologue: diary entries, introspection and the stream of consciousness that first appeared in the novel "Anna Karenina" by L. Tolstoy, later developed by modernists (J. Joyce "Ulysses"). 6. Testing the hero with a strong, deep feeling 6. Testing the hero with a strong, deep feeling

    Homework Answer the question: Answer the question: What are the features of the image of the inner world of a person in Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries. (On the example of read works). What are the features of the image of the inner world of a person in Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries. (On the example of read works).

    At all times greatest works Literature paid great attention to the inner world of the characters, their feelings, their experiences, their emotions. But, in my opinion, this is especially noticeable in the literature of the nineteenth century. After all, the heritage of Russian literature - the works of such wonderful and great writers as Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Turgenev, is interesting to read in any century and in any country. The stories and novels of these writers have been translated into a huge number of languages. They are still being made into films and plays. How can such immortality be explained?

    First of all, the fact that in the works of these writers the soul of a person, with his individuality, worries and experiences, comes to the fore. The soul and the inner world at all times represent the main value for a person. An opportunity to look into the soul literary heroes, to find out what was the main thing in the distant nineteenth century, still attracts many. After all, the main thing in the souls of the people of that era were eternal questions, to which each writer gives his own reflections and exhaustive answers.

    At all times, people were concerned about such issues and feelings as love, devotion, duty, honor, good, evil, immortal soul, self-esteem. Reading the works of writers of the nineteenth century, you understand that no matter how difficult the financial situation of the characters was, they did not forget about their honor, about what the closest people would say about them if they made the wrong choice, how to avoid this. In these works there are no such people who are ready to "go over their heads" for the sake of achieving their own benefit. Unfortunately, in modern world there are a lot of such people and they have completely forgotten about such concepts as honor and self-esteem.

    Earlier in the nineteenth century, noble young men fought duels over small conflicts. They were not sorry to give their lives for the sake of justice. Now you don't see that anymore. Everyone is ready to offend the other, because he feels his complete impunity. That is why it is so interesting to read the works of the nineteenth century. Everyone is accountable for their words and deeds. In my opinion, then in the world there was more sincerity and something real. There was not so much falsehood in the actions of people. Each was ready to help the other. Not many people thought only about their own benefit and enrichment.

    The inner world of literary heroes is revealed gradually. On each page you can find a piece of the puzzle, which then forms a whole picture of the character's inner world. There is no such thing that the characterization of the hero fits in just one line. Every action, every word makes the reader understand how multifaceted nature is, how many experiences and emotions are in her soul. This is very interesting and unusual. But it cost and grandiose works of writers. After all, it was necessary to carefully think over every word of their own and the action of the heroes.

    In my opinion, another feature of the depiction of the inner world of heroes in the literature of the nineteenth century is in such fine detail. It is impossible to predict how the main character will behave in a given situation, because he is very unpredictable, and his inner world is diverse. Not that element of predictability when you read a book and immediately understand how everything will end and how the main character will behave in a given situation. Therefore, these works can rightly be called immortal.