• Which employees are most prone to burnout?
  • In some cases, just a heart-to-heart conversation helps
  • How to arrange emotional unloading for employees
  • 5 well-known reasons professional burnout that everyone forgets

Professional burnout is a process that is manifested by increasing indifference to their duties and what is happening at work, a sense of their own professional failure, dissatisfaction with work, and ultimately in a sharp deterioration in the quality of life. In this article, we will consider 5 main reasons that can provoke professional burnout among employees, and how it can be prevented.

Causes of professional burnout

Reason 1. Wear and tear. When employees have to work at the limit of their ability, there is constant stress all the time. At some point, professional burnout occurs because of this. To identify such burnout, the most effective way is to conduct confidential conversations.

To prevent negative consequences for initial stage, for an employee, you can offer an additional day off or send him on paid leave. Such a rest gives the opportunity to restore their strength. For example, I recently noticed a significant decline in the work of one of the top managers. He has established himself as a true professional, having successfully completed many projects. But such an active work of a specialist had a negative impact on his condition, professional burnout occurred. Based on the results of the conversation with him, I offered a trip to Thailand to participate in an event that we organized together with the company's business partners. Such a business vacation turned out to be really effective for a specialist who was able to perfectly restore his strength and began to work effectively.

  • Emotional intelligence is a powerful weapon of a true leader.

Every month I organize meetings in which the entire management team of our company participates. In a comfortable informal atmosphere, the situation in our company is discussed, with the search for optimal solutions and ways to eliminate current problems. We organize not just a meeting, but a kind of master class - each of our leaders shares their experience with colleagues, while getting the opportunity to learn from others. We jointly solve problems until they expose one of the employees to professional burnout individually.

Reason 2. Unstable financial position of the company. We have to admit that in many companies employees are delayed in salaries. If a similar situation may arise in our company, it is better to immediately gather employees and explain the reasons for the problem with payments and the expected time frame for normalization of the situation. From experience, one can speak of the readiness of many employees to understand the position of their management.

For example, in the real estate market, the main part of the failures with the payment of money occurred during the crisis. We also had to face this problem. Then I decided to assemble a team, honestly explaining the future prospects of the company, invited each of them to decide for themselves - to look for new job Or wait for money. Many then remained. It turned out that these are the most reliable personnel for the company, which the manager should especially appreciate.

Reason 3. Routine. The day-to-day tasks of most employees remain the same from day to day. After 1-1.5 years, there is a desire to supplement the work with something new, but such an opportunity does not always exist. The total number of our employees is over 3.5 thousand people, so we regularly encountered a similar situation.

The optimal prevention of professional burnout is emotional unloading. Therefore, we regularly conduct various cultural trips (to the theater, to exhibitions), with the organization of interesting corporate events (sports competitions, picnics in nature). In particular, we plan to organize a game similar to "Fort Boyard" for the Builder's Day. Anything unusual increases the interest of employees, giving them extra vitality.

To do this, the following measures are useful to maintain the tone of your team:

  1. Conducting training sessions.
  2. Function expansion. If an employee in a heart-to-heart conversation complains about his fatigue from monotony and his skills have already reached the stage of automatism, I can suggest that he share his knowledge and skills with less experienced colleagues - for example, become the head of a mini-department.
  3. An increase in salary or in a position (such decisions are made subject to the achievement of individual KPIs.
  4. Internships in other departments of our company, abroad or in the regions of the country (for example, they offered their chief architect participation in green building courses held in Ireland. Today he successfully uses the knowledge gained in the courses in practice, helping the company to develop).

Reason 4. Dissatisfaction with superiors and colleagues. Employees in medium-sized companies often do not have sufficient authority, without the ability to make decisions on their own. The consequence of the lack of sufficient freedom in work is professional burnout. Consider an example of such a situation - the head of one of the departments faced the problem of delegation of authority after increasing the number of his subordinates. Previously, he did everything on his own and was afraid that when delegating his tasks it would turn out to be unnecessary. Many people face similar fears. They believe that they are indispensable, and no one will do the job at the proper level. I had to participate in this issue, explaining to our employee that the delegation of their powers becomes necessary in a multifunctional mode of operation. Changes like this need to be planned so that each employee is responsible for the part of the job they can handle. After all, you do not need to immediately overload employees with responsibilities, you should increase their workload in stages - only this condition allows you to maintain stable growth and further development of your department. Such communication and clarification of the situation allowed our employee to cope with the problem.

  • Conflicts between employees: why they arise and how to solve them

Personal conflicts between employees arise in the work of any company. Personally, I think that at the same time, an effective manager cannot stand aside - he must be able to resolve such problems. Consider an example from the practice of our company. 2 heads of one of the departments quarreled so much that the conflict directly affected the quality of their work. I decided to delimit the area of ​​responsibility of each of them - for one, Moscow and the Moscow Region, for the second, all other regions. Consequently, a certain competitive environment has arisen between them. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to retain important employees, achieving the efficiency of the enterprise.

Reason 5. Impossibility of career advancement. When starting work in a company, many young people believe that after six months they will be able to achieve a promotion, starting to rapidly overcome the steps on the career ladder. When such success is not achieved, then the effectiveness of their work is significantly reduced. To avoid this situation, HR professionals should engage in explanatory conversations about career prospects, looking at real examples of how a certain specialist was able to achieve career growth in the company, and what was needed for this.

CEO speaking

Mikhail Zhukov, Managing Director of HeadHunter, Moscow

Based on the results of their study, they were able to determine that only a few domestic employers monitor the emotional state of employees in their team in order to influence it in a timely manner. The majority of respondents (about 80%) emphasized that they felt professional burnout - in the form of fatigue, irritability and loss of motivation for work.

The motivation system can influence the emergence of professional burnout syndrome. With the proper organization of the motivation system, it is possible to maintain the fighting spirit of their employees for many years, keeping them striving to achieve high results. If the company does not pay due attention to the issues of motivation, then employees will often ask for a promotion or salary - only such measures will contribute to their desire to give all the best at work. Even worse than the neglect of motivation is the wrong organizational system. The consequence of 2-3 mistakes in matters of emotional or financial encouragement is the loss of a person's desire to work.

When an employee has a burnout syndrome, there is no need to rush to fire him. It is always necessary to understand the reasons for such a situation. After all, in the case when something is done wrong in the company, you will often have to think about changing employees. It should be taken into account that employees often call a conversation with the manager one of the means of solving their problems. Therefore, it is important for employees to understand that the manager is aware of their professional difficulties.

4 more common causes of professional burnout

Workaholic leader. With the constant presence of the leader at the workplace, his subordinates have a feeling of guilt that they can leave on time. They gradually begin to stay at work too, although such a need does not arise. This situation leads to increased dissatisfaction with professional burnout in the future.

Unstable working conditions. Often, freelancers and freelancers are characterized by a suspended state - when there is work today, and tomorrow there may be a “window” without orders. This stress is not for everyone. Regular employees over the age of 45 also face such fears - after all, it will be more difficult to find a job in a new place than for young ones.

intrapersonal conflict. For example, an honest sales manager works in a company, but he is forced to sell goods that do not correspond to the declared properties. Because of this, he is faced with internal contradictions that provoke unstable indicators. This conflict is also common for many women who have to choose between families and careers - not having time to pay due attention to each side of their lives.

Uncomfortable working conditions. A noisy environment throughout the working day will be a serious test for a sensitive to third-party sounds, uncommunicative employee. He has to spend a lot of his energy to concentrate on work.

Prevention of professional burnout of employees

If we talk about ways to prevent professional burnout, you need to take into account that there are no unique means of dealing with the problem, each person individually chooses the most suitable option for himself.

  1. Workload dosing.
  2. Abstract and do not take everything too close to heart.
  3. Be able to switch, changing activities.
  4. It is impossible to always be on top, surpassing others.
  5. Accept that mistakes in your work and life are inevitable.
  6. Make sure you get enough rest.
  7. Make time for sports.
  8. Be clear about your own goals.
  9. Review your goals and targets.
  10. Try to communicate more often with colleagues from another team in order to increase your self-esteem.

Professional burnout becomes a certain wake-up call, reminding you of the need to take care of yourself so as not to be influenced by the syndrome emotional burnout. To achieve the prevention of an uncomfortable state, it is necessary to provide for a break from work for at least a week. The best option is to leave the space in which there is a feeling of discomfort by turning off the phone. Sports, yoga, meditation or relaxation in nature will be very useful.

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Have you ever heard the expression "burned out at work"? Probably heard. This psychological state is especially relevant for citizens of metropolitan areas. Meanwhile, it's not just popular expression, which characterizes the situation when a person has worked so hard that he was completely exhausted. This is a very real psychological problem, which is called burnout syndrome. The burnout syndrome is typical for those who, due to their excessive work and only work, are so exhausted physically and mentally that they undermine their health and lose interest in life in general. How not to burn out at work? Professional burnout: concept, causes, stages, prevention.

Imagine you are working tirelessly. At first, your body will not resist it. But when the excessive return to work crosses a certain limit, the situation will become stressful, and then completely turn into chronic stress. Naturally, your body simply does not want to tolerate such an attitude towards itself and will show you in every possible way that it is impossible to work like this. You will constantly feel tired, which will become chronic over time, you will lose interest in work, and in your favorite activities, and in friends and family. All of these symptoms are similar to those of depression.

Psychologists combined all these signs and identified them as a state of "burnout" in the second half of the 20th century. In 1974, psychiatrist J. Freudenberg first described the symptoms of "professional burnout" in his writings. He cited the following as signs of burnout:

  • nervous exhaustion;
  • loss of any motivation;
  • decreased concentration;
  • apathy.

Burnout syndrome does not develop immediately, it takes a decent amount of time. But different people the period of development of the syndrome varies: someone “burns out” in 5 years, someone’s body fights longer, someone less. For some, even with hard work, burnout syndrome does not manifest itself at all, since a person perfectly combines both work and good rest.

Ways to recognize burnout

Each of us is psychologically individual, so the symptoms of burnout vary from person to person. For example, this process occurs differently in men and women, because the latter are more emotional. How to recognize the symptoms of burnout? How to understand that psychological overload is approaching a critical point? Here are the general criteria for this condition:

  • you feel emotionally exhausted;
  • you are indifferent to what is happening around;
  • you become irritable, aggressively treat your colleagues;
  • you often “go into yourself” and do not want to communicate with others;
  • you have lost faith in your strengths: you doubt yourself, your talent, your abilities;
  • your productivity has dropped, you cannot concentrate;
  • you are constantly in a sleepy state;
  • you constantly put off things for later;
  • you constantly feel tired and depressed (even during rest).

All these criteria are the body's reaction to your condition. Your body is signaling danger to you! And only you yourself can make a “reset”: for this you need to correlate your requests and opportunities and try to bring them to a balance.

As I have already noted, burnout syndrome can manifest itself in different ways. In general, experts divide its signs into three groups:

  1. Psychophysical symptoms:
    • Fatigue at any time of the day;
    • Emotional and physical exhaustion;
    • Lack of curiosity for something new;
    • Lack of fear in dangerous circumstances;
    • General asthenization (decreased activity, weakness, deterioration of hormonal parameters);
    • Sudden changes in body weight (both a sharp weight loss and a sharp increase);
    • Complete / partial insomnia;
    • Causeless headache, persistent gastrointestinal disorders;
    • Inhibited state and constant desire to sleep;
    • The appearance of shortness of breath;
    • Decreased perception of the surrounding world through the senses (impaired vision, hearing, smell, etc.).
  2. Socio-psychological symptoms:
    • Feeling of depression, indifference, passivity;
    • state of depression;
    • High level of irritability;
    • Constant nervous breakdowns;
    • Constant negativity (feelings of resentment, guilt, suspicion);
    • Increased anxiety, constant anxiety;
    • Feeling of hyper-responsibility and, accordingly, fear of not coping with something;
    • Negative attitude towards future prospects in life.
  3. Behavioral symptoms:
    • You begin to think that your job is getting harder and soon you won't be able to do it at all;
    • You yourself change your mode of work (for example, you start to arrive early and leave late);
    • You constantly take work home (even if it's not necessary) and don't do it;
    • You refuse to make professional decisions, looking for reasons to explain;
    • You feel useless;
    • You do not believe in improvement and are indifferent to the results of work;
    • You are not completing important tasks by slowing down on small details.

This list of signs is not complete, it is simply impossible to compile a complete list, since each person is individual. But, if you notice the manifestation of any of the listed symptoms behind you, it is worth considering: are you not burning out at work without noticing it yourself?

Causes of burnout syndrome

The cause of burnout syndrome at work lies in the fact that a person cannot find a balance between work and other areas of life, such as work and leisure, work and family. For those who, due to their work, constantly interact with other people, the body itself produces a certain reaction: it itself psychologically protects you from stress. The same J. Freideberg, when describing professional burnout, used the example of his colleagues - doctors.

Imagine that at work you often communicate with other people. And you, as a good worker, naturally, get involved in their problems and experiences, try to help them as much as possible. You can do this both consciously and unconsciously. It turns out that you pass through yourself the problem of each of your clients. But you also have your own problems and worries. As a result, all this accumulates, and the reserves of your psyche are not at all endless.

It turns out that the further a person plunges into his work, the faster the burnout syndrome develops. Ultimately, this will lead to the fact that you stop enjoying work, leisure, and life in general: one day you will break down and not feel the strength to move on.

As an example of a burnout syndrome, one can describe the activities of doctors. They are constantly in the process of active communication with patients (among whom there are those who are negative), they are constantly faced with unforeseen circumstances, their working conditions are very changeable. This is all common causes of burnout , which, in principle, are capable of causing the syndrome in representatives of other professions.

But there is also specific causes of burnout : low salary, lack of necessary equipment and medicines, inability to help a person in some severe cases, the presence of deaths among patients, forcing the situation by the patients themselves and their relatives.

Not all people succumb to burnout at work. Many manage to cope with it thanks to:

  • ability to change under stressful conditions;
  • high self-esteem;
  • self-confidence;
  • confidence in their knowledge and professional qualities;
  • ability to support positive attitude about yourself and those around you.

Thanks to self-confidence and positive attitudes, a person can cope with a stressful situation and not succumb to burnout syndrome, despite the prevailing conditions around.

Burnout stages

The process of professional burnout is studied by many specialists in the field of psychology. Almost each of them offers his own division of this process into stages. In general, there are five stages of burnout:

  1. The first stage is the "honeymoon": the employee is satisfied with his duties, he is enthusiastic, shows excessive activity, even refuses needs that are not related to work. Then he begins to experience the first work stresses, which are getting stronger. Because of this, the work no longer brings as much pleasure as before, the energy of the worker begins to decline.
  2. The second stage - "lack of fuel": there is a constant feeling of fatigue, insomnia begins to disturb. The employee loses interest in his duties, the productivity of his activity decreases. The level of the employee's own participation in relation to colleagues, the rest of those around him decreases. Labor discipline begins to suffer, the employee evades his duties. There are signs of depression and aggression. Under the condition of high motivation, the employee will continue to burn at the expense of internal resources, which in the end will still lead to the next stage.
  3. The third stage is "chronic": during this period, chronic irritability, exhaustion, a feeling of depression, and a constant feeling of lack of time begin to appear. At this stage, the employee develops health problems - headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, pressure surges, sexual problems, tachycardia. Dependence on nicotine, caffeine, or alcohol may develop.
  4. The fourth stage is the "crisis": the employee develops chronic diseases, it loses its functionality. The feeling of dissatisfaction with one's life sharply intensifies.
  5. Fifth stage - "breaking through the wall": health and mental problems lead to dangerous diseases that threaten a person's life. He begins to feel a sense of helplessness, the meaninglessness of his life, full of despair.

Consequences of burnout at work

The consequences of the burnout syndrome, first of all, are health and psychological problems. A “burnt out at work” person gets himself so many all sorts of “sores”, and already in the chronic stage, which will be problematic to cure.

Physiological "sores"

These are problems with the work of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, problems with the spine, a sharp decrease or increase in weight, poisoning of the body with nicotine and alcohol, a low level of immunity.

Psychological "sores"

Due to burnout syndrome, it can develop chronic depression, which will bring with it a constant feeling of depression and depression, increased irritability, sleep disturbances. If you do not turn to a specialist with such a depressive state in time, then depression will soon lead to serious somatic problems.

Prevention of burnout at work

What to do if you feel that you are "burning at work"? So that your condition does not go into a critical phase, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations of psychologists at the first signs of the syndrome:

  • Switch! Your life consists not only of work, you have family, friends, favorite hobby. Meetings with relatives and friends, as well as activities that give positive emotions are the most better ways psychotherapy.
  • Go in for sports and give up bad habits!
  • Evenly distribute work throughout the day, do not forget to take breaks! At the end of the day, forget about work and get distracted by more enjoyable activities!
  • If you have the opportunity to refuse to work on the weekend - refuse!
  • After a working day, when you come home, go to the shower and imagine that you are washing away all negative emotions from yourself - such a psychological technique helps a lot to “discharge”.
  • Take it easy on problems, you can't be better everywhere and in everything - this is quite normal!
  • Use pleasant tricks to improve performance:
    • Place on the desktop a photo of relatives or just a picture depicting a place that you like;
    • Try to go out into the fresh air a couple of times during the day;
    • Use the smell of citrus fruits - an aromatic sachet or a couple of drops of essential oil on your wrists will be useful for both good mood and health.
  • Don't forget your vacation! Timeouts are a must!
  • Make plans for the future, do not break away from other areas of life;
  • Develop and improve yourself, share experience with colleagues.

professional burnout. How not to lose interest in your work? Psychotherapy

In recent years, in the world, as well as in Russia, the terms "professional stress" and "professional burnout" have been increasingly mentioned.

Formed against the background of constant stress. It leads to the depletion of the personal and emotional-energetic resources of the worker's body. This problem arises due to the fact that the accumulated negative emotions do not find a way out. Such a person simply needs some relaxation, which will allow him to “let off steam”. The causes of professional burnout can be very different.

The first stage of this syndrome is characterized by forgetting any details and trifles. This can manifest itself as follows: you constantly forget whether you made the necessary entry in some document, whether you asked the planned question, whether you received the proper answer, and so on. In addition, you may experience some failure in the process of performing motor actions. At first, few people pay special attention to the "girl's memory" or "sclerosis". Depending on the type of activity, intensity of stress and psychological characteristics, the first stage of professional burnout can last from 3 to 5 years.

The second stage of the professional burnout syndrome is characterized by a significant loss of interest in work and communication, both with colleagues and family members. Especially a person does not want to contact in any way with those whom he has to deal with in the course of his activity. It can be bosses, clients, etc. Such a specialist can often have a feeling in the spirit of “the week is unbearably long”, “Thursday feels like Friday”, and others. By the end of the work week, such a person becomes lethargic, and somatic symptoms appear, such as lack of strength, lack of energy, headaches in the evenings and "dead" sleep without dreams. Such people are prone to colds and show increased irritability. This stage of professional burnout, depending on many factors, can last from 5 to 15 years.

The third stage is characterized by complete personal burnout, accompanied by the loss of any interest in work and life. A person is characterized by emotional indifference, a feeling of continuous decline in strength and loss of sharpness of thinking. Such people seek solitude. All contacts are limited to pets and lonely walks in nature. The duration of this stage can be delayed for 20 years.

Let's look at the main professional burnout factors, as well as the psychological characteristics of people that can lead to a similar problem.

First of all, individuals who, on duty, are forced to constantly communicate with people, both familiar and unfamiliar, are subject to professional burnout. This includes executives, sales managers, social and medical workers, consultants, teachers, policemen, etc. Introverted people, whose psychological characteristics are absolutely unsuitable for constant communicative contacts with people, “burn out” the fastest. Such individuals do not have an excess of vital energy, they are distinguished by modesty and shyness, they tend to concentrate on the subject of their activity. It is these people, who are characterized by relative isolation, who are able to constantly accumulate emotional discomfort, while not “throwing out” their experiences into the external environment.

In addition, emotional and professional burnout can affect people who constantly experience internal conflict in connection with their professional activities. An excellent example can be women who are “torn” between work and family or experience constant pressure due to the fact that there is a need to constantly prove their capabilities and professionalism in competition with the stronger sex.

Also, those workers who are constantly under the threat of losing their jobs are subject to burnout. For example, in Russia this refers to specialists whose age has exceeded 45 years. Fear cannot be the basis for the development of such a common syndrome.

Professional burnout can also affect those workers who are forced to be in unusual conditions for them. At the same time, they must show maximum performance. For example, yesterday's student, dreaming about, gets into the workplace, where he is given a serious responsibility, for which he is not yet mentally ready. Feeling some incompetence, a person in such conditions is subject to constant stress, and in such situations, the burnout syndrome can make itself felt in six months. For example, immediately after the student's bench, where all the responsibility was to receive marks and offsets, the student begins to consider the vacancies of a storekeeper in Novosibirsk, where the work will be associated with liability.

In addition, the syndrome can affect residents of large cities who, unwittingly, are forced to constantly contact a huge number of people, especially in public places.

It should be noted that there is a category of people who are less prone to professional burnout syndrome, and for whom such a problem causes the least harm to physical and emotional health. Firstly, this applies to people who purposefully take care of their health and carefully monitor their physical form. Also here can be attributed people who have enough in their skills, abilities and abilities.

Professional burnout is less prone to those people who can be flexible in stressful situations. Such individuals are often characterized by high mobility, openness, independence and the ability to solve problems, relying solely on themselves. The ability to support oneself and one's environment is also an excellent prevention of professional burnout syndrome.

Let's look at the main tips that will help not to "burn out":

  1. Treat yourself with love and try to feel sympathy for yourself;
  2. Choose a job that you enjoy and avoid activities that do not make you particularly enthusiastic. This will help you find happiness professionally;
  3. Do not look for salvation or happiness in work. Remember that it is an activity that is good by definition;
  4. Stop living for other people and focus on your life;
  5. Make time not only for work, but also for your personal interests and needs;
  6. Soberly comprehend the events of the past day. You can make it a rule to sum up;
  7. Before you help someone, think carefully about whether the person really needs it. If you don't know how to refuse, read -

These are the main points that include the prevention of professional burnout. Let's now consider what to do if, nevertheless, a person began to fade emotionally and professionally.

How to treat burnout syndrome:

  1. Understand yourself first. Think not only about your own and about the future, but reflect on what you are doing at the moment and where it will lead you.
  2. Try to analyze your work from the outside. Look at the situation from a different angle. Think more globally about what you do and why.
  3. Retiring to an adjacent field can be a great way out of a situation where you feel like you've outlived your old job. This principle is also called horizontal career.
  4. Use your ongoing responsibilities to achieve global goals that are meaningful to you.
  5. Staying at your workplace, try to master what previously seemed to be a problem for you. You should not concentrate all efforts on what you already know thoroughly. In this way, you can spark interest in your profession, making it an excellent tool for self-development.

There is no single panacea for burnout syndrome. Despite the fact that this problem is more than solvable, this very solution needs to be dealt with purposefully. Any person needs to stop from time to time to realize what he is doing at the moment, where he is going and what he is striving for. Looking at your activities from the outside, there is a chance to see many new opportunities.

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Abstract on the topic:

" FacilitiesAndmethodspreventionprofessionalburnoutteacher"


  • 2.1 Data processing
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

1. Means and methods of prevention of professional burnout of a teacher

1.1 Professional burnout

In recent years, in Russia, as well as in developed countries, they are increasingly talking not only about occupational stress, but also about the syndrome of occupational burnout, or burnout, of employees (hereinafter, the term "professional burnout" will be used as the most adequate one).

What is burnout syndrome?

Professionalburnout is a syndrome that develops against the background of chronic stress and leads to the depletion of the emotional, energy and personal resources of a working person.

Syndromeprofessionalburnout- the most dangerous occupational disease of those who work with people: teachers, social workers, psychologists, managers, doctors, journalists, businessmen and politicians - all whose activities are impossible without communication. It is no coincidence that the first researcher of this phenomenon, Christina Maslach, called her book: "Emotional combustion - the payment for sympathy."

Professional burnout occurs as a result of the internal accumulation of negative emotions without a corresponding "discharge" or "liberation" from them. It leads to the depletion of the emotional-energetic and personal resources of a person. From the point of view of the concept of stress (G. Selye), professional burnout is distress or the third stage of the general adaptation syndrome - the stage of exhaustion.

In 1981 A. Morrow offered a vivid emotional image, reflecting, in his opinion, internal state an employee experiencing professional burnout distress: "The smell of burning psychological wiring."

1.2 Stages of professional burnout

Burnout syndrome develops gradually. He goes through three stages (Maslach, 1982) - three flights of stairs to the depths of professional unsuitability:


begins by muffling emotions, smoothing out the sharpness of feelings and the freshness of experiences; the specialist suddenly notices: everything seems to be fine so far, but. boring and empty at heart;

positive emotions disappear, some detachment appears in relations with family members;

there is a state of anxiety, dissatisfaction; returning home, more and more often I want to say: "Do not interfere with me, leave me alone!"


misunderstandings arise with clients, a professional in the circle of his colleagues begins to speak with disdain about some of them;

dislike begins to gradually manifest itself in the presence of clients - at first it is hardly suppressed antipathy, and then outbursts of irritation. Such behavior of a professional is an unconscious manifestation of a sense of self-preservation during communication that exceeds a level that is safe for the body.


ideas about the values ​​of life are dulled, the emotional attitude to the world is "flattened", a person becomes dangerously indifferent to everything, even to his own life;

such a person, out of habit, may still retain outward respectability and a certain aplomb, but his eyes lose the luster of interest in anything, and an almost physically palpable cold of indifference settles in his soul.

professional burnout teacher psychological

1.3 Three aspects of professional burnout

First - decrease in self-esteem.

As a result, such "burnt out" workers feel helpless and apathetic. Over time, this can turn into aggression and despair.

Second- loneliness.

People suffering from emotional burnout are unable to establish normal contact with clients. Object-to-object relations prevail.

Third- emotional exhaustion, somatization.

Fatigue, apathy and depression that accompany emotional burnout lead to serious physical ailments - gastritis, migraines, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.

1.4 Symptoms of professional burnout

FIRSTGROUP: psychophysicalsymptoms

Feeling of constant fatigue, not only in the evenings, but also in the mornings, immediately after sleep (a symptom of chronic fatigue);

feeling of emotional and physical exhaustion;

decrease in susceptibility and reactivity due to changes in the external environment (lack of curiosity reaction to the novelty factor or fear reaction to a dangerous situation);

general asthenia (weakness, decreased activity and energy, deterioration of blood biochemistry and hormonal parameters);

frequent causeless headaches; persistent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;

sudden weight loss or sudden weight gain;

complete or partial insomnia;

constant inhibited, drowsy state and desire to sleep throughout the day;

shortness of breath or shortness of breath during physical or emotional stress;

a noticeable decrease in external and internal sensory sensitivity: deterioration of vision, hearing, smell and touch, loss of internal, bodily sensations.



Indifference, boredom, passivity and depression (low emotional tone, feeling of depression);

increased irritability to minor, minor events;

frequent nervous breakdowns (outbursts of unmotivated anger or refusal to communicate, withdrawal into oneself);

constant experience negative emotions for which there are no reasons in the external situation (feelings of guilt, resentment, shame, suspicion, constraint);

feeling of unconscious anxiety and increased anxiety (feeling that "something is not right");

a feeling of hyper-responsibility and a constant feeling of fear that "it will not work" or "I will not cope";

a general negative attitude towards life and professional prospects (like "no matter how hard you try, nothing will work anyway").



Feeling that the work is getting harder and harder and harder and harder to do;

the employee noticeably changes his working mode (increases or reduces the time of work);

constantly, unnecessarily, takes work home, but does not do it at home;

the leader finds it difficult to make decisions;

feeling worthless, disbelief in improvement, decreased enthusiasm for work, indifference to results;

failure to fulfill important priorities and "getting stuck" on small details, inappropriately spending most of the working time on little or no awareness of the implementation of automatic and elementary actions;

distance from employees and customers, increased inadequate criticality;

alcohol abuse, a sharp increase in cigarettes smoked per day, the use of narcotic drugs.

1.5 Risk factors for the development of burnout (according to L.V. Novikova)

1) socio-psychological factors in the development of burnout

Experienceinjustice. Of particular interest are studies of burnout in the light of equity theory. In accordance with it, people evaluate their capabilities relative to others, depending on the factors of reward, price and their contribution. People expect fair relationships in which what they put in and get out of them is proportional to what other individuals put in and get out. It has been proven that the feeling of injustice is an important determinant of burnout, the more expressed the experience of injustice, the stronger the professional burnout.

Socialinsecurity. B.P. Bunk and W. Horens noted that in tense social situations, most people have an increased need for social support, the lack of which leads to negative experiences and possible motivational and emotional deformation of the personality.

Levelsupport. Different types of support have an ambiguous effect on burnout. Leiter studied the impact of personal (informal) and professional support on burnout syndrome (1993). It turned out that the professional played a dual role, reducing or increasing burnout. On the one hand, it was associated with a stronger sense of professional success, and on the other hand, with emotional exhaustion. It has also been found that the greater the personal support, the lower the risk of emotional exhaustion. Another study examined three types of organizational support: skill use, peer support, and supervisor support. The first type is positively associated with professional achievements, but negatively - with emotional exhaustion. Peer support is positively associated with personal achievement. The support of the manager's side was not significantly associated with any of the components of burnout. In summary, the evidence suggests a complex interaction between social support and burnout. The sources of the first can influence the components of the second in different ways. The positive effect is due to both the nature of the support and the willingness to accept it. For the professional adaptation of teachers and the preservation of their professional longevity, the development and use of various types of social, professional and personal support that prevent burnout syndrome will be promising.

Dissatisfactionwork. More severe burnout is associated with the unattractiveness of work in the organization: the higher the attractiveness, the lower its risk. Chronic burnout can lead to psychological detachment not only from work, but also from the organization as a whole. The "burnt out" employee emotionally distances himself from his labor activity and transfers his feelings of emptiness to everyone who works in the organization, avoids all contact with colleagues. At first, this removal may take the form of physical isolation, and if the burnout continues, he will constantly avoid stressful situations, forgoing further career growth. Burnout professionals are often unable to cope with the emotional stresses associated with work, and when the syndrome develops to a sufficient degree, they also show other negative manifestations. The attractiveness of organizational culture and work in the organization has a deterrent effect on the development of burnout processes.

Paymentlabor. The higher the salary level, the lower the burnout rate.

Age,experienceworkAndlevelsatisfactioncareer. There are complex relationships between the degree of burnout, age, length of service and the degree of satisfaction with professional growth. Professional growth provides a person with an increase in his social status, reduces the degree of burnout. In these cases, the longer the experience, the lower the burnout. In case of dissatisfaction with career growth, professional experience contributes to employee burnout. The influence of age on the effect of burnout is ambiguous. Some studies have found a predisposition to burnout of not only older people, but also young people. Obviously, the risk factor for burnout is not the duration of work (as length of service), but dissatisfaction with it, the lack of prospects for personal and professional growth, as well as personal characteristics that affect the tension of communication at work.

careeraspirations. The researchers came to the general conclusion that the inability to realize the majority of career aspirations leads to an increase in the level of emotional burnout, internal stress.

Floor. It was found that men are more characterized by a high degree of depersonalization and a high assessment of their professional success, and women are more prone to emotional exhaustion. Teachers - women refer to "difficult students" as the most powerful stress factors, and men - the bureaucracy inherent in schools and a large amount of "paper" work.

2) personalfactorsdevelopmentburnout

Locuscontrol. This is a quality that characterizes a person's tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of their activities to external forces - bosses, society, the state, the economic situation, etc. (external, external locus of control) or their own abilities and efforts (internal, internal locus of control). The tendency to an external locus of control manifests itself along with such traits as lack of confidence in one's abilities, imbalance, anxiety, suspicion, conformity, and aggressiveness. People with an internal locus of control are more self-confident, prone to introspection, balanced, sociable, friendly and independent, which prevents the development of burnout.

Behaviortype " A" . For the development of burnout, it is also important how the teacher copes with stress. The most vulnerable are those who react to stress aggressively, unrestrainedly, want to resist it at any cost, do not give up competition. Such people tend to underestimate the complexity of the tasks ahead of them and the time required to solve them. The stress factor causes them to feel depressed, despondent due to the fact that it is not possible to achieve the intended (type A behavior).

mini test " belongwhetherYouTopeopletypeA?

Do you always do everything very quickly?

Are you impatient because it seems to you that everything is being done very slowly?

Do you always think about two or more things at the same time, or do you try to do several things at the same time?

Do you feel guilty when you go on vacation or allow yourself to relax for a few hours?

Always trying to fit more things into your schedule than you can properly handle?

Do you gesticulate nervously to emphasize what you are talking about, such as clenching your fists or accompanying your words with punches on the table?

Do you rate yourself on how much you accomplished?

Pass by interesting events and things?

If there are more positive responses than negative responses, then a tendency to type A behavior is obvious.

Preferredhumanstrategiesovercomingcrisissituations. Moreover, the greater the burnout, the more often passive, asocial and aggressive models of overcoming behavior are used. Such strategies are associated with the likelihood of an individual developing psychosomatic illnesses. Emotion suppression strategies often increase the risk of pre-illness or disease states. Curious data was obtained by American researchers who tried to establish the relationship between burnout and a sense of humor. It turned out that the latter can act as one of the mechanisms of coping - overcoming stressful situations. Teachers from good feeling humorists are less likely to suffer from burnout, and also rate their professional success more highly. Paidmont (1993) found evidence that self-esteem plays an important role in experiencing work-related distress. Anxious, depressed and unable to cope with stress are more likely to experience emotional exhaustion at work and outside of it.

3) professionalfactorsdevelopmentburnout

" painfuladdiction" fromwork. " Workaholism" and an active passion for one's professional activity may be due to the desire for creativity and the value of the profession itself for a person. But with an equal degree of probability, a workaholic is driven by the desire for social prestige, obtaining material benefits and motives of power at the expense of the profession. The inability to satisfy such needs will contribute development of symptoms of burnout.

mini test " Hard workerwhetherYou?

Do you get up early despite staying up late, working from home late into the night?

If you have lunch alone, do you read or work while you eat? Do you think lunch breaks are a waste of time?

Do you make a detailed list of what needs to be done each day? A diary and written calendars are indispensable attributes of workaholics.

Is it difficult for you to “do nothing”? Can you sit around doing nothing?

Are you energetic and competitive?

Do you work weekends and holidays?

Can you work anytime, anywhere?

Is it difficult for you to go on vacation? When was the last time you took a vacation?

Are you afraid of retirement?

Do you like your job?

If you answered yes to more than 5 questions, it is likely that you are a workaholic.

role-playingfactorsriskburnout. These include role conflict, role overload and role uncertainty.

role-playingconflict These are conflicting demands on the worker.

role-playinguncertainty- these are fuzzy, indefinite requirements for the employee.

role-playingcongestion- role expectations are much more than individual capabilities and motivation to complete the task.

Many studies show a relationship between role problems and burnout as a result of trying to meet ambiguous or conflicting demands, which usually leads to negative emotional experiences and loss of a sense of trust in the organization.

Organizationalcharacteristics. Various characteristics of the organizational environment, such as personnel policy, work schedule, nature of leadership, reward system, socio-psychological climate, etc., can influence the development of stress in the workplace and, as a result, burnout. Any position implies a certain measure of responsibility. Uncertainty or lack of responsibility can also contribute to the development of occupational stress. If a person has a feeling that he is not able to change anything in his work, that nothing depends on him and his opinion does not matter, then the likelihood of developing work-related stress increases.

1.6 Psychological conditions for the restoration of the health of teachers

There is practically no well-established system of professional teacher support in mass schools. So, you have to resist a possible burnout on your own.

A good way is to work in pairs with a colleague you trust. This includes filling out documents in turn, and joint discussions of professional problems, and mutual assistance in all organizational matters. Such cooperation greatly facilitates life and gives a sense of security. The methods of supervision and intervision are close to this.

Supervisor is an experienced, authoritative colleague to whom you can turn for help and advice. And intervision is a discussion in a group of like-minded people who help you see the problem from different angles, offering different ways to solve it.

The main means of restoring health is psycho-emotional and physical activity. Active means include all forms of physical therapy: a variety of physical exercises, elements of sports and sports training, walking, running and other cyclic exercises and sports, work on simulators, chorotherapy, occupational therapy, etc. (this way you can maintain health by sawing firewood, digging up the garden or mowing, if done regularly and intensively enough).

Passivefacilities- massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy, and psycho-regulatory (psychological) - auto-training, muscle relaxation, specially selected psychotechnics.

You can take a piece of paper and write: what does not suit me in my life, what I want to change, how can I do it. It is clear that it is difficult to start with sky-high goals, while you can limit yourself to something modest, but quite achievable. Someone relieves tension when they sing loudly, someone prefers to lie in the bath or just sit alone with their eyes closed. Experiment, try different options. Just make a promise to yourself that you will definitely do it: tomorrow I will walk through the park instead of taking the bus, and the day after tomorrow every hour and a half I will take a break and listen to music for ten minutes. And tell your loved ones about your decision: let their reminder and interested attention help you not to deviate from your plan. You may want to try the tools suggested by your colleagues during the trainings:

sense of humor, the ability to see the comic in a difficult situation;

long and sound sleep, the ability to sleep;

do not forget about the meaning of your work, look for it again if it is lost or no longer relevant;

attitude to work as an exciting and gambling game, the rules of which can be changed;

look for new means of solving problems, and not dwell on inefficient ones;

the ability to switch, to distinguish between work and home time(think about work only when you work);

sports, physical relaxation (dance, football, yoga ...) and water procedures (shower, bath, sauna);

reliance on students who are really interested in the subject, for whom you want to work;

entertainment (going to the cinema, in a cafe.);

favorite activities (reading, singing, gardening…);

communication with nature (walks in the park and in the forest);

establishing simple human contact with students;

positive atmosphere in the team, trusting relationships with colleagues;

human support from superiors;

rest after work in silence;

the ability not to take on everything at once and determine the allowable load, evaluate your resources;

communication with relatives and friends;

communication with a loved one;

professional support outside of school, communication with colleagues from other institutions;

exit to a metaposition, a view from above at what is happening.

qualities,helpingspecialistto avoidprofessionalburnout


good health and conscious, purposeful care of one's physical condition (constant sports, a healthy lifestyle).

high self-esteem and confidence in oneself, one's abilities and capabilities.


experience of successfully overcoming professional stress;

the ability to constructively change under stressful conditions;

high mobility;




the desire to rely on their own strength.


the ability to form and maintain in oneself positive, optimistic attitudes and values ​​- both in relation to oneself, and to other people and life in general.

2. Diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout


The diagnostic technique reveals the degree of professional burnout. It can be used both for self-diagnosis and for professional work with clients.

Instructions for implementation. Read the sentences and answer yes or no. Please note: if in the wording of the questionnaire in question about partners, it means the subjects of your professional activity - patients, clients, viewers, customers, students and other people with whom you work daily. #Questions

Organizational flaws at work constantly make me nervous, worried, tense

Today I am satisfied with my profession no less than at the beginning of my career

I made a mistake in choosing a profession or profile of activity (I take the wrong place)

I am worried that I have become worse at work (less productive, quality, slower)

The warmth of interaction with partners is very dependent on my mood - good or bad

The well-being of partners does not depend much on me as a professional

When I come home from work, for some time (two or three hours) I want to be alone so that no one communicates with me

When I feel tired or tense, I try to quickly resolve the partner's problems (curtail the interaction)

It seems to me that emotionally I cannot give partners what professional duty requires.

My work dulls the emotions

I'm frankly tired of human problems who have to deal with at work

Sometimes I have difficulty falling asleep (sleep) due to work-related worries

Interaction with partners requires a lot of stress from me

Working with people is less and less satisfying

I would change jobs if given the opportunity

I am often frustrated that I cannot properly provide professional support, service, assistance to my partner.

I always manage to prevent the influence bad mood for business contacts

It upsets me if something goes wrong in a relationship with a business partner

I get so tired at work that at home I try to communicate as little as possible

Due to lack of time, fatigue or stress, I often pay less attention to my partner than I should

Sometimes the most ordinary situations of communication at work cause irritation

I calmly accept reasonable claims of partners

Communication with partners prompted me to avoid people

When I think about some work colleagues or partners, my mood spoils

Conflicts or disagreements with colleagues take a lot of energy and emotions

I find it increasingly difficult to establish or maintain contacts with business partners

The work environment seems very difficult to me.

I often have anxious expectations related to work: something must happen, how not to make a mistake, whether I can do everything right, whether I will be laid off, etc.

If a partner is unpleasant to me, I try to limit the time of communication with him or pay less attention to him.

In communication at work, I adhere to the principle "if you don't do good to people, you won't get evil"

I like to tell my family about my work

There are days when my emotional condition badly affects the results of work (I do less, quality decreases, conflicts occur)

Sometimes I feel that I need to be more responsive to my partner, but I can’t

I care a lot about my work

You give attention and care to your work partners more than you receive gratitude from them

When I think about work, I usually feel uneasy: it starts to prick in the heart area, blood pressure rises, and a headache appears.

I have a good (quite satisfactory) relationship with my line manager

I am often happy to see that my work benefits people.

Lately (or always) I've been plagued by failures at work.

Some aspects (facts) of my work cause deep disappointment, plunge into discouragement

There are days when contacts with partners are worse than usual

I take into account the peculiarities of business partners worse than usual

Fatigue from work leads to the fact that I try to reduce communication with friends and acquaintances.

I usually show interest in the personality of a partner, not only in connection with work

I usually come to work rested, refreshed, in a good mood.

I sometimes find myself working with partners without a soul

At work, you meet such unpleasant people that you involuntarily wish them bad

After communicating with unpleasant partners, my physical or mental well-being worsens

At work, I experience constant physical or psychological overload

Success at work inspires me

The situation at work that I find myself in seems hopeless (almost hopeless) to me.

I lost my temper due to work

For last year there was a complaint (there were complaints) against me from the partner (s)

I manage to save my nerves due to the fact that I don’t take much of what happens with my partners to heart

I often bring home negative emotions from work.

I often work hard

Before, I was more responsive and attentive to partners than now.

In working with people, I am guided by the principle: do not waste your nerves, take care of your health

Sometimes I go to work with a heavy feeling: I’m tired of everything, I wouldn’t see or hear anyone

After a busy day at work, I feel unwell

The contingent of partners I work with is very difficult

Sometimes I feel like the results of my work are not worth the effort I put in.

If I had luck with my job, I would be happier

I am frustrated because I have serious problems at work

Sometimes I do things to my partners that I don't want them to do to me.

I condemn partners who count on special indulgence, attention

Most often after a working day I have no energy to do household chores.

I usually rush time: I wish the working day would end soon

The condition, requests, needs of partners usually concern me sincerely

When working with people, I usually put up a screen that protects from other people's suffering and negative emotions.

Working with people (partners) was very disappointing for me

To restore my strength, I often take medication.

As a rule, my working day goes smoothly and easily.

My requirements for the work performed are higher than what I achieve due to circumstances

My career has been successful

I am very nervous about everything related to work.

Some of my regular partners I would not want to see and hear

I approve of colleagues who devote themselves completely to people (partners), forgetting about their own interests

My fatigue at work usually has little (or no) effect on my interactions with family and friends.

If an opportunity is given, I pay less attention to my partner, but in such a way that he does not notice it.

I often get on my nerves when interacting with people at work.

In everything (almost everything) that happens at work, I have lost interest, a lively feeling

Working with people had a bad effect on me as a professional - it pissed me off, made me nervous, dulled my emotions

Working with people is clearly undermining my health

" Voltage"

Experience of traumatic circumstances:

+1 (2), +13 (3), +25 (2), - 37 (3), +49 (10), +61 (5), - 73 (5)

Self dissatisfaction:

2 (3), +14 (2), +26 (2), - 38 (10), - 50 (5), +62 (5), +74 (3)

"Caged in a cage":

+3 (10), +15 (5), +27 (2), +39 (2), +51 (5), +63 (1), - 75 (5)

Anxiety and depression:

+4 (2), +16 (3), +28 (5), +40 (5), +52 (10), +64 (2), +76 (3)


Inappropriate emotional selective response:

+5 (5), - 17 (3), +29 (10), +41 (2), +53 (2), +65 (3), +77 (5)

Emotional and moral disorientation:

+6 (10), - 18 (3), +30 (3), +42 (5), +54 (2), +66 (2), - 78 (5)

Expanding the sphere of saving emotions:

+7 (2), +19 (10), - 31 (20), +43 (5), +55 (3), +67 (3), - 79 (5)

Reduction of professional duties:

+8 (5), +20 (5), +32 (2), - 44 (2), +56 (3), +68 (3), +80 (10)


Emotional deficit:

+9 (3), +21 (2), +33 (5), - 45 (5), +57 (3), - 69 (10), +81 (2)

Emotional detachment:

+10 (2), +22 (3), - 34 (2), +46 (3), +58 (5), +70 (5), +82 (10)

Personal detachment (depersonalization):

+11 (5), +23 (3), +35 (3), +47 (5), +59 (5),+72 (2), +83 (10)

Psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders:

+12 (3), +24 (2), +36 (5), +48 (3), +60 (2), +72 (10), +84 (5)

2.1 Data processing

In accordance with the key, the following calculations are carried out:

1. The sum of points is determined separately for each of the 12 symptoms of burnout, taking into account the coefficient indicated in brackets. So, for example, for the first symptom (experiencing psychotraumatic circumstances), a positive answer to question No. 13 is estimated at 3 points, and a negative answer to question No. 73 is estimated at 5 points, etc. The number of points is summed up and a quantitative indicator of the severity of the symptom is determined.

2. The sum of symptom scores for each of the three phases of burnout formation is calculated.

3. The final indicator of the burnout syndrome is found - the sum of the indicators of all 12 symptoms.

2.2 Interpretation of results

The technique gives detailed picture burnout syndrome. First of all, you need to pay attention to individual symptoms. The severity of each symptom ranges from 0 to 30 points:

9 points or less - uncomplicated symptom;

10-15 points - developing symptom;

16-19 points - an existing symptom;

20 or more points - symptoms with such indicators are dominant in the phase or in the entire burnout syndrome.

The next step in interpreting the results of the survey is to comprehend the indicators of the phases of stress development - "tension", "resistance" or "exhaustion". In each of them, the assessment is possible in the range from 0 to 120 points. However, comparing the points obtained for the phases is not justified, because the phenomena measured in them are significantly different: this is a reaction to external and internal factors, methods of psychological defense, the state nervous system. By quantitative indicators, it is legitimate to judge only how much each phase has formed, which phase has formed to a greater or lesser extent:

36 points or less - the phase has not formed;

37-60 points - phase in the formation stage;

61 or more points - formed phase.

2.3 Ways to relieve stress in a short time

1) Execution time - 60 seconds. Can be performed at a desk, in transport.

Sit as comfortably as possible and loosen any tight clothing, shoes, tie, belt... Now tighten your muscles by clenching your fists and trying to touch the back of your wrists to your shoulders, and also frown and press the tip of your tongue to the upper palate. At the same time, straighten your legs, stretch your toes, pull in your stomach and take a deep breath.

Hold this position, slowly counting to 5, feel how the tension in the muscles disappears. Then exhale slowly and relax your whole body. Imagine that you are a puppet with the strings cut. Lower your shoulders, unclench your fingers, and lean back in your chair. Flatten your forehead and open your teeth, allowing your chin to drop freely. Now take the 2nd breath and hold your breath while slowly counting to 5.

For the next 15 seconds, breathe slowly and deeply. During each exhalation, repeat the word "calm" to yourself, trying to feel how every cell of your body relaxes. And finally, calm your nerves, imagining that you are lying on golden, sun-warmed sand on the shores of a clear blue ocean. this image as clearly as possible and hold it in your mind for 30 seconds.

2) Close your eyes. Take a comfortable position. Take 2-3 deep breaths in and out. Remember a situation in which you were in a good mood, and you felt like a winner, everything worked out for you. Try to see this situation as accurately as possible, what is your facial expression? Where are you at? What surrounds you? Who is next to you? How do you look? What are you wearing? Try to see this situation as accurately as possible, consider everything to the smallest detail.

Try to hear the sounds that surround you. What are these sounds? Noise outside the window? Vote? Music? Try to hear these sounds that surround you as accurately as possible. Enjoy them. Try to feel this situation. Feel the temperature in the room. Feel how the clothes touch your body. What emotions are you experiencing at the moment? What sensations arise in the body?

Keep your attention on these sensations, and then imagine how you maintain these feelings. Enjoy these sensations. Stretch, straighten up and open your eyes. Notice how your mood has improved.


First of all, acknowledge that they are.

Those who help other people tend to deny their own psychological predicament. It's hard to admit to yourself: "I suffer from professional burnout." Moreover, in difficult life situations, internal unconscious defense mechanisms are activated. Among them are rationalization, repression of traumatic events, "petrification" of feelings and body.

People often evaluate these manifestations incorrectly - as a sign of their own "strength". Some protect themselves from their own difficult conditions and problems by getting active, they try not to think about them (remember Scarlet with her "I'll think about it tomorrow"?) and give themselves completely to work, helping other people. Helping others can really bring relief for a while. However, only for a while. After all, overactivity is harmful if it diverts attention from the help that you yourself need.

Remember: blocking out your feelings and being overactive can slow down your recovery process.

Firstly, your condition can be alleviated by physical and emotional support from other people. Don't give up on her. Discuss your situation with those who, having had a similar experience, feel good.

For a professional, it is appropriate and useful to work with a supervisor - a professionally more experienced person who, if necessary, helps a less experienced colleague in professional and personal improvement. During the scheduled period of time, the professional and the supervisor regularly discuss the work done together. In the course of such a discussion, learning and development takes place, which help to get out of burnout.

Secondly, after hours you need privacy. In order to cope with your feelings, you need to find an opportunity to be alone, without family and close friends.



DO NOT hide your feelings. Show your emotions and let your friends discuss them with you.

Do NOT avoid talking about what happened. Take every opportunity to review your experience alone or with others.

Do NOT let your feelings of embarrassment stop you when others give you a chance to speak or offer help.

DO NOT expect severe burnout symptoms to go away on their own.


Set aside enough time for sleep, rest, reflection.

Be direct, clear, and honest about your desires by talking about them with family, friends, and at work.

Try to keep your life as normal as possible.


Remember: special work is needed to respond to traumatic experience and to revive feelings. And do not try to do this work with yourself - such a difficult (and painful) work can only be done together with a professional psychologist-consultant.

Real courage lies in admitting that I need professional help. Why? Yes, because the basis of "psychological treatment" is to help a person "come to life" and "re-assemble himself."

First comes the hard work, the purpose of which is to "remove the shell of insensitivity" and allow your feelings to come out. This does not lead to a loss of self-control, but the suppression of these feelings can lead to neurosis and physical problems. At the same time, special work with destructive "poisonous" feelings (in particular, aggressive ones) is important. The result of this preparatory work is the "clearing" of the internal space, making room for the arrival of a new one, the revival of feelings.

The next stage of professional work is a revision of one's life myths, goals and values, one's ideas and attitudes towards oneself, other people and one's work. Here it is important to accept and strengthen your "I", to realize the value of your life; take responsibility for your life and health and take a professional position in your work.

And only after that, step by step, relationships with other people and ways of interacting with them change. There is a development in a new way of their professional role and their other life roles and behaviors. The person gains self-confidence. So - he got out of the emotional burnout syndrome and is ready to successfully live and work


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