The image of Tatyana is one of the most captivating and deep in the history of Russian literature. Tatyana opens a gallery of portraits beautiful women with a true Russian character. She is the spiritual predecessor of the poetic, original, selfless "Turgenev's women". A. S. Pushkin put into this image his ideas about female virtue, spirituality, inner beauty, and how the mythical Pygmalion in Galatea, sincerely fell in love with his heroine:

Forgive me: I love so much

My dear Tatyana.

Just as sincerely, he empathizes with the spiritual anxiety, anxieties and disappointments of his beloved creature:

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!

With you now I shed tears ...

Why is this image attractive, does the author impose his subjective enthusiastic attitude towards the heroine? The poet does not idealize the heroine, does not paint an image of the perfect, classical beauty of popular novels:

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not attract eyes.

Tatyana's appearance is not described in the novel anymore, but A. S. Pushkin recreates the features of her character and behavior in great detail:

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid,

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.

From childhood, Tatyana was distinguished by thoughtfulness, contemplation, seriousness, daydreaming, detachment from childish games and amusements, she was captivated by the naive and mysterious stories of her nurse with bewitching poetry (“... terrible stories in winter in the darkness of nights captivated her heart more”), romantic songs of courtyard girls , wonderful pictures of nature (“She loved to predict the sunrise on the balcony ...”), sentimental novels by foreign writers about the love experiences of heroes (“She liked novels early; they replaced everything for her ...”). The girl lives in an organic relationship with the world of nature and people's peace, that is, a natural and harmonious life, drawing spiritual strength from the elements of nature and folk art.

Tatyana (Russian soul,

I don't know why.)

With her cold beauty

I loved Russian winter.

These lines emphasize the organic commonality of the Russian soul and Central Russian nature, the inextricable connection between the “mists of Epiphany evenings” and the “traditions of the common folk antiquity” - short winter days and the absence of peasant suffering contributed to communication on long dark evenings, fortune telling, storytelling to the sound of a spinning wheel transmitted from generation to generation mysterious stories expressing sacred awe before the formidable and mysterious world.

And this soulful, immersed in her inner world, a sensitive girl (a type of character that modern psychologists call an “introvert”) meets a brilliant young man, so unlike the people around her - educated, mysterious, detached from everyday worries, with traces of high experiences and disappointments - and, of course, falls in love without memory with all the passion of a self-centered nature:

The time has come, she fell in love.

So the fallen grain into the ground

Springs are animated by fire.

For a long time her imagination

Burning with grief and longing,

Alkalo food fatal...

Now all her thoughts are, “...and days and nights, and a hot lonely dream, everything is full of them...”

Now with what attention is she

Reading a sweet novel

With what lively charm

Drinking seductive deception!

imagining a heroine

To my beloved creators...

How accurately and subtly the poet conveys the confusion of an inexperienced soul, and the heat of her secret thoughts, and the hope for reciprocity, and embarrassment, and shame, and despair! Only this girl of crystal purity and boundless honesty, with the conviction of the sanctity of traditional folk ideas about girlish honor and the rules of decency, and at the same time, thirsting for high feelings ennobling life, could write such a sincere, at the same time chaotic and harmonious, perfectly expressing the depth of love, and an abyss of conflicting thoughts, feelings, doubts letter. The depth of feelings is amazingly touchingly conveyed by the poet, each word seems to be the only true expression of the slightest movement of the soul, it goes from the heart of the author to the heart of the reader:

Another! .. No, no one in the world

I wouldn't give my heart! It is in the highest predestined council ...

That is the will of heaven: I am yours;

My whole life has been a pledge

Faithful goodbye to you;

I know you were sent to me by God

Until the grave you are my keeper ...

Tatyana's chosen one, highly appreciating the "souls of trusting confession", her sincerity and purity, did not reciprocate, and "alas, Tatyana fades, turns pale, goes out and is silent ..." the house of her beloved, the inspection of his library, although “even in cruel loneliness her passion burns stronger,” made Tatyana more critically, objectively look at the chosen one of her heart.

She is painfully looking for an answer to the question: what is Eugene Onegin? - and her impartial assumptions testify to the spiritual development, the maturity of the girl, the harmony of the soul and mind. Tatyana is given in marriage to a general, and the heroine passively, limply repeats life path his mother, nanny, fulfilling his Christian, daughter, female duty. Having become a brilliant secular lady, Tatyana suddenly arouses a painful feeling of almost hopeless love in Onegin, who is even more disillusioned with life, tired of “arming speech and eyes with feigned coldness ...” Onegin writes her a letter that is not inferior in intensity of feelings and screaming sincerity to Tatyana’s letter to him. The young woman is deeply touched, although she reproaches Onegin for the unnaturalness and untimeliness of his feelings. With bitterness and emotion, she recalls her first love, as the brightest and most significant thing that she had in her life:

And happiness was so possible

So close!..

But my destiny

It's already been decided."

Tatyana, as sincerely as in her youth, confesses her love to Onegin, but just as insincerely as sincerely, she rejects his love:

I love you (why lie?),

But I am given to another;

I will be faithful to him forever.

What prevents the heroine, who finally aroused a reciprocal feeling in her lover, from finding happiness, fulfilling her cherished dream, fulfilling what her heart aspires to?

Of course, not the fear of philistine condemnation of the world - after all, Tatyana admits that she is ready to give “all this rags of a masquerade, all this brilliance, and noise, and fumes” for a solitary life in the wilderness, where she once met great love. Tatyana lives not only with her heart, but also with her soul, and cannot betray a person who believes in her and loves her. Duty, honor, virtue for her are higher than personal happiness, which now can only be built on the misfortune of a loved one.

This outcome is dictated by the heroine's faith in the sanctity of the foundations of folk morality, consecrated for centuries, which she honored from childhood. Tatyana's act also expresses the poet's view of the vocation, the ideal of a real Russian woman: selfless, devoted, faithful.
One of the largest works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin". The poet devoted about nine years to its creation. He painted unusually lively and memorable images of Onegin, Tatyana, Olga, Lensky, which brought fame to the author and made the novel immortal. Russian classic literature had a deep interest in female characters. The best poets and writers tried to comprehend and portray a woman not only as an object of adoration, love, but above all as a person.

A. S. Pushkin was the first to do this. Belinsky considered the creation of the image of Tatyana Larina, the truth of a Russian woman, a feat of the poet. The author endows his heroine with a simple name: “Her sister was called Tatyana” and explains it this way: “The sweetest-sounding Greek names, such as, for example, Agathon, Filat, Fedora, Thekla and others, are used among us only among commoners.” He explains this in the novel in the following lines:

For the first time with such a name

Gentle pages of a novel

We will sanctify.

So what? it is pleasant, sonorous:

But with him, I know, inseparable

Remembrance of old

Or girlish!

We first meet Tatiana at her parents' estate. About the father of the heroine, Pushkin says with irony: “There was a kind fellow, belated in the last century,” and the mother shows all the worries about the household. The life of the family proceeded peacefully and calmly. Often, “to grieve, and to slander, and to laugh about something” neighbors came to the Larins. Tatyana was brought up in such an atmosphere. She “believed in the legends of the common people of antiquity, and dreams, and card divination”, she was “disturbed by signs”,

„.scary stories

In winter in the dark of nights

They captivated her heart more ...

Tatyana is a simple provincial girl, she is not beautiful, but her thoughtfulness and daydreaming distinguish her from other people (“she loved to warn the sunrise on the balcony”), in whose company she feels lonely, since they are not able to understand her.

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid,

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.

She did not caress her parents, played little with children, did not do needlework, was not interested in fashion:

But dolls even in these years

Tatyana did not take it in her hands;

About the news of the city, about fashion

Didn't have a conversation with her.

The only entertainment that brought pleasure to this girl was reading books:

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Rousseau.

Tatyana lives by the pages of the books she has read, imagines herself in the place of their heroines. And this romance of book stories is the reason for the creation of the ideal of her chosen one.

What, according to Pushkin, is beautiful in this heroine? First of all, this is the height of her morality, her spiritual simplicity combined with the depth of her inner world, naturalness, the absence of any falsehood in her behavior. The author emphasizes that this girl is devoid of coquetry and pretense - qualities that he did not like in women. Before us is a personality, an image no less significant than Onegin.

She is naturally endowed with “a rebellious imagination, a living mind and will, and a wayward head, and a fiery and tender heart.” Tatyana subtly feels the beauty of nature:

Tatyana (Russian soul,

I don't know why.)

With her cold beauty

I loved Russian winter...

V. G. Belinsky said: “Tatyana’s whole inner world consisted in a thirst for love.” And he was right in his statement: For a long time her imagination,

Burning with grief and longing,

Alkalo fatal food;

Long hearted languor

It pressed her young breast;

The soul was waiting ... for someone

And I waited ... Eyes opened,

She said it's him!

And it is clear why Pushkin's heroine falls in love with Onegin. She is one of those “girls” for whom love can be either a great happiness or a great misfortune. In Onegin, the girl with her heart, and not her mind, immediately felt a kindred spirit. In a fit of her heart, she decides to write a letter of revelation to her lover, a declaration of love:

I am writing to you - what more?

What else can I say?

Now I know in your will

Punish me with contempt.

But Onegin could not appreciate the depth of feelings of Tatiana's passionate nature. This brings the girl into mental turmoil. And even after she visited Onegin’s village house and read his favorite books, where “Onegin’s soul involuntarily expressed itself,” when she realized who fate had sent her, she continues to love this person.

In the first chapters, the reader is presented with the image of a naive girl, sincere in her pursuit of happiness. But two years have passed. Tatyana is a princess, the wife of a respected general. Has she changed?

Yes and no. Of course, she “entered her role”, but did not lose the main thing - simplicity, naturalness, human dignity:

Oma was slow

Not cold, not talkative

Without an arrogant look for everyone,

No claim to success

Without these little antics

No imitations."

Everything is quiet, it was just in it ...

This line is very important - “without imitative undertakings”. Tatyana has no need to imitate anyone, she is a person in herself, and this is the strength of her charm, which is why "the general who entered with her raised his nose and shoulders." He was rightfully proud of his wife.

Tatyana is indifferent to secular life. She sees the falseness that reigns in the highest Petersburg society. Just as Onegin disliked his “hateful freedom”, so Tatyana is burdened by the tinsel of “hateful life”.

Perhaps the most important thing in Tatyana's character and behavior is a sense of duty, responsibility to people. These feelings take precedence over love. She cannot be happy bringing misfortune to another person, her husband, who is “mutilated in battles”, is proud of her, trusts her. She will never make a deal with her conscience.

Tatyana remains true to her duty and when meeting with Onegin she says:

I love you (why lie?),

But I am given to another;

I will be faithful to him forever.

The fate of Tatyana is tragic. Life brought her many disappointments, she did not find in life what she was striving for, but she did not betray herself. This is a very solid, strong, strong-willed female character.

Tatyana is the ideal of a woman for the poet, and he does not hide it: “Forgive me: I love my dear Tatyana so much ...” fate took away a lot. A. S. Pushkin admires his heroine.

From whom was “Tatyana’s dear ideal” written? There are still disputes about this. Some literary scholars claim that this is Maria Raevskaya, who married Volkonsky and shared his fate in Siberia. Others claim that this is the wife of the Decembrist Fonvizin. Only one thing is clear: the image of Tatyana Larina is among the most striking female images of Russian literature.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin managed to present all the diversity of the life of contemporary Russia, portray Russian society "in one of the most interesting moments of its development", create typical images of Onegin and Lensky, in whose person the "main, that is, male side» of this society. “But the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he was the first to reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman,” Belinsky wrote.

Tatyana Larina - the first realistic in Russian literature female image. The heroine's worldview, her character, her mental make-up - all this is revealed in the novel in great detail, her behavior is psychologically motivated. But at the same time, Tatyana is the poet's "sweet ideal", the "novel" embodiment of his dream of a certain type of woman. And the poet himself often talks about this on the pages of the novel: “Tatyana's letter is in front of me; I sacredly protect him ... "," Forgive me: I love Tatyana my dear so much! Moreover, the attitude of the poet himself was embodied to a certain extent in the personality of the heroine.

Readers immediately felt these author's accents. Dostoevsky, for example, considered Tatyana, and not Onegin, the main actor novel. And the opinion of the writer is quite reasonable. This nature is whole, uncommon, exceptional, with a truly Russian soul, with strong character and spirit.

Her character remains unchanged throughout the novel. In various life circumstances, Tatyana's spiritual and intellectual outlook expands, she gains experience, knowledge of human nature, new habits and manners characteristic of a different age, but her inner world does not change. “The portrait of her in childhood, so masterfully painted by the poet, is only developed, but not changed,” wrote V. G. Belinsky:

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid,

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl ...

A child by herself, in a crowd of children

Didn't want to play and jump

And often all day alone

She sat silently by the window.

Tatyana grew up as a thoughtful and impressionable girl, she did not like noisy children's games, fun entertainment, she was not interested in dolls and needlework. She liked to daydream alone or listen to her nurse's stories. Tatyana's only friends were fields and forests, meadows and groves.

Characteristically, when describing village life, Pushkin does not portray any of the "provincial heroes" against the backdrop of nature. Habit, "prose of life", preoccupation with household chores, low spiritual demands - all this left its mark on their perception: local landowners simply do not notice the surrounding beauty, just as Olga or old Larina does not notice it,

But Tatyana is not like that, her nature is deep and poetic - it is given to her to see the beauty of the world around her, it is given to understand the "secret language of nature", it is given to love God's light. She loves to meet the “dawn sunrise”, thoughts are carried away to the twinkling moon, walk alone among the fields and hills. But especially Tatyana loves winter:

Tatyana (Russian soul.

I don't know why.)

With her cold beauty

I loved Russian winter

Frost in the sun on a frosty day,

And the sleigh, and the late dawn

Shine of pink snows,

And the darkness of Epiphany evenings.

The heroine thus introduces the motif of winter, cold, ice into the narrative. And then winter landscapes often accompany Tatyana. Here she is telling fortunes on a clear frosty night at baptism. In a dream, she walks “in a snowy meadow”, sees “immovable pines”, covered with tufts of snow, bushes, rapids covered by a snowstorm. Before leaving for Moscow, Tatyana is "terrified of the winter journey." V. M. Markovich notes that the “winter” motive here is “directly close to that harsh and mysterious sense of proportion, law, fate, which made Tatyana reject Onegin’s love.”

The deep connection of the heroine with nature is preserved throughout the story. Tatyana lives according to the laws of nature, in full harmony with her natural rhythms: “The time has come, she fell in love. Thus, the fallen grain of Spring is revived by fire into the earth. And her communication with the nanny, faith in the "traditions of the common folk antiquity", dreams, fortune-telling, signs and superstitions - all this only strengthens this mysterious connection.

Tatyana's attitude to nature is akin to ancient paganism, in the heroine the memory of her distant ancestors, the memory of the family, seems to come to life. “Tatyana is all native, all from the Russian land, from Russian nature, mysterious, dark and deep, like a Russian fairy tale ... Her soul is simple, like the soul of the Russian people. Tatyana from that twilight, ancient world where the Firebird, Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga were born ... ”- wrote D. Merezhkovsky.

And this “call of the past” is expressed, among other things, in the inextricable connection of the heroine with her family, despite the fact that there she “seemed like a stranger girl”. Pushkin depicts Tatyana in the background life history her family, which acquires an extremely important meaning in the context of understanding the fate of the heroine.

In her life story, Tatyana, not wanting this, repeats the fate of her mother, who was taken to the crown, "without asking her advice", while she "sighed for another, Whom in her heart and mind she liked much more ...". Here Pushkin seems to anticipate Tatyana's fate with a philosophical remark: "The habit has been given to us from above: It is a substitute for happiness." It may be objected to us that Tatyana is deprived of a spiritual connection with her family (“She seemed like a stranger in her own family”). However, this does not mean that there is no inner, deep connection, that same natural connection that is the very essence of the heroine's nature.

In addition, Tatyana was raised by a nanny from childhood, and here we can no longer talk about the absence of a spiritual connection. It is to the nanny that the heroine confides her heartfelt secret, handing over a letter for Onegin. She sadly recalls her nanny in St. Petersburg. But what is the fate of Filipyevna? The same marriage without love:

“But how did you get married, nanny?” —

So, apparently, God ordered. My Vanya

Younger than me, my light,

And I was thirteen years old.

For two weeks the matchmaker went

To my family, and finally

Father blessed me.

I cried bitterly from fear

They untwisted my braid with weeping,

Yes, with singing they led to the church.

Of course, the peasant girl here is deprived of freedom of choice, unlike Tatyana. But the very situation of marriage, the perception of it, are repeated in the fate of Tatyana. Nyanino “So, apparently, God ordered” becomes Tatyanin “But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever.

In shaping the inner world of the heroine, a fashionable passion for sentimental and romantic novels. Her very love for Onegin manifests itself "in a bookish way", she appropriates "someone else's delight, someone else's sadness." Familiar men were uninteresting to Tatyana: they "represented so little food to her exalted ... imagination." Onegin was a new man in the "village wilderness". His secrecy, secular manners, aristocracy, indifferent, bored look - all this could not leave Tatyana indifferent. “There are beings whose fantasy has much more influence on the heart than how people think about it,” wrote Belinsky. Not knowing Onegin, Tatyana presents him in images that are well known to her. literary heroes: Malek-Adel, de Dinard and Werther. In essence, the heroine loves not a living person, but an image created by her “rebellious imagination”.

However, gradually she begins to discover the inner world of Onegin. After his stern sermon, Tatyana remains at a loss, offended and bewildered. She probably interprets everything she hears in her own way, understanding only that her love was rejected. And only after visiting the "fashion cell" of the hero, looking into his books, which store the "mark of a sharp fingernail", Tatyana begins to comprehend Onegin's perception of life, people, fate. However, its discovery does not speak in favor of the chosen one:

What is he? Is it an imitation

An insignificant ghost, or else

Muscovite in Harold's cloak,

Alien whims interpretation,

Full lexicon of fashionable words?..

Isn't he a parody?

Here, the difference in worldviews of the characters is especially clearly exposed. If Tatyana thinks and feels in line with the Russian Orthodox tradition, Russian patriarchy, patriotism, then Onegin's inner world was formed under the influence of Western European culture. As V. Nepomniachtchi notes, Yevgeny’s office is a fashionable cell, where instead of icons there is a portrait of Lord Byron, on the table there is a small statue of Napoleon, the invader, conqueror of Russia, Onegin’s books undermine the foundation of the foundations - faith in the Divine principle in man. Of course, Tatyana was amazed, having discovered for herself not only the unfamiliar world of someone else's consciousness, but also a world that was deeply alien to her, hostile at its core.

Probably, the ill-fated duel, the outcome of which was the death of Lensky, did not leave her indifferent. A completely different, non-bookish image of Onegin formed in her mind. Confirmation of this is the second explanation of the heroes in St. Petersburg. Tatyana does not believe in the sincerity of Eugene's feelings, his persecution offends her dignity. Onegin's love does not leave her indifferent, but now she cannot answer his feelings. She got married and devoted herself entirely to her husband and family. And an affair with Onegin in this new situation is impossible for her:

I love you (why lie?),
But I am given to another;
I will forever be faithful to him ...

A lot of things were reflected in this choice of the heroine. This is the integrity of her nature, which does not allow lies and deceptions; and the clarity of moral ideas, which excludes the very possibility of causing grief to an innocent person (husband), thoughtlessly disgracing him; and book-romantic ideals; and faith in Fate, in the Providence of God, implying Christian humility; and the laws of popular morality, with its uniqueness of decisions; and unconscious repetition of the fate of mother and nanny.

However, in the impossibility of the unity of the heroes, Pushkin also has a deep, symbolic subtext. Onegin is the hero of "culture", of civilization (moreover, of Western European culture, alien to Russian people at its very core). Tatyana is a child of nature, embodying the very essence of the Russian soul. Nature and culture are incompatible in the novel—they are tragically separated.

Dostoevsky believed that Onegin now loves in Tatyana “only his new fantasy. ... He loves fantasy, but he is a fantasy himself. After all, if she goes after him, then tomorrow he will be disappointed and look at his passion mockingly. It has no soil, it is a blade of grass carried by the wind. She [Tatiana] is not like that at all: she, both in despair and in the suffering consciousness that her life has perished, still has something solid and unshakable on which her soul rests. These are her childhood memories, memories of her homeland, the rural wilderness, in which her humble, pure life began ... "

Thus, in the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin presents us with "the apotheosis of the Russian woman." Tatyana amazes us with the depth of her nature, originality, "rebellious imagination", "living mind and will." It's whole strong personality capable of rising above the stereotypical thinking of any social circle, intuitively feeling the moral truth.

The image of Tatiana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin. Firstly, because the poet in his work created the inimitable, unique character of the Russian woman. And secondly, this image embodies an important principle of Alexander Sergeevich - the principle of realistic art. Pushkin in one of his articles explains and analyzes the causes of the emergence of "literary monsters" by the emergence and development of romantic literature, which replaced classicism. Let us consider in more detail the image of Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Pushkin's main idea

The poet agrees that the depiction is not of morality, but of the ideal - the general trend of contemporary literature to him - is inherently correct. But, according to Alexander Sergeevich, neither the idea of ​​the past about human nature as some kind of "pretentious pomposity", nor today's image of vice triumphant in the hearts, are inherently deep. Pushkin, thus, affirms new ideals in his work (stanzas 13 and 14 of the third chapter): according to the author’s intention, the novel, built primarily on a love conflict, should reflect the most stable and characteristic signs of the lifestyle that several generations of a noble family in Russia adhered to. .

Therefore, Pushkin's heroes speak natural language, their experiences are not monotonous and schematic, but many-sided and natural. Describing the feelings of the characters in the novel, Alexander Sergeevich checks the veracity of the descriptions by life itself, relying on his own impressions and observations.

Contrasting Tatyana and Olga

Taking into account this concept of Alexander Sergeevich, it becomes clear how and why the image of Tatiana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is compared with the character of another heroine, Olga, when the reader gets acquainted with the first one. Olga is cheerful, obedient, modest, sweet and simple-hearted. Her eyes are blue like the sky, her curls are linen, her waist is light, while she does not stand out from a number of similar provincial young ladies in the novel "Eugene Onegin". The image of Tatyana Larina is built on contrast. This girl is not as attractive in appearance as her sister, and the hobbies and behavior of the heroine only emphasize her originality, unlike the others. Pushkin writes that in her family she seemed like a strange girl, she was silent, sad, wild, timid, like a doe.

Name Tatyana

Alexander Sergeevich gives a note in which he indicates that names such as Thekla, Fedora, Filat, Agrafon and others are used among us only among commoners. Then, in the author's digression, Pushkin develops this idea. He writes that the name Tatyana will for the first time consecrate the "tender pages" of this novel. It merged harmoniously with the characteristic features of the girl's appearance, her character traits, manners and habits.

The character of the main character

Village world, books, nature, horror stories, which the nanny told on dark winter nights - all these unpretentious, sweet hobbies gradually form the image of Tatiana in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin notes what was most dear to the girl: she loved to meet the “dawn sunrise” on the balcony, to watch the dance of stars disappear in the “pale sky”.

Books played a big role in shaping the feelings and views of Tatyana Larina. Novels replaced everything else for her, provided an opportunity to find her dreams, "secret heat." Passion for books, acquaintance with other, fantastic worlds that were filled with all sorts of colors of life, was not just entertainment for our heroine. Tatyana Larina, whose image we are considering, wanted to find in them what she could not find in the real world. Perhaps that is why she suffered a fatal mistake, the first failure in life - love for Eugene Onegin.

Perceiving her as nasty poetic soul alien to the environment, Tatyana Larina, whose image stands out among all the others in the work, created her own illusory world, where love, beauty, kindness, justice ruled. Only one thing was missing to complete the picture - a unique, single hero. Therefore, Onegin, shrouded in mystery, thoughtful, seemed to the girl the embodiment of her secret girlish dreams.

Tatiana's letter

Tatyana's letter, a touching and sweet declaration of love, reflects the whole complex range of feelings that swept over her restless, immaculate soul. Hence such a sharp, contrasting opposition: Onegin is "unsociable", he is bored in the countryside, and the members of Tatyana's family, although they are "innocently glad" for the guest, do not shine with anything. From this comes the praise of the chosen one, excessive, conveyed, among other things, with the help of the girl’s description of the indelible impression that she received at the first meeting with the hero: she always knew him, but fate did not give the lovers a chance to meet in this world.

And then came this wonderful moment of recognition, meeting. "I instantly found out," Tatyana writes. For her, whom none of those around her understands, and this brings suffering to the girl, Eugene is a savior, a savior, a handsome prince who will revive her, disenchant Tatiana's unfortunate heart. It would seem that dreams have come true, but reality sometimes turns out to be so cruel and deceptive that it is impossible even to imagine.

Evgeny's answer

The tender confession of the girl touches Onegin, but he is not yet ready to bear responsibility for other people's feelings, fate, hope. His advice is simple in everyday life, reflecting the life experience he has accumulated in society. He urges the girl to learn to control herself, since inexperience leads to trouble and not everyone will understand her the way Eugene understood.

New Tatiana

This is just the beginning of the most interesting, as the novel "Eugene Onegin" tells us. The image of Tatyana is significantly transformed. The girl turns out to be a capable student. She learned to "rule herself", overcoming mental pain. In the careless and stately, indifferent princess, it is now difficult to recognize that former girl - in love, timid, simple and poor.

Have Tatyana's life principles changed?

Is it fair to assume that if significant changes took place in Tatyana's character, then the life principles of the heroine also changed significantly? If we interpret Tatyana's behavior in this way, then in this we will follow the inflamed passion for this impregnable goddess Eugene Onegin. Tatyana accepted the rules of this game that was alien to her, but her sincerity, moral purity, inquisitiveness of mind, directness, understanding of duty and justice, the ability to courageously, with dignity to meet and overcome the difficulties that arise on the way did not disappear.

The girl replies to Onegin's confession that she loves him, but is given to another, and the century will be faithful to him. This simple words, but how much resentment, bitterness, mental pain, suffering are in them! The image of Tatyana in the novel is vital and convincing. He evokes admiration and sincere sympathy.

Depth, height, spirituality of Tatyana allowed Belinsky to call her "genius nature." Pushkin himself admired this image created so skillfully. In Tatyana Larina, he embodied the ideal of a Russian woman.

We examined this difficult and interesting image. Tatyana Onegina was not in the novel, and could not be, according to Pushkin. The characters' attitudes to life were too different.

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Women, whose behavior and appearance differ from the generally accepted canons of the ideal, have always attracted the attention of both literary figures and readers. The description of this type of people allows you to lift the veil of unknown life quests and aspirations. The image of Tatyana Larina is perfect for this role.

Family and childhood memories

Tatyana Larina, by her origin, belongs to the nobility, but all her life she was deprived of an extensive secular society- She has always lived in the countryside and never aspired to an active city life.

Tatyana's father Dmitry Larin was a foreman. At the time of the actions described in the novel, he is no longer alive. It is known that he died young. "He was a simple and kind gentleman."

The girl's mother's name is Polina (Praskovya). She was given away as a girl under duress. For some time she was discouraged and tormented, feeling a sense of affection for another person, but over time she found happiness in family life with Dmitry Larin.

Tatyana still has a sister, Olga. She is not at all like her sister in character: gaiety and coquetry are a natural state for Olga.

important person for the formation of Tatyana as a person, her nanny Filipyevna played. This woman is a peasant by birth and, perhaps, this is her main charm - she knows many folk jokes and stories that so lure the inquisitive Tatiana. The girl has a very reverent attitude towards the nanny, she sincerely loves her.

Naming and prototypes

Pushkin emphasizes the unusualness of his image already at the very beginning of the story, giving the girl the name Tatyana. The fact is that for the high society of that time, the name Tatyana was not characteristic. This name at that time had a pronounced common character. Pushkin's drafts contain information that the heroine's original name was Natalya, but later Pushkin changed his intention.

Alexander Sergeevich mentioned that this image is not without a prototype, but did not indicate who exactly served him such a role.

Naturally, after such statements, both his contemporaries and researchers of later years actively analyzed Pushkin's entourage and tried to find Tatyana's prototype.

Opinions on this issue are divided. It is possible that several prototypes were used for this image.

One of the most suitable candidates is Anna Petrovna Kern - her similarity in character with Tatyana Larina leaves no doubt.

The image of Maria Volkonskaya is ideal for describing the resilience of Tatyana's character in the second part of the novel.

The next person who bears a resemblance to Tatyana Larina is Pushkin's sister Olga. In her temperament and character, she ideally matches the description of Tatyana in the first part of the novel.

Tatyana also has a certain similarity with Natalya Fonvizina. The woman herself found a great resemblance to this literary character and expressed the opinion that Tatiana's prototype was her.

An unusual assumption about the prototype was made by Pushkin's lyceum friend Wilhelm Kuchelbecker. He found that the image of Tatyana is very similar to Pushkin himself. This similarity is especially evident in chapter 8 of the novel. Kuchelbecker claims: “the feeling with which Pushkin is overwhelmed is noticeable, although he, like his Tatyana, does not want the world to know about this feeling.”

Question about the age of the heroine

In the novel, we meet Tatyana Larina during her growing up. She is a marriageable girl.
The opinions of the researchers of the novel on the issue of the year of the girl's birth differed.

Yuri Lotman claims that Tatyana was born in 1803. In this case, in the summer of 1820, she just turned 17 years old.

However, this opinion is not the only one. There is an assumption that Tatyana was much younger. Such thoughts are prompted by the nanny's story that she was married off at the age of thirteen, as well as the mention that Tatyana, unlike most girls of her age, did not play with dolls at that time.

V.S. Babaevsky puts forward another version about Tatyana's age. He believes that the girl must be much older than the age assumed by Lotman. If the girl had been born in 1803, then the girl's mother's concern about the lack of options for her daughter's marriage would not have been so pronounced. In this case, a trip to the so-called “bride fair” would not yet be a necessity.

The appearance of Tatyana Larina

Pushkin does not go into a detailed description of Tatyana Larina's appearance. The author is more interested in the inner world of the heroine. We learn about Tatyana's appearance in contrast to the appearance of her sister Olga. The sister has a classic appearance - she has beautiful blond hair, a ruddy face. In contrast, Tatyana has dark hair, her face is too pale, devoid of color.

We offer you to get acquainted with the characteristics of the heroes of the poem by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Her gaze is full of despondency and sadness. Tatyana was too thin. Pushkin notes, "no one could call her beautiful." Meanwhile, she was still an attractive girl, she had a special beauty.

Leisure and attitude to needlework

It was generally accepted that the female half of society free time spent doing needlework. Girls, in addition, still played with dolls or various active games (the most common was the burner).

Tatiana does not like to do any of these activities. She loves to listen to the nanny's scary stories and sit by the window for hours.

Tatyana is very superstitious: "The omens worried her." The girl also believes in fortune-telling and that dreams do not just happen, they carry certain meaning.

Tatyana is fascinated by novels - "they replaced everything for her." She likes to feel like the heroine of such stories.

However, Tatyana Larina's favorite book was not love story, and the dream book “Martyn Zadeka later became / Tanya’s Favorite”. Perhaps this is due to Tatyana's great interest in mysticism and everything supernatural. It was in this book that she could find the answer to her question: “consolations / In all sorrows she gives / And sleeps with her incessantly.”

Personality characteristic

Tatyana is not like most girls of her era. This applies to external data, and hobbies, and character. Tatyana was not a cheerful and active girl who was easily given to coquetry. "Dika, sad, silent" - this is Tatiana's classic behavior, especially in society.

Tatyana loves to indulge in dreams - she can fantasize for hours. The girl hardly understands her native language, but is in no hurry to learn it, in addition, she rarely educates herself. Tatyana prefers novels that can disturb her soul, but at the same time she cannot be called stupid, rather the opposite. The image of Tatyana is full of "perfections". This fact is sharply contrasted with the rest of the characters in the novel, who do not have such components.

In view of her age and inexperience, the girl is too trusting and naive. She trusts the impulse of emotions and feelings.

Tatyana Larina is capable of tender feelings not only in relation to Onegin. With her sister Olga, despite the striking difference of girls in temperament and perception of the world, she is connected by the most devoted feelings. In addition, a feeling of love and tenderness arises in her in relation to her nanny.

Tatyana and Onegin

New people coming to the village always arouse the interest of the permanent residents of the area. Everyone wants to get to know the visitor, learn about him - life in the village is not distinguished by a variety of events, and new people bring with them new topics for conversation and discussion.

Onegin's arrival did not go unnoticed. Vladimir Lensky, who was lucky enough to become Yevgeny's neighbor, introduces Onegin to the Larins. Eugene is very different from all the inhabitants village life. His manner of speaking, behaving in society, his education and ability to carry on a conversation pleasantly amaze Tatiana, and not only her.

However, "early the feelings in him cooled down", Onegin "has completely cooled off to life", he was already bored beautiful girls and their attention, but Larina does not know about it.

Onegin instantly becomes the hero of Tatiana's novel. She idealizes the young man, he seems to her to have descended from the pages of her love books:

Tatyana loves not jokingly
And surrender unconditionally
Love like a sweet child.

Tatyana suffers for a long time in languor and decides to take a desperate step - she decides to confess to Onegin and tell him about her feelings. Tatyana is writing a letter.

The letter carries a double meaning. On the one hand, the girl expresses indignation and grief associated with the arrival of Onegin and her love. She lost the peace in which she lived before, and this leads the girl to bewilderment:

Why did you visit us
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I would never have known you.
I would not know bitter torment.

On the other hand, the girl, having analyzed her position, sums up: the arrival of Onegin is her salvation, this is fate. By her character and temperament, Tatyana could not have become the wife of any of the local suitors. She is too alien and incomprehensible for them - Onegin is another matter, he is able to understand and accept her:

That in the supreme council is destined ...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life has been a pledge
Faithful goodbye to you.

However, Tatyana's hopes did not come true - Onegin does not love her, but only played with the girl's feelings. The next tragedy in the girl's life is the news of the duel between Onegin and Lensky, and the death of Vladimir. Eugene leaves.

Tatyana falls into a blues - she often comes to Onegin's estate, reads his books. Over time, the girl begins to understand that the real Onegin is fundamentally different from the Eugene she wanted to see. She just idealized the young man.

This is where her unfulfilled romance with Onegin ends.

Tatyana's dream

Unpleasant events in the girl's life, connected with the lack of mutual feelings in the subject of her love, and then death, two weeks before the wedding of the groom's sister Vladimir Lensky, were preceded by a strange dream.

Tatyana always gave dreams great importance. This same dream is doubly important for her, because it is the result of Christmas divination. Tatyana was supposed to see her future husband in a dream. The dream becomes prophetic.

At first, the girl finds herself in a snowy meadow, she approaches the stream, but the passage through it is too fragile, Larina is afraid to fall and looks around in search of an assistant. A bear appears from under a snowdrift. The girl is frightened, but when she sees that the bear is not going to attack, but, on the contrary, offers her his help, holds out her hand to him - the obstacle has been overcome. However, the bear is in no hurry to leave the girl, he follows her, which frightens Tatyana even more.

The girl tries to escape from the pursuer - she goes to the forest. The branches of the trees cling to her clothes, take off her earrings, tear off her scarf, but Tatyana, seized with fear, runs forward. Deep snow prevents her from escaping and the girl falls. At this time, a bear overtakes her, he does not attack her, but picks her up and carries her further.

A hut appears ahead. The bear says that his godfather lives here and Tatiana can warm up. Once in the hallway, Larina hears the noise of fun, but it reminds her of a wake. Strange guests are sitting at the table - monsters. The girl is disassembled both by fear and curiosity, she quietly opens the door - Onegin turns out to be the owner of the hut. He notices Tatyana and goes to her. Larina wants to run away, but she can't - the door opens and all the guests see her:

… Violent laughter
Resounded wildly; everyone's eyes,
Hooves, trunks are crooked,
Crested tails, fangs,
Mustaches, bloody tongues,
Horns and fingers of bone,
Everything points to her.
And everyone screams: mine! my!

The imperious host calms the guests - the guests disappear, and Tatyana is invited to the table. Immediately, Olga and Lensky appear in the hut, causing a storm of indignation from Onegin. Tatyana is horrified by what is happening, but does not dare to intervene. In a fit of anger, Onegin takes a knife and kills Vladimir. The dream ends, it's already morning in the yard.

Tatyana's marriage

A year later, Tatyana's mother comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to take her daughter to Moscow - Tatyana has every chance to remain virgins:
At Kharitonya in the alley
Carriage in front of the house at the gate
Has stopped. To an old aunt
The fourth year of the patient in consumption,
They have arrived now.

Aunt Alina joyfully received the guests. She herself could not get married at one time and lived alone all her life.

Here, in Moscow, Tatyana is noticed by an important, fat general. He was struck by the beauty of Larina and "meanwhile, he does not take his eyes off her."

The age of the general, as well as his exact name, Pushkin does not give in the novel. Admirer Larina Alexander Sergeevich calls General N. It is known that he took part in military events, which means that his career advancement could take place at an accelerated pace, in other words, he received the rank of general without being in old age.

Tatyana, on the other hand, does not feel a shadow of love towards this person, but nevertheless agrees to marriage.

The details of their relationship with her husband are not known - Tatyana resigned herself to her role, but she did not have a feeling of love for her husband - he was replaced by affection and a sense of duty.

Love for Onegin, despite the debunking of his idealistic image, still has not left Tatyana's heart.

Meeting with Onegin

Two years later, Eugene Onegin returns from his journey. He does not go to his village, but visits his relative in St. Petersburg. As it turned out, during these two years, changes took place in the life of his relative:

"So you're married! I didn't know before!
How long ago? - About two years. -
"On whom?" - On Larina. - "Tatyana!"

Always able to restrain himself, Onegin succumbs to excitement and feelings - he is seized by anxiety: “Is she really? But definitely… No…”

Tatyana Larina has changed a lot since their last meeting - they no longer look at her as a strange provincial:

The ladies moved closer to her;
The old women smiled at her;
The men bowed down
The girls were quieter.

Tatyana learned to behave like all secular women. She knows how to hide her emotions, is tactful towards other people, there is a certain amount of coolness in her behavior - all this causes Onegin to be surprised.

Tatyana, it seems, was not at all dumbfounded, unlike Evgeny, by their meeting:
Her eyebrow did not move;
She didn't even purse her lips.

Always so bold and lively, Onegin was at a loss for the first time and did not know how to speak to her. Tatyana, on the contrary, asked him with the most indifferent expression on her face about the trip and the date of his return.

Since then, Eugene loses peace. He realizes that he loves the girl. He comes to them every day, but feels embarrassed in front of the girl. All his thoughts are occupied only by her - in the morning he jumps out of bed and counts the hours left until their meeting.

But the meetings do not bring relief - Tatyana does not notice his feelings, she behaves with restraint, proudly, in a word, just like Onegin himself towards her two years ago. Consumed by excitement, Onegin decides to write a letter.

I notice a spark of tenderness in you,
I did not dare to believe her - he writes about the events of two years ago.
Eugene confesses his love to a woman. “I was punished,” he says, explaining his recklessness in the past.

Like Tatyana, Onegin entrusts her with the solution of the problem that has arisen:
Everything is decided: I'm in your will
And surrender to my fate.

However, there was no answer. The first letter is followed by another and another, but they remain unanswered. Days pass - Eugene cannot lose his anxiety and confusion. He again comes to Tatyana and finds her sobbing over his letter. She was very similar to the girl he met two years ago. Excited Onegin falls at her feet, but

Tatyana is categorical - her love for Onegin has not yet faded away, but Eugene himself ruined their happiness - he neglected her when she was unknown to anyone in society, not rich and not "kind of by the court." Eugene was rude to her, he played with her feelings. Now she is the wife of another man. Tatyana does not love her husband, but she will be “faithful to him for a century”, because it cannot be otherwise. Another version of the development of events is contrary to the life principles of the girl.

Tatyana Larina in the assessment of critics

Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" became the subject of active research and scientific-critical activity for several generations. Image main character Tatyana Larina became the cause of repeated disputes and analyzes.

  • Y. Lotman in his works he actively analyzed the essence and principle of writing Tatyana's letter to Onegin. He came to the conclusion that the girl, having read novels, recreated "a chain of reminiscences primarily from the texts of French literature."
  • V.G. Belinsky, says that for Pushkin's contemporaries, the release of the third chapter of the novel was a sensation. The reason for this was a letter from Tatyana. According to the critic, Pushkin himself until that moment did not realize the power produced by the letter - he calmly read it, just like any other text.
    The writing style is a little childish, romantic - this is touching, because Tatyana had not known the feelings of love before that “the language of passions was so new and not accessible to the morally dumb Tatyana: she would not have been able to understand or express her own feelings if she had not resorted to to help the impressions left on her.”
  • D. Pisarev did not turn out to be such an inspired image of Tatyana. He believes that the girl's feelings are fake - she inspires them herself and thinks that this is the truth. While analyzing the letter to Tatyana, the critic notes that Tatyana is still aware of Onegin’s lack of interest in her person, for she puts forward the assumption that Onegin’s visits will not be regular, this state of affairs does not allow the girl to become a “virtuous mother”. “And now I, by your grace, a cruel man, must disappear,” writes Pisarev. In general, the image of a girl in his concept is not the most positive and borders on the definition of a “village”.
  • F. Dostoevsky believes that Pushkin should have named his novel not by the name of Yevgeny, but by the name of Tatyana. Since it is this heroine who is the main acting character in the novel. In addition, the writer notes that Tatyana has a much greater mind than Eugene. She knows how to do the right thing in the right situations. Her image is noticeably different hardness. “The type is firm, standing firmly on its own soil,” Dostoevsky says about her.
  • V. Nabokov notes that Tatyana Larina has become one of her favorite characters. As a result, her image has become "a 'national type' of a Russian woman." However, over time, this character was forgotten - with the beginning of the October Revolution, Tatyana Larina lost her significance. For Tatyana, according to the writer, there was another unfavorable period. During Soviet rule, the younger sister Olga occupied a much more advantageous position in relation to her sister.

The image of Tatyana Larina in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"

Belinsky called Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" "the most sincere work" of Alexander Sergeevich. And the author himself considered this novel to be his best creation. Pushkin worked on it with great enthusiasm, giving his whole soul to creativity, all of yourself. And, of course, the images of the main characters of the novel are very close to the author. In each of them, he reflected some features inherent in himself. They became almost family to Pushkin. The image of Tatyana is closest to the author, who, in essence, is the ideal of a Russian woman for Pushkin. This is how he imagined a true Russian woman: sincere, fiery, trusting and, at the same time, possessing spiritual nobility, a sense of duty and a strong character.
In the portrait of Tatyana, Pushkin does not give an external appearance, but rather her inner portrait: "... Wild, sad, silent ...". This is an atypical image that attracts not with its beauty, but with its inner world. Pushkin emphasizes the difference between Tatyana and Olga:

Nor the beauty of his sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy

If she had not attracted the eyes - he says about Tanya and then repeats more than once that Tatyana is ugly. But the image of this meek, thoughtful girl attracts the reader and the author himself with its charm and unusualness.
In the second chapter of the novel, we meet a girl whose favorite circle of life is nature, books, the village world with stories. fairy tales of the nanny, with her warmth and cordiality.

Thought, her friend
From the most lullaby days
Rural Leisure Current
Decorated her with dreams.

Reading the novel, you can see that in those stanzas where we are talking Tatyana, there must be a description of nature. No wonder Pushkin often conveys state of mind Tanya through the images of nature, he emphasizes by this the deep connection that exists between the village girl and nature. For example, after Onegin’s stern sermon, “youngness fades to sweet Tanya: this is how the shadow of a barely born day dresses the storm.” Tanya's farewell to her native places, native fields, meadows is accompanied by a tragic description of autumn:

Nature is quivering, pale,
How the victim is magnificently removed ...

The whole inner world of Tanya is in tune with nature, with all its changes. Such closeness is one of the signs of a deep connection with the people, which Pushkin greatly appreciated and respected. The song of the Girls, consoling Tanya, affection for "Filipyevna gray-haired", fortune-telling - all this again tells us about Tanya's living connection with the elements of the people.

Tatyana (Russian soul,
I don't know why.)
With her cold beauty
I loved Russian winter.

Loneliness, alienation from others, gullibility and naivety allow the "tender dreamer" to confuse Onegin with the hero of the novel, to appropriate "someone else's delight", "someone else's sadness".
But, seeing soon that the hero of her dreams is not at all what she imagined him to be, she tries to understand Onegin. The girl writes an ardent, passionate letter to Onegin and receives a harsh sermon in response. But this coldness of Yevgeny does not kill Tanya's love, the "strict conversation" in the garden only revealed to Tanya Onegin's hard-heartedness, his ability to ruthlessly respond to sincere feelings. Probably, the birth of “that indifferent princess” with whom Onegin was struck and wounded in the eighth chapter already begins here.
But, meanwhile, even the death of Lensky did not destroy the deep feeling that Tatiana had for Onegin:

And in the cruel loneliness
Her passion burns stronger
And about distant Onegin
Her heart speaks louder.

Onegin left, and, it seems, forever. But Tatyana, before visiting his house, continues to refuse everyone who asks for her. Only after visiting the “young cell”, seeing how and how Eugene lived, she agrees to go to the “bride market” in Moscow, because she begins to suspect something terrible for herself and for her love:

What is he? Is it an imitation?
An insignificant ghost, or else -
Muscovite in Harold's raincoat?
Alien whims interpretation,
Words fashionable lexicon?
Isn't he a parody?

Although the inner world of Eugene is not limited to the books that he read > Tanya does not understand this and, drawing erroneous conclusions, is disappointed in love and in her hero. Now she faces a boring road to Moscow and the noisy bustle of the capital.
In the "county young lady" Tatyana, "everything is outside, everything is free." In the eighth chapter, we meet the indifferent princess, the legislator of the hall. The former Tanya, in whom "everything was quiet, everything is simple," has now become a model of "impeccable taste", a "true ingot" of nobility and sophistication.
But it cannot be said that now she is really an “indifferent princess”, incapable of experiencing sincere feelings, and that there is no trace of the former naive and timid Tanya. There are feelings, but now they are well and firmly hidden. And that “careless charm” of Tatyana is a mask that she wears with art and naturalness. Light has made its own adjustments, but only external ones, Tatyana's soul has remained the same. That trusting “girl” still lives in her, loving the “Russian winter”, hills, forests, the village, ready to give “all this brilliance, and noise, and children for a shelf of books, for a wild garden ...”. Now the impetuosity and recklessness of feelings has been replaced in her by self-control, which helps Tanya to endure the moment when the embarrassed, "awkward" Eugene is left alone with her.
But still, the main advantage of Tatyana is the spiritual nobility of her truly Russian character. Tatyana has a high sense of duty and dignity, namelyso she found the strength to suppress her feelings and say to Onegin:

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