One of the main characters of the novel "The Rout" by Fadeev is the commander of the partisan detachment, the fearless Osip Abramovich Levinson.

The main feature of Levinson's appearance was huge bluish eyes, deep as a whirlpool. By himself, he was a short man with red facial hair, but his height is another proof that respect for a person, authority in front of a person is caused not so much by appearance as by actions, words and character. And the character of Osip Abramovich was tough, biting and sometimes even cruel.

Throughout the novel, he commits crimes against a person and any civilized rights several times, but he does this not out of tyranny or abnormal cruelty, he does it in order to save his squad. He is a very responsible commander who puts the highest priority on taking care of his partisan detachment, he understands that the lives of these people are largely in his hands, that he is responsible for them.

It can be said that Levinson is an experienced commander, because he does not discuss his thoughts with anyone from the detachment in order to prevent confusion in the ranks of the soldiers. He does not share his experiences or doubts about the decisions he makes, he carries everything in himself.

Orders fly out of his mouth like bullets, which are unquestioningly executed, no matter how unjustified they may seem to the heroes of the detachment. So the sick Frolov, whom the detachment can no longer support, who will only be a burden for the partisans, accepts the order of the commander that he will be killed. Only one young and weak-willed Mechik, who is not used to the fact that cynicism is the key to success in war, is trying to convey to those around him that Levinson is giving illegal and sparing orders to no one. The rest of the partisans do not even dare to think about challenging the order of the commander, he was so authoritative for them.

Without showing hesitation, Osip Abramovich makes the decision to shoot the man in the vest, just as confidently he decides to take by force all the food from the nearest settlements and gardens when the partisans ran out of food.

Most of all, the reader is imbued with sympathy for Levinson when, in the last chapter of the novel, the partisans are surrounded by Cossacks and fight them to the death. The partisan commander, left almost without strength, makes the last order to his subordinates - to go into the breakthrough. Nineteen people remain alive, including Levinson himself. He lost his comrades, but saved those who remained, which means he did the right thing. He enjoys the peaceful life.

Option 2

Fadeev's novel "The Rout" tells the reader about real events in the history of Russia, namely about the tragic fate of partisans in the Far East.

The hero described by Fadeev is the author's fantasy, we will not meet such a person anywhere else in literature.

Iosif Levinson is described to us as an unremarkable person, he has no special physical qualities, he is not endowed with special beauty, but let him seem to us the most common man, inside it is complex and unpredictable.

Levinson enjoys special authority and respect among his subordinates, he is patient, smart, able to find ways out of all, even the most hopeless, situations.

The partisans see in Levinson a real man with a capital letter, he is full of courage, there is not a drop of cowardice in him, he is reliable and wise.

Levinson has the characteristics of a subtle psychologist, he knows how to find a common language with anyone. We see these traits in his relationship with Metelitsa, when the young man, seeing the hopelessness of the current situation, offers the partisans a retreat plan. But Levinson, being smart person, did not openly scold his idea, on the contrary, he replaced it with a more cautious plan, and no one understood this. By this action, the commander managed to increase the significance of Metelitsa in the eyes of people, made the guy believe in himself.

Levinson is fair, but at the same time strict, because only with a stick and a carrot can iron discipline be maintained in the detachment. Upon learning that Morozko had stolen melons, Levinson arranges a trial for him. To help make a decision, the commander invites local residents to the event. In the end, the court obliges Morozko to help the peasants with the housework. Of course, in free time from the war, time

The author attaches special importance to Levinson's view. His gaze was feared, the guilty understood the full depth and severity of their misdeeds. The look of the commander made the guerrillas tell the truth and feel shame for their illegal actions.

But Fadeev did not want to idealize his hero as much as possible. Levinson is an ordinary person with his own problems and fears, but he tries to hide his weaknesses from others, to suppress them. People consider him the most correct person on earth, and this image, despite the severity, has to be matched.

Essay about Levinson

In the works of such an author as Fadeev there were always interesting characters and their images, creating the general atmosphere of the work, with which the author gave his readers a complete picture of the characters and their character. Of course, in many works of many authors there are interesting and thoughtful characters, but this author managed to describe them most clearly. A vivid example is Levinson from the work “The Rout”.

Levinson is the commander of a partisan brigade, which was directly involved in a kind of work in a small place that describes the action of the work. Levinson was a very capricious man, not sparing any missteps. As a person, Levinson is described as outwardly, although not entirely credible, but after a closer acquaintance with him, it became clear that in his case appearances were deceiving. Although at first glance he was a simple, harmless enough person, perhaps not even trustworthy, after a personal conversation with him, one thing became clear - Levinson was not as simple as it seems at first glance.

After a close acquaintance with Levinson, many noted his education, tact, ability to keep up the conversation, and, of course, not a hefty cunning, which he undoubtedly possessed, as he always found a way out of any, even from seemingly hopeless situations. Also, many note in him courage, the desire to move only forward, constant enthusiasm, which constantly encouraged his subordinates and gave even greater fighting spirit.

The author gives Levinson the features of a strict boss in order to show how faithful he was to his work, that sometimes he even sacrificed civilians for the benefit of his goal. However, despite all this severity, he was still a simple person, with his fears and experiences, which is described in the work. Although he is a serious and courageous person, he still worries about what will happen in the future, whether he will be able to achieve his goal, overcoming all the hardships to reach the cherished peak.

Feature 4

Troops from another region are sometimes brought in to quell unrest in one region. Actually, this practice has been known since ancient times, and Fadeevsky Osip Abramovich Levinson is a characteristic representative of just such people. At the same time, in the book, of course, he more given as a work of art.

Levinson is small and puny, with reddish hair and large blue eyes. At the same time, the slenderness of the commander of the partisan detachment does not affect his position, more precisely, it affects in the opposite direction. Outwardly, the frail Levinson is distinguished by a hardness of character, which is probably the result of a Napoleon complex or something like that.

Levinson is a strict commander who puts the team ahead of everything and does not take into account specific individuals. Thanks to this, he actually enjoys the authority that he probably cherishes and therefore makes firm decisions. He shoots the “man in the vest”, poisons the sick Frolov, and justifies these actions in the interests of the detachment.

Like all people who remain in power, Levinson professes rather ephemeral and lengthy ideals, he wants to see a new, strong and kind person. He himself tries to be like this man, but in reality he is just a man drawn by the waters of history, just a man who has taken the most advantageous position. Of course, Levinson worries about his own squad, he worries when the Cossacks killed almost everyone in the final chapter, nevertheless he makes the right decisions for his squad and gets out into a peaceful space.

However, what does Levinson think about when he sees peaceful people who simply live and cultivate bread? He wants to make these people "his" the same as parts of his squad. In fact, he wants to own other people in a sense, to subordinate to ideas that he himself does not fully understand, he wants to “fulfill his duties”, but you doubt the sincerity of this hero, perhaps he does his job simply as a way to survive in harsh conditions.

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"is based on real historical events - the destruction of a partisan detachment in the Far East.

Iosif Levinson is not endowed with any special external data: he is not distinguished by either beauty or physical strength. Rather, the opposite is true. In appearance, this person is very simple: small and nondescript, but inside is complex and disharmonious.

The spiritual potential of commander Levinson makes it possible to gain authority and respect from his subordinates. He is distinguished by such qualities as patience, resourcefulness and wisdom.

For the partisans, Joseph is a man with a capital letter, steadfast and reliable, he seems to not know at all what human weaknesses and sins are.

The commander of the partisan detachment has the features of an excellent psychologist, cunning and far-sighted. He knows how to communicate with people, has the right tactics. So, for example, in communication with Metelitsa. This full of life The young man was very nice to the commander. When Metelitsa proposed a retreat plan, Levinson did not openly refute it, but carefully replaced it with a more cautious one, doing it so skillfully that no one guessed anything. How skillfully the commander managed to increase the significance of Metelitsa, to make him believe in his strength and knowledge.

Levinson punishes even a small offense, because this is the only way to maintain discipline in the detachment. For Frost, who stole melons, arrange a real show trial. The commander invites even local residents to take part in this important event and makes a decision: to help the peasants with the housework in their free time from battles.

Fadeev focuses on Levinson's view. They were afraid of him, they trembled before him, realizing all the meanness of the offense. The unblinking, stern gaze of the detachment commander, as if with pincers, tore the truth out of the partisans, pressed down, forced to repent.

And yet the writer does not seek to idealize his hero. He lifts the veil of the glorious commander's soul, showing that the ordinary person who struggles with weaknesses, suppresses them, hides them from others. The partisans consider it correct to the marrow of their bones, and this image has to be lived up to, no matter how hard or scary it is at times.

Fadeev is not afraid to show Levinson committing cruel deeds, finding himself in a situation of moral choice. This is how we see him in the episode with the Korean, when, having confiscated the pig, the commander dooms his entire family to starvation. This difficult act is dictated by the desire to help the revolution. Compared to the fate of the country, the life of a small Korean family is not taken into account.

Or the decision to poison the mortally wounded Frolov. It is better to do it by your own than by enemies, - this is how the commander of the partisan detachment argues his act. And let it be an open murder, but it is not without good reason.

The image of Levinson in Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev's novel "The Rout" is complex and ambiguous.

Characteristic literary hero Levinson Joseph (Osip) Abramovich - commander of a partisan detachment. “He was so small, unsightly in appearance - all consisted of a hat, a red beard and ichigov above the knees.” But main feature L.'s appearance is “blue as whirlpools”, “deep and large” eyes.
The detachment believed that L. never doubted anything, because “... he did not share his thoughts and feelings with anyone, he presented ready-made “yes” or “no”. The commander enjoyed unquestioned authority among the partisans. Most of them considered him "a man of a special, correct breed", having no weaknesses.
Indeed, L. has all the qualities of a real commander. Him a strong character, great organizational skills, military talent. Always and everywhere, the commander puts the interests of his partisans in the foreground. Even the most cruel actions of L. (the execution of the “man in the vest”, the poisoning of the hopelessly ill Frolov, etc.) are justified by the vital interests of the fighters.
The life goal of the hero was "a huge ... thirst for a new, beautiful, strong and kind person."
In its entirety, the image of L. is revealed in the last chapter of the novel, where the retreating partisan detachment is completely defeated.
Deadly tired, half-delirious, the commander feels a kindred closeness with his fighters. As a mere mortal, L. worries that at a crucial moment he will not be able to save the partisans, to make the right decision. But at the right moment, he desperately leads the detachment to a breakthrough. After a fierce battle with the Cossacks, only nineteen fighters remain alive, including the commander himself. Seeing this, Levinson “was no longer ashamed and did not hide his weakness; he sat looking down, slowly blinking his long wet eyelashes, and tears rolled down his beard ... ". But it was necessary to live on. Leaving the forest, the commander opens pictures peaceful life. Then “Levinson, with a silent, still damp look, looked around this spacious sky and earth, which promised bread and rest, these distant people on the current, whom he would soon have to make his own, close people, like those eighteen who silently rode behind, - and stopped crying; I had to live and fulfill my duties.”

Essay on literature on the topic: Levinson (The defeat of Fadeev)

Other writings:

  1. Defeat The commander of the partisan detachment, Levinson, orders orderly Morozka to take the package to another detachment. Frost does not want to go, he offers to send someone else; Levinson calmly orders the orderly to hand over his weapons and go to all four directions. Frost, having changed his mind, takes the letter and goes Read More ......
  2. I want to tell you about A. Fadeev's book Rout, which I read recently. Razgrom made a big impression on me. In this essay, I would like to review this work and I hope that I will cope with this task. The events in the novel take place Read More ......
  3. Mechik Characteristics of the literary hero Pavel Mechik is an intelligent young man who graduated from high school. There are many immature traits in his character. Looking for adventures and exploits, M. falls into the partisan detachment of Shaldyba. Gradually, he finds out that “the surrounding people did not at all resemble those created by Read More ......
  4. The idea of ​​the novel is revealed on the example of the fate of one of the revolutionary partisan detachments that operated in 1919 in the taiga of Primorye. The core of the detachment is made up of workers, the “coal tribe”. This is the commander of the mining platoon Dubov, an elderly but strong man; demolition worker Goncharenko; miner Frost. Two platoons and Read More ......
  5. The novel "Rout" is called the first and last success of Fadeev. The fate of the writer was dramatic: after a successful literary debut, he became a Soviet functionary, wasted his strength and talent in the service of the party. However, The Rout, published in 1927, is a truly talented work. The novel showed Read More ......
  6. The events of A. Fadeev's novel "The Rout" are based on a real historical fact- the defeat of the partisan detachment in the Far East. Levinson is at the head of the detachment. The image of this red commander is a kind of discovery by Fadeev. His innovation in the image of a communist is evident. First of all, Read More ......
  7. Alexander Aleksandrovich Fadeev is a writer whose biography is closely connected with the history of the Soviet state. His youth is scorched by the fire of revolution and civil war. He reflected his impressions of the battles in the Far East in the novel Defeat, which appeared in print in 1927. Explaining the idea Read More ......
  8. Fadeev worked on the novel “The Rout” for three years (from 1924 to 1927). The novel gives a general broad picture of the great alteration of the world and man after the revolution; it is a book about the "birth of man," about the formation of the character of a new man. “First and main Read More ......
Levinson (The Defeat of the Fadeevs)

In 1927, A. Fadeev's novel "The Rout" was published, in which the author turned to the events of the revolution and the civil war. By that time this topic already well covered in the literature. Some writers considered the events that completely changed the life of the country as the greatest tragedy of the people, others portrayed everything in a romantic halo.

Aleksandrovich approached the coverage of the revolutionary movement somewhat differently. He continued the traditions of L. Tolstoy in the study human soul and created psychological novel, which was often blamed on him by the "new writers" who rejected the classical traditions.

The plot and composition of the work

The action develops in the Far East, where the combined troops of the White Guards and the Japanese waged a fierce struggle against the partisans of Primorye. The latter often found themselves in complete isolation and were forced to act independently without receiving support. It is precisely in such a situation that Levinson's detachment finds itself, about which Fadeev's novel "Rout" narrates. An analysis of his composition determines the main task that the writer set himself: to create psychological portraits of the people of the revolution.

The novel of 17 chapters can be divided into 3 parts.

  1. Chapters 1-9 - an extensive exposition introducing the situation and the main actors: Frost, Mechik, Levinson. The detachment is on vacation, but its commander must maintain discipline in the "combat unit" and be ready to act at any moment. Here the main conflicts are outlined and the action begins.
  2. 10-13 chapters - the squad makes endless transitions and enters into minor collisions with the enemy. Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich pays great attention to the development of the characters of the main characters, who often find themselves in difficult situations.
  3. Chapters 14-17 - the climax of the action and the denouement. Of the entire detachment, forced to fight alone, only 19 people remain alive. But the main focus is on Frost and Mechik, who find themselves in equal conditions - in the face of death.

Thus, in the novel there is no heroic description of the military exploits of people who defend the ideas of the revolution. To show the influence of the events that took place on the formation of the human personality - A. Fadeev strove for this. “Defeat” is an analysis of a difficult situation when there is a “selection of human material”. In such conditions, according to the author, everything “hostile is swept away”, and “what has risen from the true roots of the revolution ... is tempered, grows, develops.”

Antithesis as the main device of the novel

Opposition in the work occurs at all levels. It also concerns the position of the opposing sides ("Reds" - "Whites"), and the moral analysis of the actions of people involved in the events that served as the basis of Fadeev's novel "The Rout".

An analysis of the images of the main characters, Frost and Sword, makes it clear that they are opposed in everything: origin and education, appearance, actions performed and their motivation, relationships with people, place in the squad. Thus, the author gives his answer to the question, what is the path of different social groups in the revolution.


The reader gets acquainted with the "miner in the second generation" already in the 1st chapter. This is a young man who goes through a difficult path

At first it seems that Morozka consists of only flaws. Rude, uneducated, constantly violating discipline in the detachment. He did all his actions thoughtlessly, and life was seen by him as "simple, unwise." At the same time, the reader immediately notices his courage: he, risking his life, saves a completely unknown person - Mechik.

Frost is given a lot of attention in Fadeev's novel "Rout". An analysis of his actions allows us to understand how the attitude of the hero towards himself and those around him changed. The first significant event for him was the trial for the theft of melons. Frost was shocked and frightened that he might be expelled from the detachment, and for the first time he gives the "miner's" word to improve, which he will never violate. Gradually, the hero realizes his responsibility to the detachment, learns to live meaningfully.

Frost's advantage was also the fact that he clearly knew why he came to the detachment. He was always drawn to the best people, which are many in Fadeev's novel "The Defeat". An analysis of the actions of Levinson, Baklanov, Goncharenko will become the basis for the formation of the best moral qualities in the former miner. A devoted comrade, a selfless fighter, a person who feels responsible for his actions - this is how Frost appears in the final, when at the cost of his own life he saves the squad.


Absolutely different Paul. First introduced in the rushing crowd, he will not find a place for himself until the end of the novel.

The sword is introduced into Fadeev's novel "The Rout" not by chance. A city dweller, educated and well-mannered, clean (words with diminutive suffixes are often used in the description of the hero) - this is a typical representative of the intelligentsia, whose attitude to the revolution has always caused controversy.

The sword often causes contempt for itself. Once he imagined the romantic, heroic environment that would await him in the war. When the reality turned out to be completely different (“dirtier, lousier, tougher”), he experienced great disappointment. And the more Mechik was in the detachment, the thinner the connection between him and the partisans became. Pavel does not use the opportunity to become part of the "detachment mechanism" - Fadeev gives them to him more than once. The "rout", the problems of which are also associated with the role of the intelligentsia cut off from the people's roots in the revolution, ends with the moral fall of the hero. He betrays the detachment, and the condemnation of his own cowardice is quickly replaced by joy at the fact that his "terrible life" is now over.


This character starts and ends the story. The role of Levinson is significant: he contributes to the unity of the detachment, unites the partisans into one whole.

The hero is interesting already because his appearance (because of his short stature and the wedge, he resembled the Dwarf's Sword) did not correspond in any way to the image of a heroic commander in a leather jacket created in literature. But unsightly appearance only emphasized the originality of the individual. The attitude of all the heroes of Fadeev's novel "The Rout" towards him, the analysis of actions and thoughts prove that Levinson was an indisputable authority for everyone in the detachment. No one could even imagine the commander doubting, he always served as a model of a "special, correct breed." Even the moment when the last thing is taken away from the peasants to save the detachment is seen, for example, by Morozka not as a robbery, similar to the theft of melons, but as a necessary deed. And only the reader becomes a witness that Levinson is a living person with fears and insecurities inherent in everyone.

It is also noteworthy that difficulties only temper the commander, make him stronger. Only such a person, according to the writer, is able to lead people.

The idea of ​​the novel as Fadeev saw it

"The rout", the content and theme of which is largely explained by the author himself, shows how, in the process of complex historical events appears true character person.

The "huge remake of people" concerns representatives of different ages and social groups. Some come out of trials with dignity, while others reveal emptiness and worthlessness.

Today, Fadeev's work is perceived ambiguously. So, the indisputable merits of the novel include a deep analysis of the psychology of the main characters, especially since it was practically the first attempt in post-revolutionary literature. But at the same time, it is difficult to agree with the opinion that for the sake of the triumph of an idea, all methods are good, even the murder of the mortally wounded Frolov. No goals can justify cruelty and violence - that's main principle inviolable laws of humanism, on which humanity rests.

Fadeev's novel still causes heated controversy. His heroes are real, alive, but many see them as a state order and Soviet revolutionary propaganda. And although history has now turned against the “Reds”, there are still millions of people in the country who are close to the position of Morozka and Levinson, but there are those who sympathize with Mechik, they are against goodness and freedom mixed with blood.

The author wrote the novel at the age of 25, but despite this, the work was quite mature. Critics immediately noted the talent of the writer. The work brought him success and recognition, because the ideological basis of the book was very suitable for the political course of the new state. The action in "Rout" takes place during the Civil War in the Ussuri region. Alexander Alexandrovich himself fought in the 1920s in the Far East against the army of Kolchak and Semyonov and personally experienced the hardships of battles. Therefore, the descriptions of combat sorties and front-line life look so convincing and lively, as if the reader himself witnessed these events and is now listening to a nostalgic story of a comrade of those years.

the main idea

Fadeev spoke about the main idea of ​​the work as follows:

First and main idea: civil war there is a selection of human material, everything hostile is swept away by the revolution, everything incapable of a real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is sifted out, and everything that has risen from the true roots of the revolution, from the millions of people, is tempered, grows, develops in this struggle. There is a huge transformation of people. This alteration is successful because the revolution is led by the advanced representatives of the working class - the communists, who clearly see the goal of the movement and who lead the more backward and help them to re-educate.

And, indeed, throughout the story, in the center of which there are three heroes, we see how they change. The author describes in detail their experiences, dreams, desires, suffering, thoughts. Many critics even accused Fadeev of excessive internal probing of the characters, of unnecessary "Tolstoyism". But without this, it would be simply impossible to reveal the images of Frost, Mechik and Levinson. The writer managed to overcome the superficiality of socialist realism and preserve in literature the psychologism typical of classical Russian prose.

Image of Frost

Heroes are representatives of different strata of society, with different fate, but they were united by the revolution. They ended up in the same squad, fighting side by side with the enemy, experiencing similar feelings every day. The author describes in detail the development of each of them.

Frost is a miner's guy who has been living a physically difficult but careless life since childhood. At the age of 12, he already started working at the mine, learned to swear and drink vodka. Fadeev writes that Morozka got into the detachment, most likely thoughtlessly, it was just that then it was impossible to do otherwise. It turns out that he appeared with his wife Varka among the partisans by chance, unconsciously, fate itself led him there. But in the first chapter, we see that Morozka values ​​his place in the detachment and will never leave him, this has become the meaning of his worthless, aimless life. He initially has the ability to implement real honest deeds, but he can also easily commit a low, disgraceful act. Frost does not betray his comrades, saves Mechik's life, but then steals melons from Ryabets, with whom he slept under the same blanket and lived with him. Later, Frost changes. The author describes its development in the following way: “He also thought about the fact that life is becoming more cunning, the old suchan paths are overgrown, you have to choose the Road yourself.” This suggests that the hero is already quite consciously choosing his path. Then Frost makes his own decisions. At the trial, he promises that he will never again dare to disgrace their detachment, says that he is ready to shed blood for each of them. The soldier has long become an integral part of the detachment, these are his dearest people, for whom, in the finale of the novel, he gives his life without hesitation. Such people are needed in the revolution. There is no selfishness in them, and they love their comrades more than themselves.

Levinson's image

Levinson is completely different. He is a squad leader and is a role model for most partisans. Everyone considers him the strongest, bravest, smartest person who always knows how to do the right thing. In fact, Levinson grew up in an ordinary Jewish family, helped his father sell used furniture, was afraid of mice and was in many ways similar to his partisans. But he knew that he could only lead people by hiding all his fears and anxieties deeply, he should be an example for them to follow. Levinson, like Frost, loves his comrades more than himself and his suffering. He knows for sure that there is an important cause for which he lives and is ready for anything.

Image of the Sword

The sword is the exact opposite of Frost. A guy from an intelligent family, he graduated from the gymnasium and got into the detachment of his own free will, only he had completely different ideas about the revolution, the struggle, they are too bookish, romantic. In life, everything turned out differently, but Mechik did not immediately understand that this was not his environment. The author shows his long way to betrayal.

Fadeev immediately imagines him through the eyes of Morozka, who does not like such too clean people, his experience says that these are unreliable comrades who cannot be trusted. But at first, Mechik wanted to fight and move, young hot blood seethed in him. He was not immediately accepted by the partisans, as he was very different from them in appearance. Seeing real, living people - rude, dirty, uncouth - he was disappointed. The image of the Sword is written in the most detail, since it is important to know how seemingly good guys become traitors. Fadeev describes this process in detail. The author writes about him without contempt, as if justifying his fall into sin. After all, it was the partisans themselves who did not accept him, and the main reason for this was that he belonged to a different class. He was constantly offended, mocked and ridiculed. He was always, in fact, alone, and loneliness pushes people to desperate acts. The sword, unfortunately, fell into the wrong environment, but it was no longer possible to leave in an amicable way. Fadeev leaves him alive, he will have to live with his betrayal. The hero will be able to justify himself, because more than anything in the world he loves only himself, such as he is. People like him have no place in the revolutionary ranks. He is too weak to fight.

Main problems

When we are talking about a big and responsible matter, it is important to understand all its aspects and if you take it on, then stand to the end. If you rush around, then nothing good will come of it. In this sense, the problem of betrayal is central to the novel. It is to her that the author devotes a lot of time and effort. His position is not one-sided: he does not judge, but tries to understand. So he wants to prove to people that it is not worth chopping off the shoulder if they have a traitor in front of them. It is necessary to take into account the reasons that prompted a person to become one. In this case, one cannot blame the intelligentsia's class failure for everything, as Soviet literary scholars hastened to do on orders from "above". The roots of a moral crime are much deeper, because we have before us an almost biblical story: the denial of the Apostle Peter from his teacher. This is exactly what Sword did, and his betrayal was also foretold. This means that the problem of moral choice has confronted humanity from the very first day and still stands unchanged. Someone initially does not have the fortitude to defend their beliefs, so at a crossroads they choose a crooked path in order to save their lives.

The author also found the courage to look at the revolution from different points of view. Someone imagines it as a romantic aspiration, and someone sees a real struggle with blood, sweat and death at every turn. However, a realist runs the risk of becoming a cynic and a meat-cutter, going to the goal, no matter what. And a romantic can break down and turn off the path at the cost of considerable sacrifice. It is important to maintain balance and perceive the revolution soberly, but at the same time obey the higher moral laws and follow the ideal without accepting compromises.

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