The secret of anger management has several aspects. In order not to waste your priceless health on anger, you need to master the art of self-control. Just a few years ago, it was believed that the expression of anger is a more mandatory process than its containment. Because unexpressed emotions turn over time into heart disease.

Anger management start by looking for reasons

There are many different causes of anger, without understanding which it is impossible to learn how to manage anger. In order to learn how to learn to manage anger, you need to find out its causes. Today, scientists identify at least four main factors that make a person prone to the manifestation of anger:

Behavior model adopted from parents when they used anger to solve various problems.

Anger can be a reaction to a stressful condition.

The state of fatigue also negatively affects the nervous system, causing irritation and anger at the slightest provocation.

The reaction of the body to prolonged containment of emotions, when the accumulated "steam" breaks out at an opportunity.

Having understood the causes of anger, it is important to understand how to learn how to manage anger in order to feel comfortable and not harm others.

· Become aware of the causes of your anger, what or who causes it and why. Talk to a psychologist or someone you trust about this. Dialogue will allow you to better consider the situation from the outside.

If irritability and angry emotions are caused by excessive fatigue, then sufficient attention should be paid to rest and relaxation. Meditations, a pleasant bath combined with aromatherapy, light music, etc. help you unwind and relax.

· If you want to hit or harm in any way, remember that the consequences will not bring anything good. And imagine the offender in the form of a helpless kitten or baby, this will help you learn how to manage anger.

Disputes and quarrels are most often the result of misunderstandings. So instead of getting angry, try to understand and put yourself in your opponent's shoes. Or at least agree that he is entitled to his own opinion.

· Try to solve your problems and troubles in a timely manner, as their accumulation leads to insomnia, stress and aggression. Under stress, it will be difficult to learn how to manage anger.

Deal with personal conflicts. Try to talk, explain your feelings, do not state what he should feel, but express your feelings. You can attract someone else, in which case the person from the outside will act as a bridge between you.

It is important to try not to conflict and live in harmony. Indeed, in fact, each of us does not have so many close people to allow ourselves to quarrel and not communicate because of any nonsense.

How to learn anger management

Any of us in life happened to be in a situation where rage and discontent won common sense. The prerequisites for rage are different: actions that are contrary to our views and principles, attacks from management, employees, a wife or spouse, a broken cup, however, anything. In such a state of mind, even little things cause discontent. Let's look at how to manage anger.

Try to free yourself from anger

If you are left alone with yourself, you should get rid of anger. Bodily deliverance from rabies is one of the most effective methods for discharging anger. Go for a run, clean up, wash your car, or just hit a pillow. After the physical release of anger, it is as if you have released your own rage. Then comes the feeling of peace and quiet.

Use relaxation

In such situations, it is necessary to take a deep, unhurried breath. Hold your breath for two to three seconds and repeat this exercise five to ten times. Then get rid of the anger with relaxation. To do this, mentally go through all the lobes of your body and relax any muscle.

To control anger, start with your toes, then move up your legs, then your arms, belly, chest, neck, face, and head, that part of it that is covered with hair. When you're done, enjoy the feeling you created in your body and mind.

Negative emotions and feelings are given to a person to experience different ranges of life. If there are no questions about the feelings of fun and delight, how to formulate them and what to do with them, then often rage and indignation are characteristic of mature people. Such emotionality needs to be experienced, not hidden.

Take care of household chores

Clean up, cook, wash dishes or floors, replant flowers. In general, find yourself a chore around the house that will take a lot of your strength, and with it, anger.

Researchers have done research on anger management. The result of research - women who release their anger often enough are less prone to early death than those who try to drown out the anger in themselves.

Decide for yourself whether to restrain your anger or give it free rein. But until you know how to deal with your anger, the people around you should not suffer because of it. Instead of tormenting yourself with questions, you need to say the problem out loud. And explain it to the person who makes you angry.

How to control anger

Anger is a destructive emotion, which not only brings additional conflicts and resentments to life, but also negatively affects health. Most situations and reasons for which we are angry are not worth a penny. But over time, all the expressed and unspoken rudeness is reflected in the nervous and cardiovascular system. It is more rational to learn how to learn to control anger than to treat its consequences.

So, when a provoking situation or a specific conflict arises, try the following:

Count slowly to ten when you feel anger rising and you're ready to explode. At the same time, repeat to yourself that anger will hurt you and your health first, so there is no need to be angry.

Remember deep breathing, which restores blood pressure and calms the nervous system, allowing you to control anger. Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly out through your mouth. Breathe deeply until you feel completely calm.

Get rid of the rage that is in you with the support of bodily exercises. Do something, imagine that with every effort, rage leaves you. If possible, buy yourself a punching bag or make a scarecrow. Transferring angry emotions to an object is a very effective way to control anger, as it expresses negative emotions and is a source of physical exertion.

You can also deal with anger by drawing the offender on paper or taking his photo, and then do whatever you want with it: tear it, burn it, etc.

You can write an angry letter, where you express all your attitude towards the object of irritation (you should not send such a letter). Just pour out everything that has accumulated on the paper and tear the pieces into small pieces.

A good way to control anger is to remember a funny movie, anecdote or incident, that is, to switch your attention. You can even laugh out loud, maybe it will defuse the situation.

Try to understand the cause of the angry state. Perhaps if you see an outlet in lashing out at someone, it's best to try to avoid social interactions or situations that provoke anger.

Do not act as a provocateur yourself, do not start quarrels. Try to nobly and intelligently get out of the conflict situation. As a last resort, follow the above points.

Drink something cool, eat ice cream, wash your face with cool water. These weird tips actually help control anger. When you are angry, your body temperature always rises. When you use something cool, it falls, thereby lowering the degree of your anger.

If you are so angry that you cannot calm down, simply leave your own rage at some distance behind you. Leave the space in which you feel these emotions. You will not calm down yet, wake up where something makes you feel that way. In general, be sure to change the environment, which entails irritation and rage.

Naturally, never getting angry at anything is actually unrealistic, however, this does not mean that in some cases you cannot simply avoid unnecessary stress. It's easier than it sounds, just try not to look at the sheer number of factors that make you angry. In the end, you will stop being annoyed by all sorts of trifles and you will learn to control your anger. Maybe it won't work the first time.

Let your rage leave you and go to paper. Take paper with a pen and write down everything that makes you angry, that infuriates and makes you nervous. Write as much as you can without pausing. Do not think about what exactly you are writing, just do it.

What worries you, who and what are you angry at, describe your own rage, transfer your anger to a piece of paper with support for words. This method of controlling anger is especially recommended for people who are fearful and extremely irritable - thanks to this polite approach, you will free yourself from negativity and do not hide it in yourself.

Emotions are an important component of behavior, and character in general. Without them, none of us would be able to communicate our feelings to others, or even experience the full range of experiences. Another thing is that we do not always experience only positive emotions. And, in addition to joy, admiration, satisfaction that are pleasant and understandable to everyone, anger, irritability and just annoyance appear from time to time. In general, nervous irritation in itself is not something special - even the most calm person, no, no, and will flare up. But when anger becomes obvious, and even more so - a defining trait of character, then this creates problems first for those close to him, and then for the choleric person himself.

Therefore, people prone to nervousness need to learn to control their anger as early as possible. If such skills were not instilled in you in childhood, do not despair, it is not too late to do it in adulthood. Then the process of curbing irritability will be conscious and will surely be crowned with success.

Why are we angry? Causes and nature of anger
Anger and irritation are, according to psychologists and neurologists, completely natural reactions of the psyche to stress. It can be caused by various factors, external and internal, but the answer nervous system becomes always aggression in one form or another. As long as such answers are adequate to the situation, this is perceived as normal. Moreover, it is inherent in us by nature as a defense mechanism. Our ancestors did not have time to analyze their emotional condition or deal with anger when faced with a predator or other danger. Like modern animals, ancient people could only choose between two options: flee or fight. And in the case when it was impossible to escape, aggression became the necessary lever that gave courage and suppressed fear. Since then, at the biochemical level, little has changed. In our body, like thousands of years ago, in extreme situations, adrenaline is released into the blood, heart rate and breathing become more frequent, heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, muscles tense up, and blood rushes to the skin.

But in modern world we do not meet either mammoths or saber-toothed tigers. But we see noisy neighbors, clumsy passengers of public transport and slow-witted colleagues everywhere. All of them are able to piss off even a very balanced person. But if you are quick-tempered, then you don’t even have to make any effort for this. It would seem that the situation is not at all worth worrying about. But the body has already launched a reaction to the stimulus, and you, as they say, “wound up”: your face flushed, thoughts rush through your head at great speed, your fists clenched until your knuckles turn white. Agree that such a picture is perceived at least strange, because nothing threatens your security enough to be worth so much anger. On the other hand, vexation itself, especially when it has become a habit, is fraught with considerable danger, primarily for the wicked one himself. His mobile, not to say shattered, nervous system is inseparable from the rest of the body's systems. This means that her condition directly or indirectly affects not only the current state of health, but also health in the future. It is not for nothing that Eastern wisdom says: “being angry at others is like drinking poison and hoping that it will poison your enemies.”

Danger and harm of a bad mood
Another proverb states that "all diseases are from the nerves." The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle: of course, not all diseases arise precisely on the basis of nerves, but the fact that excessive grumpiness provokes a deterioration in health is a scientifically proven fact. For example, a person who often makes critical remarks is not called bilious for nothing. Hot temper really affects the state of the liver and gallbladder, activates their activity, that is, the release of bile. The excess of this caustic substance gradually accumulates and forms stones - here you have the physical embodiment of "bitter" thoughts. The cardiovascular system is also susceptible to experiences, because the increased blood circulation that occurs during hassle increases blood pressure. Its sharp drops are detrimental to blood vessels. Their walls are under stress, wear out quickly, weaken, and at one terrible moment they simply cannot withstand the load. Patients with a brain aneurysm are generally forbidden to be nervous, because each strong emotion may be the last of their lives. In addition, anger promotes inflammation of the joints, weakens the immune system, slows down regeneration processes, brings old age closer and simply spoils the mood for everyone without exception.

Violence always causes retaliatory violence, so don't be surprised if your rage is met with bad attitude and misunderstanding from others, even close and usually friendly people. At the same time, constantly suppressing negative emotions in oneself is no less harmful than openly showing them. Hidden irritation accumulates, as well as fatigue from stress, and in combination they form a truly destructive cocktail of experiences. Left unspoken, anger builds up inside, poisoning the body with its own poison. Over time, unexpressed emotions are transformed into pathologies of various organs and their systems. So what if neither restraining anger nor giving it free rein is equally undesirable. The answer is obvious: learn to control your anger in order to maintain a reasonable emotional balance (and this is not an oxymoron, but the only true key to mental health).

Effective Ways to Control Nerve Stimulation
Very often people underestimate the danger of jaundiced character. They say something like: “Well, just think, the nerves have gone wild! It happens to everyone". It happens, indeed, with everyone who is not completely "frostbitten" and reacts to what is happening around. But, excuse me, it's one thing when it happens from time to time, and quite another - when a person is driven out of himself literally by any event, person or phenomenon that does not fit into his ideas about the ideal. Remember the film "The Taming of the Shrew" with the gloomy temperamental but charming Adriano Celentano in leading role. Unfortunately, only in the cinema arrogant characters cause a smile and sympathy. In real life they have to look far from being so harmless.

It is unlikely that you want to finally pass for a vixen or an ulcer, so it's time to do self-education and learn how to control your anger. It is much more difficult to do this than to decide to work on your character. And yet, a conscious choice is already the first step on the path from bitterness to a softer perception of life. If you have done it, then in no case do not stop and move on, guided by the following tips from psychologists:
Anger and irritability are definitely vices. Their positive function is limited to stimulating success and victories, but the price they are given casts doubt on the correctness of such a path. In addition, negative emotions take up a lot of energy that could be spent on more pleasant and useful things. Of course, the ability to control your feelings and their manifestations is not easy. Working on yourself takes time and willpower. But the result is worth it! Therefore, learn to control your anger step by step, gradually moving towards the goal, and after a while you will notice that you have become much calmer, more adequate and kinder to respond to what is happening around. Good luck and peace in your soul!

Every year society becomes more and more aggressive. People do not want to give in to each other, they get annoyed because of any little thing, they are rude, rude and only hear themselves. They are used to living according to a certain plan, and if something goes wrong, they immediately lose their temper. Why is this happening and can it be changed. After all, anger towards loved ones or work colleagues can ruin relationships forever.

According to psychological surveys, most Russians believe that anger is a character trait and a person needs to be re-educated. But they are very wrong. Therefore, until now, many people take out their anger on each other and do not know what to do with it.

What is anger

Contrary to popular belief, anger is not a personality trait, but an emotion that is inherent in every person. There are a number of factors that provoke its occurrence. The truth is that some people can control it and others can't. But why does the body need negative emotions that only harm. This is another misconception about anger.

The feeling of aggression occurs when the body defends itself from external negative influences. Without anger, the human nervous system would not be able to withstand such an influx of irritating factors that arise every day. And the more of them, the more aggressive the person seems.

Think of a time when you were angry and what happened to your body at that moment. In anger, a person’s pulse quickens, body temperature rises, sweat is released and reason is lost. So the body does not allow negative emotions to reach the brain and cause stress.

But if anger is so useful, then why control it. In addition to the fact that it protects our body, in large quantities, aggression becomes dangerous both for the person himself and for the people around him.

Causes of anger

Any situation that a person cannot control can become a source of anger. But such cases happen often, why does anger not always manifest itself. The thing is that in addition to this, a number of certain factors are also needed that provoke a weakening of the nervous system.

To the reasons infuriating, relate:

  1. A person is susceptible to the influence of a disease that reduces the overall tone of the body and affects the immune system;
  2. If a child in childhood did not receive enough warmth and care from parents to grow up kind and open, then at an older age he will experience outbursts of anger;
  3. Psychological trauma or strong disappointments in the past also affect the frequency of aggressive outbursts;
  4. If a person from childhood is accustomed to the manifestation of aggression of those around him, then it is difficult to imagine his calm and measured future. Therefore, never allow "let off steam" in front of children.

As you can see, the cause of anger often lies much deeper than we realize. Therefore, sometimes you can not do without the advice of an experienced psychologist. If a person notices attacks of aggression behind himself or someone close to him that cannot be brought under control, there is no need to delay going to a specialist.

Despite the fact that anger is a protective function of the nervous system against misunderstanding and indignation, it can bring sad consequences. According to statistics, in a fit of aggression, most accidents, fights, family conflicts, and murders happen. Many cases could have been avoided if one knew how to get the better of emotions.

What does anger lead to?

  1. Physical exhaustion. Scientists have found that chronic exposure to outbursts of anger leads to diseases of the cardiovascular and immune systems, diabetes, hypertension, mental disorders, depression. No wonder there is a proverb that all diseases are from nerves.
  2. Career destruction. Aggressive behavior towards colleagues will cause not only constant dissatisfaction with the authorities, but also dismissal. Today, in prestigious firms and companies, employees primarily value stress resistance and the ability to get out of conflict situations.
  3. Loss of family and friends. If a person often has outbursts of anger, even the closest people can not stand it. First of all, trust disappears, and then respect for people who are not able to control themselves.

Aggressive behavior is difficult to deal with because the person may not be aware of the severity of the situation. In this case, it is necessary to openly tell him about the problem and convince him that the help of a specialist is necessary.

Myths about anger

Anger can be controlled, but for this you need to learn a few truths. This knowledge will help you quickly reach your cherished goal and regain peace in your family, at work and in life.

Anger myths:

  1. Anger needs to be let out, you can't keep it in yourself. This statement is partly true, but you need to get rid of anger correctly so that it does not have an impact on others. Below you will find some tips on how to do this.
  2. Anger earns respect. Many are sure that if they are afraid, they will achieve a lot in life. But that's not the case at all. Where bigger man will deserve it if it respects others, and does not use it as a punching bag.
  3. Anger cannot be controlled. This can and should be learned. It depends only on a person whether he can overcome his anger or not.
  4. To control anger means to suppress it. In fact, they are completely different things. In controlling emotions, it is important to direct them in the right direction without hurting or offending anyone. Suppression will lead to the same consequences as lack of control.

In most cases, it is sufficient to carry out standard psychotherapy, including exercises that the psychologist will advise. But for especially emotional individuals, therapeutic therapy or hypnosis is used.

Psychologists recommend working in two directions: to control the brain activity that leads to outbursts of anger, as well as its physical manifestations. Thus, you can achieve excellent results and become a completely different person.

Emotional control:

  1. Before releasing anger, you need to imagine the situation from the outside. This will help to avoid rash actions.
  2. Next, you should find the reason that caused the attack of anger. How important is it and is it worth spending your nerve cells on it at all.
  3. If the cause was an unforeseen situation, you need to find a way out and get rid of the problem.
  4. If the reason is the behavior of another person, you should not rush at him with accusations, you should listen to the arguments and argue your position in a calm tone. Sometimes you can resolve the situation with a witty joke.
  5. A visualization technique based on childhood memories helps a lot. It is necessary to mentally be in the place where there was a sense of security.
  6. Another technique is the “anger diary”. In a notebook, you need to write down each attack of aggression that took place, as well as describe in detail the causes and emotions. It is useful to periodically re-read and analyze it.
  7. Knowing which situations most often cause anger, you need to learn how to avoid them. It is better to prevent a conflict than to correct the consequences.

Physical control:

  1. Feeling a surge of anger, you need to take 10 deep breaths. Next, you need to perform simple physical exercises, so the brain is distracted from the problem, and the situation will no longer be critical.
  2. If there is an opportunity to change the situation (go outside, go to another room), you need to use it.
  3. If there is no way to get out, then it is better to concentrate on your body parts (legs, arms), alternately tensing and relaxing them.
  4. Once alone, you can take out your anger on an inanimate object (tear paper, break a cup).
  5. Knitting, embroidery and other hobbies that develop fine motor skills will help control outbursts of anger.

Anger can and should be controlled, for this it is enough to have a desire. Today, psychologists have studied this problem quite well and are ready to provide comprehensive answers to any questions. If there is no opportunity to visit a specialist, it is recommended that you independently choose the appropriate tips and follow them.

While the repression of anger occurs unconsciously and automatically, we suppress anger of our own accord, which greatly disturbs our mental balance. Suppression of anger happens like this: you get angry, but keep the anger inside without expressing it.

In this article, we will show you how to deal with anger and irritability.

To contain anger or not?

Holding on to anger is bad. Many people imagine that if you keep anger under control, it will go away so easily. You are wrong. You have to learn how to deal with anger, not build it up inside. So, you just drive him inside, where he will sit until he finds a way out. The strength of anger is such that if it is not given a natural outlet, that is, if feelings are not expressed, then it will somehow manifest itself anyway. Depression is often the result of unexpressed anger. Bitterness, sarcasm, irritability, nagging are also symptoms of repressed anger.

If you keep anger inside yourself all the time, then before you praise yourself for restraint, let me warn you: holding anger in all the time is harmful. Such passivity can lead to deep depression and other physiological and psychological disorders. If you restrain anger, then only in extreme cases, when there are special reasons for this.

General rule: anger must be expressed

One of the most annoying side effects of anger suppression is so-called substitution, when the anger is directed to something other than the source of the anger. A common example: a woman, angry with her husband, does not show it - she suppresses her anger, and then takes it out on her children. If the source of anger is your partner, then direct your anger at him, you should not take it out on the kids.

Another example, perhaps even more common, is when we first suppress the anger we feel towards others and then take it out on ourselves. If, for example, a partner humiliated, offended you, which is why everything boiled inside you, do not look for your fault. A woman in such a situation usually blames herself for being "stupid". But in fact, your narcissistic partner is to blame, because he did not want to take you seriously. Substitution is always the wrong expression of anger. In fairness, and also for the sake of maintaining peace of mind, unleash your anger on the source of anger.

What happens if you keep holding back your anger?

Women who constantly hold back anger experience profound personality changes. They can't find a reason chronic depression or not leaving their feelings of bitterness and irritation. It seems to them that nothing can be changed, that they cannot become the same as before. Anger locked inside can change a person's personality.

The first thing you need to do to deal with anger is to stop being afraid of it, not to run away from it, but to recognize, acknowledge, feel and express it. In order not to lose your peace of mind, let your anger out, do not keep it inside. It is better to express your anger than to suppress it. True, if you live with an emotionally immature man, expressing your anger will not be as easy as it seems at first glance.

How to deal with anger?

When faced with the choice of suppressing or expressing anger, remember: the best way to cope with anger will be to express it, splash it out, throw off its burden from the shoulders, get rid of it. Thus, controlled anger is adequate.

How to express anger?

The following are typical ways of expressing anger in our society. You choose how you express your anger.


Outbursts of anger often occur spontaneously, but some consciously choose this way of expressing anger. It seems to them that without exploding, without yelling at anyone, without mutual reproaches or without the use of force, they will not truly express their feelings. And although some couples claim that after such skirmishes their relationship becomes even better than before, I strongly doubt that after mutual insults something good can be born between you. Of course, if sincere reconciliation and agreement followed the scandal, then I am ready to admit that positive results are possible with such an outcome. But the outbursts of anger that have become the norm in family relationships are extremely destructive and undesirable.

hide the anger inside

Women love to keep their anger to themselves. Often the only thing a woman allows herself to do to cope with her anger and somehow express her displeasure is to make an offended face, stop talking and walk around the house with a martyred look. Such behavior is destructive and does not contribute to building relationships.

Show anger

If you have the courage to express your anger directly, then you no longer need to resort to indirect, destructive ways of expressing anger. He will still find a way out, but what? Often this is sarcasm, banter, ridicule, refusal to listen, refusal to communicate, withdrawal, excessive sexual demands, or, conversely, a lack of interest in sex.

These manifestations do not necessarily indicate the suppression of anger, but often it is precisely by them that you can quite accurately determine that you are trying to drown out this feeling in yourself. Indirect means of expressing anger are unfair and destructive. Someone who knows how to express anger directly does not need to make snide remarks, withdraw into himself or harass a partner with sexual harassment, trying to hit him harder.

How to control your emotions and anger?

Here you are in anger! Terrible, to put it simply. From childhood, everyone probably remembered a funny phrase: "I'm terrible in anger!" So, in fact, an attempt is shown to reconcile one's inner "violence" with the people around him through humor. Yes, at such a moment it is difficult to foresee what is happening around, and just look around. It is like a state of blindness. Anger seems to gush out of you, and with this "waterfall of feelings" your aggression falls outward. In vain to call you - stop! Aggression will only increase, it will begin to seem to you that a friend is like an enemy. But there is another side to anger.

Exculpatory, as you would like. You are very difficult to calm down. Even to himself. And even more so for anyone else. For at that moment you are actually in a state of self-protection. Yes, yes, self-defense. Figuratively speaking, anger for you is the last resort to defend your interests. Or I'll throw it out of myself, or - ... I'm so defensive. But from whom or what? Here we touched on the other side of anger: at that very moment you express yourself absolutely precisely and clearly! This is openness. Full openness to the world. You don't care if they hurt your soul or not. You are not up to it. At that moment, you are you.

Meditation on white from anger

The symbolic element is water. Anger must be explored through the understanding of fluidity. The image of water flowing over the surface of the water, completely covering it, and the nature of the water remains transparent and the surface is unclouded.

Question: What am I protecting? From whom? What is wrong with me, because I do not let anyone near me?

Consider your character gradually, step by step, going through all the stages of "explosion" during anger. Open from the inside - water flows over the surface without betraying yourself - remove aggression. Perhaps you just think that your interests are being infringed. Listen to yourself: you do not mix with the surface, but simply, like water, flow over it, finding yourself, expressing yourself.

Meditation: a sheet of white paper - flat and opaque; the leaf, however, has the potentiality of luminosity, brilliance, reflection, which is mirror wisdom, wisdom, akin to a surface cleaned of dirt. As on a winter morning - everything is in white, shimmering hoarfrost. Cold, transparent, clear.


Try to solve the problem that makes you angry. Perhaps you resent being treated unfairly. And you feel that soon you will begin to boil in earnest. Don't let go of the situation. Stand up for yourself and defend your opinion. Then there will be no reason to be angry. This method is good, logical, but not always applicable. There are situations when it is necessary to extinguish negative emotions, but their cause cannot be quickly eliminated.

Follow the words. Cursing, insults and raised tone could be the start of a real scandal. The banal way, when you need to count to ten before opening your mouth in a fit of rage, works. Even for such a short period of inactivity, the mind begins to take precedence over negative emotions.

Find a way out of accumulated unpleasant feelings. Rock out while cleaning or at the gym. Draw your abuser in a caricature style, imagine him in an ugly, funny situation.

Take a break from your worries. In a critical moment, when your emotions are about to boil, switch to the core of the problem. Put yourself in the place of the person who causes you negativity, delve into the content of his phrases. Showing empathy will help you first understand that you were wrong, and then calm down.

Learn to forgive. A condescending attitude towards other people's mistakes, love for others and faith in people will help you avoid outbursts of anger. If you see a threat, an enemy in every person, negative emotions will not be avoided.

Watch your health. Reduced vitality, loss of energy and resources of the body, reduce your ability to resist negative emotions practically no. At the same time, good health and well-being will help you build immunity against outbursts of anger and rage.

An overloaded working day, fatigue, a terrible mood cause irritation, which, at the slightest wrong movement or word, turns into uncontrollable anger. And all diseases are from nerves! To stay healthy and cheerful, learn to manage negative emotions.


First of all, try to be aware of your anger on a physical level (trembling, redness, clenched teeth). It starts with irritation, which is easier to deal with. At this point, stop, mentally weigh the cause of the quarrel. Imagine what you will lose if you don't stop. The desire to argue usually disappears.