The theme of love has always worried Bunin, and he dedicated his most famous works to her: the novel "The Life of Arsenyev", the stories "Light Breath", "Mitina's Love", "Sunstroke" and others. But at the end of his life, he again turns to her, creating a cycle of stories " Dark alleys”, redefining love, passion, life and death. In these stories, love is most often divided (Bunin does not show the tragedy of unrequited love), but this feeling always ends with separation, death, murder or suicide. According to Bunin, love, the strongest and deepest experience of a person, is always just a short bright flash that leaves its mark on a lifetime, it always makes you suffer, this is the drama of human life.

In the story "Dark Alleys", which opens the collection, the same idea can be traced: love cannot be happy, it can transform a person's whole life, but always leads to separation. The plot of the story is very simple: an old military man stops at an inn, the owner of which turns out to be a former serf, with whom he was once on close terms. It turns out that she still loves him, has not forgotten anything, has not even married. The hero of the story, Nikolai Alekseevich, recalls the past, his love, the happiness that this woman gave him. But he cannot imagine her as his wife, he leaves, full of previous experiences, memories and sadness. At first glance, everything is very simple, but in fact this story allows you to describe the whole life of the characters, explain their characters, behavior, outlook on life.

Very often, Bunin's stories begin with a landscape, and this one was no exception: "In the cold autumn bad weather, on one of the big Tula roads, flooded with rain and cut by many black ruts, a tarantass thrown with mud rolled up."

This landscape immediately casts a gloomy mood and sadness on the reader. The protagonist of the story has the same mood, but it changes when the innkeeper comes - "a dark-haired, also black-browed and also beautiful woman who looks like an elderly gypsy." If she had not called him by his first name and patronymic, he would not have recognized her. He is surprised that she, with her beauty, did not marry. Her words make him blush: “Everyone’s youth passes, but love is another matter ... It’s too late now to reproach, because, it’s true, they would have thrown me very heartlessly - how many times I wanted to lay hands on myself from resentment from one, no longer talking about everything else. After all, there was a time, Nikolai Alekseevich, when I called you Nikolenka, and you remember me? And I was deigned to read all the poems about all sorts of "dark alleys." The heroine kept her love, carried this feeling through her whole life. She cannot forgive him: “Just as I didn’t have anything more precious than you at that time, so I didn’t have it later either. That's why I can't forgive you. The hero of the story was also not happy: his wife left him, his son grew up a scoundrel. He understands that he has lost the most precious thing he had, that he spent the best moments of his life with Nadezhda. However, the hero quickly calms down, thinking, "What if I hadn't left her? What nonsense! This same Nadezhda is not the keeper of the inn, but my wife, the mistress of my St. Petersburg house, the mother of my children?

Leaving the inn, he recalls lines from Ogarev’s poem: “All around the scarlet rose hips bloomed, there were alleys of dark lindens ...” These lines add poetry and slight sadness to the story of past love. This love remained with Nadezhda for life, these were “truly magical” moments of the hero’s life, and although love did not take place, it will remain in their life forever, it has laid a deep mark on the human soul.

Love in the image of Bunin is very tragic, but always beautiful, love is a great gift that is not given to everyone. We find confirmation of this in the story "Dark Alleys".

At all times, the theme of love was the main one, many writers sang about the relationship between a man and a woman. Ivan Alekseevich was no exception, in many stories he writes about love. Love is the purest and brightest feeling in the world. The theme of love is eternal in any era.

In the works of Bunin, the writer describes the innermost and secret things that happen between two people. The work of Ivan Alekseevich can be divided into periods. So the collection "Dark Alleys" written during the World War is devoted entirely to love. The collection contains so much love and warm feelings, it is simply filled with love.

Bunin believes that love is a great feeling, even if this love is unrequited. The writer believes that any love has the right to life. Also, after reading the stories of Ivan Alekseevich, you can see that love in his works goes along with death. He draws a line, as it were, that death can stand behind a great bright feeling.

In some of his stories, Bunin writes that love is not always beautiful and sunny, and maybe the love story will end tragically. So, for example, in the story "Sunstroke" his characters meet on a steamboat, where a wonderful feeling flares up between them. The girl in love tells the lieutenant that the feeling that visited them is like a sunstroke that overshadowed their mind. She says she's never experienced anything like it and probably never will. Unfortunately, the lieutenant realizes very late how much he fell in love with the girl, because he did not even know her last name and where she lives.

The lieutenant was ready to die for the sake of one more day spent with the girl he loved so much. He was overwhelmed with feelings, but they were big and bright.

In another story, Bunin describes the unrequited love of a young guy for a girl who does not pay any attention to him. Nothing makes a girl happy and even a guy’s love doesn’t make her happy. At the end of the novella, she goes to a monastery, where she thinks she will find happiness.

In another story, Ivan Alekseevich writes about a triangle in which a guy cannot choose between passion and love. The whole story he rushes between the girls and everything ends tragically.

In the works of Bunin, where he writes about love, all aspects of this feeling are described. After all, love is not only joy and happiness, but also suffering and sorrow. Love is a great feeling, for which you often have to fight.

Composition The theme of love in Bunin's work

The theme of love has always been and is an integral part of any work. I. A. Bunin revealed it especially vividly in his stories. The writer described love as a tragic and deep feeling, he tried to reveal to the reader all the secret corners of this strong attraction.

In Bunin's works, such as Dark Alleys, Cold autumn”, “Sunstroke” love is shown from several sides. On the one hand, this feeling, capable of bringing great happiness, on the other hand, a bright and ardent feeling inflicts deep wounds on the soul of a person, delivering days only suffering.

For the author, love was not just a naive feeling, it was strong and real, often accompanied by tragedy, and in some moments even death. The theme of love, in different fit it creative way, opened from different angles. At the beginning of his work, Bunin described love between young people as something light, natural and open. She is beautiful and gentle, but at the same time can bring disappointment. For example, in the story "Dawn all night" he describes the strong love of a simple girl for a young man. She is ready to give all her youth and soul to her beloved, to completely dissolve in him. But reality can be cruel, and as often happens, falling in love passes and a person begins to look at many things differently. And in this work, he clearly describes the breakup of relations that brought only pain and disappointment.

At a certain period of his time, Bunin emigrated from Russia. It was at this time that love for him became a mature and deep feeling. He began to write about her with sadness and longing, recalling his past years of life. This is clearly displayed in the novel "Mitina's Love" written by him in 1924. At first everything goes well, the feelings are strong and reliable, but later they will lead the main character to death. Bunin wrote not only about mutual love two young people, but in some of his works you can also find a love triangle: "The Caucasus" and "The Most Beautiful Sun". The happiness of some inevitably brings heartache and disappointment to the third.

Love played a special role in his great work, written during the war years, Dark Alleys. In it, she is displayed as a great happiness, despite the fact that in the end it ends in tragedy. The love of two people who met each other already in adulthood is shown in the story "Sunstroke". It was during this life period that they so needed to experience this true feeling. The love of a lieutenant and a mature woman was doomed in advance and could not unite them for life. But after parting, she left in their hearts the sweet bitterness of pleasant memories.

In all his stories, Bunin sings of love, its difference and contradictions. If there is love, a person becomes infinitely radiant, manifests true beauty his inner peace, values ​​in relation to a loved one. Love in Bunin's understanding is a true, selfless, pure feeling, even if, after a sudden outbreak and attraction, it can lead to tragedy and deep disappointment.

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Bunin wrote a lot about love, its tragedies and rare moments of true happiness. "These works are marked by an extraordinary poeticization of human feelings, they revealed the wonderful talent of the writer, his ability to penetrate into the intimate depths of the heart, with their unknown and unknown laws.

For Bunin in true love there is something in common with the eternal beauty of nature, therefore only such a feeling of love is beautiful, which is natural, not false, not invented, for it love and existence without it are two hostile lives, and if it dies

Love, then that other life, is no longer needed.

Raising love, Bunin does not hide the fact that it brings not only joy, happiness, but also very often fraught with torment, grief, disappointment, death. In one of his letters, he himself explained precisely this motive in his work and not only explained, but convincingly proved: “Don't you know yet that love and death are inextricably linked? Every time I experienced a love catastrophe - and there were many of these love catastrophes in my life, or rather, almost every one of my loves was a catastrophe - I was close to suicide.

The story of tragic love was told by Bunin in a short story "Sunstroke". A chance acquaintance on a steamboat, the usual "road adventure", "a fleeting meeting". But how did all this random and fleeting end for the heroes? “There has never been anything even similar to what happened to me, and there will never be again. It's like an eclipse hit me. Or, rather, we both got something like a sunstroke, ”the lieutenant’s companion admits. But this blow has not yet touched the hero.

After seeing off his friend and carelessly returning to the hotel, he suddenly felt that his heart "shrank with an incomprehensible tenderness" at the memory of her. When he realized that he had lost her forever (after all, he didn’t even know her first and last name), “he felt such pain and such uselessness of all his later life without her, that he was seized with horror, despair, ”And again, the Bunin motif intensifies the tragedy of man: love and death are always there. Struck, as if by a blow, by this unexpected love, the lieutenant is ready to die, if only to return this dear and beloved creature: , this day, to spend only to tell her and prove something, to convince her how painfully and enthusiastically he loves her.

The collection of short stories "Dark Alleys" can be called an encyclopedia of love dramas. The writer created it during the Second World War (1937-1944). Later, when the book was published and readers were shocked by the “eternal drama of love,” Bunin admitted in one of his letters: “She speaks of the tragic and many tender and beautiful things, - I think it's the best and most original thing I've written in my life." And although in many stories the love that the writer told about is tragic, Bunin claims that any love is a great happiness, even if it ends in separation, death, tragedy. Many Bunin's heroes come to this conclusion, having lost, overlooked or destroyed their love themselves.

But this insight, enlightenment comes to the heroes too late, as, for example, to Vitaly Meshchersky, the hero of the story "Natalie". Bunin told the story of student Meshchersky's love for the young beauty Natalya Stankevich, about their breakup, about their long loneliness. The tragedy of this love lies in the character of Meshchersky, who has a sincere and sublime feeling for one girl, and “passionate bodily intoxication” for another, and both seem to him love. But it's impossible to love two people at the same time. Physical attraction to Sonya passes quickly, big, real love stays with Natalie for life. Only for a short moment the true happiness of love was presented to the heroes, but the author completed the idyllic union of Meshchersky and Natalie with the untimely death of the heroine.

In stories about love, I. A. Bunin affirmed the true spiritual values, beauty and greatness of a person capable of a great, selfless feeling, painted love as a high, ideal, beautiful feeling, despite the fact that it brings not only joy and happiness, but more often - grief, suffering, death.

^ Why is love in the image of I.A. Bunina tragic?

Many works of I. A. Bunin are devoted to the theme of love, in particular, the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys", rightfully called the pinnacle of the writer's work. But a strange feeling remains after reading these of his works - sadness, sympathy for the heroes, their tragic, uncomplicated fate. Heroes die, part, commit suicide - they are all unhappy. Why is this happening? Love is shown by the writer as a mighty i rose power that can turn a person's life upside down. The lieutenant, the heroes of the story "Sunstroke", did not think about it at all, becoming numb, as he eats) kya and yuye, a light affair with an attractive fellow traveler. But. having parted

her, he suddenly realizes that he cannot forget her, see the heroine again for him "is more necessary than LIFE." With deep psychologism, the writer reveals the inner experiences of the hero, his spiritual maturation. The lieutenant feels the peace and serenity of the surrounding life - and this only increases his suffering: "Probably, I am the only one so terribly unhappy in this city." Bunin often resorts to such techniques as antithesis (opposition) and oxymoron (combination of incompatible concepts) in order to more clearly reveal the inner world of the hero, who feels extraordinary joy in everything and at the same time torment that breaks his heart, happiness in his soul and tears in his eyes . With tears in his eyes, he fell asleep, and in the evening, sitting on the deck of the ship, he feels ten years older. The hero is in the power of love, his feelings do not depend on him, but they transform him spiritually - this is Pushkin's awakening of the soul, a change beyond the whole worldview of a person. Mitya, the hero of the story "Mitya's Love", is jealous and suffering, feeling Katya's neglect of him, some kind of falseness in her behavior, which she herself is not even aware of yet. He is waiting for a letter from her, and how painfully this expectation is shown by the author, and how quickly Mitya's joy is replaced by the expectation of the next message, even more painful. Moreover, physiology does not replace love, and the episode with Alenka convincingly proves this - the power of love is in the harmony of the carnal and the spiritual, in its spiritual significance. And so bright, so painful is the suffering of Mitya, who received the news of Katya's betrayal and their inevitable break, that he shoots himself "with pleasure" in order to only stop this pain that tears his heart. Of course, such intensity of passions is incompatible with ordinary life, because in life there is often so much dirt, rough prose of everyday life, petty calculations, lust that kills love. The victim of this was Olya Meshcherskaya, the heroine of the story "Light Breath", whose pure soul was ready for love and was waiting for extraordinary happiness. Obeying social prejudices, Nadezhda is abandoned by Nikolai Alekseevich, the hero of the story "Dark Alleys". - and he does not - sees happiness in his future fate. For the rest of her life, the heroine of the story “Cold Autumn” remembered the evening of farewell to her fiancé, who was later killed in the war. And her whole future life is just existence, everyday prose, and in her soul there is only a cold farewell evening and poems that her beloved reads to her. Therefore, I think it can be argued that in the image of I.A. Bunin's love is such a take-off

shi, which is not given to everyone, but which everyone who has experienced this will never forget.

^ Why is the love of heroes in the story of I.A. Bunin " Clean Monday called "weird"?

The story "Clean Monday", written in 1944. is one of the author's favorite stories. I.A. Bunin recounts the events of the distant past from the narrator's linden - a young wealthy man without much work. The hero is in love, and the heroine, as he sees her, makes a strange impression on the reader. She is pretty, loves luxury, comfort, expensive restaurants, and at the same time she walks around as a "modest student", has breakfast in a vegetarian canteen on Arbaie. She has a very critical attitude towards many fashionable works of literature, famous people. And she is clearly not in love with the hero so. as much as he would like it. To his marriage proposal, she replies that she is not fit to be a wife. "Odd love!" - the hero thinks about him. The inner world of the heroine is revealed completely unexpectedly for him: it turns out that she often visits churches, is deeply passionate about religion, church rites. For her, this is not just religiosity - this is the need of her soul, her sense of homeland, antiquity, which are internally necessary for the heroine. The hero thinks, “this is just “Moscow quirks”, he cannot understand her and is deeply confused by her choice when, after their only night of love, she decides to leave and then go to a monastery. For him, the collapse of love is a catastrophe of a lifetime, unthinkable suffering. For her, the power of faith, the preservation of her inner world turned out to be higher than love, she decides to devote herself to God, renouncing everything worldly. The author does not reveal the reasons for her moral choice, which influenced her decision - social circumstances or moral and religious quests, but he clearly shows that the life of the soul is not subject to reason.This is especially emphasized in the episode last date heroes in the Marfo-Marninskaya monastery. The heroes of VS see as much as they feel each other, THEY do not control their feelings: the hero “for some reason” wanted to go to the temple, the heroine internally senses his presence. This the riddle, the mystery of human sensations - one of the essential properties of love in the image of Bunin, a tragic and powerful force that can turn a person's whole life upside down.

^ Why does the main character of I. Bunin's story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" have no name and psychology?

In the story "Mr. and I San Francisco" I. Bunin very vividly and in detail depicts the world of luxury and prosperity, the world of rich people who can afford it. One of them - a gentleman from San Francisco - is the main character. In his post at the pkah, appearance, demeanor, the author shows the vices of the "golden" circle to which the character belongs. But the most striking feature, which immediately catches the eye when reading, is that. that nowhere in the story is the hero's name mentioned, nor does she depict her inner world.

Who is this gentleman from San Francisco? In the very first lines, the author writes that "no one remembered her name either in Naples or in Capri."

It would seem that the main character, the main events of the work unfold around him, and suddenly even the name of the 1st line is not mentioned. It's immediately obvious That the writer is dismissive of the character. The appearance and actions of the gentleman are described in great detail: a tuxedo, underwear, and even large gold teeth. The details of the description are external I and are given great attention. The hero is presented as a solid, respectable, wealthy person who is able to buy everything. whatever you wish. The story shows how the hero visits cultural monuments, but he is indifferent to everything, he is not interested in art. The author deliberately describes in detail how the characters eat, drink, dress, and talk. Bunin laughs at this "artificial" life.

Why, paying great attention to appearance and actions, the writer does not show the inner world. character psychology? This is all because the gentleman from San Francisco simply does not have inner peace. souls. He devoted his whole life to making a fortune, creating capital. The hero worked on duty and did not enrich himself spiritually. And to maturity, having made a fortune, he does not know what to do with himself, because he is unspiritual. His life is scheduled by the hour, there is no place for culture, soul. The inner world of the hero is empty and needs only external impressions. The gentleman from San Francisco has no purpose in life. The whole task of his existence is reduced to the satisfaction of fziolo! ical needs for sleep, food, clothing. The hero doesn't even try to change anything. L his death

unnoticed by everyone, only his wife and daughter feel sorry for him. And returning home in a box in the luggage compartment clearly speaks of his place among people.

And Bunin in the story shows complete disgust and contempt for such people. He ridicules their measured, minute-by-minute life, denounces their vices, depicts the emptiness of the inner world and the absence of any spirituality. The author sincerely hopes that such people will gradually disappear along with their shortcomings, and there will be no “gentlemen from San Francisco” left in the world.

^ Is it possible to name the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” by I.A. Bunin a work of symbolism?

ii In 1915, Bunin wrote his short story "The Gentleman from San Francisco". The title alone gives the reader the impression of uncertainty, even mystery. Indeed, throughout the entire work, the author did not use either his first name or last name - nothing that would indicate his personality, because personality is something individual, inherent only to this person. But. after reading just a few lines, we understand that it could not be otherwise: he was one of many, like everyone else. The main thing is that he wanted to be like that. The first half of his life he did not live, he only worked. He worked only in order to worthily spend the rest of his days. Worthy in one hundred understanding - this is so. as is customary, as all the people of his circle do. In the world it was fashionable to start your enjoyment of life with a trip to Europe. And, of course, our master immediately went there. He began his journey on the huge liner "Atlantis". In my opinion, the image of this ship is very symbolic. On it, respectable and wealthy Americans go to rest in Europe and, as we learn at the end of the work, they return on it. The very name of the ship is unusual, because Atlantis is an island. On it, people get what in the world is called happiness for money.

But "Atlantis" is a dead island; the souls of the people inhabiting it drowned in vulgarity and gluttony. The gentleman himself from San Francisco did not seem to live. This is evidenced by his death. In the world in which it exists, money decides everything: if you have money, you will be respected and honored. If not, you are not

you can exist in it. For Bunin, one who does not have his own, inner world, cannot exist in this, real. And if it doesn't exist, why does it need a name?

I believe that Bunin's story can be considered a realistic work, in which, however, symbols play a big role. The ship "Atlantis", a couple of "lovers" hired for money, a burning furnace vent, the devil watching the ship, people without a name - all these are symbols of the modern author's world, which is on the verge of inevitable death.

"Sir from San Francisco"

a typical hero of the early 20th century?

In I. Bunin's story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" we learn the story of a man who embodied the image of a typical capitalist. Working long and hard, he achieved a lot and went on vacation to Europe with his family. However, the rest did not work out, because "the weather was not going well" and "the mood was bad."

The author says at the very beginning of the story that in his youth, a gentleman from San Francisco set himself the goal of achieving prosperity the richest people. And by the end of his life, he achieved his goal. He entered the circle of people who are usually called "elite". But Bunin repeatedly emphasizes that the lifestyle of the master was a blind copy of the lifestyle of this "elite". The "elite", unfortunately, is not intellectual, where it is customary to have one's own views and opinions, but the financial "elite", where a person is valued only by money. For a gentleman from San Francisco, the trip gave hope for a “happy meeting” with a billionaire to inspect the frescoes, which very much characterizes his views on the value of human qualities. So, people of this circle used to relax, traveling in Europe and Asia. And the gentleman from San Francisco went to Europe only because everyone did it. His entire vacation was pre-planned according to a given model.

Bunin describes in sufficient detail the daily routine on the steamer "(Atlantis". Everything came down to food, entertainment and "working up an appetite." The second gentleman from San Francisco also took part

stie in ship life on a par with everyone. Yes, and life in Italy did not differ in variety: breakfast, sightseeing gay. lunch and so on. But the weather seemed to resist the family's recall from San Francisco. It often rained, it was damp and cold. When asked about the weather, the porter answered that there had been no weather in December for a long time, although he had been repeating this phrase for more than a year.

In a word, in the story “Lords from San Francisco .. Bunin does not hide indifference to his hero, in the very first phrases notifying us of that. that no one remembers his name anywhere. Describing in detail his appearance, the writer stomps his hero with the slightest movements of the soul, any thoughts. He just doesn't have them. since he is a collection of images of rich people, which in itself denies the possibility of a person from a gentleman from San Francisco. He is not a formed person, but only a cast. His world is a Tat steamship - a hotel with all amenities, built according to a scheme, devoid of thought and impulse of the soul. And such a person cannot even have elementary psychologism, an inner world that is imputed in the image of a rich man.

^ Why is Satine defending Luka in a dispute with the roomers? (but the play by M. Gorky "At the Bottom")

Gorky's play "At the bottom" - philosophical work. The main conflict of the play is a dispute about the truth. What is needed man) I a Finding the Meaning of Life: Cruel Truth or Compassion?

Satin in Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom" is the ideological enemy of Luke. Although it was the old man who led him to think, Satin adheres to other principles and raises the thought of the value of a person to an unattainable height: “Man is free!”

And let satin more people words, not bodies, but speech, his understanding testify that faith in life, the very spark of life, has not been extinguished “on the bottom”. In one of his aphorisms, Satin is a fierce opponent of Luke: “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the God of a free man."

The views, worldview of both characters are very important. With the advent of Luka, the inhabitants of the rooming house began to think, search, they wanted a brighter life, which they were. probably understood by CMJ i but.

If you don't push the wheel, it won't roll. It was at the suggestion of Luca that Satin, in his reflections, came to the conclusion about the significance of the man-claim. He went further than Luke because he chose a more direct and honest path. It was Satin who managed to become human and reject Luke's false humanism: "Man is the truth!" But, having come to the right conclusions, Satin remained the individualist he had been before.

A person cannot change immediately, it takes time. So it happens in life. There are times when Luke is needed with his consolation. encouragement, attention to others, but there are also moments WHEN only the decisive word of Sateen will carry the truth to the human heart.

Luke and Satin are philosophers, so they understand each other. And one is simply obliged to protect the other.

^ Does Grigory Melekhov have a future? (based on the epic novel by M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don»)

The main characters of the epic novel M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don" Grigory Melekhov is a tragic figure of a turning point for Russia era. Usually his story is viewed as a search for peaceful happiness and throwing from the Reds to the Whites, then to the Fomin gang, and then - attempts to leave everyone for another life. But this does not exhaust the essence of his character. First of all, he has a pronounced desire for freedom in his actions and decisions. His love for Aksinya, which was impossible according to the rules of public morality, eventually became so important for him that he, a Cossack, leaves his native home to work as farm laborers, to Listnitsky's estate. What a strong will one had to have in order to disregard public opinion and commit an act impossible for a Cossack, which would embarrass him in the eyes of the whole farm. But happiness with the woman he loved turned out to be more important and dear to him. Having suffered a lot, having seen war and violence, Grigory, it would seem, got used to this life. But he is not a "man of war", unlike Mitka Korshunov and Koshevoy, who are natural elements of the struggle with its "extremes" and ruthlessness. He is tired of the war, he is aware of the futility of choosing between two camps - red and white. He notices what others are indifferent to: he spoke to Shtokman about the inequality among the Red Army soldiers - the commissar "is all in

zhu climbed in, ”and“ Vanek ”is in wrappings, he doesn’t even have enough for shoes, and this is only the beginning of a new power,“ and they will become stronger - where will equality go? But he also feels like a stranger, an uneducated peasant "from the plow" among white officers. And in the end, he, the destroyer of the foundations of the family, once able to give up everything and leave with someone else's wife for someone else's bread, becomes a defender and zealot of the idea of ​​home, family, home. He understands that Russia is looking for a new fate - and does not regret Nikolai I, the "shitty tsar" who renounced power, does not sympathize with the generals leading White movement - in his opinion, they are "blind" who know nothing about the people. For Gregory, the main thing is a return to himself, to the origins of life, to his native steppe, songs, conversations with his mother, to caring for children. All the most valuable that remains to him in life. - this is love for Aksinya. And it is no coincidence that when he buries her, struck by a stray bullet, he sees above him, raising his eyes, a black dazzling disk of the sun in a black sky. And his last value is his son. whom he sees on the banks of the Don, near his home. The ending of the novel is open, but it does not reduce the tragedy of the hero's fate, his doom before the future.

Bunin is a unique creative personality in the history of Russian literature of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century. His brilliant talent, the skill of a poet and prose writer, which has become a classic, amazed his contemporaries and conquers us, living today. In his works, the real Russian literary language, which is now lost, is preserved.

A large place in the work of Bunin in exile is occupied by works about love. The writer has always been concerned about the mystery of this strongest of human feelings. In 1924, he wrote the story "Mitya's Love", the following year - "The Cornet Elagin Case" and "Sunstroke". And in the late 30s and during World War II, Bunin created 38 short stories about love, which made up his book “Dark Alleys”, published in 1946. Bunin considered this book to be his “best work in terms of conciseness, painting and literary skill ".

Love in the image of Bunin is striking not only by the power of artistic depiction, but also by its subordination to some internal laws unknown to man. Infrequently they break through to the surface: most people will not experience their fatal effects until the end of their days. Such an image of love unexpectedly gives Bunin's sober, "merciless" talent a romantic glow. The closeness of love and death, their conjugation were obvious facts for Bunin, they were never in doubt. However, the catastrophic nature of life, the fragility of human relations and existence itself - all these favorite Bunin themes after the gigantic social cataclysms that shook Russia, were filled with a new formidable meaning, as can be seen, for example, in the story "Mitya's Love". "Love is beautiful" and "Love is doomed" - these concepts, finally combined, coincided, carrying in the depths, in the grain of each story, the personal grief of Bunin the emigrant.

Bunin's love lyrics are not large quantitatively. It reflects the poet's confused thoughts and feelings about the mystery of love... One of the main motives of love lyrics is loneliness, inaccessibility or impossibility of happiness. For example, “How bright, how elegant spring is! ..”, “A calm look, similar to the look of a doe ...”, “At a late hour we were with her in the field ...”, “Loneliness”, “The sadness of eyelashes, shining and black ...” and etc.

Bunin's love lyrics are passionate, sensual, saturated with a thirst for love and are always full of tragedy, unfulfilled hopes, memories of past youth and departed love.

I.A. Bunin has a very peculiar view of love relationships that distinguishes him from many other writers of that time.

In Russian classical literature of that time, the theme of love always occupied an important place, and preference was given to spiritual, "platonic" love

before sensuality, carnal, physical passion, which was often debunked. The purity of Turgenev's women has become a household word. Russian literature is predominantly the literature of "first love".

The image of love in Bunin's work is a special synthesis of spirit and flesh. According to Bunin, the spirit cannot be comprehended without knowing the flesh. I. Bunin defended in his works a pure attitude towards the carnal and bodily. He did not have the concept of female sin, as in Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Kreutzer Sonata by L.N. Tolstoy, there was no wary, hostile attitude towards the feminine, characteristic of N.V. Gogol, but there was no vulgarization of love. His love is an earthly joy, a mysterious attraction of one sex to another.

The theme of love and death (often in contact with Bunin) is devoted to works - “Grammar of Love”, “Light Breath”, “Mitina Love”, “Caucasus”, “In Paris”, “Galya Ganskaya”, “Heinrich”, “Natalie”, "Cold Autumn", etc. It has long been and very correctly noted that love in Bunin's work is tragic. The writer is trying to unravel the mystery of love and the mystery of death, why they often come into contact in life, what is the meaning of this. Why does the nobleman Khvoshchinsky go crazy after the death of his beloved, the peasant woman Lushka, and then almost deifies her image (“Grammar of Love”). Why does the young schoolgirl Olya Meshcherskaya, who, as it seemed to her, have an amazing gift, die, just starting to blossom? easy breathing"? The author does not answer these questions, but with his works he makes it clear what is in it. certain meaning human earthly life.

The complex emotional experiences of the hero of the story "Mitya's Love" are described by Bunin with brilliance and tremendous psychological stress. This story caused controversy, the writer was reproached for excessive descriptions of nature, for the implausibility of Mitya's behavior. But we already know that Bunin's nature is not a background, not a decoration, but one of the main actors, and in "Mitya's love" especially. Through the depiction of the state of nature, the author surprisingly accurately conveys Mitya's feelings, his mood and feelings.

You can call "Mitya's Love" a psychological story in which the author accurately and correctly embodied Mitya's confused feelings and the tragic end of his life.

An encyclopedia of love dramas can be called "Dark Alleys" - a book of stories about love. “She speaks of the tragic and of many tender and beautiful things - I think that this is the best and most original thing that I wrote in my life ...” Bunin admitted to Teleshov in 1947.

The heroes of "Dark Alleys" do not oppose nature, often their actions are absolutely illogical and contrary to generally accepted morality (an example of this is the sudden passion of the heroes in the story "Sunstroke"). Bunin's love "on the verge" is almost a transgression of the norm, going beyond the ordinary. This immorality for Bunin, one might even say, is a certain sign of the authenticity of love, since ordinary morality turns out, like everything established by people, to be a conditional scheme that does not fit into the elements of natural, living life.

When describing risky details related to the body, when the author must be impartial so as not to cross the fragile line that separates art from pornography, Bunin, on the contrary, worries too much - to a spasm in the throat, to a passionate trembling: “... it just went dark in eyes at the sight of her pinkish body with a tan on her shiny shoulders ... her eyes turned black and widened even more, her lips parted feverishly ”(“ Galya Ganskaya ”). For Bunin, everything connected with sex is pure and significant, everything is shrouded in mystery and even holiness.

As a rule, the happiness of love in "Dark Alleys" is followed by parting or death. Heroes revel in intimacy, but

it leads to separation, death, murder. Happiness cannot be eternal. Natalie "died on Lake Geneva in a premature birth". Galya Ganskaya got poisoned. In the story “Dark Alleys”, the master Nikolai Alekseevich abandons the peasant girl Nadezhda - for him this story is vulgar and ordinary, and she loved him “all century”. In the story "Rusya", the lovers are separated by the hysterical mother of Rusya.

Bunin allows his heroes only to taste the forbidden fruit, to enjoy it - and then deprives them of happiness, hopes, joys, even life. The hero of the story "Natalie" loved two at once, but did not find family happiness with any of them. In the story "Heinrich" - abundance female images for every taste. But the hero remains alone and free from the "wives of men."

Bunin's love does not go into a family channel, it is not resolved by a happy marriage. Bunin deprives his heroes of eternal happiness, deprives them because they get used to it, and the habit leads to the loss of love. Love out of habit cannot be better than lightning-fast love, but sincere. The hero of the story "Dark Alleys" cannot bind himself by family ties with the peasant woman Nadezhda, but by marrying another woman of his circle, he does not find family happiness. The wife cheated, the son is a wast and a scoundrel, the family itself turned out to be "the most ordinary vulgar story." However, despite the short duration, love still remains eternal: it is eternal in the memory of the hero precisely because it is fleeting in life.

A distinctive feature of love in the image of Bunin is a combination of seemingly incompatible things. It is no coincidence that Bunin once wrote in his diary: “And again, again, such indescribably - sweet sadness from that eternal deception of another spring, hopes and love for the whole world, which you want with tears

gratitude to kiss the earth. Lord, Lord, why do you torment us like this.

The strange connection between love and death is constantly emphasized by Bunin, and therefore it is no coincidence that the title of the collection "Dark Alleys" here does not mean "shady" at all - these are dark, tragic, intricate labyrinths of love.

G. Adamovich rightly wrote about the book of stories “Dark Alleys”: “All love is a great happiness, a gift of the gods, even if it is not shared. That is why Bunin's book breathes with happiness, that is why it is imbued with gratitude for life, for the world in which, for all its imperfections, this happiness happens.

True love is a great happiness, even if it ends in separation, death, tragedy. To this conclusion, albeit late, but many Bunin's heroes come, who have lost, overlooked or destroyed their love themselves. In this late repentance, late spiritual resurrection, the enlightenment of heroes, lies that all-cleansing melody that speaks of the imperfection of people who have not yet learned to live, recognize and value real feelings, and of the imperfection of life itself, social conditions, environment, circumstances that often interfere with truly human relationships, and most importantly - about those high emotions that leave an unfading trace of spiritual beauty, generosity, devotion and purity.

Love is a mysterious element that transforms a person's life, giving his fate a uniqueness against the background of ordinary everyday stories, filling his earthly existence with a special meaning.

This mystery of being becomes the theme of Bunin's story "Grammar of Love" (1915). The hero of the work, a certain Ivlev, having stopped on his way to the house of the recently deceased landowner Khvoshchinsky, reflects on “incomprehensible love, which turned the whole world into some kind of ecstatic life. human life, which, perhaps, should have been the most ordinary life, ”if not for the strange charm of the maid Lushka. It seems to me that the mystery lies not in the appearance of Lushka, who “was not at all good in herself,” but in the character of the landowner himself, who idolized his beloved. “But what kind of person was this Khvoshchinsky? Crazy or just some kind of dazed, all-on-one soul?” According to neighbors-landlords. Khvoshchinsky “was known in the county as a rare clever man. And suddenly this love fell on him, this Lushka, then her unexpected death, - and everything went to dust: he shut himself up in the house, in the room where Lushka lived and died, and sat on her bed for more than twenty years ... ” Is this twenty years of seclusion? Madness? For Bunin, the answer to this question is not at all unambiguous.

The fate of Khvoshchinsky strangely fascinates and worries Ivlev. He understands that Lushka entered his life forever, awakened in him “a complex feeling, similar to what he once experienced in an Italian town when looking at the relics of one saint.” What made Ivlev buy from the heir of Khvoshchinsky “for a high price” a small book “Grammar of Love”, with which the old landowner did not part, cherishing the memories of Lushka? Ivlev would like to understand what the life of a madman in love was filled with, what he ate long years his orphaned soul. And following the hero of the story, the “grandchildren and great-grandchildren” who heard the “voluptuous legend about the hearts of those who loved” will try to uncover the secret of this inexplicable feeling, and with them the reader of Bunin’s work.

An attempt to understand the nature of love feelings by the author in the story “Sunstroke” (1925). “A strange adventure”, shakes the soul of the lieutenant. After parting with a beautiful stranger, he cannot find peace. At the thought of the impossibility of meeting this woman again, “he felt such pain and the uselessness of his entire future life without her that he was seized by horror and despair.” The author convinces the reader of the seriousness of the feelings experienced by the hero of the story. The lieutenant feels "terribly unhappy in this city." "Where to go? What to do?" he thinks lostly. The depth of the hero's spiritual insight is clearly expressed in the final phrase of the story: "The lieutenant sat under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older." How to explain what happened to him? Maybe the hero came into contact with that great feeling that people call love, and the feeling of the impossibility of loss led him to realize the tragedy of being?

The torment of a loving soul, the bitterness of loss, the sweet pain of memories - such unhealed wounds are left in the fate of Bunin's heroes by love, and time has no power over it.

The story "Dark Alleys" (1935) depicts a chance meeting of people who loved each other thirty years ago. The situation is rather ordinary: the young nobleman easily broke up with the serf girl Nadezhda, who was in love with him, and married a woman of his circle. And Nadezhda, having received freedom from the masters, became the mistress of the inn and never married, had no family, children, did not recognize ordinary worldly happiness. “No matter how much time passed, she lived all the same,” she admits to Nikolai Alekseevich. - Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten ... I could never forgive you. Just as I didn’t have anything more valuable than you in the world at that time, so I didn’t have it later. ” She could not change herself, her feeling. And Nikolai Alekseevich realized that he had lost in Nadezhda "the most precious thing that he had in life." But this is a momentary insight. Leaving the inn, he “remembered with shame his last words and that he kissed her hand, and was immediately ashamed of his shame. And yet it is difficult for him to imagine Nadezhda as his wife, the mistress of the Petegbug house, the mother of his children. ... This gentleman gives too much great importance class prejudices, in order to prefer genuine feeling to them. But he paid for his cowardice with a lack of personal happiness.

How differently the heroes of the story comprehend what happened to them! For Nikolai Alekseevich, this is “a vulgar, ordinary story,” but for Nadezhda, it is undying memories, long-term devotion to love.

A passionate and deep feeling permeates the last, fifth book of the novel "The Life of Arseniev" - "Lika". It was based on the transformed experiences of Bunin himself, his youthful love for V.V. Pashchenko. In the novel, death and oblivion recede before the power of love, before the heightened feeling - the hero and the author - of life.

In the theme of love, Bunin reveals himself as a man of amazing talent, a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey the state of the soul, wounded by love. The writer does not avoid complex, frank topics, depicting the most intimate human experiences in his stories. Over the centuries, many artists of the word dedicated their works to the great feeling of love, and each of them found something unique, individual to this theme. It seems to me that the peculiarity of Bunin the artist is that he considers love a tragedy, a catastrophe, madness, a great feeling, capable of both infinitely elevating and destroying a person.

Yes, love has many faces and is often inexplicable. This is an eternal riddle, and each reader of Bunin's works is looking for his own answers, reflecting on the secrets of love. The perception of this feeling is very personal, and therefore someone will treat what is depicted in the book as a “vulgar story”, and someone will be shocked by the great gift of love, which, like the talent of a poet or musician, is not given to everyone. But one thing is certain: Bunin's stories telling about the most secret, will not leave readers indifferent. Every young person will find in Bunin's works something consonant with their own thoughts and feelings, they will touch the great secret of love. This is what makes the author Sunstroke", Always contemporary writer arousing deep reader interest.

Literature abstract

Topic: “The theme of love in the works of Bunin”


Student “” class

Moscow 2004


1. O.N.Mikhailov - “Russian literature of the XX century”

2. S.N.Morozov - “The life of Arseniev. Stories”

3. B.K.Zaitsev - "Youth - Ivan Bunin"

4. Literary-critical articles.