The drama "At the Bottom" is one of the key works of Maxim Gorky. It was written in 1901-1902. and was held with great success in the Moscow Art Theater. The central characters of the play were mainly people from the lower strata of the population who, for various reasons, had sunk "to the bottom". Having become guests of a squalid rooming house, many of them drank, played cards, stole, and got into fights. The situation was somewhat clarified by an old man named Luka who appeared at the end of the first act.

Seeing the deplorable state of the guests, he wanted to somehow ease their life and life. The owner of the rooming house, 54-year-old Kostylev, was a cowardly and hypocritical man. No less virtuous is his 26-year-old wife Vasilisa, who, secretly from her husband, visited their lodger Vaska the thief. Other inhabitants include the locksmith Kleshch with his seriously ill wife Anna, the former card sharper Satin and his friend Actor, the girl of easy virtue Nastya, the card maker Bubnov and the ruined nobleman named Baron, as well as the merchant of dumplings Kvashnya. Luka takes pity on all the inhabitants of the rooming house, sympathizes and reassures them as best he can.

He says that in order to solve many problems, reconciliation with reality is necessary. He acts as a sort of common wandering philosopher. His speeches sweetly console, give short-term hope for the best, but still do not change reality for the better. His truth of life is opposed by the point of view of Sateen. This hero is a cheerful cynic who perceives life as a game of cards. He is full of his quirks, but his thought is ready to break out of the usual. During his life, he managed to go to prison for standing up for the honor of his sister.

In fact, this hero is a fighter for the truth. At the same time, human injustice and years of terrible need did not anger him. He sympathizes with the guests no less than Luke, but does not consider it necessary to give them a comforting lie, but on the contrary, sets out the truth in person. In this sense, he is more humane than a wise old man who inspires people with hope for illusory happiness. Luke is a wise man. He traveled a lot, saw a lot, but his worldview has no objective truths. What he brings is just soft, comforting words, and people who find themselves "at the bottom" do not need this.

Thus, the author showed two truths in the play at once, which deserve consideration. The first is a holy lie based on impersonal kindness and humility. The second is a cruel but proud truth that is in conflict with the first.

Goals: consider the understanding of the heroes of Gorky's play "truth"; find out the meaning of the tragic collision of different points of view: the truth of a fact (Bubnov), the truth of a comforting lie (Luke), the truth of faith in a person (Satin); to determine the features of Gorky's humanism.



Lesson topic:


Goals: consider the understanding of the heroes of Gorky's play "truth"; find out the meaning of the tragic collision of different points of view: the truth of a fact (Bubnov), the truth of a comforting lie (Luke), the truth of faith in a person (Satin); to determine the features of Gorky's humanism.

During the classes

Lord! If the truth is holy

The world can't find the way,

Honor to the madman who will inspire

Mankind has a golden dream!

I. Introductory talk.

- Restore the sequence of events of the play. What events take place on stage, and what - "behind the scenes"? What is the role in the development dramatic action traditional "conflict polygon" - Kostylev, Vasilisa, Pepel, Natasha?

The relationship of Vasilisa, Kostylev, Ash, Natasha only outwardly motivates stage action. Some of the events that make up the plot outline of the play take place outside the stage (the fight between Vasilisa and Natasha, Vasilisa's revenge - the overturning of the boiling samovar on her sister, the murder of Kostylev are committed around the corner of the rooming house and are almost invisible to the viewer).

All other characters in the play are not involved in a love affair. Compositional and plot disunity actors expressed in the organization of the stage space - the characters are dispersed in different corners of the stage and "closed" in unrelated microspaces.

Teacher. Thus, two actions are going on in parallel in the play. First, we see on the stage (supposed and real). Detective story with conspiracy, escape, murder, suicide. The second is the exposure of "masks" and the revelation of the true essence of man. This happens as if behind the text and requires decoding. For example, here is the dialogue between the Baron and Luke.

Baron. Lived better... yes! I... used to... wake up in the morning and, lying in bed, drink coffee... coffee! - with cream ... yes!

Luke. And all are people! No matter how you pretend, no matter how you wiggle, but you were born a man, you will die a man ...

But the Baron is afraid to be "just a man". And "just a man" he does not recognize.

Baron. Who are you, old man? Where did you come from?

Luke. Am I?

Baron. Wanderer?

Luke. We are all wanderers on earth... They say, I heard, that the earth is also our wanderer.

The culmination of the second (implicit) action comes when the “truths” of Bubnov, Sateen and Luka collide on the “narrow worldly platform”.

II. Work on the problem stated in the topic of the lesson.

1. Philosophy of truth in Gorky's play.

What is the main theme of the play? Which of the characters is the first to formulate the main question of the drama "At the Bottom"?

The dispute about the truth is the semantic center of the play. The word “truth” will sound already on the first page of the play, in Kvashnya’s remark: “Ah! You can't stand the truth!" Truth is a lie (“You're lying!” - Klesch's sharp cry, which sounded even before the word “truth”), truth - faith - these are the most important semantic poles that determine the problems of "At the Bottom".

– How do you understand the words of Luke: “What you believe is what you are”? How are the characters of "At the Bottom" divided depending on their attitude to the concepts of "faith" and "truth"?

In contrast to the "prose of fact", Luke offers the truth of the ideal - the "poetry of fact". If Bubnov (the main ideologist of the literally understood “truth”), Satin, Baron are far from illusions and do not need an ideal, then the Actor, Nastya, Anna, Natasha, Pepel respond to Luka’s remark - for them, faith is more important than truth.

Luke’s uncertain story about hospitals for alcoholics sounded like this: “They are now treating drunkenness, listen! They treat for free, brother, ... such a hospital is built for drunkards ... You admitted, you see, that a drunkard is also a person ... "In the actor's imagination, the hospital turns into a" marble palace ":" An excellent hospital ... Marble .. .marble floor! Light... cleanliness, food... everything is free! And a marble floor. Yes!" The actor is a hero of faith, not the truth of fact, and the loss of the ability to believe is fatal for him.

- What is the truth for the heroes of the play? How to compare their views?(Work with text.)

A) How does Bubnov understand the “truth”? What are the contradictions between his views and Luke's philosophy of truth?

The truth of Bubnov consists in the exposure of the wrong side of being, this is the "truth of the fact." “What kind of truth do you need, Vaska? And for what? You know the truth about yourself ... and everyone knows it ... ”he drives Ash into the doom of being a thief when he was trying to figure himself out. “I stopped coughing, that means,” he reacted to Anna’s death.

After listening to Luke's allegorical story about his life at a dacha in Siberia and sheltering (rescuing) fugitive convicts, Bubnov admitted: “But I ... can't lie! For what? In my opinion, bring down the whole truth as it is! Why be ashamed?

Bubnov sees only the negative side of life and destroys the remnants of faith and hope in people, while Luka knows that in a kind word the ideal becomes real:“A person can teach good things ... very simply,”he concluded the story about life in the country, and outlining the "story" of the righteous land, he reduced it to the fact that the destruction of faith kills a person.Luka (thoughtfully, to Bubnov): “Here ... you say - the truth ... She, the truth, is not always due to illness to a person ... you can’t always cure the soul with truth ... " Luke heals the soul.

Luke's position is more humane and more effective than Bubnov's naked truth, because it appeals to the remnants of the human in the souls of the overnight stays. A person for Luke, "whatever it is - but always worth its price."“I only say that if someone did not do well to someone, then he did badly.” "To caress a personnever harmful."

Such a moral credo harmonizes relations between people, cancels the wolf principle, and ideally leads to the acquisition of inner completeness and self-sufficiency, confidence that, despite external circumstances, a person has found truths that no one will ever take away from him.

B) In what does Satine see the truth of life?

One of the climaxes of the play is Sateen's famous monologues from the fourth act about man, truth, and freedom.

A trained student reads Sateen's monologue by heart.

It is interesting that Satin supported his reasoning with the authority of Luke, the man in relation to whom at the beginning of the play we represented Satin as an antipode. Moreover, Satine's references to Luke in act 4 prove the closeness of both."Old man? He is smart! .. He ... acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin ... Let's drink to his health! "Man, that's the truth! He understood that…you don’t!”

Actually, the "truth" and "falsehood" of Sateen and Luke almost coincide.

Both believe that “one must respect a person” (emphasis on the last word) - not his “mask”; but they differ on how to communicate their "truth" to people. After all, she, if you think about it, is deadly to those who fall into her area.

If everything "faded" and one "naked" person remained, then "what's next"? Actor this thought leads to suicide.

Q) What role does Luke play in solving the problem of "truth" in the play?

For Luke, the truth is in the "comforting lie".

Luke takes pity on the man and comforts him with his dream. He promises Anna an afterlife, listens to Nastya's tales, and sends the Actor to a hospital. He lies for the sake of hope, and this, perhaps, is better than the cynical "truth" of Bubnov, "an abomination and a lie."

In the image of Luke there are hints of the biblical Luke, who was one of the seventy disciples sent by the Lord "to every city and place where He Himself wanted to go."

Gorkovsky Luke makes the inhabitants of the bottom think about God and man, about the "better man", about the highest calling of people.

"Luke" is also light. Luka comes to illuminate Kostylev's basement with the light of new ideas forgotten at the bottom of feelings. He talks about how it should be, what should be, and it is not at all necessary to look for practical recommendations or instructions for survival in his reasoning.

Evangelist Luke was a doctor. In his own way, Luka heals in the play - with his attitude to life, advice, word, sympathy, love.

Luke heals, but not everyone, but selectively, those who need words. His philosophy is revealed in relation to other characters. He sympathizes with the victims of life: Anna, Natasha, Nastya. Teaches by giving practical advice, Ashes, Actor. Understanding, ambiguously, often without words, he explains with clever Bubnov. Skillfully avoids unnecessary explanations.

The bow is flexible, soft. “They crumpled a lot, that’s why it’s soft ...” - he said at the end of the 1st act.

Luke with his "lie" is sympathetic to Satine. "Dubye... keep quiet about the old man!.. The old man is not a charlatan!.. He lied... but - it's out of pity for you, damn you!" Still, Luke's "lie" doesn't suit him. “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters! Truth is the god of a free man!”

Thus, while rejecting the “truth” of Bubnov, Gorky does not deny either the “truth” of Sateen or the “truth” of Luka. In essence, he singles out two truths: “truth-truth” and “truth-dream”.

2. Features of Gorky's humanism.

The Problem of Man in Gorky's play "At the Bottom" (individual communication).

Gorky put his truth about man and overcoming the dead end into the mouths of the Actor, Luka and Sateen.

At the beginning of the play, indulging in theatrical memories, Actor selflessly spoke about the miracle of talent - the game of transforming a person into a hero. Responding to the words of Satin about the books he read, education, he divided education and talent: “Education is nonsense, the main thing is talent”; “I say talent, that's what a hero needs. And talent is faith in yourself, in your strength ... "

It is known that Gorky worshiped knowledge, education, books, but he valued talent even more. Through the Actor, he polemically, maximalistically sharpened and polarized two facets of the spirit: education as the sum of knowledge and living knowledge - a “system of thought”.

In the monologues of Satin the ideas of Gorky's thoughts about man are confirmed.

Man is “he is everything. He even created God”; “man is the container of the living God”; "Faith in the power of thought ... is a person's faith in himself." So in Gorky's letters. And so - in the play: “A person can believe or not believe ... this is his business! Man is free... he pays for everything himself... Man is the truth! What is a man... it's you, me, they, an old man, Napoleon, Mohammed... in one... In one - all beginnings and ends... Everything is in a person, everything is for a person! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain!

The Actor was the first to speak about talent and self-confidence. Satin summarized everything. What is the role Luke ? He carries ideas dear to Gorky of transforming and improving life at the cost of human creative efforts.

"And that's all, I look, smarter people become, more and more interesting ... and even though they live - it’s getting worse, but they want - everything is better ... stubborn!” - the elder confesses in the first act, referring to the common aspirations of all for a better life.

At the same time, in 1902, Gorky shared his observations and moods with V. Veresaev: “The vital mood is growing and expanding, vigor and faith in people are more and more noticeable, and - it’s good to live on earth - by God!” Some words, some thoughts, even intonations are the same in a play and a letter.

In the fourth act satin remembered and reproduced Luke's answer to his question "Why do people live?" the best person they live!.. Everything, my dear, everything, as it is, lives for the best! That is why every person must be respected ... After all, we do not know who he is, why he was born and what he can do ... ”And he himself, continuing to talk about a person, said, repeating Luke:“ We must respect a person! Do not pity ... do not humiliate him with pity ... you must respect! Satin repeated Luke, speaking of respect, did not agree with him, speaking of pity, but something else is more important - the idea of ​​a “better person”.

The statements of the three characters are similar, and, mutually reinforcing, they work for the problem of the triumph of Man.

In one of Gorky's letters, we read: “I am sure that a person is capable of endless improvement, and all his activities will also develop along with him ... from century to century. I believe in the infinity of life...” Again, Luka, Satin, Gorky - about one thing.

3. What is the significance of the 4th act of Gorky's play?

In this act, there is the former situation, but the “fermentation” of the previously sleepy thoughts of the tramps begins.

It started from the scene of Anna's death.

Luke says over the dying woman: “Much-merciful Jesus Christ! Accept the spirit of your newly-departed servant Anna in peace ... "But last words Anna were words about life : “Well ... a little more ... to live ... a little! If there is no flour there ... here you can endure ... you can!”

- How to regard these words of Anna - as a victory for Luke or as his defeat? Gorky does not give an unequivocal answer; it is possible to comment on this phrase in different ways. One thing is clear:

Anna spoke for the first timepositive about life thanks to Luke.

In the last act, a strange, completely unconscious rapprochement of the “bitter brethren” takes place. In the 4th act, Kleshch repaired Alyoshka's harmonica, having tried the frets, the already familiar prison song sounded. And this ending is perceived in two ways. You can do this: you can’t leave the bottom - “The sun rises and sets ... but it’s dark in my prison!” It can be otherwise: at the cost of death, a person cut off the song of tragic hopelessness ...

Actor's suicide interrupted the song.

What prevents the overnight stays from changing their lives for the better? Natasha's fatal mistake is disbelief in people, Ashes (“I somehow don’t believe ... in any words”), who hopes to change fate together.

“That’s why I’m a thief, because no one has ever guessed to call me by another name ... Call me ... Natasha, well?”

Her answer is convinced, endured:"There's nowhere to go... I know... I thought... But I don't trust anyone."

One word of faith in a person could change the lives of both, but it did not sound.

The Actor, for whom creativity is the meaning of life, a vocation, did not believe in himself either. The news of the death of the Actor came after the well-known monologues of Satin, shading them in contrast: he didn’t cope, he didn’t play, but he could, he didn’t believe in himself.

All the characters in the play are in the zone of action of seemingly abstract Good and Evil, but they become quite concrete when it comes to the fate, attitudes, relationships with the life of each of the characters. And people are connected with good and evil by their thoughts, words and deeds. They directly or indirectly affect life. Life is a path of choosing your direction between good and evil. In the play, Gorky examined a person and tested his capabilities. The play is devoid of utopian optimism, as well as the other extreme - disbelief in man. But one conclusion is indisputable: “Talent, that's what a hero needs. And talent is faith in yourself, your strength ... "

III. Aphoristic language of Gorky's play.

Teacher. One of the characteristic features of Gorky's creativity is aphorism. It is characteristic of both the author's speech and the speech of the characters, which is always sharply individual. Many aphorisms of the play "At the Bottom", like the aphorisms of "Songs" about the Falcon and the Petrel, have become winged. Let's recall some of them.

- Which characters of the play belong to the following aphorisms, proverbs, sayings?

a) Noise - death is not a hindrance.

b) Such a life that as soon as he got up in the morning, so much for howling.

c) Wait for the sense of the wolf.

d) When work is a duty, life is slavery.

e) Not a single flea is bad: all are black, all are jumping.

f) Where it is warm for an old man, there is a homeland.

g) Everyone wants order, but there is a lack of reason.

h) If you don’t like it, don’t listen, but don’t interfere with lying.

(Bubnov - a, b, g; Luka - d, f; Satin - d, Baron - h, Pepel - c.)

– What is the role of aphoristic statements of characters in the speech structure of the play?

Aphoristic judgments receive the greatest significance in the speech of the main "ideologists" of the play - Luka and Bubnov, heroes whose positions are indicated very clearly. The philosophical dispute, in which each of the heroes of the play takes his position, is supported by common folk wisdom, expressed in proverbs and sayings.

IV. Creative work.

Write a reasoning, expressing your attitude to the read work.(Answer to one question of your choice.)

- What is the meaning of the dispute between Luke and Satine?

- Whose side do you adhere to in the dispute "about the truth"?

- What problems raised by M. Gorky in the play "At the Bottom" did not leave you indifferent?

When preparing your answer, pay attention to the speech of the characters, how it helps to reveal the idea of ​​the work.


Select an episode for analysis (oral). This will be the topic of your future essay.

1. Luke's story about the "righteous land". (Analysis of an episode from the 3rd act of Gorky's play.)

2. Dispute of rooming houses about a person (Analysis of the dialogue at the beginning of the 3rd act of the play "At the Bottom".)

3. What is the meaning of the finale of Gorky's play "At the Bottom"?

4. The appearance of Luke in a rooming house. (Analysis of a scene from the 1st act of the play.)

The play "At the Bottom", according to Gorky, was the result of "almost twenty years of observation of the world" former people"". The main philosophical problem of the play is the dispute about the truth.

Young Gorky, with his characteristic determination, took up a very difficult topic, over which the best minds of mankind are still struggling. Unambiguous answers to the question "What is truth?" not yet found. In the heated debates waged by M. Gorky's heroes Luka, Bubnov, Satin, the author's own uncertainty, the impossibility of directly answering this philosophical question, comes through. It is from here that the contradictory interpretations of the images of heroes in the criticism of different years come. This is especially true of Luke and Sateen, each of whom is either exalted or condemned. In Gorky himself we find now “Pity humiliates a person!”, then “But all the same, I feel sorry for all people.”

Many Russian writers (Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and others) made attempts to answer the "eternal questions" of being, but each of them only contributed to the development of the problem. At a new stage in the historical development of Russia, Gorky presents his views on the meaning human life, its truth and the significance of man on Earth.

The writer innovatively approached the solution of a complex problem. In his play, like Chekhov's, there is no clear plot and conflict. Each hero voices his own drama of life, has his own voice, expresses his opinion in the general choir of voices. The effect of polyphony, polyphony is created, which ensures the completeness of the coverage of the topic. The author achieves that the plot is based not on intrigue, but on the author's philosophical thought. She's the one that drives the story. The clash of worldviews of the characters determines the development of the philosophical conflict.

The play "At the Bottom" was written in 1902, when, after a severe economic crisis, the peasants left whole villages to beg, and factories and factories were closed in the cities, because of which the workers were thrown out into the street. All of them were "at the bottom" of life, and with them the country as a whole. To complete the picture, Gorky gathered representatives of various social groups in the basement. The card sharper Satin, the adventurer Alphonse Baron, the young prostitute Nastya, the hard worker locksmith Kleshch, his wife Anna, the drunken Actor, the thief Vaska Pepel, the wanderer Luka vegetate here.

The theme of "lie" and "truth" is revealed in the replicas of the characters. Bubnov, for example, suggests to the interlocutor: "Bring down the whole truth as it is!" But the opinion of Kleshch: “Damn her, really!” What they are talking about is the truth of life, "the truth of the fact." It turns out that in order to survive in this terrible world, many do not want to admit the real state of things, that is, their complete defeat in life. Such truth sounds like a sentence for them, the impossibility of even a tiny hope of getting out of the “bottom”. Wanting to protect themselves from reality, many heroes mix truth with fiction. Nastya, for example, lives in a completely fictional world. A tattered book “about love” helps to get into it. Reading it, the girl identifies herself with the heroine, who is adored by the ideal lover. It makes life easier for her. Nastya dreamily tells the roommates about some Raul, then about Gaston, who is allegedly not indifferent to her. The listeners laugh. Rude men do not understand the degree of humiliation that Nastya experiences daily.

Luka, having appeared in the rooming house, brings with him exactly hope, what these desperate people lacked so much. Gorky's image of Luka turned out to be very convincing. The writer himself experienced a lot of suffering in his life, so he perfectly understood the great power of consolation. It is no coincidence that the audience at the performance of the play from the first minutes sympathized with Luka, and not with Satin. The roomers, offended by life a thousand times, angry and cynical, nevertheless believe Luka! And when he leaves, they regret him. The fact is that he puts his soul into his consolations. Sincere sympathy heals, but empty words of consolation offend, it is impossible to deceive a person in this. Luke spends a lot of mental strength on the unfortunate, left without the help of people. He has enough for everyone. He really shares grief with the inhabitants of the basement, that is, part of it takes over. There is no self-interest in his actions. Not a single critic has written about this, but this is obvious. According to contemporaries, Gorky, when he read the words of Luke, wept. Later, he called it a mistake that his wanderer causes understanding among the audience.

Gorky was sure that the bright figure of Sateen would be in the foreground in the play. The writer put fiery appeals into his mouth, made him the most active, strong character. This image reflects the worldview of the author himself. Gorky reasoned in the spirit of the progressive people of his time. The cause of all troubles is tsarism. It must be destroyed. For this, the whole people must rise, but under the yoke of age-old slavery, they remain silent. How to wake up people? Only loud, biting speeches, appeals, to cause activity, a thirst for justice. Note that Gorky does not call for an ax, he wants self-consciousness to awaken in a person, the pride of a higher rational being capable of great accomplishments. Satin says that the salvation of a person is in himself: “Everything is in a person, everything is for a person! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain!.. Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man! Human! It's great! It sounds… proud! You have to respect the person! Do not pity ... do not humiliate him with pity ... you must respect!

The writer took an active position in life. He wanted everyone to become fighters for better life. But not everyone had such vital energy, which Gorky inherited from birth. On the example of his own life, he proved that even in the conditions of tsarist Russia it is possible to become a great writer and public figure from tramps. In order to rise from the bottom of life, you need strength, will and faith, you need to be a Human, not a slave. After all, his heroes, too, did not immediately find themselves at the "bottom", but did not show the will to change their lives, they preferred to sink lower and lower.

Critics accused Luka of leaving, leaving people, deceived the hopes that had arisen. Luka does not want to change anyone, it is Satin who calls to change, to become a Man with a capital letter. Such a call would sound into the void even now. Luka is a realist and sees that until a person wants to change himself, no one will help him. At the heart of his beliefs is hard-won wisdom.

The wanderer is trying to give impetus to the process of rebirth of the soul, he cannot live instead of overnight stays, to become their nanny. What is the salvation lie Luke, is also not entirely clear. Hospitals for alcoholics already existed then, it's a fact, before his death, he says words taken from religious teachings to Anna, he cleverly and tactfully pushes the rest to gain faith in himself. Everyone Luke has spoken to has commented on his positive influence. Even Satin admits: “He acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin ...”

Luke's behavior causes understanding and respect. There are many contradictory things in Sateen's statements. He is healthy, energetic, calls for change, but does not want to change himself. He says, "Don't do anything! Just burden the earth!" Satin does not want to work, laughs at Kleshch's attempts to improve his position with honest labor. He, a former telegraph operator, resigned himself to his position, continues to live in a rooming house, knows that he will someday be killed for cheating, but continues to play.

Some inconsistencies do not prevent Gorky's play from remaining an achievement of Russian dramaturgy. The writer was the first to compare the “truth of a fact” and the truth of life, and determined the attitude of people to both concepts. He spoke about the illusory life of many people, which serves as their protection from real life. Few have the courage to face the truth.

The truth of Luke is that without pity, compassion and mercy, the world of people would have ceased to exist long ago. Sateen's truth is that it's time to feel like a Man, stop humiliating yourself and enduring arbitrariness. The general conclusion from the play "At the Bottom" is as follows: a person must stop being a slave, believe in his own strength, must respect himself and others.

    • The drama opens with an exposition in which the main characters are already presented, the main themes are formulated, and many problems are posed. The appearance of Luka in the rooming house is the plot of the play. From this moment begins the testing of various life philosophies and aspirations. Luke's stories about the "righteous land" climax, and the beginning of the denouement is the murder of Kostylev. The composition of the play is strictly subordinated to its ideological and thematic content. The basis of the plot movement is the verification of the life practice of the philosophy […]
    • What is the truth and what is a lie? Humanity has been asking this question for hundreds of years. Truth and lies, good and evil always stand side by side, one simply does not exist without the other. The clash of these concepts is the basis of many world famous literary works. Among them is M. Gorky's socio-philosophical play "At the Bottom". Its essence lies in the clash of life positions and views of different people. The author asks a question typical for Russian literature about two types of humanism and its […]
    • The revival of the name of Maxim Gorky after the revision of the place of his work in Russian literature and the renaming of everything that bore the name of this writer must definitely happen. It seems that the most famous of Gorky’s dramatic legacy, the play “At the Bottom”, will play a significant role in this. The genre of drama itself suggests the relevance of the work in a society where there are many unresolved social problems where people know what a rooming house and homelessness are. M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom" is defined as a social philosophical drama. […]
    • Name of the hero How he got "to the bottom" Features of speech, characteristic remarks What Bubnov dreams of In the past, he owned a dyeing workshop. Circumstances forced him to leave in order to survive, while his wife took up with the master. He claims that a person cannot change his fate, therefore he goes with the flow, sinking to the bottom. Often shows cruelty, skepticism, lack of good qualities. "All people on earth are superfluous." It is difficult to say that Bubnov is dreaming of something, given […]
    • In an interview about the play “At the Bottom” in 1903, M. Gorky defined its meaning as follows: “The main question that I wanted to pose is - which is better, truth or compassion? What is more needed? Is it necessary to bring compassion to the point of using a lie? This is not a subjective question, but a general philosophical one. At the beginning of the 20th century, the dispute about truth and comforting illusions was connected with the practical search for a way out for the disadvantaged, oppressed part of society. In the play, this dispute takes on a special intensity, since we are talking about about the fate of people, […]
    • In the early 900s. dramaturgy became the leading one in Gorky's work: one after another the plays “Petty Bourgeois” (1901), “At the Bottom” (1902), “Summer Residents” (1904), “Children of the Sun” (1905), “Barbarians” (1905) were created, "Enemies" (1906). The socio-philosophical drama "At the Bottom" was conceived by Gorky back in 1900, first published in Munich in 1902, and on January 10, 1903, the premiere of the play took place in Berlin. The performance was played 300 times in a row, and in the spring of 1905 the 500th performance of the play was celebrated. In Russia, “At the Bottom” was published by […]
    • Chekhov's tradition in Gorky's dramaturgy. Gorky originally said about the innovation of Chekhov, who "killed the realism" (of the traditional drama), raising the images to a "spiritualized symbol." This is how the departure of the author of The Seagull from the sharp clash of characters, from the tense plot was determined. Following Chekhov, Gorky sought to convey the unhurried pace of everyday, "eventless" life and highlight in it the "undercurrent" of the characters' inner motives. Only the meaning of this "current" Gorky understood, of course, in his own way. […]
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    • Gorky's life was full of adventures and events, sharp turns and changes. My literary activity he began with a hymn to the madness of the brave and stories celebrating the man-fighter and his desire for freedom. The writer knew the world well ordinary people. After all, together with them he walked many miles along the roads of Russia, worked in ports, bakeries, for rich owners in the village, spent the night with them in the open, often falling asleep hungry. Gorky said that his walking around Rus' was not caused […]
    • Gorky’s early work (90s of the 19th century) was created under the sign of “gathering” the truly human: “I got to know people very early and from my youth I began to invent Man in order to satisfy my thirst for beauty. Wise people ... convinced me that I had ill-invented consolation for myself. Then I again went to the people and - it's so understandable! - again from them I return to the Man, ”Gorky wrote at that time. Stories from the 1890s can be divided into two groups: some of them are based on fiction - the author uses legends or […]
    • The story "Old Woman Izergil" (1894) is one of the masterpieces early creativity M. Gorky. The composition of this work is more complex than the composition of other early stories of the writer. The story of Izergil, who has seen a lot in his lifetime, is divided into three independent parts: the legend of Larra, Izergil's story about his life, and the legend of Danko. At the same time, all three parts are united by a common idea, the author's desire to reveal the value of human life. The legends about Larra and Danko reveal two concepts of life, two […]
    • The life of M. Gorky was unusually bright and seems truly legendary. What made it so, first of all, was the inseparable connection between the writer and the people. The talent of the writer was combined with the talent of a revolutionary fighter. Contemporaries rightly regarded the writer as the head of the progressive forces of democratic literature. In the Soviet years, Gorky acted as a publicist, playwright and prose writer. In his stories, he reflected a new direction in Russian life. The legends about Larra and Danko show two concepts of life, two ideas about it. One […]
    • Gorky's romantic stories include "The Old Woman Izergil", "Makar Chudra", "The Girl and Death", "The Song of the Falcon" and others. Their heroes are exceptional people. They are not afraid to speak the truth, they live honestly. Gypsies in romantic stories writers are full of wisdom and dignity. These illiterate people tell the intellectual hero deep symbolic parables about the meaning of life. The heroes Loiko Zobar and Rada in the story "Makar Chudra" oppose themselves to the crowd, live by their own laws. More than anything, they value […]
    • In the work of early Gorky, a combination of romanticism and realism is observed. The writer criticized the "lead abominations" of Russian life. In the stories "Chelkash", "Spouses Orlovs", "Once Upon a Fall", "Konovalov", "Malva" he created images of "tramps", people broken by the existing system in the state. The writer continued this line in the play "At the bottom". In the story "Chelkash" Gorky shows two heroes, Chelkash and Gavrila, a clash of their views on life. Chelkash is a vagabond and a thief, but at the same time he despises property and […]
    • Start creative way M. Gorky fell on a period of crisis in the social and spiritual life of Russia. According to the writer himself, the terrible “poor life”, the lack of hope among people, prompted him to write. Gorky saw the cause of the created situation primarily in man. Therefore, he decided to offer society a new ideal of a Protestant man, a fighter against slavery and injustice. Gorky knew well the life of the poor, from whom society turned away. In his early youth, he himself was a "tramp". His stories […]
    • In the story of Maxim Gorky "Chelkash" there are two main characters - Grishka Chelkash - an old pickled sea wolf, an inveterate drunkard and a clever thief, and Gavrila - a simple village guy, a poor man, like Chelkash. Initially, the image of Chelkash was perceived by me as negative: a drunkard, a thief, all ragged, bones covered with brown leather, a cold predatory look, a gait like the flight of a bird of prey. This description causes some disgust, hostility. But Gavrila, on the contrary, is broad-shouldered, stocky, tanned, […]
    • Larra Danko Character Bold, resolute, strong, proud and too selfish, cruel, arrogant. Incapable of love, compassion. Strong, proud, but able to sacrifice his life for the people he loves. Courageous, fearless, merciful. Appearance A handsome young man. Young and handsome. Look Cold and proud as the king of beasts. Illuminates with power and vital fire. Family ties The son of an eagle and a woman Representative of an ancient tribe Life position Does not […]
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  • In the play "At the Bottom" Gorky raises some of the most important questions that a person should ask. What is truth? What is the purpose of man on earth? And what is the meaning of life?

    Luka is a kind, sincere man, he tries with all his heart to help people, to give them hope. In his actions, he is driven not by fake, but, on the contrary, by a very strong love for people. This is what Gorky glorifies in his works. However, Luke takes people into the world of illusions. Although he shows both sympathy and compassion, he consoles people with lies. Anna Luca makes a promise. That after death all her suffering and torment will stop, that "nothing will be there."

    This is very reassuring for Anna. Luka tells Ash Vasya how good it is in Siberia, that Vasya has a chance to change and start new life. Luke believes that one must also live in order to help others. He says: "If someone did not do good to someone, he did badly." The truth doesn't matter to him.

    Bubnov's truth is a destructive truth. He claims: “You have the whole truth as it is! Why be ashamed? I believe that if a person is told the real truth, it can simply kill him, not only spiritually, but also physically. He speaks about the meaning of life like this: “People all live ... like chips floating on the river ... building a house ... and the chips away.” Here it is, the truth of life, according to Bubnov.

    The appearance of Luka in the rooming house prompted Sateen to think about life and man.

    Satin believes that "man is the truth", that "only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and brain." Luke felt sorry for everyone, but Satin believes that there is no benefit to a person if you feel sorry for him. Luke gave people hope, but it didn't lead to anything. The actor hanged himself, Ashes went to prison, Natasha began to think about suicide.

    Truth and suffering are contrasted in this work, however, I believe that it is impossible to make these concepts mutually exclusive. In my opinion, what is human is true.

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    Composition on the topic “The dispute about truth and man in the play by M. Gorky“ At the bottom ”

    Everyone has their own truth
    The creation of M. Gorky "At the Bottom" touches on many social and philosophical problems, but the most acute in the play was the question of the place of truth in human life.
    The dispute about the man is tied up at the very beginning of the work, long before the appearance of the wanderer Luke in it. The heroes talk about freedom and human life, but their conversations are practically unrelated. They live in their own small, limited world, not paying attention to each other. So, Kleshch dreams of freedom, hopes that he will break out "from the bottom" after the death of his wife Anna, and Kvashnya has already proclaimed herself a free woman.
    How did Luke influence the inhabitants of the rooming house?
    Everything changed with the arrival of Luke, for whom everyone was equal, equally deserving of both compassion and respect. This is what the wanderer tried to sow in the souls of the inhabitants of the rooming house. For example, he sympathetically listens to Nastya's dreams of bright love, Anna sincerely wishes to find peace before death, advises the actor to go to a hospital, Vaska Peplu - to believe in quiet life in Siberia with his beloved.
    However, M. Gorky himself called Luka a swindler, because he consoles people, but he himself does not believe in anything. Perhaps the author is right, and the wanderer was really hypocritical. One way or another, but after the arrival of Luke, the inhabitants of the rooming house were divided into two camps: those who fight for truth and respect for a person, and those who agree with the wanderer.
    So, Bubnov calls Luka a "charlatan", and Satin says that a person should not be pitied, humiliating him with pity, but respected. They are sure that "truth is the god of a free man, and lies are the religion of slaves."
    I believe that people who find themselves at the bottom of society deserve only pity and sympathy, but not respect. Even though Luke was lying, it was a lie for the good, which gave people hope. I agree with the wanderer's opinion that "a person can do anything, if only he wants to." You need to let people believe in themselves, because the meaning of life is not in the search for truth, but in continuing to live, no matter what bottom of society you find yourself on.

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    Composition » At the bottom - Gorky » Composition on the topic “The dispute about truth and man in M. Gorky’s play “At the bottom”

    Compositions on

    The dispute about truth and man in M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom"

    M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom" has been causing controversy around itself for more than a century. The play "At the Bottom" is a very deep work that reveals numerous social and philosophical problems of human society, the central of which is the problem of truth and man.

    The play is not so much about human destinies, about individuals, how much about the ideas of human existence, the meaning of life, the search for truth.

    From the very beginning, even before the appearance of the wanderer Luke, there are disputes about man. The characters talk about freedom and what life is like for a person. Kvashnya from the first pages proclaims herself a free woman, and Kleshch hopes to gain freedom, that he will break out "from the bottom" as soon as his wife, Anna, dies. However, all these heroes live in their own little world, not paying attention to anyone else. That is why the first conversations are almost not connected by one idea.

    But everything changes as soon as the wanderer Luka invades the peaceful measured life of the rooming house. With his appearance, the ideological part of the play develops. Luka immediately proclaims: “I respect crooks too, in my opinion, not a single flea is bad.” For him, everyone is equal, everyone deserves both sympathy and, most importantly, true, human respect. And it is Luka who is trying to bring changes to the hearts of the inhabitants of the rooming house.

    He sympathizes with Nastya's dreams of a sincere and pure love, which she found only in her fantasies, in her dreams. He sincerely tries to help Anna, Tick's wife, find peace before his death. Anna, who has barely seen anything good in her entire life, believes in Luke's promises of a bright afterlife. Luka tells the actor that there is a hospital where they can cure alcoholism for free. Finally, he promises Vaska Pepl a quiet free life in Siberia with his beloved Natasha.

    But it immediately becomes clear: Luke is a hypocrite. He, as M. Gorky himself called him, is a "swindler." “He doesn’t really believe in anything. But he sees how people suffer and rush about. He feels sorry for these people. So he says different words of consolation to them, ”the author wrote about the hero he created. This is precisely what determines the reason for the division of the inhabitants of the rooming house into two camps: those who fight for the truth, for respect for man, and those who favor the philosophy of Luke.

    The first denounce Luke. Bubnov calls him a "charlatan". Satin says that “one must respect a person! Do not pity, do not humiliate him with pity ... you must respect! Respect human dignity is their slogan. For them, it is better to know the truth, because "truth is the god of a free man!", And "lie is the religion of slaves and masters."

    But, at the same time, looking at the fate of these people, who found themselves at the very bottom of society, having no hope, one becomes sincerely sorry for them. Therefore, in my opinion, Luca was not a "crook". Let him lie, but it was a lie for good. He wanted people to have hope. He believed that “a person can do anything, if only he wants to.” And I think he was absolutely right. The meaning of human life is not in the search for truth, but on the contrary, the truth lies in the fact that a person must continue to live.

    The dispute about the truth in the play "At the bottom" by M. Gorky

    The genre of Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom" can be defined as a philosophical drama. In this work, the writer managed to raise many problematic questions about man and the meaning of his existence. However, the dispute about the truth in the play "At the Bottom" became a key one.

    History of creation

    The play was written in 1902. This time is characterized by a serious economic crisis, as a result of which, due to the closure of factories, the workers were out of work, and the peasants were forced to beg and beg. All these people, and with them the state, found themselves at the very bottom of life. To reflect the full extent of the decline, Maxim Gorky made his heroes representatives of all segments of the population. This is the Baron, who became an adventurer, a former Actor, a prostitute, a locksmith, a thief, a shoemaker, a tradeswoman, a rooming house owner, a policeman.

    And it is in the midst of this decline and poverty that the key age-old questions of life are being asked. And the basis of the conflict was a dispute about the truth in the play "At the bottom". This philosophical problem has long become insoluble for Russian literature; Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and many others took it up. However, Gorky was not at all frightened by this state of affairs, and he created a work devoid of didacticism and moralizing. The viewer himself has the right to make his choice, after listening to the different points of view expressed by the characters.

    Argument about truth

    In the play "At the Bottom", as mentioned above, Gorky not only portrayed a terrible reality, the answers to the most important philosophical questions became the main thing for the writer. And in the end, he manages to create an innovative work that has no equal in the history of literature. At first glance, the narrative seems fragmented, plotless and fragmented, but gradually all the pieces of the mosaic add up, and a clash of heroes unfolds before the viewer, each of which is the bearer of his own truth.

    Multifaceted, ambiguous and inexhaustible is such a topic as the dispute about the truth in the play "At the Bottom". A table that could be compiled for a better understanding of it would include three characters: Bubnov, Luka and Satina. It is these characters who lead heated discussions about the need for truth. Realizing the impossibility of answering this question, Gorky puts into the mouths of these heroes different opinions that are equivalent and equally attractive to the viewer. It is impossible to determine the position of the author himself, therefore these three images of criticism are interpreted differently, and there is still no consensus as to whose point of view on the truth is correct.

    Entering into a dispute about the truth in the play "At the Bottom", Bubnov is of the opinion that facts are the key to everything. He doesn't believe in higher power and high purpose of man. A person is born and lives only to die: “Everything is like this: they are born, they live, they die. And I will die ... and you ... What to regret ... ”This character is hopelessly desperate in life and does not see anything joyful in the future. The truth for him is that man cannot resist the circumstances and cruelty of the world.

    For Bubnov, lies are unacceptable and incomprehensible, he believes that only the truth should be told: “And why do people like to lie?”; “In my opinion, bring down the whole truth as it is!” He openly, without hesitation, expresses his opinion, without looking back at others. Bubnov's philosophy is truthful and ruthless to a person, he sees no point in helping his neighbor and caring for him.

    For Luke, the main thing is not the truth, but consolation. Seeking to bring in hopelessness Everyday life the inhabitants of the rooming house at least some sense, it gives them false hope. His help lies in lies. Luke understands people well and knows what everyone needs, based on this, he makes promises. So, he tells the dying Anna that after death she will find peace, the Actor inspires hope for a cure for alcoholism, Ash promises a better life in Siberia.

    Luke appears as one of the key figures in such a problem as the dispute about the truth in the play "At the bottom". His remarks are full of sympathy, reassurance, but there is not even a word of truth in them. This image is one of the most controversial in the drama. For a long time, literary critics evaluated him only from the negative side, but today many see positive aspects in Luke's actions. His lie consoles the weak, unable to resist the cruelty of the surrounding reality. The philosophy of this character is kindness: “A person can teach goodness. While a person believed, he lived, but he lost faith - and strangled himself. Indicative in this regard is the story of how the elder saved two thieves when he treated them kindly. The truth of Luke is in pity for a person and the desire to give him hope, albeit an illusory one, for the possibility of a better one, which would help to live.

    Sateen is considered the main opponent of Luke. It is these two characters who are leading the main dispute about the truth in the play "At the Bottom". Satine's quotes contrast sharply with Luke's statements: "Lie is the religion of slaves", "Truth is the god of a free man!"

    For Sateen, a lie is unacceptable, since in a person he sees strength, stamina and the ability to change everything. Pity and compassion are meaningless, people do not need them. It is this character who pronounces the famous monologue about the man-god: “There is only man, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! It's great! It sounds proud!

    Unlike Bubnov, who also recognizes only the truth and denies lies, Satin respects people and believes in them.

    Thus, the dispute about the truth in the play "At the Bottom" is plot-forming. Gorky does not give a clear resolution to this conflict; each viewer must determine for himself who is right. However, it should be noted that Sateen's final monologue is heard at the same time as a hymn to man and a call to action aimed at changing the horrific reality.

    Disputes about the truth at the bottom

    The genre of the play "At the Bottom" can be defined as a socio-philosophical drama. The main philosophical problem of the play is the dispute about the truth. The dispute about the truth is revealed primarily in the conversation of the characters, when the word "truth" is used in its direct meaning as an antonym to the word lie.

    However, this does not exhaust the meaning of this philosophical problem. The dispute about the truth implies a clash of different life and philosophical positions of the characters, primarily Luka, Bubnov, Satin. It is the clash of the worldviews of these heroes that determines the development of the philosophical conflict.

    Is white lie justified? Gorky poses this question, revealing the image of Luke. Appearing in a rooming house, Luke has a great influence on all its inhabitants. Luke engenders faith in many heroes. For example, after a conversation with the Moon, Anna begins to believe that with the death of the body, the soul goes to better world and dies peacefully. Luka takes pity on the inhabitants of the rooming house and, comforting them, often tells a lie. The Actor believes Luka's fictional stories about a hospital where they treat alcoholism. Luka makes Natasha and Ash believe in the possibility of their clean life together in Siberia. For the good, driven by love for the people of Luke, the main thing is that faith and hope live in a person, and it does not matter in what way this will be achieved. Luke believes in man in the possibility of his resurrection through faith. And this is Luke's philosophical position, his truth, which is opposed in the play by Bubnov's Position.

    “But… I can’t lie! For what? In my opinion - you the whole truth, what it is! Why be ashamed?" - Speak, Bubnov. Bubnov recognizes only a bare fact, everything else is a lie for him. He does not understand why Luna deceives the inhabitants of the rooming house with her beautiful stories, why she pities them. The truth of Bubnov is cruel, ruthless, it is based on indifference to people, it excludes any hope of changing a person. In comparison with the truth of Bubnov, of course, Luka's position wins.

    In the play, truth is correlated with faith, a person's faith, if he really believes, becomes his truth, the truth of his life. Nastya believed in what she had real love, and Baron and Bubnov laughed at her, believing that she was lying and just wanted to "embellish her soul." Luka is the only one who understood Nastya. “Your truth, not theirs. if you believe, you had true love. so it was her! The loss of such faith can turn into a tragedy for a person, Luke speaks of this, telling the parable of the righteous land. However, the same thing happens to the Actor as to the person who believed in the righteous land. Luka disappears from the rooming house at the most important moment for its inhabitants, when many of them began to believe in something better. Heroes lose their newly acquired faith, and this turns out to be a tragedy for many. The actor commits suicide, Ash is imprisoned, Natasha goes to the hospital. By developing the plot of the play, by its sad ending, Gorky shows that Luka was wrong. Luke could not fully save and revive the inhabitants of the rooming house, since his truth, that is, the position of consolation, was based on pity for people, on mercy, it did not give the heroes self-confidence. Listening to Luka, the inhabitants of the rooming house begin to believe in something. But as soon as the person who consoled them, who made them believe, disappears, they immediately lose this faith and sink again. However, Luka nevertheless changed many of the inhabitants of the rooming house for the better, forcing them to think about their lives. Luke had the strongest influence on Satine. “He acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin…” say Satin about Luke. From an immoral, indifferent person who hates people, turn Satin into an author's reasoner. Satin pronounces his monologues in the last act only under the influence of Luke. Satin is the only one who fully understood Luke's position. From the philosophy of Luke, Satin takes faith in a person (“Man is the truth! He understood this.”), but faith without pity and mercy. A person must be respected, not pity - that's what is now becoming the main thing for Satin. Satin says that one must believe in one's own strengths, a strong, proud person does not need pity and mercy, they are needed only for the weak. “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of a free man" - this is how the philosophical dispute about truth in the play "At the Bottom" is resolved.

    Thus, from the author's point of view, the truth in the play "At the Bottom" becomes the truth of Sateen, and the truth of Luke turns out to be only an intermediate step to the real truth. Gorky rejects the cruel truth of Bubnov, but he does not accept Luka's consolation, based on pity for people. A person must first of all believe in himself - this is the main idea of ​​the play "At the Bottom".

    The genre of the play "At the Bottom" can be defined as a socio-philosophical drama. The main philosophical problem of the play is the dispute about the truth. The dispute about the truth is revealed primarily in the conversation of the characters, when the word "truth" is used in its direct meaning as an antonym to the word "lie". However, this does not exhaust the meaning of this philosophical problem. The dispute about the truth implies a clash of different life and philosophical positions of the characters, primarily Luka, Bubnov, Satin. It is the clash of the worldviews of these heroes that determines the development of the philosophical conflict.
    Is white lie justified? Gorky poses this question, revealing the image of Luke. Appearing in a rooming house, Luke has a great influence on all its inhabitants. Luke engenders faith in many heroes. For example, after talking with Luka, Anna starts to
    believe that with the death of the body, the soul departs to a better world, and dies peacefully. Luke takes pity on the inhabitants of the rooming house and, consoling them, often tells lies. The actor believes Luke's fictional stories about a hospital where they treat alcoholism. Luke makes Natasha and Pepel believe in the possibility of their clean life together in Siberia. For the good, driven by love for the people of Luke, the main thing is that faith and hope live in a person, and it does not matter in what way this will be achieved. Luke believes in man, in the possibility of his resurrection through faith. And this is the philosophical position of Luka, his truth, which is opposed in the play by the position of Bubnov.
    “And here I am ... I don’t know how to lie! For what? In my opinion - you the whole truth, what it is! Why be ashamed? Bubnov says. Bubnov recognizes only a bare fact, everything else for him is a lie. He does not understand why Luka deceives the inhabitants of the rooming house with his beautiful stories, why he pities them. The truth of Bubnov is cruel, ruthless, it is based on indifference to people, it excludes any hope of changing a person. In comparison with the truth of Bubnov, of course, Luka's position wins.
    In the play, truth is correlated with faith. A person's faith, if he really believes, becomes his truth, the truth of his life. Nastya believed that she had true love, and Baron and Bubnov laughed at her, believing that she was lying and just wanted to "embellish her soul." Luka is the only one who understood Nastya. “Your truth, not theirs ... if you believe, you had true love ... then it was!” The loss of such faith can turn into a tragedy for a person, Luke speaks of this, telling the parable of the righteous land. However, the same thing happens to the Actor as to the person who believed in the righteous land. Luka disappears from the rooming house at the most important moment for its inhabitants, when many of them began to believe in something better. Heroes lose their newly acquired faith, and this turns out to be a tragedy for many. The actor commits suicide, Ash is imprisoned, Natasha goes to the hospital. By developing the plot of the play, by its sad ending, Gorky shows that Luka was wrong. Luke could not fully save and revive the inhabitants of the rooming house, since his truth, that is, the position of consolation, was based on pity for people, on mercy, it did not give the heroes self-confidence. Listening to Luka, the inhabitants of the rooming house begin to believe in something. But as soon as the person who consoled them, who made them believe, disappears, they immediately lose this faith and sink again. However, Luka nevertheless changed many inhabitants of the rooming house for the better, made them think about their lives. Luke had the strongest influence on Satine. “He acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin ...” - Satin says about Luka. From an immoral, indifferent to everything, hating people, Satin turned into an author's reasoner. Satin pronounces his monologues in the last act only under the influence of Luke. Satin is the only one who fully understood Luke's position. From the philosophy of Luke, Satin takes faith in a person (“Man is the truth! He understood this ...”), but faith without pity and mercy
    hearts. A person must be respected, not pity - that's what is now becoming the main thing for Satin. Satin says that one must believe in one's own strengths, a strong, proud person does not need pity and mercy, they are needed only for the weak. “Lie is the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man” - this is how the philosophical dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom” is resolved.
    Thus, from the author's point of view, the truth in the play "At the Bottom" becomes the truth of Sateen, and the truth of Luke turns out to be only an intermediate step to the real truth. Gorky rejects Bubnov's cruel truth, but he does not accept Luka's consolation based on pity for people. A person must first of all believe in himself - this is the main idea of ​​the play "At the Bottom".