This program holistically defines the content and nature of the modern pedagogical process aimed at developing the basis of a child's personal culture. preschool age in kindergarten. It implements the most important principle of humanistic pedagogy - the dialogue of an adult and a child, children among themselves, teachers with each other, a teacher with parents. As an educational program for a new generation, "Origins" reflects the enduring importance of preschool childhood as an exceptionally important, basic period for the subsequent development of a person.

The main goal of the program is the formation of a diversified personality aged from birth to 7 years, its universal, including creative, abilities to a level corresponding to the age capabilities of the child; ensuring for each child an equal start of development; preservation and promotion of health.

The program is based on the concept of psychological age as a stage in the development of a child, which has its own structure and dynamics, as well as the scientific position of A.V. Zaporozhets about amplification (enrichment) child development, interconnections of all its sides.

In accordance with this approach, the following age stages are identified in the program: early childhood- infancy (up to one year); early age (from one year to three years); preschool childhood; junior preschool age (from three to five years old) and senior (from five to seven years old). Such age periodization, according to the authors, allows you to see both the most general trends and the individual perspective of the development of each child.

Periodization does not provide for the mandatory association of children in groups of different ages. Taking into account the specific working conditions, it is possible to complete groups of preschool educational institution children of both the same and different calendar ages within a single psychological age.

The program is built in accordance with the didactic principles of education, training and development of preschool children. For each age stage in the program, four leading lines of development are identified: social, cognitive, aesthetic and physical; reveals the features of the development of these lines in infancy, early, younger and older preschool age; the hierarchy of the main types of activity (communication, objective activity, game) is set. Game activity, as the main one in the development of the personality of a child of preschool age, is given a special place in the program. The game permeates all the structural components of the program and its content as a whole.

The "Social Development" section contains a list of progressively more complex tasks and working conditions to develop the child's communication skills with adults and peers, and also provides for the formation of a child's attitude towards himself. At all age stages, various types of children's activities are considered as important conditions for the emergence of social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships.

In chapter " cognitive development"The tasks, content and conditions of pedagogical work to expand and enrich the child's orientations in the world around him, the development of mental abilities, methods and means of cognitive activity, etc., are highlighted.

The content of the section "Aesthetic development" is considered in the unity of the formation of a child's aesthetic attitude to the world and his artistic development by means of folk, classical and contemporary art. This development is based on the formation artistic ability through children's creativity, the integration of various types of children's artistic activities.

The section "Physical development" defines the tasks, content and conditions of pedagogical work, the solution of which contributes to the strengthening of children's health, the formation of correct posture, the improvement of the functional capabilities of the child's body, vital motor skills, and physical qualities.

The program has new, independent sections "Health", "Speech and speech development", "The world in which we live", "Nature and the child", "Culture of everyday life" and others that significantly complement and enrich it.

Thus, the "Health" section reflects modern ideas about the health of a preschool child, contains approximate daily routines in kindergarten, recommendations for its organization.

In the section "Speech and Speech Development", dialogue is considered as the main means of developing communication, and the special role of word creation and the child's games with sounds and rhymes is emphasized.

The purpose of the section "The world in which we live" is to form in the child a sense of belonging to a certain culture, cultures of other peoples, involvement in the events taking place in the country, city, village.

The tasks of introducing children to labor activity presented in such sections of the program as "The world we live in", "Nature and the child", "Culture of everyday life", etc.

The program "Origins" highlights the basic and variable content of education.

The basic part, along with tasks for each area of ​​child development, includes:

  • characteristics of the age capabilities of children;
  • general indicators of development;
  • basic personality characteristics;
  • recommendations on organizing the life of children in a preschool institution, creating a subject-developing environment, cooperation kindergarten with the family, the work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution.

Variable approaches to the implementation of the program are disclosed in the section "Content and conditions of pedagogical work". They provide for the possibility of adjusting the content of the pedagogical process, taking into account the specific conditions of the kindergarten.

The appendix to the program contains optional sections: "Teaching a second language", ((Computer in a preschool institution", "The living world of nature in the city and the child", which are intended for preschool educational institutions working in these areas. In addition, the annex to the program contains samples of planning educational work, the main indicators of the development of a kindergarten graduate are proposed.

The program is provided with methodological and teaching aids: on the education of young children (ed. L.N. Pavlova), the development of speech and verbal communication (ed. A. G. Arushanova), teaching the Russian language to non-Russian-speaking children (E.Yu. Protasova, N.M. Rodina), creative design (author L.A. Paramonova), physical (M.A. Runova), aesthetic development (K.V. Tarasova, V.A. Petrova, L.V. Panteleeva), environmental (N .A. Ryzhova), interaction with the family (E.P. Arnautova), etc.

Review of educational programs for preschool institutions

Most recently, we talked about choosing a kindergarten and how to help adapt baby to him. Our permanent consultant answered a wide variety of questions from parents. But most attention was drawn to the information that all gardens should work according to the methods recommended by the state. We decided to return to a more detailed conversation about them and to acquaint parents with the educational programs that exist at the moment. Their knowledge will give you the opportunity not only to solve the problem of preparing the child for school, but also to choose the direction in the development of the baby that seems to you the most relevant, useful and interesting for him.

What are the programs?

Programs are complex and partial. Comprehensive programs include all the main areas of child development: physical, intellectual, moral, social, aesthetic. And partial - one or more of the directions. As a rule, kindergarten takes as a basis one of integrated programs, but there are also such kindergartens in which strong pedagogical teams work, which combine a comprehensive program with partial ones, adding their own pedagogical ideas.

Until 1991, there was only one comprehensive program - the Standard. It was strictly according to it that all Soviet kindergartens worked, and thanks to it our system preschool education recognized as the best in the world. However, the Model Program severely limited the creativity of teachers, did not allow for an individual approach to each child, and its content did not correspond to the rapid changes in our society. Therefore, in 1991, they were allowed not only to make changes to it, but also to create complex, "with variations", and author's programs.

By the way, the Model Program, created by a team of the best domestic teachers and psychologists, is still “alive”. It has been republished many times, it has been amended to meet the modern requirements of the supplement. Many kindergartens work on it now. In particular, this program is very popular in Japan.

Overview of integrated programs

The first program we will talk about is called "Rainbow".

The team of authors - employees of the laboratory of preschool education of the Institute of General Education of the Ministry of General and vocational education RF. The program was developed under the guidance of Ph.D. n. T.N. Doronova.

Work on it has been carried out since 1989 by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Where does this name come from? The authors named their program, figuratively comparing it with a real rainbow: the seven most important activities of children and activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child takes place. We are talking about: physical culture, play, fine arts (based on acquaintance with folk arts and crafts), design, music and plastic arts, speech development and familiarization with the outside world, mathematics.

One of the main ideas of the program is to create a "search" developing environment in all areas of the kindergarten. It is believed that, having a naturally inquisitive mind, the baby will "dig" to the goal, then strive for new achievements.

Development program created a group of authors of employees of the Institute of Preschool Education and Family Education of the Russian Academy of Education. And the doctor of psychological sciences L.A. began to develop it. Wenger.

The main idea of ​​the program is that preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life. The authors emphasize that in no case should a child be put under pressure by imposing school forms of education that are alien to a preschool child. And it is worth, relying on the abilities given to the baby by nature, to form ideas about the world around him in the game. The authors of the program pay special attention to the mental and artistic development of children.

Gifted Child Program developed by the same team of authors as "Development". This is a kind of "variation" of the previous idea, but designed to work with children of six or seven years old with a high level of mental development. The program also aims to develop the artistic abilities of such kids.

Authors programs "Kindergarten - the house of joy"- Ph.D. N.M. Krylov and V.T. Ivanova, educator-innovator. The basis of the "House of Joy" is the principle of interaction between parents, educators and kids. The specificity of the program lies in the fact that the educator does not work according to the plan, but according to the scenarios of the 12-hour working day developed by the authors. Every day in such a garden for a child - little performance where every child has a role to play. The goal is to develop individuality in the child.

Particular attention in each age group is paid to the development of those activities that require maximum independence from the child: self-service, household work, games, productive activity, communication.

"Origins"- one of the most popular programs in modern gardens.

The team of authors - researchers of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after. A.V. Zaporozhets. It was developed by order of the Moscow Department of Education as a basic program for the development of a preschooler. It is based on many years of psychological and pedagogical research conducted under the guidance of Academician A.V. Zaporozhets. And it takes into account modern trends in the development of domestic preschool education. The program allows the teacher to find an individual approach to each child.

The goal is the versatile development of the baby, the formation of universal, including creative, abilities. As well as the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Program "Childhood" developed by the team of authors - teachers of the department preschool pedagogy RGPU them. A.I. Herzen.

It is aimed at revealing the individual qualities of the child and helping him to adapt to society. The peculiarity of the program lies in the fact that all types of activities: various activities, communication with adults and peers, play, work, experimentation, and theatricalization are very closely intertwined. This makes it possible for the child not only to memorize separate knowledge from each other, but to quietly accumulate a variety of ideas about the world, to master all kinds of knowledge, skills and abilities, to comprehend their capabilities. The program includes four main blocks: "Knowledge", " Humane attitude”, “Creation”, “Healthy lifestyle”.

"From childhood to adolescence"- this is how the group of authors under the leadership of Ph.D. T.N. Doronova.

The program is conceived and developed for parents and teachers raising children from 4 to 10 years old. Its fundamental difference from others is that it provides for a close relationship between the children's institution and the family in all areas of the development of the child's personality.

Another program is "School 2100". Scientific adviser and author of the idea - A.A. Leontiev. The authors are Buneev, Buneeva, Peterson, Vakhrushev, Kochemasova and others.

The main idea is the implementation of the principle of continuous education and the continuity between preschool education, primary and secondary schools.

Partial programs

TRIZ program invented by G.S. Altshuller. TRIZ stands for the theory of inventive problem solving.

Its goal is not just to develop the child's imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, to make sure that the baby understands the process, delve into it. The teacher in the conditions of this program does not give ready-made knowledge to children, does not reveal the truth to them, but teaches them to comprehend it on their own, awakens interest in knowledge.

Program "Young ecologist" developed by Ph.D. S.N. Nikolaeva.

It is aimed, as the name implies, at introducing preschoolers to nature, at environmental education and development. Teachers, using this program, are trying to educate children in an ecological culture, the ability to observe and draw conclusions from their observations, to teach them to understand and love the surrounding nature.

"I am human" developed by professor, Ph.D. S.A. Kozlova. The program is based on introducing the child to the social world. With its help, it is possible to develop in the baby an interest in the world of people and himself, to initiate the formation of a worldview, the creation of his own “picture of the world”.

The team of authors led by R.S. Bure, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical University, created a program "Friendly Guys" It is based on the education of humane feelings and relations between preschool children.

Another program - "Heritage", developed by Ph.D. M. Novitskaya and E.V. Solovieva, is based on the acquaintance of children with traditional Russian culture.

The main task of the program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children"- stimulation of preschool children's development of independence, responsibility for their behavior. Including the program teaches kids to react correctly in various life situations, including dangerous and extreme situations. Authors: Ph.D. N.N. Avdeeva, Ph.D. O.L. Knyazev, Ph.D. R.B. Sterkin. The same team of authors created a wonderful program of social and emotional development "I, you, we."

This program allows each child to open up, learn to manage their emotions and understand the emotional state of others.

program "Preschooler and ... Economics" came up with Ph.D. HELL. Shatov.

Its goal is to teach children to understand and appreciate the world respect people who can work hard and earn their living. And besides, to be aware at a level accessible to a preschooler of the relationship between the concepts of "labor - product - money". The program is designed for children of preschool age.

IN "Golden Key" The pedagogical process is based on the family principle.

The life of children is filled with successive events, which makes an emotional impression on the child, resonates in his soul. Authors: Ph.D. G.G. Kravtsov, Ph.D. HER. Kravtsov.

The team of authors of the Nizhny Novgorod Humanitarian Center under the leadership of the candidate of pedagogical sciences G.G. Grigorieva developed the program "Baby". This is a program of integrated development and education of children under the age of three. Its goal is to help parents realize the intrinsic value and special significance of the early period of a person's life, to assist in understanding their own child, in finding and choosing adequate ways and means, methods of education.

Our consultant: Anastasia KUZNETSOVA, educational psychologist. Graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University. M. Sholokhov.

An educational program is a document that defines the content educational process in kindergarten. It takes into account everything: the goals and objectives of the work of teachers with children, the main directions and forms of work, the organization of the environment in which the baby is located, the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that the child must master before school. Each program also contains a set of guidelines. However, according to the Law of the Russian Federation, only those programs that comply with the state educational standard and, on the basis of this, are approved and recommended for work in kindergartens by the Ministry of Education, have the right to be called a document.

English for toddlers

Studying foreign language still popular with parents. This time we will talk about the program of N.M. Rodina « English language and children".

The main difference of this program is that learning a foreign language is based on the fact that the kid gravitates towards more and more new knowledge. A foreign language ceases to be for a child a set of words that need to be learned and quickly remembered in response to the question “how will it be in English ...”, but becomes a means of communication with an adult and other children.

According to the Motherland program, the child draws, sculpts, constructs, observes and discusses all this with teachers and his peers. It is this kind of communication that creates the basis for the natural mastery foreign language. His "inclusion" in classes begins with a small number of very simple phrases and constructions. Gradually, the proportion of the language being studied increases, and the phrases become more complex. For example, when children make different vegetables and fruits together with the teacher, they hear simple English phrases: "Let's make a small apple, a big apple, make a green or yellow one." Children learn to understand the teacher's speech, highlight key words in phrases, and gradually longer statements consisting of several elements become available to them. The situation itself, gestures, facial expressions, intonation of the teacher help the child understand what in question, and if he makes a mistake, then the teacher can correct his mistake without switching to his native language. So the baby begins to go through the necessary path of mastering a foreign language - from understanding to repetition and independent construction of phrases.

Much attention in the program is paid to familiarizing children with the culture of the country of the language being studied. It is carried out in comparison with Russian traditions.

The main indicator of the success of teaching according to this method is the child's ability to independently build phrases, to include in them exactly the words that he needs in this situation. With this approach, children not only master a foreign language, but, most importantly, their overall development takes place: cognitive, emotional and social.

Our consultant: Inna G. KOSAREVA, methodologist-teacher of English

NOU "Center for Personal Development", winner of the competition "Teacher of the Year - 2004"


1. Certification and accreditation of preschool educational institutions: Sat. legal documents / P ed. R.B. Sterkina. - M., 1997.

2. Bolotina L.R., Komarova T.S., Baranov S.P. Preschool Pedagogy: A Textbook for Secondary Students. ped. educational establishments. - M., 1998.

3. Preschool education in Russia in documents and materials: A collection of current legal documents and scientific teaching materials. - M., 2001.

4. Preschool Pedagogy: Textbook for special education for students of pedagogical institutes. At 2 pm / Ed. V. I. Loginova, P. G. Samorukova. - M., 1988.

5. Sources: Basic program for the development of a preschool child / Nauch. Ed. L.A. Paramonova and others - M., 2001.

6. Kozlova S.A. Preschool Pedagogy: Textbook for Students of Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions. - M., 1998.

7. Kopylova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V. Normative-legal bases of activity of preschool educational institution. - M., 2004.

8. Mikhailenko N. Ya., Korotkova N. A. Landmarks and requirements for updating the content of preschool education: Methodological recommendations. - M., 1993.

9. Approximate general educational program of education, training and development of children of early and preschool age / P ed. L.A.Paramonova. - M, 2004.

10. Programs of preschool educational institutions: Guidelines for employees of preschool educational institutions / From the stop. O.A. Solomennikova. - M, 2003.

11. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions: Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and colleges / Ed. T.I. Erofeeva. - M., 1999.

12. Falyushina L.I. Quality management of the educational process in a preschool educational institution: a guide for heads of preschool educational institutions. - M., 2003.

1. Regulatory framework for variable approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution.

In 1989, the State Committee for Public Education of the USSR approved a new The concept of preschool education (authors V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky and others). For the first time, the negative aspects of the state of public preschool education in our country were seriously analyzed. The use of an educational and disciplinary model in the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergartens was indicated as the main drawback. It was noted that the purpose of preschool education essentially boiled down to equipping them with a sum of specific knowledge, skills and abilities; the specifics of development at preschool age, the inherent value of this period of a child's life, was not sufficiently taken into account.

concept outlined new general approaches to preschool education. Main ideas of the concept - humanization and de-ideologization of preschool education, the priority of educating universal human values; the value of preschool childhood.

The concept of preschool education outlined a system of views on the pedagogical phenomenon - the main ideas and main directions for restructuring the system of education and upbringing of preschool children, but did not contain specific programs for the implementation of these ideas.

In 1991, the "Temporary regulation on a preschool institution" was approved. In particular, it noted that a single program inevitably led to the uniformity of the forms, content and methods of the pedagogical process without taking into account the individual characteristics of children; the procedure for the operation of the Program as a mandatory single document was canceled.

Today, preschool educational institutions in Russia work according to programs created by research teams and research teachers (Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", 1991).

In 1995 , the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved the "Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution", which noted that a preschool institution has the right to independently choose programs from a set of variable programs and technologies recommended by education authorities, make changes to them, and also develop their own (author's ) programs. This paragraph of the law is specified in the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 02.06.98 No. 89-34-16 "On the implementation of the right of a preschool educational institution to choose programs and pedagogical technologies." Also in 1995 a methodological letter "Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation" was prepared. This document sets out the basic requirements and principles that programs must meet.

Thus, in the conditions of modernization of education, pluralism (diversity) of programs is considered as the most important condition for compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Only the implementation of the principles of education, differentiation and variability of its content can ensure the development of the child's individuality, take into account the educational needs of each family, the level and focus of the work of the preschool educational institution, and contribute to the development of the initiative and creativity of educators.

2. General requirements for programs. Classification


According to the recommendations for the examination of preschool programs, programs should be based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between adults and children. Programs should be targeted on the development of curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity in a preschooler; development of the child's abilities; the formation of creative imagination; development of communication.

Programs should provide protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development; the emotional well-being of each child; intellectual development of the child; creation of conditions for the development of the personality of the child, his creativity; introducing children to universal values; interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

organization of children's life in three forms: classes as a specially organized form of education; not regulated activities; free time provided for a child in kindergarten during the day.

Programs should be built taking into account the types of activities specific to preschool children (play, design, visual, musical, theatrical activities, etc.);

Programs should include the possibility of implementing individual and differentiated approaches in working with children.

Modern programs are classified into variable and alternative; basic, federal, regional, municipal; basic and additional; exemplary; comprehensive and partial programs.

Variable and alternative programs differ in philosophical and conceptual foundations (the views of the authors on the child, on the patterns of his development, and, consequently, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the formation of personality).

Alternative programs can be basic and additional .

Main programs . The content of the main program meets the requirements of complexity, i.e. includes all the main areas of development of the child's personality: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic and aesthetic, and contributes to the formation of the child's versatile abilities (mental, communicative, regulatory, motor, creative), the formation of specific types of children's activities (subject, game, theatrical, visual, musical, design, etc.). Thus, the main program defines the whole range of general developmental (including correctional) tasks and all the substantive aspects of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions in the framework of the implementation of basic educational services.

The main comprehensive programs of preschool education include:"Harmony of development" (D.I. Vorobyeva); “Kindergarten is a house of joy” (N.M. Krylova), “Childhood” (V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva and others); “Golden Key” (G.G. Kravtsov and others); “Origins” (ed. by L.E. Kurneshova), “From childhood to adolescence” (ed. by T.N. Doronova), “Baby” (G.G. Grigorieva, E.G. Kravtsova and others. ); "The program of education and training in kindergarten" (under the editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova); “Program for groups of short-term stay in kindergarten: senior preschool age” (edited by T.N. Doronova, N.A. Korotkova); "Rainbow" (under the editorship of T.N. Doronova); "Development" (under the editorship of O.M. Dyachenko).

As part of the implementation of the main educational activities, preschool educational institutions can be applied specialized programs: "Beauty. Joy. Creativity” (A.V. Antonova, T.S. Komarova and others); "Dewdrop. In the world of beauty” (L.V. Kutsakova, S.I. Merzlyakova); " Artistic labor"(N.A. Malysheva); "Nature and the artist" (T.A. Koptseva); "Tuning fork" (E.P. Kostina); "Harmony", "Synthesis" (K.V. Tarasova, T.V. Nestereno); "Baby" (V.A. Petrova); "Musical masterpieces" (O.P. Radynova); "Rhythmic Mosaic" (A.N. Burenina); "The program for the development of speech of preschool children" (O.S. Ushakova);"The program of mathematical development of preschool children in the "School-2000" system" (L.G. Peterson); "Dewdrop. I grow up healthy ”(V.N. Zimonina), etc.

Among the main ones, a special place is occupied by remedial programs (in the areas of correction), the implementation of which involves making a set of necessary changes in the organization of children's lives, adjusting exemplary regimes and creating a special subject-developing environment for preschool educational institutions.

Additional programs of preschool education. Based on paragraph 6 of Art. 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", an educational institution, in accordance with its statutory goals and objectives, can, along with the main ones, implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services outside the main educational programs that determine its status.

The provision of additional educational services (paid, free) and the implementation of additional educational programs is carried out only at the request of the parents (their legal representatives) on a contractual basis with them. The use of additional programs of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as additional programs) became possible with the development of new flexible forms of education for preschoolers in creative studios, circles, sections, etc., organized both in a preschool institution and outside it. In a number of territories of the Russian Federation (Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov Regions, etc.), the use of additional programs made it possible to build an integral career-oriented system of education for children from kindergarten to university.

TO additional include educational programs of various directions: artistic and aesthetic cycle, ethno-cultural, cultural, intellectual and developing, communicative and speech, environmental, physical culture and health, various correctional orientations, etc. In some cases, partial programs of preschool education can be used as additional ones.

Additional educational programs cannot be implemented instead of or as part of the main educational activities due to the time allotted for the implementation of the main educational programs of preschool education (walking, daytime sleep, basic activities, games). The number and duration of classes conducted as part of the provision of additional educational services is regulated by SanPiN, and the total time of classes for basic and additional programs should not significantly exceed the allowable weekly load, taking into account the age of the children.

Exemplary educational programs. Unlike author's variable programs (basic, additional), exemplary educational programs are not a specific working document that determines the content and specifics of the teacher's activity for every day.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the organization of the development of exemplary educational programs is provided by state educational authorities on the basis of state educational standards. The purpose of developing exemplary programs is to implement the requirements for the mandatory minimum education of the content of basic educational programs, to expand the interpretation of state standards for each level of education, to ensure the continuity of general education at all its levels. In the field of preschool education, the basis for the preparation of exemplary programs in the absence of a state educational standard for preschool education is its draft and "Temporary (exemplary) requirements for the content and methods of raising and teaching children implemented in a preschool educational institution." Development of an "Approximate general educational program education, training and development of children of early and preschool age ”(L.A. Paramonova, T.N. Alieva and others) does not mean the destruction of the foundations of variability, a return to the era of unitary preschool education.

In the exemplary program of preschool education, large blocks present the approximate volumes of the content of the main components of preschool education, which will allow developers of copyright programs to create various educational modules for specific types of preschool educational institutions, vary the content of education, taking into account regional characteristics, national, local or established traditions in raising children. And also to build the logic of the content and the sequence of implementation of the various components of the program material, without violating the basic requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in the preschool educational institution.

An exemplary program without fail includes criteria for the results of raising and educating children, based on the normative indicators of the physical and mental development of the child at each age stage of preschool childhood, the minimum requirements for equipping the educational process in a preschool educational institution (a minimum set of equipment, visual aids for demonstration purposes and individual use ).

When developing author's (variable) programs based on exemplary ones, it is possible both to expand the scope of their content and to provide a more in-depth presentation of individual topics (blocks) included in the exemplary program, which makes it possible to put into practice the principle of variability of preschool education.

3. Structure and content of new generation programs.

Complex programs.

Origins program. This program holistically defines the content and nature of the modern pedagogical process aimed at developing the basis of the personal culture of a preschool child. It implements the most important principle of humanistic pedagogy - the dialogue of an adult and a child, children among themselves, teachers with each other, a teacher with parents. The Origins program reflects the enduring importance of preschool childhood as an exceptionally important, basic period for the subsequent development of a person. The program is based on the concept of psychological age as a stage in the development of a child, which has its own structure and dynamics, as well as the scientific position of A.V. Zaporozhets on the amplification (enrichment) of child development, the relationship of all its aspects.

The main goal of the program - the formation of a diversified personality aged from birth to 7 years, its universal, including creative, abilities to a level corresponding to the age capabilities of the child; ensuring for each child an equal start of development; preservation and promotion of health.

In accordance with this approach, the program highlights the following age stages : early childhood - infancy (up to one year); early age (from one year to three years); preschool childhood: younger preschool age (from three to five years old) and senior (from five to seven years old). Such age periodization, according to the authors, makes it possible to see both the most general tendencies and the individual perspective of the development of each child.

The program is built in accordance with the didactic principles of education, training and development of preschool children. For each age stage in the program, four leading lines of development are identified: social, cognitive, aesthetic and physical; reveals the features of the development of these lines in infancy, early, younger and older preschool age; the hierarchy of the main types of activity (communication, objective activity, game) is set. Game activity as the main one in the development of the personality of a child of preschool age is given a special place in the program. The game permeates all the structural components of the program and its content as a whole.

The program has new, independent sections: "Health", "Speech and speech development", "The world in which we live", "Nature and the child", "Culture of everyday life" and others that significantly complement and enrich it.

The program "Origins" highlights the basic and variable content of education.

The basic part, along with tasks for each direction of the child's development, includes: characteristics of the age capabilities of children; general indicators of development; b basic personality characteristics; recommendations on organizing the life of children in a preschool institution, creating a subject-developing environment, cooperation between a kindergarten and a family, and the work of psychologists in preschool educational institutions.

Variable approaches to the implementation of the Program are disclosed in the section "Content and conditions of pedagogical work". They provide for the possibility adjustments to the content of the pedagogical process taking into account the specific conditions of the kindergarten.

The appendix to the program contains optional sections: "Teaching a second language", "Computer in a preschool", "The living world of nature in the city and the child", which are intended for preschool educational institutions working in these areas.

The program is provided with methodological and teaching aids: on the education of young children (ed. L.N. Pavlova), the development of speech and verbal communication (ed. A.G. Arushanova), teaching Russian to non-Russian-speaking children (E.Yu. M. Rodina), creative design (author L.A. Paramonova), physical (M.A. Runova), aesthetic development (K.V. Tarasova, V.A. Petrova, L.V. Panteleeva), environmental (N.A. Ryzhova), interaction with the family (E.P. Arnautova), etc.

Rainbow program. Work under the Rainbow program is carried out by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia with 1989 . The authors of the program (T.N. Doronova, V.V. Gerbova, T.I. Grizik and others) called it "Rainbow", comparing it with the seven colors of the rainbow. Seven foundations - seven types of activities in working with children: physical culture; a game; fine arts and manual labor (based on familiarity with folk arts and crafts); construction; music and dance lessons; classes on the development of speech and familiarization with the outside world; mathematics.

The whole program is subordinated to the work of creating traditions that make the child's life joyful and meaningful, help to get rid of the accumulated stress, and calm the baby.

In the process of personality formation, the upbringing of respect for personal property and a meaningful and positive attitude of the child to the world around him, to other people, to himself is of particular importance.

Program "Development". The program was developed by a research team led by a well-known domestic psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, Professor L.A. Wenger.

The program was based on the idea of ​​A.V. Zaporozhets about the inherent value of the preschool period of development and the concept of L.A. Wenger about the development of abilities.

The program requires the establishment of a personality-oriented model of education and training. The program is designed for each age and contains an explanatory note and a detailed description of work with children.

Goals: the development of children's mental and artistic abilities, as well as the development of specific preschool activities.

The methods of preschool education have been radically changed - a system of progressively more complex tasks is set before the children. The main emphasis of the program is not on what factual material is given to children, but on how it is given. When developing the program material, first of all, it was taken into account what means of solving cognitive and creative problems should be learned by children, and on what content these tools can be learned most effectively.

IN junior group the main means are sensory standards (the so-called "shock" section - the development of sensory culture); in the middle - visual models of spatial relationships such as a plan or drawing (the formation of spatial relationships); in senior preschool age, the central place is occupied by conditionally symbolic visual models that reflect quantitative relationships, the relationship of sounds in a word, the relationship between natural phenomena, the relationship between the content and volume of concepts (mathematics, literacy, ecology, logic).

In the structure of the educational process organized under the "Development" program:

1. Development of sensory abilities (younger age).

2. The development of speech and familiarization with fiction.

3. Introduction to reading and writing (junior, middle group); preparation for teaching literacy (from the senior group).

4. Formation of ideas about the surrounding world about oneself (younger in age).

5. Acquaintance with nature (middle group).

6. Formation of elementary ecological ideas.

7. Development of the elements of logical thinking (from the group's article).

8. Formation of elementary mathematical representations (from the middle group).

9. Acquaintance with spatial relationships (from the middle group).

10. Constructive activity.

11. Visual activity.

12. Game activity.

In the program complex missing sections "Development of Musicality" and "Physical Development". The authors recommend the programs: "Harmony", "Synthesis" (K.V. Tarasova, T.V. Nestereno); "Baby" (V.A. Petrova) - musical education and development; recommendations on the organization of physical education in the preschool educational institution Makhaneva.

The program offers additional sections : "Artistic Design", "Expressive Movement", "Director's Game".

Software and methodological support: Program "Development" (for each age group); lesson plans for the Development program (for each age group); "Educator's diary: the development of preschool children"; "Pedagogical diagnostics"; "Diagnosis of mental development of children of senior preschool age" (theoretical and practical material); "Recommendations for identifying mentally gifted children aged 5-6".

Program "Childhood". In 1995, a team of teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (V.I. Loginova, T.N. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina, etc.) developed the program "Childhood".

Purpose of the program - ensuring the holistic development of the child's personality during preschool childhood: intellectual, physical, emotional and moral, strong-willed, social and personal.

The introduction of the child into the world around him is carried out through his interaction with various spheres of being and culture. Learning in the classroom is aimed at systematizing, deepening and generalizing the child's personal experience. Number of lessons! and their duration is not regulated. The teacher is given the right to independently determine the need for their conduct, content, method of organization and place in the daily routine.

The program, focused on the social and personal development of the child, the upbringing of a positive attitude towards the outside world, includes a new important section - "Attitude towards oneself."

1. Characteristics of the age period, achievements and prospects for the development of the child.

2. Features of the sphere of Activity (communication, perception).

3. General tasks of education.

4. Representations (orientations).

5. Practical skills.

6. Levels of mastering skills (low, medium, high).

10. Conclusion.

To help educators working under this program, a special a series of methodological literature : “Library of the program “Childhood”; "Plan-program of educational work in kindergarten" (under the general editorship of Z.A. Mikhailova) formulated pedagogical tasks for the main activities : natural history, mathematical, artistic and creative, speech, social and moral education and physical development. In a brief summary, the tasks and content of the educational process in kindergarten are presented. The authors suggest a creative attitude of the educator to planning their work.

Little program. The program was developed by the team of authors of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education under the guidance of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences G.G. Grigorieva.

Prepared for the first time child care program from birth to three years for parents (discloses the general patterns of human development at an early age and the means of ensuring its full development).

Purpose of the program- comprehensive development, upbringing and education of children under the age of three.

A program has been developed in the spirit of the ideas of humanization of family and social education of young children. The program provides for a multi-level, individually differentiated approach to the child.

Programs for the upbringing and development of the child are presented in a dialectical unity and interconnection. At the same time, the indicative nature of their content and the need to take into account the individual pace, level and direction of the development of the baby are emphasized.

The program is built on the principles of consistency and activity approach, represented by four blocks: prenatal pedagogy; characterization of the features of the physical and mental development of the child from birth to three years; development and education of children of the first year of life; development and upbringing of a child of the second and third years of life.

The program contains information materials on all areas of personality development of a child up to three years old, as well as methodological recommendations. It includes a selection of textbook materials ( literary works) for reading and telling them to children, multifunctional reference materials and a list of methodological literature. The appendices contain tables of the levels of development and achievement of children in each age period, as well as literature material, exemplary scenarios family holidays.

When developing the program, the “Recommendations on the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation” of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 19-15 / 46 dated April 24, 1995 were also taken into account. This is due to the fact that the development team considers this program in the context of solving the problem of continuous education and the need to implement the ideas of continuity in the upbringing and education of children of pre-preschool and preschool age. Consequently, the implementation of this program in the family will contribute to the further successful development of the child in the conditions of family and social education in a preschool institution, and then at school.

The program can be used to work with families in the microdistrict, within structures such as "School for Parents", "Family and Children" Center, "Mother's School", etc.

Partial programs.

The program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" ( Authors: R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva).

Target: educating the child's skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations, independence and responsibility for their behavior. The program involves solving the most important socio-pedagogical task - educating the child's skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations.

The content includes six sections: "Child and other people", "Child and nature", "Child at home", "Health of the child", "Emotional well-being of the child", "Child on the streets of the city". When implementing this program, each preschool institution organizes training taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, and the uniqueness of home and living conditions in urban and rural areas. The program has an educational and methodical set: tutorial on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age and four colorfully illustrated handouts for children.

Program "Young ecologist" (S.N. Nikolaeva).

Purpose: education of ecological culture of preschoolers.

The program can be used by a preschool institution, which moves from traditional familiarization with nature to solving issues of environmental education of preschoolers.

The program has five sections; the first two are devoted to revealing the relationship of plants and animals with their environment; the third traces their role in the process of ontogenesis - the growth and development of individual plant species and higher animals; the fourth reveals the relationships within communities that children can observe; the fifth section shows different forms of human interaction with nature.

The program "Young ecologist" includes a subprogram - it is designed to improve the skills of teachers and reorient their thinking from "acquaintance with nature" to "environmental education". Methodological materials “Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood” have been developed for the program, in which a specific technology of ecological education of older preschoolers in a kindergarten is disclosed, planning of work with children is presented throughout school year by months and weeks.

Semitsvetik program ( Authors: V. I. Ashikov, S. G. Ashikova).

Target: cultural and environmental education of preschool children, formation initial stage spiritually rich, creative, self-developing personality, education of morality, a broad outlook, development of creativity through the perception of beauty. Selected blocks: "Planet Earth", "Sky", "Art", "Lights"; thematic planning of work for the year and exemplary notes of classes are offered. Much attention is paid to the joint creative activity of children and adults. The program is designed for use in kindergarten, in art and creative children's studios, as well as in home education. The program is accompanied by an anthology “About Heaven and Earth: A Fairytale Reader”, which includes folk tales and legends from different countries on the topics of the first two blocks. The authors have created manuals: "Solar Circle", "One Hundred Lessons for Preschool Children under the program "Semitsvetik", "ABC of the World", "Lessons of the World".

Program "Beauty - Joy - Creativity" (Authors:T. S. Komarova and others).

Target: spiritual, intellectual and sensory development of children in preschool childhood. The program of aesthetic education and the development of artistic and creative abilities is based on the principles of nationality and the integrated use of the arts (musical, visual, theatrical, literature and architecture).

Program "Musical Masterpieces" (Author O.P. Radynova).

Target: laying the foundations musical culture in preschool children, the development of creative abilities in various forms musical activity. The author proposes a clear system of work based on the use of works of art, authentic examples of world musical classics. Guidelines for the teacher, a system of classes for all age groups of the kindergarten, talks, concerts, and entertainment have been developed for the program. The program interrelates the cognitive, value-oriented and creative activities of children in the process of forming the foundations of their musical culture.

Program "I, you, we" (Authors: O. M. Knyazev, R. B. Sterkin).

Target: socio-emotional development of a preschool child, the formation of his emotional sphere and social competence.

The program helps to solve a set of tasks related to the upbringing of moral standards of behavior, the ability to build one's relationships with children and adults, to adequately get out of conflict situations, to adequately assess one's own capabilities. Methodical recommendations to the teacher and parents are given. The kit includes educational and visual aids.

Program "I am a man" (Author S. A. Kozlova).

Target: to reveal the world around for the child, to form his idea of ​​himself as a representative of the human race, about people living on Earth, about their feelings, actions, rights and obligations, various activities; on the basis of knowledge, to develop a creative, free personality, possessing a sense of dignity and imbued with respect for people.

The program includes four sections; “What do I know about myself”, “Who are adults”, “Man is a creator”, “Earth is our common home”. The author proposes a textbook "Theory and Methods of Familiarizing Preschoolers with Social Reality", which can serve as a technology for implementing the "I am a Human" program.

Heritage Program (Authors: M. M. Novitskaya, E. V. Solovieva).

Target: the introduction of the child into Russian culture, familiarization with such spiritual values ​​that are a link between people.

The program consists of blocks that have a relatively independent value and specific tasks: the range of events; family circle; reading circle.

The authors have developed content materials for these blocks, holiday scenarios, folk games, and a list of references. The authors use the traditional agricultural calendar for Russian culture, which reflects the rhythm of the annual life of nature and man in interaction with it. The Orthodox calendar acts as a form folk traditions and memory of the history of the country and the world. The calendar of memorable dates reminds of various phenomena and events of Russian classical culture.

Health program (Author V. G. Alyamovskaya).

Target: education of a preschooler who is physically healthy, diversified, enterprising and liberated, with self-esteem. The author proposes a system consisting of four main areas, each of which is implemented by one or more subprograms: ensuring psychological well-being; protection and promotion of children's health; spiritual health; moral health; familiarizing the child with universal human values.

The program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten (Author O. S. Ushakova).

Purpose: development of speech of preschoolers.

The preschooler's speech development system is based on an integrated approach, a methodology has been developed aimed at solving interrelated problems of speech development: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, and on their basis - the development of coherent speech.

This methodology includes separate notes, games, speech exercises, creative tasks aimed at solving all speech problems for different age groups.

Alternative technologies.

Montessori method. The program, developed by the Italian teacher Maria Montessori, is based on three principles:

1. Education must be free.

2. Education must be individual.

3. Education should be based on observations of the child.

Based on the data of physiology, anthropometric characteristics of children from 3 to 7 years old, the teacher finds means to provide and facilitate the child "his complex inner work mental adjustment, spiritual growth. M. Montessori attached great importance preschool age, defining it as "creative", since it is at this age that "all the main forces and functions of the body are formed and strengthened." The central point in Montessori's ideas is the maximum possible individualization of educational activities, the use of a well-thought-out and skillfully instrumented program for the development of each child, the original construction of the pedagogical process for children from 4 to 12 years old, where The main thing- recognition of each student's right to their own pace of work and their own ways of mastering knowledge.

Games, classes, exercises with didactic materials allow developing visual-distinctive perception of sizes, shapes, colors, sound recognition, definition of space and time, contribute to mathematical development and development of speech.

M. Montessori attached great importance to the education of feelings. She emphasized that this facilitates the natural development of the personality (the natural psychophysical development of the child, adaptation to the environment.

Specially prepared " environment"("preparatory environment" - according to Montessori) contributes to the development of the spiritual potential of the child. In this specially created environment, spiritual values, treasures that humanity has accumulated throughout the history of its development, should be present in a generalized form: the world in all its variety of colors and shades; the texture of objects and their shape (volumetric perception); composition harmony; free and expressive movement; full development of taste, temperature, olfactory, and other sensations.

The child, being in a specially created environment, acquires life experience through trial and error.

For information: in Holland education received at a Montessori school is considered prestigious.

Waldorf Kindergarten. Waldorf pedagogy is an international cultural and educational movement founded by the German philosopher R. Steiner. Throughout his life, he developed, tested and propagated the idea of ​​the existence of a supersensible reality that can be studied with the help of the senses. The path of knowledge that Steiner embarked on he called anthroposophy.

Target Waldorf pedagogy: to bring the child into contact with the world, to develop his hidden abilities and properties.

Like Waldorf schools, kindergartens are opened on the initiative of parents, who largely pay for their maintenance. Less wealthy parents pay less, so the wealthy act as sponsors.

The duration of stay of children in kindergarten is 4-5 hours, that is, half a day. According to R. Steiner, a longer stay of a child in the company of other children and in isolation from his mother extremely tires him.

Classes are held with a group of 12-20 children. Activities and games in the garden constantly replace each other. The main idea: a harmonious alternation of organized and independent studies. These are drawing, modeling, playing musical instruments, singing, eurythmy once a week - a special kind of artistic activity developed by R. Steiner. Eurythmy is built on certain patterns that adequately express music in body movements, plasticity.

It should be noted that in Germany, Waldorf schools are attended by children who are lagging behind in development, so there may be difficulties when placing a child in a German school or university.

In Russia, the opinion about the Waldorf school is ambiguous. The commitment of its founder to mysticism, occultism, the "secret abilities" of many people, including representatives of the Orthodox Church, is alarming.

4. The procedure for the introduction of modern educational

programs and technologies in the work of a preschool institution.

The choice of programs for preschool educational institutions is very relevant at the present time. The Ministry of General and Vocational Education developed and brought to the attention of the educational authorities Instructional letter dated June 2, 1998 No. 89 / 34-16 “On the implementation of the right of preschool educational institutions to choose programs and pedagogical technologies”.

Currently, before the introduction of the State Educational Standard, there are Temporary (exemplary) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 22, 1996 No. 448). State educational authorities, including the Ministry of Education of Russia, ensure the development of exemplary educational programs. The list of programs that have passed the federal level examination is contained in the information letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42 / 19-15, dated January 29, 1996 No. 90 / 19-15, dated July 18, 1997 No. 112 / 36-14. In 1999, a directory-reference book "Preschool Education in Russia" (edited by R.B. Sterkina) was published, which also provides a list of recommended programs and new technologies for preschool institutions that meet the requirements of the state educational standard for preschool education.

Examination of programs is carried out by the Federal Expert Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In case of a positive assessment, the program is recommended for use by preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Regional (local) educational authorities can create expert councils (commissions) for the examination of preschool education programs for a particular region (city, district). Examination of a set of specialized (partial) programs is carried out by: The Council of Teachers of a preschool educational institution for the use of a set of programs in the work of this institution; by the commission for attestation of a preschool educational institution in the process of a comprehensive examination of its activities.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of article 14 and paragraph 2 of article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", as well as with paragraph 19 of the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1 1995 . No. 677) a preschool educational institution is independent both in choosing educational programs from a set of variable programs, and in making changes and developing their own programs that do not have a stamp, subject to their proper implementation, can ensure the fulfillment of the Temporary (exemplary) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution.

The choice of programs depends on the type of preschool educational institutions: kindergarten; a kindergarten with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of pupils; compensatory type kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in physical and mental development pupils; kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures; combined type kindergarten; child development center - kindergarten with physical and psychological development, correction and rehabilitation of all pupils.

The selected program must meet the objectives of the preschool educational institution. It is not allowed to use in work with children programs that have not passed the appropriate examination at the federal or city level. At the Council of the labor collective or the pedagogical Council, a decision should be made on the introduction of a particular program in the work of a preschool institution. The program chosen by the kindergarten is recorded in the Charter of the kindergarten.

In the process of introducing the program into the work of a preschool institution, the following work is required:

1. Theoretical introduction to the program for all age groups.

2. Studying the section "Developing subject environment". Depending on the type of children's institution, the content of education, the subject environment should ensure the development of all types of children's activities, depending on the chosen program and its tasks.

3. Selection of methodological and didactic material for the chosen program (see the directory-reference book "Preschool education in Russia" edited by R.B. Sterkina).

4. Diagnostic examination of children in each age group.

5. Conducting theoretical and practical seminars for teachers on the implementation of the chosen program.

6. Consultations and open events for parents.

7. Go to new program should start from the early preschool age or from the age provided for by the program.

Questions for self-study

1. Justify the need for variable programs for the upbringing, education and development of children in a preschool educational institution.

2. What documents define the regulatory framework for variable approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution?

3. What are the general requirements for programs?

4. Make a didactic structure "Classification of preschool education programs."

5. Give the characteristic of complex programs of preschool education.

6. Describe the partial programs of preschool education.

7. What are the stages of introducing modern educational programs and technologies into the work of a preschool institution.

8. Make abstracts for the document "Examination of the software for the work of the preschool educational institution."

Compiled by:Egorova O.P.,

methodologist IPKiPPRO OGPU;

Kolisnichenko T.N. ,

Any educational activity carried out by organizations or individual entrepreneurs is based on educational program of preschool education, which determines the special significance, the importance of the created document.

This is also confirmed in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational Activities in Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs of Preschool Education”, which states that the entire content of preschool education is determined by the educational program of preschool education (item 8).

Currently, the content of education in a preschool educational institution is determined by the educational program of preschool education, which, in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", is developed, approved and implemented by an educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and taking into account the exemplary basic educational programs of preschool education, which will be made by experienced developers, will be reviewed and placed in the federal registry.

The main educational program of preschool education (BEP DO) is a normative and managerial document of a preschool educational institution that characterizes the specifics of the content of education and the features of the organization of the educational process in this preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the program of a preschool educational organization or the Program).

Educational programs of preschool education (EP DO) should be aimed at:

versatile development of preschool children

taking into account their age and individual characteristics

based on an individual approach to preschoolers

and activities specific to preschool children.

In article 7. The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” states that “the development of educational programs for preschool education NOT accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students. (item 2)

Article 15.FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” states that “the network form of educational programs implementation provides the opportunity for students to master the educational program using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign ones, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations ". (partner organizations: scientific and medical organizations, organizations

culture, physical culture and sports ...)

In accordance with the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", all general education programs are divided into : basic and additional.

The main and additional programs are author's variable programs. The organization of their development is carried out on the initiative of collectives of creative groups or individual authors.

Main preschool programs - programs that define the whole range of general developmental tasks and all the substantive aspects of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions in the framework of the implementation of basic educational services.

The main programs for ECE can be divided into:

complex (general developmental) - programs aimed at the versatile development of preschool children in all major educational fields, activities and/or cultural practices.

· specialized (partial, local) - programs aimed at the development of preschool children in one or more educational areas and / or cultural practices.

Adapted educational program designed for children with handicapped health (HIA), taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of pupils with disabilities.

Additional preschool programs - programs in one or more areas for the provision of additional services (both paid and free) outside the main educational programs in studios, circles, sections, etc.

Classes for additional education are best done in the afternoon. It should be remembered that additional programs cannot be implemented instead of, or as part of the main educational activities at the expense of the time allotted for the implementation of the main programs.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", teaching staff of educational

organizations, including preschool, have the right to choose program of work with children, as well as to make changes to the program, methods and forms of work with pupils.

ALGORITHM for program development:

1. Formation of the draft program (corrections are made for all teachers, the project is discussed by the parent community).

2. The decision to accept the draft educational program (i.e. the content of the program was accepted by all participants in the educational process and there are no complaints about this content).

The adoption of the draft program is carried out at the pedagogical council, the decision on this issue recorded in the protocol.

Without following the appropriate algorithm, there is no way to talk about observing the right of teachers and parents of pupils to manage the educational process.

3. Approval of the Program for implementation by an order signed by the head of the preschool educational institution.

Structure and scope of EP DO:

The program consists of:

obligatory part

and the part formed by the participants of educational relations.

part formed by the participants of educational relations, no more than 40%.

The obligatory part of the Program assumes a comprehensive approach, ensuring the development of children in all five complementary educational areas, representing certain areas of development and education of children:

Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic;

Physical development.

In the part formed by the participants in educational relations, Programs selected and / or developed independently by the participants in educational relations, aimed at the development of children in one or more educational areas, activities and / or cultural practices (hereinafter referred to as partial educational programs), methods, forms of organization of educational work.

If the obligatory part of the Program corresponds to the Exemplary Program, then it is made in the form of a link to this Exemplary Program;

in case of discrepancy - the obligatory part of the Program implemented by the Organization is presented "in full".

The same rule applies to the design of the part of the Program formed by the participants in educational relations. It can be presented in the form of links to the relevant methodical literature, which allows you to get acquainted with the content of partial programs, methods, forms of organization of educational work;

or include Programs independently developed by educators or specialists of the Organization.

Sections of OP TO:

The program includes three main sections (each reflects the mandatory part and the part formed by the participants in educational relations):


Explanatory note

1. goals and objectives of the Program implementation

2. principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

3. significant characteristics (features of the development of children of early and preschool age)

Planned results

development of the Program

taking into account age possibilities

Individual differences in children

Features of the development of children with disabilities

Represents description:

· educational activities in accordance with the directions of development of the child, presented in five educational areas;

· Variable forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the Program;

· educational activities for the professional correction of developmental disorders of children (if this work is provided).

Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices;

· ways and directions of support of children's initiative;

Features of the interaction of the teaching staff with the families of pupils:


· description of the material and technical support of the Program;

description of methodological materials and means of training and education;

description of the routine and / or daily routine;

description of the features of traditional events, holidays, events;

description of the features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment

aspects of the educational environment for a preschool child:

1) subject-spatial developing educational environment;

2) the nature of interaction with adults;

3) the nature of interaction with other children;

4) the system of the child's relationship to the world, to other people, to himself.

Additional section The program is the text of it short presentation.

A brief presentation of the Program should be aimed at parents (legal representatives) of children and be available for review.

The short presentation of the Program should indicate:

age and other categories of children targeted by the Program of the Organization, including categories of children with disabilities, if the Program provides for the specifics of its implementation for this category of children;

used sample programs;

characteristics of the interaction of the teaching staff with the families of children.

rod pedagogical process is its content, which is determined by the educational standard and implemented through the educational program. Content is the most dynamic component of the pedagogical process.

The draft State Educational Standard for Preschool Education developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2001) contains requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions of education and training. These requirements contain a mandatory minimum of the content of the main educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution, as well as the main methods of interaction between the teacher and children. The requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions consist of three main components. These are the requirements for the educational program, for the activities of the teacher (as a student-oriented interaction with the child), for the environment for the development of the child. In general, the content of the pedagogical process contributes to the development of all aspects of the child's personality. The content of the pedagogical process has an age targeting, solves the problem of standardization and regulation of the teacher's activities. In the draft State Standard for preschool education, the most general, core content is singled out, which can be varied, filled with specifics, based on the principle of preschool, to introduce local or partial programs. The content of preschool education is differentiated in the following areas of development: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic. In general, the content of preschool education solves the problems of forming the basic foundations of personality, self-movement, self-formation, and reflexivity of children.

The content of the program takes into account the standard, creating conditions for the development of all aspects of the personality. Educational program is a normative document describing the goals, objectives, content of educational work with children. Programs are divided into general (complex) and partial (part). General requirements for programs are given in the instructional and methodological letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

IN teaching aid under the editorship of T.A. Erofeeva "Modern educational programs for preschool institutions" (1999), a description of various types of new generation programs, both domestic and foreign, is given. The author gives an algorithm for the analysis of programs, including: theoretical foundations, principles of constructing the program, its structure, methodological support of the program, distinctive features, assessment of the positive aspects of the program, type of institution to which this program can be recommended, conditions for implementing the program, the content of the professional training of teachers for work according to the program being studied.

Let us give a description of the programs for the upbringing and education of preschool children. Annotations of education and training programs recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for use in preschool educational institutions.

I. The program and guidance on the upbringing and education of preschool children in kindergarten " Rainbow"(1989)

Developed by a team of employees of the laboratory of preschool education of the Research Institute of General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Head - Cand. ped. Sciences T.N. Doronova. The Rainbow program is a holistic system for the upbringing, development and education of children in a kindergarten. The authors of the program pursue the goal during preschool childhood to form such personality traits as upbringing, independence, purposefulness, the ability to set a task and achieve its solution. This will allow the child, without losing interest in learning, to successfully acquire knowledge, not only in school years, but also in the future.

It is no coincidence that the name of the program. The seven colors of the rainbow are associated with the seven main activities and activities in which the upbringing and development of the child takes place:

Physical Culture;

Visual activity and labor (based on acquaintance with folk arts and crafts);

Classes in musical and plastic arts;

Classes for the development of speech and familiarization with the outside world;


The red color in the "rainbow" of preschool childhood is given to the most important subject of education - physical education. The child should feel the muscular joy and love the movement. This will help him to join the sport, a healthy lifestyle. There will be a need for movement, and he will carry this need through his whole life.

The guide shows how gradually, starting from the younger preschool age, the need for physical improvement is formed, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and independent studies, the development of the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Educators are offered a variety of forms of organization of physical education, methodological techniques are recommended. The program does not impose a specific method of working with children. It gives only recommendations, thus providing an opportunity for a creative search for the most effective and humane means for its implementation.

"Rainbow" - these are five programs and their methodological support for each age group, published by the Prosveshchenie publishing house, since 1993.

II. Program " Childhood"(1995)

The program was compiled by a team of teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen St. Petersburg. It is a comprehensive educational program developed by the authors from the standpoint of humanistic pedagogy, a personal-activity approach to the development and upbringing of a preschool child. It includes three parts in accordance with the three stages of preschool age (junior, middle, senior) preschool age.

Each part is based on general ideas that reflect the views of the authors on preschool childhood, its importance in human life, the conditions for effective development in the preschool years. In the closest and most natural activities for the child, his intellectual, emotional, moral, volitional, social and personal development takes place.