Strebeleva Elena Antonovna - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Preschool Education of Children with Developmental Problems, Doctor of Pedagogy, Head of the Project "Early Correction of Developmental Deviations and Preschool Education of Children with Special Needs". Professor of the Faculty of Special Psychology and Special Pedagogy of the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy of the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Born in the Kherson region, Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from the Defectological Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin. She worked as an educator, defectologist, methodologist of a special kindergarten for mentally retarded children, teacher of the department of oligophrenopedagogy, professor of the department of preschool defectology at Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

Since 1994, she has been working at the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Russian Academy of Education. The main areas of scientific research are: psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children of early and before school age; research in the field of mental development of children with intellectual disabilities; raising a child with developmental disabilities in the family; upbringing and education of children in special preschool institutions for children with intellectual disabilities; training of defectologists for work in special preschool institutions.

The author of the approach to the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of disorders in the development of children of early and preschool age, the system of correctional and pedagogical work on the development of cognitive activity of children of early and preschool age with intellectual disabilities.

Laureate of the Presidential Prize in the field of education for 1999. The prize was awarded for the creation of a set of manuals for diagnosing the mental development of young children for preschool educational and general educational institutions.

Books (7)

Orphans. Development counseling and diagnostics

The manual highlights a modern comprehensive approach to the psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis of orphans and children left without parental care.

A description of specific methods for examining children from infancy to adolescence is given. Particular attention is paid to the criteria for assessing the development of children brought up in boarding schools. The book is addressed to managers and employees of PMPK(C), neuropathologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, psychologists, speech therapists, speech pathologists.

Preschool oligophrenopedagogy

The textbook outlines the theory and practice of preschool oligophrenic pedagogy, reveals the features of the mental and physical development of preschool children with intellectual disabilities, as well as methods of correctional and educational work with them.

The book is intended for students of pedagogical institutes, as well as for teachers-defectologists and educators of specialized (correctional) kindergartens for children with intellectual disabilities.

Correctional assistance to young children

Correctional assistance to young children with organic lesions of the central nervous system in short stay groups.

The book describes a systematic approach to correctional and pedagogical work with children of the third year of life with organic damage to the central nervous system in groups of short stays in preschool educational institutions of a compensatory or combined type.

The book is addressed to teachers (teachers-defectologists, music directors, educational psychologists) working with children with organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children's development

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age: Toolkit with the appendix of the album "Visual material for the examination of children."

The manual was created on the basis of a modern approach to diagnostics mental development children of early and preschool age. It includes a description of methods aimed at identifying the level of cognitive and speech development, examining the hearing of children of different age categories.

It is intended for specialists in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, speech pathologists, psychologists, speech therapists of preschool educational institutions. It can be useful for students of preschool, psychological and defectological faculties of pedagogical institutes, as well as for parents.

Special preschool pedagogy

IN study guide the general issues of the formation of special pedagogy as a science and modern theoretical approaches to the development of a system of correctional and developmental education are highlighted.

The content, methods and techniques of correctional and educational work with children, determined by the specifics of each type of violation, are considered. Questions and practical tasks for students are given, as well as a list of additional literature.

Formation of thinking (visual material)

Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities (visual material).

Illustrations of visual material correspond to the chapters and sections of the book by E.A. Strebeleva “Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities” and are a visual and practical application to it.

The manual is recommended to be used in the process of classes with children for the formation of certain mental actions. With a competent approach to work, the teacher will be able to teach the child a holistic perception of the situations depicted in the pictures, lead to a generalization of ideas about the properties and qualities of objects, mastering the actions of substitution and modeling.

Picture material will provide significant assistance in the formation of the relationship between word and image, the ability to perform classification and systematization, establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies, understand hidden meaning and humor.

Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities

The book presents a system of correctional and pedagogical work on the formation of the mental activity of children with mental disabilities. Given detailed description more than 200 didactic games, exercises, stories, tasks and riddles that contribute to the activation of the cognitive activity of preschool children.

At the end of the manual, two appendices are given with material for educators to understand the creation of a situation for classes with children, and a visual handout for children.

Survey methodology cognitive development,

diagnostic training, qualitative and quantitative

assessment of the actions of a child 6-7 years old

Tasks for examining children 6-7 years old

Job name

Fold (cut picture "Clown")

Ideas about the environment (conversation)

Ideas about the seasons

Quantitative representations and counting

Tell me (a series of plot pictures "In Winter")

Tell me (story picture "In the forest")

Sound analysis of the word

Continue the series (letter)

Shape recognition (Bernstein test)

Examination procedure

Before starting a conversation with a child, you need to give him time to look around in a new environment for him, a situation. It is better for parents to be close to the child, but out of his sight.

It is necessary to talk with the child confidentially, informally. In case of difficulties in completing the task and in the answer, the child needs to be encouraged, not to show dissatisfaction with the answer. The first task should be non-verbal.

1. Fold(cut picture "Clown"). The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of interest in cognitive tasks, establishing cooperation with an unfamiliar adult in a new environment, identifying the level of development of a holistic perception of a subject image.

Equipment: two pictures of a clown, one of them cut into five parts.

Conducting a survey: the adult shows the child parts of the split picture, asks them to look at them and says: "Fold the picture." In case of difficulties, training is provided.

Education: the adult shows the child the whole picture and asks to do the same. If the child again fails to cope with the task, then the adult begins to impose parts of the split picture on the whole - the head, then the hands. Next, the child is offered to complete the folding of the clown. Only after that he is asked to independently complete the task, focusing on the sample.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; execution methods; learnability; relation to the results of their activities.

2. Ideas about the environment(conversation). The task is aimed at identifying the level of orientation in the world around, the stock of knowledge about oneself and one's family.

Recommended questions and tasks:"What is your name? How old are you? When's your birthday? Give me your home address. Tell me about your home. How many floors does it have? What floor is your apartment on? Tell me about your family. What is your last name? What are your parents' names? Who else lives with you? Do you want to go to school? What do you think will be interesting at school? What class are you going to go to right away? When in doubt, you can ask clarifying questions.

Evaluation of the child's actions: ability to respond to questions asked; knowledge and ideas about oneself and one's family; having ideas about the school; the level of formation of a positive attitude towards school.

The task is aimed at identifying the level of formation of ideas about the seasons, their sequence.

Equipment: four plot pictures depicting specific natural phenomena for each season.

Conducting a survey: an adult asks a child: “What time of the year do you think it is?” Then he lays out four pictures depicting the seasons immediately in front of him and asks: “Find a picture that depicts winter (spring, summer, autumn). What season will come after ... (name the season)? What season will come next? What season will come after autumn? What season comes after spring? What time of year do you go to school? What is the name of the first autumn month? In case of difficulty, training is provided.

Education: an adult helps the child to correlate the present season with the image in the picture, and then asks him clarifying questions: “When winter ends, what season will come? At this time of the year, the sun shines brightly, the snow melts, green grass appears, buds on the trees. Find this season in the picture. How many seasons are there?"

Evaluation of the child's actions: the level of formation of ideas about the seasons; the ability to independently determine and explain the sequence of seasons; learnability; correlation of descriptions of the seasons with their image in the pictures.

The task is aimed at identifying the level of formation of ideas about quantity, the ability to perform counting operations in the mind (development of visual-figurative and elements of logical thinking).

Equipment: counting sticks, screen.

Conducting a survey. First option: The child is asked to count to ten and back. Then the questions are asked: “Which number is greater than 5 or 6? Which number is less than 6 or 7? What number comes after 5? What number is between 3 and 5? If the child has difficulty in these tasks, then training is not carried out. Second option: They say to the child: “Now let's play. You will take 6 sticks, and I will add or subtract to them. And you will tell me what I did: added or subtracted. Tell me, how much is left? First, they offer to take 6 sticks out of fifteen, lay them out in a row, ask the child to count and remember their number. Then they cover them with a screen and take away two sticks. Then they open the screen and ask: “What did I do: added or subtracted? How much did I take? How much is left there? Next, the sticks are put in place and covered with a screen, after asking the child to remember their number. Two sticks are added behind the screen, they open it and ask: “What did I do: did I add or take away? How much did I add? etc.

Education: if the child finds it difficult to determine the number of sticks, then he is offered to solve the same kind of problem within five, with difficulty - within four. If the child does not solve problems within four, then he is offered to perform counting operations within three with an open result.

Third option: (solution of oral problems) is offered if the child answers correctly in the first two options. Conditions of the tasks: “6 children were walking in the yard, 2 of them were boys, and the rest were girls. How many girls were walking in the yard? “There was a stump on the lawn, and 6 ears of bunnies stuck out from behind the stump. How many bunnies do you think sat behind the stump? In case of difficulties, training is provided.

Education: the child is offered to use chopsticks and solve problems based on them. Then they offer to solve similar problems orally: “6 bunnies were sitting on the lawn, 2 bunnies ran away. How many bunnies are left? “There were geese behind the fence. Only six legs were visible. How many geese are behind the fence?

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task and understanding of its conditions; the ability to perform counting operations according to the presentation; ability to solve oral problems within six; learning ability - the ability to transfer methods of solving problems to similar ones; result.

5. Tell(a series of plot pictures "In Winter"). The task is aimed at identifying the ability to determine the temporal sequence of events, to combine successive actions into a single plot.

Equipment: four plot pictures depicting a life situation familiar to children. In the first picture - it is snowing, children are dressed in winter clothes, catching snowflakes; on the second - children roll a snowball; on the third - the boy rolls a small ball for his head, and two guys put one ball on top of the other; on the fourth - the children made a snowman, instead of a hat they put a bucket on him.

Conducting a survey: the child is offered to look at the pictures and is told: “Think about how to make up a story from these pictures.” If the child finds it difficult, then the adult clarifies: “Lay out the pictures so that you get a story that has a beginning, a continuation and an end.”

After completing the task (regardless of whether the correct sequence of events is observed or not), the child’s actions are not evaluated, he is asked to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures. In the process of telling the story, the child can change the pictures in places.

Evaluation of results: understanding of a single plot in this series of pictures; accounting for temporal and logical sequence; the ability to convey the plot and sequence of events in your story.

6. Draw. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of productive imagination and graphic skills.

Equipment: a sheet of paper with the image of six semicircles, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.

Conducting a survey: the child is offered to consider the semicircles and finish them so that six different objects are obtained.

Education not carried out.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task and understanding of its conditions; the ability to independently complete the task; analysis of drawings.

7. Tell me(plot picture "In the forest"). The building is aimed at identifying the level of development of the elements of logical thinking, the ability to perceive the whole situation depicted in the picture. Establish causal relationships between depicted objects and phenomena.

Equipment: plot picture.

Conducting a survey: the child is offered to consider a plot picture, then make up a story based on it. In case of difficulty, he is offered to answer a series of consecutive questions: “What season is shown in the picture? Where did the children go? Why did the children come to the forest? Who came to the forest with children? What happened here? Clarifying questions allow the child to consider objects and situations, to understand the cause-and-effect relationship.

Evaluation of results: accepting and understanding the task; the ability to independently understand the plot and compose a story; the ability to establish causal relationships; the ability to use the help of an adult, the result.

8. Sound analysis of the word. The task is aimed at identifying the ability to analyze the sound composition of a word, determining the level of development of the prerequisites for teaching literacy.

Equipment: counting sticks.

Conducting a survey: the adult says: “Now I will name the word, and you tell me how many sounds it contains.” Then he calls the word "house", finds out the number of sounds from the child, asks to name the first sound, the third, the second. Thus, he proposes to analyze the following words: cat, table, bridge, tail, etc.

Education: if the child cannot analyze the word "house", the adult himself names the sounds in turn and lays out the appropriate number of sticks. Then, together with the child, the word “cat” is analyzed. In cases where the child understood how a word is analyzed, he can be offered an analysis of other words.

Evaluation of the child's actions: accepting and understanding the task; methods of implementation - independently or after training; interest in the task.

9. Continue the row(letter). The task is aimed at checking the level of development of the child's readiness for writing, the ability to accept the task associated with educational activities, the ability to analyze the sample and work on it.

Equipment: a pen, a sheet of paper on which three samples of written tasks are presented: on the first line of sticks, on the second - sticks and hooks, and on the third - triangles.

Conducting a survey: the child is asked: "Continue the line, as here."

Action evaluation: accepting and understanding the task; sample analysis; the ability to write according to the model, observing the line and the principle of alternating elements of letters; result.

10. Shape recognition(Bernstein test). The task is aimed at checking the level of memory development.

Equipment: 2 tables with geometric shapes.

Conducting a survey: the child is offered a table with geometric shapes, the display time is 10 seconds. They tell him: "Remember these figures." After showing the first table, the child is presented with another one, on which the standard figures are scattered among many different figures. They are asked to find among them those geometric figures, which he saw in the first table.

Evaluation of the child's actions: very high result - 9 figures were recognized correctly, normal - 7-8 figures, low result - 6 figures, very low result - less than 6 figures.

Survey results evaluated in points.

1. Fold.

2 points - the child accepts the task, but folds the picture, not focusing on the integrity of the image even after showing the sample.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the conditions of the task; performs the task with the help; focuses on the sample - the whole picture; after training, the task is performed using practical fitting.

4 points - the child accepts and understands the conditions of the task; independently performs the task, using various types of orientation.

2. Ideas about the environment.

1 point - the child does not enter into verbal communication; contact and cooperation with an unfamiliar adult is established on an emotional and business level.

2 points - the child accepts the task; enters into verbal contact, but the answers are inadequate to the questions posed.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the task; answers with the help of additional clarifying questions, demonstrating an insufficient level of formation of ideas about the environment.

4 points - the child accepts and understands the task; responds with interest to the questions posed, demonstrating the formation of ideas about the environment.

3. Ideas about the seasons.

1 point - the child does not understand the task; in the conditions of training acts inadequately.

2 points - the child accepts the task, but does not understand its conditions; lays out pictures without taking into account the sequence of seasons.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the task, but cannot immediately complete it on his own; performs the task after training.

4 points - the child accepts and understands the task; performs the task independently; formed ideas about the seasons and their sequence.

4. Quantitative representations and counting.

1 point - the child does not understand the goal; in the conditions of training acts inadequately.

2 points - the child accepts the task; quantitative representations are formed within three; solution of oral problems is not available.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the task; quantitative representations only within five; performs oral tasks only within three.

4 points - the child accepts and understands the task; performs all tasks correctly.

5. Tell me.

2 points - the child accepts the task; lays out pictures without focusing on the sequence of events; after rendering assistance does not combine them into a single plot.

3 points - the child accepts the task; lays out pictures taking into account the sequence of events; in some cases, only the first type of assistance is required, but he cannot tell about the actions on his own.

4 points - the child accepts the task; independently lays out pictures taking into account the sequence of events and composes a story.

6. Draw.

1 point - the child does not accept and does not understand the conditions of the task; after training, acts inadequately.

2 points - the child accepts the task, but does not understand the terms of the task.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the purpose of the task; can draw three or four objects.

4 points - the child accepts and understands the purpose of the task; draws six objects.

7. Tell me.

1 point - the child does not understand the purpose of the task; in the conditions of training acts inadequately.

2 points - the child accepts the task; lists the objects and objects depicted in the picture, but does not understand the dynamics of events; responds inadequately to clarifying questions; does not understand the main plot of the depicted event.

3 points - the child accepts the task, but without help he cannot perceive the whole situation depicted in the picture; after clarifying questions, he answers correctly, but he cannot compose a story on his own.

4 points - the child accepts the task and understands the dynamics of the events shown in the picture; writes a story on his own.

8. Sound analysis of the word.

1 point - the child does not accept the task and does not understand its conditions.

2 points - the child accepts the task, but does not understand its conditions; responses are inadequate; responds adequately under the conditions of training, but after training, he cannot cope with the task on his own.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the conditions of the task; performs the task independently only after training.

4 points - the child accepts and understands the conditions of the task; performs it independently.

9. Continue the row.

1 point - the child does not accept the task; in the conditions of training acts inadequately.

2 points - the child accepts the task, cannot write according to the model; writes only some elements of the samples, not taking into account their sequence, not observing the lines.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the conditions of the task; can write some samples, but the principle of alternation of elements when writing does not take into account.

4 points - the child accepts and understands the conditions of the task; copes with the task without errors.

10. Recognition of figures.

1 point - the child does not accept the task.

2 points - the child accepts the task, can identify no more than 2-3 figures in another table.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the task; can recognize 4-5 figures.

4 points - the child accepts and understands the task; recognizes 7-9 figures in another table.

The results of the psychological and pedagogical examination

preschool children 6-7 years old

Many years of experience in the psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children using the presented methods indicates that general intellectual skills are an indicator of a child’s mental development: accepting a task, understanding the conditions of a task, methods of performing - using practical orientation (method of trials, practical trying on or visual orientation), learning ability in the process of diagnostic examination, interest in cognitive tasks, productive activities and attitude to the result of one's activity.

In accordance with these indicators and the number of points, the examined children can be conditionally divided into the following groups.

The first group (10-12 points) are children who do not show interest in tasks, are hardly involved in joint activities with a psychologist, do not solve cognitive problems, and act inadequately in learning conditions. Children's own speech is characterized by the presence of individual words or an elementary phrase.

An analysis of the indicators of this group indicates a deep underdevelopment of general intellectual skills. To determine the potential development opportunities and draw up individual training programs, the survey should be carried out using the methods and techniques of early age diagnostics.

In the second group (13-23 points) includes children who emotionally react to toys that are included in joint activities with an adult.

In the process of independent fulfillment of cognitive tasks, mostly ineffective actions are noted, in the conditions of training they act adequately, but after training they do not proceed to independent fulfillment of the task. Children have not formed productive activities and the ability to work according to the model. Speech is characterized by individual words, an elementary phrase, gross violations of the grammatical structure, syllabic structure of the word and sound pronunciation are noted.

The survey indicators of this group of children indicate a significant underdevelopment of cognitive activity. Children need a comprehensive examination using clinical diagnostic methods. In the future, it is necessary to organize purposeful correctional and educational work.

Third group (24-33 points) are children who are interested in actions with toys, who independently perform some of the proposed tasks.

In the process of performing cognitive tasks, they mainly use practical orientation - enumeration of options, and after diagnostic training they use the trial method. Children have an interest in productive activities (design, drawing).

Some tasks can be performed independently only after diagnostic training. Own phrasal speech with agrammatisms. This group of children needs a thorough examination of hearing, vision and speech. Depending on the primary violation, a system of correctional and educational work is being built.

Fourth group (34-40 points) are children who have an interest in cognitive tasks. When performing, they use mainly visual orientation. There is a persistent interest in productive activities. Independently cope with the proposed tasks. Speech is phrasal, grammatically correct. Children reach a good level of cognitive development, have formed prerequisites for learning activities.

Protocol for the examination of children 6 - 7 years old

MDOU No. ____, educational psychologist _____________________________________

Surname, name of the child _______________________________________________ Date of birth _______

Date of examination _________ Age at the time of examination __________ Health group _________

1 . Split picture "Clown"

Does not understand the goal, acts inadequately in the conditions of training

Accepts the task, but folds the picture, not focusing on the integrity of the image, even after showing the sample

Accepts and understands the conditions of the task, performs the task with the help, focuses on the sample - the whole picture, after training, the task is completed using practical trying on.

Accepts and understands the conditions of the task, independently performs the task, using various types of orientation

2. Ideas about the environment (conversation)

Does not enter into verbal communication, contact and cooperation with a new adult is established on an emotional and “business” level

Accepts the task, enters into verbal contact, but the answers do not correspond to the questions posed

Accepts and understands the task, answers with the help of additional, clarifying questions - insufficient level of understanding of the environment

Accepts and understands the task, answers the questions with interest - the level of ideas about the environment has been formed

3. Ideas about the seasons

Does not understand the goal, acts inadequately in the conditions of training

Accepts the task, but does not understand its conditions, lays out pictures without regard to the sequence of seasons

Accepts and understands the task, but cannot immediately complete it on his own; after training, the task is completed

Accepts and understands the task, performs the task independently, ideas about the seasons and their sequence are formed

4. Quantitative representations and counting

Accepts the task, quantitative representations within 3, the solution of oral problems is not available

Accepts and understands the task, quantitative representations only within 5, performs oral tasks only within 3

Accepts and understands the task, performs all types of tasks correctly

5. A series of plot pictures "In winter"

The task was not accepted, during training it acts inadequately

Accepts the task, lays out the pictures without taking into account the orientation to the sequence of events, after providing assistance, does not combine events into a single plot

The task accepts, lays out pictures taking into account the sequence of events, in some cases only the first type of help is required, but cannot independently tell about the actions

The task accepts, independently lays out the pictures, taking into account the sequence of events and composes a story

6. Draw

Does not accept and does not understand the conditions of the task, after training, acts inadequately

Accepts the task, but does not understand the terms of the task

Accepts and understands the purpose of the task, can draw 3 or 4 objects

Accepts and understands the purpose of the task, draws six objects

7. Story based on the plot picture "In the Forest"

Does not understand the task, acts inadequately during training

Accepts the task, lists the items and objects depicted in the picture, but does not understand the dynamics of the event, does not adequately answer clarifying questions, does not understand the main plot of the depicted event

Accepts the task, but on his own cannot perceive the whole situation depicted in the picture, answers correctly after clarifying questions, cannot compose a story on his own

Accepts the task, can independently understand the integrity of the situation depicted in the picture, and can independently compose a story.

8. Sound analysis of the word

Does not accept or understand the terms of the assignment

Accepts the task, but does not understand the terms of the task, the answers are inadequate, responds adequately under the conditions of training, but after training he cannot cope with the task on his own

Accepts and understands the conditions of the task, cannot complete the task on his own, after training he copes with the task

Accepts and understands the conditions of the task, independently performs

9. "Continue the row" (letter)

Does not accept the task, acts inadequately in the conditions of training

Accepts the task, however, cannot write according to the model, writes only some elements of the samples, not taking into account their sequence, not observing the lines

Accepts and understands the condition of the task, maybe some samples, however, the principle of alternating sample elements when writing does not take into account

Accepts and understands the condition of the task, copes with the task without errors

10. Recognition of figures "

Not accepting assignments

Accepts the task, however, can identify no more than two or three figures in another table

Accepts and understands the task, can identify five figures

Accepts and understands the task, recognizes 7-9 figures in another table

The material was prepared by Elena Duginova

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Early childhood is a period of significant change in the life of a young child. First of all, the child begins to walk. Having received the opportunity to move independently, he masters the far space, independently comes into contact with a mass of objects, many of which previously remained inaccessible to him.

As a result of this release of the child, his dependence on the adult decreases and cognitive activity develops rapidly. In the second year of life, the child develops objective actions; in the third year of life, objective activity becomes the leading one. By the age of three, the leading hand is determined in him and the coordination of the actions of both hands begins to form.

With the emergence of objective activity, based on the assimilation of precisely those modes of action with an object that ensure its intended use, the child's attitude to surrounding objects and the type of orientation change. Instead of asking "What is this?" - when getting acquainted with a new object, the child already has a question: “What can be done with this?” (R. Ya. Lekhtman-Abramovich, D. B. Elkonin). The cognitive interest of the child is extremely expanding, so he seeks to get acquainted with a large number of objects and toys and learn how to act with them.

In close connection with the development of object actions, the child’s perception develops, since in the process of actions with objects the child gets acquainted not only with the ways of using them, but also with their properties - shape, size, color, mass, material, etc.

Children develop simple forms of visual-active thinking, the most primary generalizations, directly related to the selection of certain external and internal features of objects.

At first early childhood the perception of the child is still very poorly developed, although in everyday life he is already well oriented. This is due more to the recognition of objects than to true perception. The very same recognition is associated with

highlighting random, conspicuous signs of landmarks.

The transition to a more complete and comprehensive perception occurs in the child in connection with the mastery of objective activity, especially instrumental and correlative actions, performing which he is forced to focus on different properties of objects (size, shape, color) and bring them into line according to a given attribute. First, the correlation of objects and properties occurs in practical activity, then correlations of a perceptual nature develop, and then perceptual actions are formed.

The formation of perceptual actions in relation to different content and different conditions in which this content is embodied does not occur simultaneously. In relation to more difficult tasks, a young child may remain at the level of chaotic actions, without any regard for the properties of the objects with which he acts, at the level of actions with the use of force, which do not lead him to a positive result. But in relation to tasks that are more accessible in content and closer to the experience of the child, he can move on to practical orientation - to the method of trials, which in some cases can provide positive result his activities. In a number of tasks, he moves on to a proper perceptual orientation.

A child at this age rarely uses visual correlation, but uses extended fitting, but it provides a better account of the properties and relations of objects, provides more opportunities for a positive solution to the problem. Mastering trying on and visual correlation allows young children not only to differentiate the properties of objects at the signal level, i.e., to search, detect, distinguish and identify objects, but also to display the properties of objects, their true perception based on the image. This finds its expression in the ability to make choices according to a model. The close connection between the development of perception and activity is manifested in the fact that the child begins to make a choice according to the model in relation to the form and size, that is, in relation to the properties that must be taken into account in practical action, and only then - in relation to color (L A. Wenger, V. S. Mukhina).

The development of speech during this period is especially intensive. Mastering speech is one of the main achievements of a child of the second or third year of life. If by the end

In the first year of life, the child has only 10–20 babbling words in the dictionary, then by the age of three years and his active dictionary, there are already more than 400 words. Throughout the early years, speech acquires greater significance for the entire mental development of the child, since it becomes the most important means of conveying social experience to him. Naturally, adults, guiding the perception of the child, actively use the naming of the properties of objects.

The emergence of speech is closely related to the activity of communication. Speech appears for the purposes of communication and develops in its context. The need for communication is formed with the active influence of an adult on a child. A change in the forms of communication also occurs with the initiative influence of an adult on a child.

Thus, in early childhood, one can note the rapid development of the following mental spheres: communication, speech, cognitive (perception, thinking), motor and emotional-volitional.



At children of early age with psychophysical disorders mastering walking is delayed for a long time, sometimes until the end of early age. In addition, their movements tend to differ from those of normally developing children. They have instability, clumsiness of gait, slowness or impulsiveness of movements.

At for these children, objective activity is not formed in a timely manner. Some of them show no interest in objects, including toys. In some cases, they do not pick up toys at all, do not manipulate them. Not only do they not have an orientation like “What can I do with this?”, but also a simpler orientation like “What is this?”. In other cases, children of the third year of life appear to manipulate objects, sometimes reminiscent of their specific use, but in reality, the child, performing these actions, does not at all take into account the properties and purpose of objects. In addition, these manipulations are interspersed with inadequate actions (knocking the table with a spoon, throwing a typewriter, a doll, etc.).

The activity of a problem child of an early age differs from that of a normally developing child. Her characteristic features are: lack of focus with a predominance of inadequate actions, indifference to the final

result, the presence of a verbal (verbal) designation of the goal in case of inability to achieve it.

Other types of children's activities are also not formed - playing, drawing, self-service skills, which, with normal development, appear by the end of the third year of life. Many problem children have a startled delay in the development of skills of neatness, independence.

The lag in the development of speech begins in such children "infancy and continues to accumulate in early childhood. Such prerequisites for speech deprivation as interest in the environment, emotional-will-C. 1I sphere, in particular emotional communication with adults, are not formed, phonemic hearing, the articulatory apparatus is not developed.

Many children with psychophysical disabilities begin to speak only after the age of three. Speech is so poorly developed that it cannot carry out the function of communication. 1Unfortunately, the underdevelopment of the communicative function of speech is not compensated by other means of communication, in particular mimico-gestural ones; an amimic (devoid of facial expressions) face, poor understanding of the gesture, the use of only primitive standard gestures distinguish mentally retarded children from speechless children with other disabilities.


The proposed ten tasks are designed for examination of children 2-3 years of age (see Table 1).

Table 1

Tasks for the examination of early childhood



Children's age

catch the ball

Hide the balls: in

two boxes in three




Disassemble and fold the matryoshka:



Disassemble and fold the pyramids: from

three rings of four rings

Find paired pictures:

Play with colored cubes: with two

(red, yellow or white) with four

(red, yellow or white, green, blue)

Fold cut pictures: from

two parts three parts

Stick Build: Hammer

(from two sticks) house (from three

Get the cart:

sliding ribbon

sliding and one false ribbon

Note. For the examination, it is necessary to have two children's tables and chairs, as well as: 1) a groove with a ball; 2) three rectangular boxes of the same color, different in size, with corresponding lids; three different-sized balls of the same color; 3) two nesting dolls (three-piece); 4) two pyramids - from three and four rings of the same color; 5) two pairs of subject pictures; 6) eight colored cubes - two each red, blue, yellow (white), green; 7) split pictures: the first pair - one of the subject pictures is cut into two parts, the second pair - one of the pictures is cut into three parts 8) ten flat

some sticks of the same color; 9) a trolley with a ring through which a ribbon is threaded; 10) pencil, paper. (Item numbers correspond to task numbers.)

When analyzing the results of the survey, the main attention should be paid to assessing the child's ability to accept help, that is, his ability to learn.

Many young children with intellectual disabilities do not speak well enough, so the proposed tasks have a non-verbal form of execution.

Tasks are offered taking into account the gradual increase in the level of difficulty - from the easiest to the most difficult.

Separate tasks are duplicated, i.e., several tasks of similar difficulty are given. This is done in order to exclude some introduced factors, for example, the need for a certain muscular effort, which for some children could become irresistible.

an obstacle (parsing and folding nesting dolls).

The task involves a simple movement of objects in space, where spatial dependencies are revealed, the correlation of objects in shape, size, color.

A special stage in diagnostics is tasks to determine the level of development of visual correlation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that sensory disorders always affect the mental development of the child, therefore, when

need to conduct a hearing and vision examination.

1. CATCH THE BALL. The task is aimed at establishing contact and cooperation between the child and an adult, and revealing the child's understanding of verbal instructions, the ability to follow a moving object, and determining the level of development of manual motor skills.

Equipment: groove, ball.

Conducting a survey: the psychologist puts the ball on the groove and asks the child: “Catch the ball!” Then he turns the groove and asks to roll the ball along the groove: “Kati!” The adult catches the ball. This is repeated four times.

Training: if the child does not catch the ball, the adult shows him two or three times how to do it, i.e., the training goes on showing.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; understanding of speech instructions; desire to cooperate (play) with an adult; attitude towards the game; result; relation to the result.

2. HIDE THE BALLS. The task is aimed at identifying practical orientation to the value, as well as the presence of correlative actions.

Equipment: two (three) square-shaped boxes of the same color, different in size, with corresponding lids; two (three) balls, different in size, but the same in color.

Conducting a survey: two (three) boxes, different in size, and covers for them, located at some distance from the boxes, are placed in front of the child. The psychologist puts a big ball in a big box, and a small ball in a small box and asks the child to cover the boxes with lids, hide the balls. At the same time, the child is not explained which cover to take. The task is for the child to guess which lid to close the corresponding box.

Education: if the child picks up the lids incorrectly, the adult shows and explains: “The big lid

we cover a large box, and with a small lid - a small box.

After learning, the child is asked to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; understanding of speech instructions; execution methods - orientation to the value; learnability; the presence of correlative actions; attitude towards their activities; result.

3. DISASSEMBLE AND FOLD MATRYOSHKA. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation to

the size of objects, the presence of correlative actions, understanding the pointing gesture, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

Equipment: two two-piece (three-piece) nesting dolls. Conducting a survey: The psychologist gives the child a two-part matryoshka and asks him to open it. If the child does not begin to act, then the adult opens the nesting doll and offers to collect it. If the child cannot cope on his own,

training is being carried out.

Training: the psychologist takes another two-piece nesting doll, opens it, drawing the child's attention to the insert nesting doll, asks him to do the same with his nesting doll (open it). Next, the adult, using a pointing gesture, asks the child to hide the small nesting doll in a large one. After training, the child is asked to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; execution methods; learnability; relation to the result; understanding of the pointing gesture; the presence of correlative actions; result.

4. DISASSEMBLE AND FOLD THE PYRAMIDS. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation to the value, the presence of correlative actions, the leading hand, the consistency of the actions of both hands, the purposefulness of actions.

Equipment: a pyramid of three (four) rings. Conducting a survey: the psychologist offers the child

Disassemble the pyramid. If the child does not begin to act, then the adult disassembles the pyramid himself, asks to repeat.

Education: if the child does not begin to act, then the adult himself gives him one ring at a time, each time indicating with a gesture that they need to be put on the rod. Then he invites the child to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; accounting for the size of the rings, learning ability, attitude to activity, result.

5. FIND A PAIR OF PICTURES. The task is directed to

Visual material: set No. 1, fig. 9-12.

identification of the level of development of visual perception of subject

pictures, understanding of gesture instructions.

Conducting a survey: an adult shows a child two

Equipment: two (four) pairs of subject paintings

(three) parts of a split picture and asks: "Fold the picture."

(fungus, house, umbrella, butterfly).

Education: in cases where the child cannot correctly

Visual material: set No. 1, fig. 1-8.

connect the parts of the picture, the adult shows the whole and asks

make the same parts. If after that the child does not

Conducting a survey: put two in front of the child

copes with the task, the teacher himself imposes part of the cutting

subject pictures, an identical pair is in the hands

pictures on the whole and invites the child to add another. Then

adult. He correlates them with a pointing gesture,

The child must complete the task on their own.

showing at the same time that he and the child have the same pictures.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; comparison

Then the adult closes his pictures, takes out one of them and,

showing it to the child asks to show the same.


if the child does not complete the task, then emed


show how to correlate paired pictures: “I have such a

8. BUILD OUT OF THE STICKS (hammer or house). Exercise

you have the same”, using a pointing gesture.

aimed at developing in the child the ability to act on

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; implementation

imitation, display.

choice; understanding of gesture instructions; learnability; result;

Equipment: four (six) flat sticks of the same color.

attitude towards their activities.


to identify the child's ability to highlight color as

sign, distinguish and name colors.

Equipment: colored cubes (four colors) - two red,

two yellow (white), two green, two blue.

Conducting a survey: put two (four) in front of the child

colored cubes and are asked to show the one in the hand

adult: "Take a cube like mine." The teacher then asks

show the cubes: "Show me where the red is, and now where the yellow is."

Conduct: in front of the child, they build a hammer or

house and ask:

"Build it like

Cube: “Tell me what color this cube is.”


if the child does not distinguish colors, then the teacher teaches

Education: if the child cannot construct

his. In cases where the child distinguishes colors, but does not highlight

hammer (house), the teacher asks: "Look and do as I do."

by the word, he is taught to distinguish by words) two colors, while repeating

Then he again invites the child to complete the task.

color name two or three times. After training, it is checked again

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; nature of action

independent completion of the task.

(by imitation, display); learnability; result; attitude to

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; comparison


color child, recognizing it by the word, knowing the name

9. GET THE TROLLEY. The task is aimed at identifying

colors; speech accompaniment, result, attitude to one's own

level of development

visual-effective thinking, ability


use an auxiliary tool (ribbon).


Equipment: a trolley with a ring through which a

to identify the level of development of a holistic perception of the subject


ribbon; in another case, next to the sliding ribbon -

Equipment: two identical subject pictures, one of

which is cut into two (three) parts (ball, teapot).

Conducting a survey: in front of the child (on the other side

table) there is a trolley that he cannot reach

hand, but within his reach are the two ends of the ribbon,

spaced apart from each other

50 cm. The child is asked for access. t "mi<жку. Если он тянеЧ только за один конец тесом кн. то тележка остается ш месте. Задача заключается л том, чтобы ребенок догадал: ся соединить оба конца тесемки и тпким образом подтя| нул тележку.

Training is carried out at the level of practical tests of the child himself.

Evaluation of the child's actions: if the child pulls for about; end, a high level of performance is noted. If the child pulls first at one end of the ribbon, then he must be given the opportunity to try again. An adult with a screen threads the ribbon through the ring and, removing the screen, invites the child to get the cart. If the child does not guess to use the ribbon, then this is evaluated as failure to complete the task, the ratio of I to the result, the result, is also fixed.

10. DRAW (path or house). The task is aimed at identifying the understanding of the speech instruction, the level of development of the prerequisites for the subject drawing, as well as determining the leading hand, the consistency of the actions of the hands, and the attitude to the result.

Equipment: pencil, paper.

Conducting a survey: the child is given a sheet of paper

pencil and asked to draw a path (house). Training is not provided.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task and attitude towards it; performance evaluation; understanding of speech instructions; result.

Analysis of drawings: scribbles, intentional scribbling, prerequisites for a subject drawing, compliance of the drawing with instructions.

The results of the survey are evaluated in

>> and l l ah.


1 point - the child does not begin to cooperate even on me? training and behaves inappropriately (throws a ball, hits his mouth, etc.).

2 b al la - the child has learned and begins to cooperate, tries to roll and catch the ball, but this is not always given.

3 b al la - the child independently starts co-

mining, but it is not always possible to catch the ball due to motor difficulties; after training, the result is positive

4 points - the child immediately begins to cooperate with p.foslm, successfully catches and rolls the ball.


1 point - the child does not understand the task; does not strive for the goal; I did not understand the task after learning.

2 points - the child does not understand the task; after learning, he strives to achieve the goal, but he does not have correlative actions; indifferent to the final result; does not complete the task on its own.

3 points - the child immediately accepts the task, but difficulties arose when performing correlative actions (cannot correlate the corners of the lid with the box); interested in the result of their activities; performs the task after training.

4 points - the child immediately understands the task; execute it; applies correlative actions; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child did not learn how to fold the matryoshka; after training, he acts inadequately on his own (he hits his mouth, throws, knocks, holds the matryoshka in his hand, etc.).

2 points - the child performs the task, only imitating the actions of an adult.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the task, but performs it after the help of an adult (uses an ominous gesture or verbal instruction); understands that the final result is achieved; after training, he folds the nesting doll on his own.

4 b a l l a - the child immediately accepts and understands the task; performs it independently; the presence of correlative actions is noted; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child acts inadequately (even after training, he tries to put the rings on the rod, closed with a cap, scatters the rings, clamps them in his hand, etc.).

2 ba lla - the child accepts the task; when assembling, it does not take into account the dimensions of the rings; after training, strings all the rings, but their size still does not take into account; dominant hand not defined; there is no coordination of actions of both hands; indifferent to the end result of his actions.

3 points - the child immediately accepts the task, understands it, but strings the rings on the rod without taking into account their size; after training, the task performs without error; the leading hand is determined, but the coordination of the actions of the hands is not expressed; adequately evaluates the result.

4 points - the child immediately independently disassembles and assembles the pyramid, taking into account the size of the rings; the leading hand is determined; there is a clear coordination of the actions of both hands; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child after training continues to act inadequately (turns pictures, does not fix his gaze on the picture, tries to take a picture from an adult, etc.).

2 points - the child understands the task, but cannot immediately complete it; in the process of learning compares paired pictures; indifferent to the assessment of their activities; does not complete the task on its own.

3 points - the child immediately understands the conditions of the task; makes one mistake; acts confidently after training; understands that the end result is achieved.

4 points - the child immediately understands the task and confidently compares paired pictures; interested in the end result.


1 score - the child does not distinguish colors even after training.

2 points - the child compares two colors, but does not highlight the color by word even after learning; indifferent to the end result.

3 points - the child compares and highlights the color by the word; shows interest in the outcome.

4 points - the child compares colors; highlights them in y; names primary colors; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child acts inadequately after training (not

tries to relate the parts of the split picture to each other).

2 points - the child folds the split picture with the help of an adult; indifferent to the final result; can't put together a picture on its own.

3 points - the child immediately understands the task, but puts the picture together with the help of an adult; after training, he folds the picture on his own; understands that the end result is positive.

4 points - the child understands the task; independently folds a split picture; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child after training continues to act inappropriately (throws sticks, puts them next to them, waves them); indifferent to the result.

2 points - the child after training tries to build a figure, but the pattern is not achieved; irrelevant to the end result.

3 points - the child correctly understands the task, but builds the hammer only after imitating the actions of an adult; interested in the end result.

4 points - the child correctly performs the proposed task according to the model; interested in the end result.


1 score - the child does not understand the task; does not seek to achieve

2 points - the child tries to reach the target with his hand; fails after several unsuccessful attempts

3 points - the child tries to get the trolley by one end of the ribbon; after two or three attempts reaches the result; understands the end result of their actions.

4 points - the child immediately finds the correct solution and completes the task; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child does not use a pencil to draw on paper; behaves inappropriately to the task; does not follow verbal instructions.

2 ba lla - the child strives depict something (scribble);

To the final image is indifferent; Not

the leading hand is determined; there is no coordination between the action of both hands.

3 points - the child understands the instructions; tries to draw a path, depicting it with multiple broken lines without a specific direction; understands the end result of his actions; the leading hand is determined, but there is no coordination of actions of both hands.

4 points - the child performs the task according to: but the verbal instruction; interested in the final result (in most cases it is a straight continuous line); the leading hand is clearly defined, the coordination of the actions of both hands is observed.


Many years of experience in our work on examining young children using the presented methods shows that the differences between the examined children are mainly in the nature of cognitive activity and in its components. According to ethyl surveyed children can be divided into four groups.

Approximate data on the performance of tasks by children and their scores are shown in Table 2.

The first group (10-12 points) consists of children who do not follow instructions in their actions, do not understand the purpose of the task, and therefore do not strive to complete it. They are not ready to cooperate with an adult (they do not understand the purpose of the task, they act inadequately. Moreover, this group of children is not ready to act adequately even under conditions of imitation.

The indicators of the children of this group testify to the deep trouble in their intellectual development, the need for their comprehensive examination.

The second group (13-23 points) includes children who cannot complete the task on their own. They hardly come into contact with adults, act without taking into account the properties of objects. In the nature of their actions, there is a desire to achieve a certain desired result, therefore, chaotic actions are characteristic of them, and in the future

Refusal to complete the task.

In a learning setting, when an adult asks to perform an imitation task, many of them cope. However, after training, the children of this group cannot independently complete the task. This indicates that the principle of action remained unrecognized by them. At the same time, they are indifferent to the result of their activities.

An analysis of the results of the examination of children in this group suggests the need to use other methods of study (examinations of a psychoneurologist, etc.).

The third group (24-33 points) consists of children who are interested in cooperating with adults. They immediately accept the task, understand its condition and strive to complete it. However, in many cases, they cannot find an adequate way of doing it on their own and often turn to an adult for help. After showing the teacher how to complete the task, many of them can independently cope with the task, showing great interest in the result of their activities.

table 2

The results of the examination of children with different levels of cognitive development



Group scoring

catch the ball

hide the balls

Take apart and fold

nesting doll

Take apart and fold




fold split


Build from

Get the cart

Total score

Children of the first group must be taught to understand an elementary instruction, to perform an action in accordance with a verbal instruction, consisting of one word denoting an action; to teach children to understand the purpose of the action; to form in them the actions of grasping with two hands, with one hand; develop attention, fixing the gaze, tracing the eye of a moving object.

In addition, with these children it is necessary to carry out physical exercises focused on the development of all basic movements, as well as general developmental exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, coordination of movements, development of balance.

When teaching children of this group, the main methods are joint actions of a child with an adult, imitation.

The second group of children must be given ways to assimilate social experience. The first condition in this case is the formation of cooperation between the child and the adult based, on the one hand, on the emotional contact of the adult with the child, and on the other hand, on the correct determination of the method of setting educational tasks for the child. It is important to teach children to imitate the actions of an adult, understand, use verbal instructions and pointing gestures, work according to the model and according to verbal instructions.

A special place in the correctional work with these children should be occupied by physical education. It is aimed at the timely development of motor skills, abilities and physical qualities, at the development of interest in various types of motor activity available to the child.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the improvement of manual motor skills, the development of the leading hand, the coordination of the actions of both hands, as well as the development of small movements of the hands.

The central task of working with this group of children is the formation of orienting-cognitive activity, i.e., the development of practical orientation to the properties and qualities of objects, targeted trials, practical fitting, and then visual correlation. It is important to remember that the development of perception proceeds* from the ability to distinguish objects, their properties, attitudes towards their perception on the basis of an image, and then to fixing the image in a word, i.e., to the appearance of an image-representation.

In the future, corrective work on the development of orientation-cognitive activity should be aimed at forming the relationship between the main

components of mental activity: action, elephant and image.

One of the main areas of work with these children is the development of speech. It is carried out in the process of the child's life activity and in special classes, where specific tasks are solved: the development of communication, cognitive and regulatory functions.

In addition, the main correctional task in working with these children is the formation of play activities and the prerequisites for productive activities: drawing, designing.

Children need to arouse interest in didactic and plot toys, play actions with them, develop the ability to play next to their peers, and in the future - you have.

It must be remembered that in all these children it is necessary to form the correct behavior, taking into account a certain situation, as well as such personality traits as mutual assistance and responsiveness. This is possible only when a positive microclimate is created in the preschool institution and the child's family.

When teaching children of the third group, it is necessary to initially clarify the nature of the primary violation. But regardless of it, all children need to form an active interest in the properties and qualities of objects, develop perceptual actions (trials, trying on). And pay special attention to the formation of productive activities: sculpting, appliqué, drawing, designing.

An important area of ​​correctional work is the formation in children of ideas about the surrounding reality, about a person, his activities and interactions between people. It is important to bring children to the understanding that human behavior and activities depend on natural conditions.

In all cases, corrective work is carried out with these children on the development of speech. Depending on the primary violation, a specific system is created for including the child's speech in the process of sensory cognition of the surrounding reality.

Thus, the proposed psychological and pedagogical examination makes it possible to identify deviations in cognitive development in young children. The recommendations described for each category of children will help psychologists and defectologists to outline ways of corrective work with each of the subjects, taking into account their individual structure of the disorder.



Preschool childhood is an important period in the mental and personal development of the child. In domestic psychology and pedagogy, it is customary to single out younger, middle and older preschool age. Each age period is associated not only with further development, but also with a significant restructuring of the child's cognitive activity and personality, which is necessary for his successful transition to a new social status - the status of a schoolchild.

At preschool age, a normally developing child undergoes great changes in all mental development. Cognitive activity increases enormously - perception develops, visual thinking develops, the beginnings of logical thinking appear.

The growth of cognitive abilities is facilitated by the formation of semantic memory, voluntary attention, etc.

The role of speech increases significantly both in the child's knowledge of the world around him and in the development of communication and various types of children's activities. In the works of A. V. Zaporozhets, it is noted that preschoolers can perform actions according to verbal instructions, acquire knowledge based on explanations only if they have clear visual representations.

New types of activity appear: the game is the first and main type joint activities preschoolers; visual activity- the first productive activity of the child; elements of work.

There is an intensive formation of personality, will. The child, assimilating moral ideas, forms of behavior, becomes a small member of human society.

At preschool age, a normally developing child has an extremely increased cognitive activity, interest in learning about the world around him. It is not for nothing that preschool children go through the age of "why-why".

The basis of cognition for a preschool child is sensory cognition - perception and visual

thinking. It is on how perception, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking are formed in a preschooler that determines his cognitive abilities, the further development of activity, as well as speech and higher, logical forms of thinking.

Perception is formed at preschool age due to the improvement of perceptual actions and the assimilation of systems of sensory standards developed by mankind throughout history (geometric shapes, colors of the spectrum, measures of weight, magnitude, time, system of phonemes of the native language, pitch range, etc.).

In three-year-old children, perception reaches a relatively high level. For example, they can highlight the properties and relationships of objects, which can occur not only practically, but also visually with the help of perceptual actions. Children are able to work according to the model, while highlighting the color, shape, size, material and other properties of objects, as well as some spatial relationships between them.

Perception is actively included in the child's activity, it helps him to perform tasks that are feasible, familiar in nature, presented to adults (or encountered in everyday life), to find a solution much faster and more efficiently than before.

The perceptual actions themselves in younger preschoolers are still insufficiently perfect. Only the first step took place - the transition from practical orientation to perceptual orientation. So, for example, when folding a nesting doll, a three-year-old child already chooses in advance those of its elements that seem suitable to him. But this choice is still often inaccurate, so the child checks its correctness by trying on the selected parts against each other and, if necessary, replacing them. Here we are dealing with an expanded perceptual orientation. In the fifth year of life, children already learn many sensory standards (for example, the names of shapes and objects: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle), but so far unsystematically.

IN senior preschool age, along with the assimilation of individual standards, there is also the assimilation of systems in which these standards are included. Having mastered the system of sensory standards, children of older preschool age are already making a generalization of objects according to their essential features and properties. Along with the formation of the perception of the properties and relations of objects, a preschool child develops an idea of ​​​​space, develops orientation in it, which arises on the basis of the previously established consideration of the spatial properties and relations of objects, and the holistic perception of objects changes.

go to books (7)

Strebeleva Elena Antonovna - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Preschool Education of Children with Developmental Problems, Doctor of Pedagogy, Head of the Project "Early Correction of Developmental Deviations and Preschool Education of Children with Special Needs". Professor of the Faculty of Special Psychology and Special Pedagogy of the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy of the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Born in the Kherson region, Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from the Faculty of Defectology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Lenin. She worked as an educator, defectologist, methodologist of a special kindergarten for mentally retarded children, a teacher at the department of oligophrenopedagogy, a professor at the department of preschool defectology at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

Since 1994 he has been working in the Institute of Computer Science of the Russian Academy of Education. The main directions of scientific research are: psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children of early and preschool age; research in the field of mental development of children with intellectual disabilities; raising a child with developmental disabilities in the family; upbringing and education of children in special preschool institutions for children with intellectual disabilities; training of defectologists for work in special preschool institutions.

The author of the approach to the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of disorders in the development of children of early and preschool age, the system of correctional and pedagogical work on the development of cognitive activity of children of early and preschool age with intellectual disabilities.

Laureate of the Presidential Prize in the field of education for 1999. The prize was awarded for the creation of a set of manuals for diagnosing the mental development of young children for preschool educational and general educational institutions.

Orphans. Development counseling and diagnostics

The manual highlights a modern comprehensive approach to the psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis of orphans and children left without parental care.

A description of specific methods for examining children from infancy to adolescence is given. Particular attention is paid to the criteria for assessing the development of children brought up in boarding schools. The book is addressed to managers and employees of PMPK (C), neuropathologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, psychologists, speech therapists, speech pathologists.

Preschool oligophrenopedagogy

The textbook outlines the theory and practice of preschool oligophrenic pedagogy, reveals the features of the mental and physical development of preschool children with intellectual disabilities, as well as methods of correctional and educational work with them.

The book is intended for students of pedagogical institutes, as well as for teachers-defectologists and educators of specialized (correctional) kindergartens for children with intellectual disabilities.

Correctional assistance to young children

Correctional assistance to young children with organic lesions of the central nervous system in short stay groups.

The book describes a systematic approach to correctional and pedagogical work with children of the third year of life with organic damage to the central nervous system in groups of short stays in preschool educational institutions of a compensatory or combined type.

The book is addressed to teachers (teachers-defectologists, music directors, teachers-psychologists) who work with children with organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children's development

Special preschool pedagogy

The textbook covers general issues of the formation of special pedagogy as a science and modern theoretical approaches to the development of a system of correctional and developmental education.

The content, methods and techniques of correctional and educational work with children, determined by the specifics of each type of violation, are considered. Questions and practical tasks for students are given, as well as a list of additional literature.

Formation of thinking (visual material)

Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities (visual material).

Illustrations of visual material correspond to the chapters and sections of the book by E. A. Strebeleva “Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities” and are a visual and practical application to it.

The manual is recommended to be used in the process of classes with children for the formation of certain mental actions. With a competent approach to work, the teacher will be able to teach the child a holistic perception of the situations depicted in the pictures, lead to a generalization of ideas about the properties and qualities of objects, mastering the actions of substitution and modeling.

Picture material will provide significant assistance in the formation of the relationship between word and image, the ability to perform classification and systematization, establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies, understand hidden meaning and humor.

Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities

The book presents a system of correctional and pedagogical work on the formation of the mental activity of children with mental disabilities. A detailed description is given of more than 200 didactic games, exercises, stories, tasks and riddles that contribute to the activation of the cognitive activity of preschool children. At the end of the manual, two appendices are given with material for educators to understand the creation of a situation for classes with children, and a visual handout for children.


Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children Strebeleva EA free download. Read online.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age: Methodological guide with the application of the album "Visual material for examining children."

The manual was created on the basis of a modern approach to diagnosing the mental development of children of early and preschool age. It includes a description of methods aimed at identifying the level of cognitive and speech development, examining the hearing of children of different age categories.

It is intended for specialists in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, speech pathologists, psychologists, speech therapists of preschool educational institutions. It can be useful for students of preschool, psychological and defectological faculties of pedagogical institutes, as well as for parents.

About the author: Strebeleva Elena Antonovna - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Preschool Education of Children with Developmental Problems, Doctor of Pedagogy, Head of the Project "Early Correction of Developmental Deviations and Preschool Education of Children with Special Needs". Faculty Professor… more…

With the book "Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children's development" also read:

Organization and content of diagnostic activities with children of preschool and school age

Organization and content of diagnostic activities with children of preschool and school age.

  • Psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children.
  • Psychological and pedagogical study of children of primary school age.
  • Psychological and pedagogical study of adolescent children.
  • Bibliography.

1. Psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children.

Psychological and pedagogical examination begins with a conversation with the child, which is aimed at establishing emotional contact. During the conversation, the general stock of knowledge and ideas of the child about the environment, orientation in time, space, emotional characteristics are revealed: contact, interests, favorite games and activities.

When selecting methods for the diagnostic examination of preschool children, it is necessary to take into account the psychological age-related neoplasms:

  • the level of development of perceptual actions;
  • leading activity - gaming, as well as typical activities - design and drawing.

The main parameters of the mental development of a preschooler can be considered:

  • acceptance of the task;
  • ways of performing (chaotic actions, trying on, purposeful tests, practical trying on, visual orientation);
  • learning during the examination; relation to performance.

When diagnosing the features of the cognitive sphere of preschool children, special tasks are used, carried out in the form of a "learning experiment", as well as tasks that make it possible to identify the level of formation of knowledge and skills. (Methods for studying the cognitive activity of preschoolers are widely described in the specialized literature).

Analysis of the performance of tasks allows you to assess the nature of the child's activities:

  • whether he understands the practical situation as problematic;
  • analyzes the conditions;
  • can independently find and use auxiliary items to achieve the goal.

Various methods are used to examine a child's motivational readiness to study at school: observation during various types of children's activities, conversation.

The main indicators of the state of the emotional-volitional sphere of a preschooler are:

  • possession of the rules of conduct;
  • the ability to adequately respond to the assessment of the completed task, the ability to evaluate their work;
  • ability to overcome difficulties.

In general, characterizing the main tasks of diagnostic activity at preschool age, we can say that it is aimed primarily at obtaining information about the level of mental development of children, identifying individual characteristics and problems of participants in the educational process.

The choice of tools for diagnostics is carried out depending on the range of developing tasks to be solved.

In diagnostic activities with preschool children, it is mandatory:

  1. Examination of children of the second younger group (3 years old) to determine the level of mental development and build an individual trajectory of the child's development.
  2. Diagnostics of pupils senior group in order to determine the level of mental development for the organization and coordination of work in the preparatory group.
  3. Diagnosis of pupils within the framework of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of the preschool educational institution, in accordance with the regulation on PMPk.
  4. Diagnosis of psychological readiness for schooling of children of the preparatory group.

Additionally, at the request of parents, educators, the administration of the preschool educational institution and personal observations, an in-depth diagnostics of the development of the child, children's, pedagogical, parental teams is carried out in order to identify and specify the problems of participants in the educational process.

The content of the diagnosis of mental development of preschoolers

Age group

"Box of Forms", "Pyramid"

Supervision in the course of implementation of techniques.

Expert assessment (according to the scheme of Self-Consciousness by V. S. Mukhina).

2nd junior Observation, peer review (according to the scheme of D. B. Elkonin).

"Cross Picture".

Observation, peer review (according to the scheme of D. B. Elkonin).

"Finishing the figures" O. M. Dyachenko.

"The Fourth Extra"

Observation, peer review (according to the scheme of D. B. Elkonin).

Sequential Pictures Bernstein.

Observation, peer review (according to the scheme of D. B. Elkonin).

Correction test.

Kern-Jirasek test.

"Streets" modification of Dembo-Rubinstein.

The psychological and pedagogical study of a preschool child ends with the compilation of a characteristic that reflects the development of the studied areas of activity, as well as characterological features.

2. Psychological and pedagogical study of children of primary school age.

  • difficulties in mastering educational activities;
  • difficulty adapting to a new social situation;
  • emotional distress;
  • difficulties localized in the area of ​​relationship with the teacher;
  • difficulties caused by changes in the child's home situation.

And although teachers and parents specially prepare the child for the beginning of school age, the above difficulties sometimes become so acute that the question arises of the need for psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and correction.

The examination reveals:

  • the interdependence of processes that provide cognitive activity and affect the emotional-volitional sphere and personality;
  • the interests and needs of the child;
  • being critical of oneself and others;
  • formation of communicative functions.

It should also be noted that along with the specific methods of examination that are in the arsenal of a psychologist and defectologist, there are also general methods of psychological and pedagogical examination:

  • study of documentation;
  • study of children's work (drawings, notebooks, etc.);
  • conversation with the child and parents;
  • monitoring the child in the course of his activities;
  • experimental methods.

As a rule, the reason for conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics is the child's poor progress or deviations in his behavior. The specialist will have to find out the reason for the failure of the child. Underachievement can be the result of both mental retardation and unpreparedness for schooling.

It can also be caused by disturbances in the work of analyzers, poor somatic health of the child; if, under these circumstances, the load regime in the family is not observed or the requirements of teachers are overestimated, then the consequence may be not only poor progress, but also disruptions in behavior.

Reasons for failure:

  • unpreparedness of children for schooling,
  • unformed mental processes and skills of activity. Children are not accustomed to obey the requirements, they do not know how to bring things to the end, to be attentive in the process of completing the task. Particularly severe consequences are observed in cases where socio-pedagogical trouble occurs in the early months and years of a child's life.
  • asthenic condition of the child, caused by a long illness, as a result of which the child quickly gets tired, his memory and attention are weakened, his behavior is disturbed. But all these manifestations are not persistent and are not based on organic disorders.

In all such cases, in order to overcome poor progress, it is necessary to create favorable living conditions, first of all, a protective pedagogical regime.

The most difficult in terms of diagnostics are children with mental retardation (ZPR), who also turn out to be unsuccessful in the first years of education.

When studying the mental processes and learning opportunities for children with mental retardation, a number of specific features were identified in their cognitive, personal, emotional-volitional sphere and behavior:

  • increased exhaustion (and as a result - low performance);
  • immaturity of emotions, weakness of will;
  • limited stock of general information and ideas;
  • poor vocabulary, difficulties in sound analysis;
  • unformed skills of intellectual activity.
  • gaming activity is not fully formed.
  • perception is slow.
  • in thinking, the insufficiency of verbal-logical operations is revealed.

When a task is presented in a visual-effective way, the quality of its implementation improves significantly. To assess the level of development of thinking during a psychological and pedagogical examination, it is important to compare the results of the child's work with verbal and visual material.

Children with visual and hearing defects are helpless in simple situations, they give the impression of being mentally retarded. But if we offer a hearing-impaired task of a logical nature that does not require perfect hearing from him (classification, laying out pictures taking into account cause-and-effect relationships, etc.), and the visually impaired - the corresponding oral tasks, then they perform them.

In addition, it is very important to separate normal children with speech disorders from mentally retarded children, for whom speech disorders are one of the characteristic features.

A serious consequence of these unresolved problems in a timely manner is school maladaptation. The first stage of psychological and pedagogical assistance is diagnostics.

Scheme of examination of the child in all cases, it is built on the basis of the existing classifications of underachieving students and taking into account hypotheses about the causes of psychogenic school maladaptation.

It includes the following.

1) It is checked whether cognitive processes are violated (a block of diagnostic methods for verbal and non-verbal intelligence, memory, attention, the level of development of speech, motor skills). Talyzina, Amthauer, Veksler's methods for diagnosing intelligence, various methods for diagnosing cognitive abilities can be used.

2) The learnability of the child, the formation of the elements of educational activity, the internal plan of action, and arbitrary regulation of behavior are checked. Various methods are used to diagnose the level of development of perception, imagination, memory, thinking, attention.

The ratio of the level of theoretical generalization and practical actions, the degree of independence, sensitivity to help from adults are being clarified.

The study of the intellectual capabilities of the student allows you to reveal his actual and potential opportunities, to carry out psycho-correctional work.

3) The features of the educational motivation of the child, the level of claims, interests are analyzed.

Are used indirect methods for diagnosing student motivation I:

  • observation method,
  • essay on the topic "My life at school."

Projective techniques:

  • scheduling for the week (S. Ya. Rubinshtein),
  • Matyukhina's technique, Etkind's color test of relations.

To study the self-esteem of a younger student, you can use the technique of A. I. Lipkina “Three assessments”.

4) The child's learning skills are checked, his notebooks are looked through, tests are made for reading, writing, solving problems.

5) The emotional component of poor progress is clarified:

  • How does a child deal with bad grades?
  • what type of feedback does it receive from adults;
  • what are the child's ways of compensating for learning failures;
  • if possible, the entire system is restored interpersonal relationships child.

6) Typical types of parental assistance to the child in educational activities are clarified:

  • who deals with him, how much, what techniques he uses;
  • analyzes the style of family education in general, the role of the second parent.

7) The background of the consulted is studied:

  • a detailed history is collected, cases of visiting a doctor, a diagnosis, how long and how they were treated;
  • it turns out what the parents themselves associate with the poor academic performance of the child.

Diagnostic work at school pursues the following tasks:

  • drawing up a socio-psychological portrait of a student;
  • determination of ways and forms of assistance to children experiencing difficulties in learning, communication and mental well-being;
  • the choice of means and forms of psychological and pedagogical support for schoolchildren in accordance with their inherent characteristics of learning and communication.

From the forms of organization of diagnostic work, the following can be distinguished:

1. A comprehensive psychological and pedagogical examination of all schoolchildren of a certain parallel - the so-called frontal examination. This form is a primary diagnosis, the results of which make it possible to distinguish between "prosperous" and "unfavorable" children in relation to the measured characteristics.

An example of such a survey in primary school can serve as a study of the readiness of future first graders to study at school, tracking the dynamics of adaptation of first graders to schooling, etc.

2. In-depth examination - used in the study of complex cases and includes the use of individual clinical procedures. This form of work is carried out based on the results of primary diagnostics, or, as a rule, is an obligatory component of counseling teachers and parents about the child's real difficulties in communication, learning, etc.

An in-depth examination is individual in nature, using more complex techniques with preliminary hypotheses about possible reasons identified (or declared) difficulties, with the rationale for the choice of strategy and survey methods.

3. Operational survey - is used in case of urgent need to obtain information using express methods, questionnaires, conversations aimed at studying public opinion.

The main parameters of diagnostic work include the study of the student's personality, cognitive mental processes, emotional and volitional characteristics, interpersonal relationships in class and school groups.

3. Psychological and pedagogical study of adolescent children.

The psychological and pedagogical study of adolescents with developmental disorders is based on the same principles as the study of younger children.

At the same time, the research procedure itself, the selection of specific diagnostic methods have a number of features:

  1. It is important to take into account the characteristics of adolescence - a tendency to independence, a sense of self.
  2. Adolescents may also have pronounced affective outbursts, negativism, especially if they fail to establish contact, so such children require a careful, not forced approach. A calm, respectful attitude towards the adolescent is an important factor in ensuring his cooperation during the study.
  3. In the study of adolescents, the arsenal of diagnostic methods is significantly expanded, since during the period of schooling, children have made great progress in their development. Classical experimental-psychological methods are used here, and in their full version. It becomes possible to use rather complex methods for studying personality and interpersonal relationships - questionnaires, projective tests.
  4. Careful selection of research methods, taking into account the speech and intellectual characteristics of the child. However, the applicability of many techniques is still limited. The use of such questionnaires as the Lichko pathocharacterological diagnostic questionnaire for adolescents (PDO), the Cattell, Eysenck and other questionnaires is possible only if there is confidence in their availability for understanding.

Thus, the psychological and pedagogical study of an adolescent with developmental disabilities should be built taking into account both the specific features of adolescence and the nature of developmental disorders.


  1. Kalyagin V. A., Ovchinnikova T. S. Encyclopedia of methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of persons with speech disorders: Practicum. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008.
  2. Methods for examining the speech of children: A manual for the diagnosis of speech disorders / General ed. G. V. Chirkina. - 4th ed., add. – M.: ARKTI, 2010.
  3. Methods for examining the oral and written speech of children with speech pathology: a method. by defectol. specialist. / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Murm. state humanit. un-t; auth.-stat. L. S. Vakulenko, O. A. Onopa. - Murmansk: MGGU, 2011. - 92 p.
  4. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of persons with handicapped health: a textbook for students. institutions of higher prof. education, training in direction prepared " Special education» / Basilova T. A., Bogdanova T. G.; ed. I. Yu. Levchenko, S. D. Zabramnaya. - 6th ed., revised. and additional - M. : Academy, 2011. - 333 p.

Ivanova Galina Ilyinichna, teacher-speech therapist of the State Budgetary Institution of Central Pedagogical Education and the Joint Venture "Center for Career Guidance" Gagarinsky ",

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Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early preschool age - Pedagogy - Database of abstracts - Database of abstracts - The first teacher's portal

1.2 Features of the development of the child before birth

1.3 Features of children with disorders of psychophysical development

Section II Methodological support psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children in the first year of life

2.1 general characteristics psychophysical development of a child in the first year of life

2.2 Indicators of the psychophysical development of a child in the first year of life

2.3 A comprehensive methodology for monitoring and examining the development of a child in the first year of life along the lines of development and criteria for its assessment

2.3.1 A set of methods for monitoring and determining the quality of the physical and mental development of a child in the first year of life

2.3.2 A comprehensive express method for examining the cognitive development of a child in the first year of life

2.4 Comprehensive habilitation programs for the development of children in the first year of life

Section III Methodological support of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children in the second year of life

3.1 General characteristics of the psychophysical development of a child of the second year of life

3.2 Indicators of the psychophysical development of a child in the second year of life

3.3 Comprehensive methodology for monitoring and examining the development of the child

second year of life along the lines of development and criteria for its assessment

3.3.1 A set of methods for monitoring and determining the quality of the physical and mental development of a child in the second year of life

3.3.2 A comprehensive express method for examining the cognitive development of a child in the second year of life

3.4 Comprehensive habilitation programs for the development of children in the second year of life

Section IV Methodological support of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of the third year of life

4.1 General characteristics of the psychophysical development of a child of the third year of life

4.2 Indicators of the psychophysical development of a child of the third year of life

4.3 Comprehensive methodology for monitoring and examining the development of the child

third year of life along the lines of development and criteria for its assessment

4.3.1 A set of methods for monitoring and determining the quality of the physical and mental development of a child of the third year of life

4.3.2 A comprehensive express method for examining the cognitive development of a child of the third year of life

4.4 Comprehensive habilitation programs for the development of children of the third year of life

"A child, like a plant, creates itself from within, and this process is strictly individual. This is one of the laws of life. External conditions serve a child, like a plant, as a "material base", where it draws the resources necessary for its nutrition and growth. On us there is an obligation to bring these resources closer to her, to create a favorable nutrient environment for her."


Changes in society caused new social processes, touched upon the issues of attention and development of the state to the family, to children, awareness of the need to predict the development prospects of each child from an early age. Recognition of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the National Doctrine of the Development of Education in Ukraine in the 21st Century, the laws "On preschool education", "On the Protection of Childhood" contributes to the provision of optimal conditions, as an important basis for the full development of the personality of a future citizen from an early age.

It is the early age that is unique and decisive for all subsequent mental, physical, speech and emotional development of the child. This is the period of the formation of functional systems, the formation of higher cortical functions as a result of the interaction of the child with environment, which occurs especially intensively in the first three years of life.

During this period, the brain's abilities to receive signals from the outside world, process and store information are improved, processes of perception, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, memory, memory, attention are formed, which creates the basis for further mental development. Therefore, deviations in motor, mental , speech and emotional development, which manifest themselves already at an early age, negatively affecting the further development of the child, causing difficulties in mastering reading, writing and counting, is the cause of the appearance of secondary psychological layers and school maladaptation.

In this regard, psychodiagnostics is of particular importance as a branch of psychology, aimed at a comprehensive analysis of the mental, physical and speech and personality as a whole in order to identify and overcome developmental deficiencies. The main tasks of psychodiagnostics in special pedagogy and psychology are the establishment of a primary defect and the targeted correction of the identified violations and the prevention of possible secondary consequences. The earliest intervention in order to identify and overcome deviations in the development of young children and prevent their consequences is relevant today and encourages the development and systematization of diagnostic methods and didactic materials for working with young children in the conditions of kindergarten, PMPK and family.

The proposed manual highlights the methods of observation and examination aimed at the timely study of the level of psychophysical development of young children, in particular the first, second and third years of life, and makes it possible to identify the prerequisites for a possible deviation and determine a strategy for further pedagogical influence. The presented set of methods for monitoring the psychophysical development and examination of cognitive development is based on many years of experience in research and practical activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical counseling for children of early preschool age, allows you to monitor the progress of the psychophysical development of such children who are brought up and trained in various conditions, and in a timely manner to detect adverse factors affecting the formation of their psyche. The manual is recommended for wide implementation in pedagogical practice.

Section I Scientific and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early preschool age

1.1 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children - a component of the pedagogical process

The orientation of national education on the child's personality predetermines a new upbringing strategy based on humanistic principles, which provides for the recognition of the child's personality as the highest social value. The personality of the child is the product of the whole society.

In domestic child psychology and preschool pedagogy the need for systematic monitoring of the course of the mental development of children has long been recognized, since in the period of early and preschool childhood there is an active formation of the child's personality, which directly depends on his socio-cultural conditions. According to scientists (L. Artemova, I. Bekh, N. Gavrish, A. Kononko, I. Pinchuk, N. Pobirchenko, V. Tarasun, M. Sheremet and others), updating the didactic foundations of education through the introduction of a strategy of subject-subject education, the implementation of a personality-oriented approach.

The basis for the implementation of a personality-oriented approach in the process of teaching and educating preschool children is pedagogical diagnosis. Since, starting from early childhood, it is necessary to form a personality capable of overcoming difficulties, navigating in new situations, diagnosing the development of young children is designed to help teachers and parents build the pedagogical process correctly.

Indeed, from an early age, an institution is a type of person, in all life retains the ability to change, actively build and rebuild its inner world. Therefore, it is especially important to carefully study all aspects of a child's development at an early age, because, according to Masaru Ibuka (Japan), "after three, it's already too late."

In this regard, diagnosing young children should be considered as a general approach to organizing a personality-oriented upbringing process aimed at ensuring the full individual development of each child from birth. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between diagnostics as a general approach and diagnosing as a component of the process of practical pedagogical activity.

Diagnostics is the substantiation of all aspects of the didactic process, aimed at determining its results. Diagnosis is a timely identification, evaluation and analysis of the course of both the educational process and the individual development of the child. The need for such a diagnosis is indicated, in particular, by scientists L. Bozhovich, L. Wenger, Z. Gilbukh, V. Mukhina, N. Karpenko, N. Serebryakova, A. Strebeleva, V. Tarasun, M. Sheremet and others.

In the examination of young children, as a rule, non-standardized methods are used, namely, game methods with objects familiar to the child - pyramids, cubes, etc. The examination process is carried out in an arbitrary form, the leading method is observation.

So, the diagnosis of the development of a young child is a purposeful, benevolent observation of children in various activities, the use of a variety of individual tasks.

The use of diagnostic methods in the pedagogical process to study the level of formation of the leading activity of the child is designed to detect naturally born neoplasms that will raise the child from the previous level. age development to the next. Being filled in the process of development with new content, refracting through the characteristics of the child's individuality, they gradually form a unique ensemble of qualities of the future personality.

However, research recent years showed that the formation of a child's personality, including the formation of a personal attitude to the surrounding objective and social world, as well as to oneself, begins from the first months of life and should be based on the collection of information about the child, as a rule, these are data from the anamnesis of the life of the parents, the development of the child, clarified from the words of the parents in the course of the conversation. An objective history is part of the survey, the basis for building a survey plan and choosing methods. Therefore, the specialist conducting the examination should be well versed in the age norms of development and take into account the individual conditions of the child's development.

Diagnosis of certain aspects of mental development and the level of mental development occupies a particularly important place in modern pedagogical practice, since children under three years of age are mainly brought up in the family (mother's leave to care for the child is "long") and are not covered by the system of public education, where diagnosing is a component pedagogical process. Teachers and parents should focus on the image of the child as a person controlled from within, as an active, independent and creative person, capable of making decisions about their own life. Therefore, diagnosis should be considered as:

Mandatory process in the family and public education of children;

A means of implementing a personality-oriented approach in education;

The basis for creating conditions for the individual and personal development and self-realization of each child;

The leading condition for preventing the occurrence of intellectual, speech and social disorders, problems of adaptation of the child's personality in a modern rapidly changing society;

The way to check the purpose